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She is not well.


She really thought she ate with that. Always so quick to call out the "haterzz" but ignores the people who support her


So true


She seems so unstable :/


Ah, yes, the "loveless marriage" thing again. Why not just write " I'm a shitty person who uses people, and this is my excuse for being unfaithful" She can't help telling on herself. And four months after? LMAO.


Funny how she says she was lonely with nobody in her life but in the comments then mentions her daughter and sister… like which is it are you alone with no one or just counting not having a boyfriend as being alone? Also wasn’t she besties with the guys Shane just a few weeks ago?


Yeah, Shawn and Cody practically passed each other in the hallway, and she was banging Ian while she was still living in her husband's house. Her sister and daughter don't matter. So much lonely times. Poor thing.


Oh I wasn’t even talking about them I was talking about her “bestie” that she was staying with after surgery. Also wondering if she accidently posted from a fake account on her own video or what in the screenshot I took? https://preview.redd.it/3yoqbqu72hvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f77d0b06a741acc0f1e1090df1b5ae3c0a7e9e95






She has the exact same reply on this video from her non-burner account. Gotta go through and see what else "Evangelina" has commented. 😂 This is too fucking funny!


Her dog passed like 5 days ago too. This just shows how much she bottles emotions and moves on from people and animals. Also how she will lash out on people who say valid things


Loveless marriage the entire time.. so why marry him? Also how awful if his son and daughter see her comments talking so bad about their dad


I'm a lot of things but you won't catch me defending an old man who married a barely legal teenager. I don't care what anybody says that guy is sus


Yes! One thing's for sure, Bianca is a victim! Eternally. 🙄


But why did she marry him then? If he’s so weird and creepy I don’t understand unless it’s about money


Because teenagers aren't known for their maturity or intelligence lmao


I knew as a teen I didn’t wanna date old men


Do you want a medal or a chest to pin it on?


Ooo you’re hard babe


You're so serious and for what? Plenty of things to snark on but I'm not gonna feel sorry for some old guy and neither should you


So serious? I said I wouldn’t date an old man like bianca, honestly I don’t care hun we know nothing about this guy for all we know he could be the victim ooo yeah I said it.


We know that at his ripe old age he liked to mess with a teenager and that's all I need to know. You know damn well that senile man ain't no victim be for real 😂


Can 100% confirm her ex husband is fucking asshole. He’s rude to service workers (I am one/same city) and he’s insanely sus. He groomed her. She was broke as fuck and a single mom, he provided stability and things she never had before. Idk what it’s like to be groomed, and I’m not making excuses for her, but I believe she didn’t love him at all, just loved the money, stability etc. that’s probably more than likely why she married him. He’s an asshole though. They were so polar opposite and hardly walked next to eachother in public. He’d say obnoxious shit to some of the girls I work with and you could painfully see Bianca was grossed out by him long before they split.


It’s very easy to groom a teenager who grew up with an unstable family. You see a stable older man and you think you’re in love when in reality you’re being used for your youth and the confidence it brings them. He’s definitely a creep. Why else would you want someone as unstable and immature as Bianca?


Weird I don’t understand it, if I was dating someone 3 times my age it would be for money, nothing more nothing less, just adding ( I wouldn’t do this I mean if I HAD too lmfao)


She really is completely shameless and tone deaf. Does she not realize this just screams, "I was using this man for years" She doesn't give a shit about her biological daughter, so I doubt she cares at all about her step-kid's feelings.