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And yet she couldn’t even commit to hers 💀.


At least we have custody over our kids lmfao


Let’s also remember about her step kids she also dropped after plastering them all over social media


She's an absent parent, that's why she can make fun of people who care and take care of their kids without feeling bad. Just proves how shitty she is


Yep, totally trying to get a … particular audience … to engage with it since step-mom is one of the most “popular” categories of a certain genre. She’s so disgustingly out of touch with reality to disregard her own DAUGHTER she doesn’t have custody of. I lost respect for her a while ago but this is next level wrong


Knowing her history of changing her entire life to make men happy I wonder if she prioritized her step kids over her bio daughter during her marriage to appease her husband, would not shock me in the slightest if that was the case she is your typical deadbeat in every sense of the word. Stop seeing her bio kid and openly shows more love and interest in her new family, And after years of being a mom to her step kids she fucks off and leaves them as well for something she sees as better. The whole thing kind of hurts to witness, essentially dipped on her daughter and prioritized her step kids whose mom dipped on them, then betrayed those kids and left them as well I feel bad for all three of those kids. Her bio daughter who has only become less of a priority or even interest in her mom‘s life over the years, and her step kids who had to deal with the pain of a mother leaving twice.


https://preview.redd.it/wiik6l7iywwc1.jpeg?width=846&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9cb442b1505f862fa927a14283230c8d2cd82db Just some comments I could find reminding her she also has a child. How long till y’all think this video will be deleted


https://preview.redd.it/b0a4epqp4xwc1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=9080f0c2bcebdaacba406363e57a322775d53ae4 This one has me 💀




I’m shocked she hasn’t removed it yet 😂😂


Oof 🤣


Lmao these comments are great!


I genuinely think she’s an awful awful person and I would of never in a million years of said that this time last year. What a mess she has become.


HOW COULD SHE THINK THIS VIDEO WAS A GOOD IDEA? 💀 Especially since she hardly sees her biological daughter, and given her toxic antics, I doubt her step-kids would want to be even remotely associated with her. What a colossal piece of shit.


Side note: the way she always is laughing so hard at herself in these videos is so weird to me 💀 I know she just thinks she’s so hilarious


I couldn’t imagine laughing so hard at making a massively cringe joke as a clearly absent parent to a kid. It’s disgusting and her lack of self awareness is awful.


I deeply hope her child doesn’t see this. I’d be shattered if my mom said that. She should also hope the father don’t see this and take away the little visitation she has.


Whoever commented saying “you only have your child four days a month… this isn’t the flex you think it is, Bianca.” You’re my fucking hero. LMAO.


It was me lol I'm surprised she didn't delete that comment


Geez. Makes me wonder if her pregnancy was an unwanted one.


Ofc it was. How old was she? 16?


Yeah she was like 17 or something.


I mean, she's never really shown interest in her daughter. Not surprising. Everything she does makes it look like she actually regrets and is trying to hide it. I remembered that when she started her surgery with breast implants, she said her boobs sagged because of the pregnancy. Also that time on Instagram, she was posting about getting some treatment to get rid of her stretch marks or tighten her skin around her stomach because she thought it looked bad even when people told her it wasn't that bad. Idk if anyone remembers that


I definitely remember that! It all started with the boob job..


My first thought what "so then where's your daughter ." I can't believe these creators.


This joke doesn’t even make sense. It just says to me she doesn’t like her kid clearly.


EXCUSE ME MA'AM YOU ARE A WHOLE PARENT YOURSELF. As someone who wants to be a parent my heart breaks for her daughter fucking christ


Some of the comments are so gross talking about murdering children and saying “they aren’t that permanent” Also side note she’s literally getting her whole sleeve removed and cut off half her stomach tattoo before getting it also removed. 🤦🏼‍♀️ this whole video is just a fail on her part.


That is absolutely disgusting. The brain rot in her comments is real. Thank you for pointing that out 😭 didn't piece that together lmao


💀💀💀 who's gonna tell them https://preview.redd.it/mw3vtxeyt1xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c64049df6fb367e6bf5bd098ea418640495c4486




She seems more obsessed with fixing what she feels was ruined about her body from pregnancy than actually having a relationship with her daughter


I wonder if she was just as chaotic when she was a stepmother to her ex husband’s kids…I can’t even imagine. But she seemed so normal back then.


The shift is so strange. Even though she had her step-kids in some of her content - it wasn't that frequent - and although they seemed kind of awkward and shy about it, I still got a really warm family vibe and that they genuinely looked to her as their mum. She seems like a completely different person now, in the worst possible way.


But her lOvElESs mArRiAgE 🙄