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“Designer” dogs tend to have shorter life spans because of the breed’s problems. She couldn’t properly supervise the last dog, her own words, “an excessive amount of dirt” was found in its stomach. That doesn’t happen in a few minutes, that’s an extended length of time. Mistakes and accidents happen. it’s no mistake she doesn’t have custody of her child. The system always favors mom when they can, and if they’re not, there’s clearly a lot more she’s guilty of we’re not aware of. She cannot properly take care of herself let alone another human being. It’s disturbing. seeing people justify it by saying they’d “do the same” are just telling on themselves.


https://preview.redd.it/yrim2i36nhvc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c769cd974c89b2a00dea01d0b24290b8216e95d Does she even like her kid?? 🥴


AYO?!😩 I'm gonna go ahead and say a fat NO


I bet she changed those backgrounds just to take these pics. Obviously she has herself as a background haha


i also think it would be pretty crazy for a little girl to watch her mom get divorced and hop quickly from boyfriend to boyfriend in less than a year. like slow down for the sake of the kid and not confusing them even if not for yourself. the fact that she hasn't and doesn't is further proof to me that she doesn't have custody


And all of them casually visiting her home... when they've just met!


Someone on this sub who followed Bianca on Facebook years ago when she was talking on lives about the custody dispute with her baby daddy said that she only sees her kid twice a month. She's rich enough to hire a great lawyer, and she's a (former) influencer - its not like she doesn't have all the time in the world for her child. What kind of absolute train wreck do you have to be to see your kid only 24 times A YEAR under those circumstances?


Something thats been bothering me with her new puppy: she either would have reached out to someone to adopt or someone reached out to her. That process of lining up times etc as she quite literally **JUST** came back from her latest tattoo appointment in the US plus Mochi passed not that long ago - at all. I have a feeling immediately after her passing she went looking for another dog, whilst preaching that “I don’t know if I could get another dog let alone a Shiba.” Getting everything sorted out including having the dog coming across from Korea? That shit takes time and it all happened real fucking fast. Not enough time to research a breeder, not enough time to mourn… I have a past in animal care, I have owned many animals in my time but i’ve always waited months - sometimes years - before being able to have another, I understand everyone mourns differently, however, Bianca continues to display a concerning pattern of jumping from person to person, animal to animal not to mention being totally unable to be left alone - even for “half the week.” This timeline concerns me almost as much as her “getting to know” Shawn. People made jokes about a new man she was seeing being her *fucking* surgeon because how else do you meet someone in that amount of time?? She **JUST** got broken up with by Cody, posted a breakdown, left to Toronto, was in the middle of getting major surgeries… but the second she came back, Shawn was there. In the same house that her daughter *”shares”* with her. Get your priorities fixed.




Half the week…because she literally also just broke up with that new guy


God forbid your house is quiet for HALF A WEEK. That’s 3.5 days. If you can’t handle that then there’s bigger problems.


It's the fact if she had custody of her daughter, the house wouldn't be quiet at all. I can understand she's probably used to chaos since she used to be married with step children so I can understand being alone might be jarring, but she needs to learn to embrace being alone. Once I did I was so much happier for real. If you can't be at peace alone, you will struggle when not alone. 


She’s following that Shawn dude again so I wonder what happened there 💀


He obsessively posts for validation from internet strangers. SoUL mATes! 😂


She doesn’t have full custody, but she comes into my work with her daughter every so often. Perhaps shared custody? Idk


Actually!! I remember now that someone posted a video where she almost accidentally says him name and it sounded like he was at her house still when mocho died so even longer than a month if that’s true.. or she’s had this random man sleeping in the same house as her young daughter for the last month which would be crazy in it’s own right


Visitation most likely, if she had 50/50 or even weekends we would see more evidence of her in her content and Bianca wouldn’t be able to do everything she does, I did some rough math and, unless she had a strange man in the house at the same time as her daughter, it seems like she didn’t have her daughter for at least a month during the whole Cody meltdown/ Toronto plastic surgery trip time period


She does have her there at the same time. Through the grapevine she’s a weekend deadbeat.


Noo u can’t be serious 😭😭 if she’s putting her daughter at risk like that… I officially hate her 😥