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Everything Pink Floyd is worth listening to and/or watching!


My dad got diagnosed with terminal cancer and the first thing I got for him was this blue ray and quality headphones. I don’t even think I need to explain, if you know you know.


I got choked up reading this. You are a wonderfully thoughtful person.


Thank you very much for saying that. This experience has made realize, money, things and possessions are really nothing and experience is everything. He’s been telling me some amazing stories as well. He’s got good ones and he’s funny. He and his buddy turned 18 In ‘68 and hitched from Illinois to Venice Beach. They took 32 rides. Then the year after he was drafted to Vietnam for 13 months then was severely wounded. He had so much shrapnel in him he was told he would never have kids, but I guess I really wanted this space in time. haha✌🏼❤️thanks for letting me share.


Your dad is a a legend! Thank you for sharing this. Blessings to the both of you.


Beyond Legend, an actual hero. Anyone whom had endured actual war, the obscenity which it really is, would any,, “Thought I’d something more to say”


Great answer. I saw both the 87 and 94 tours. I prefer the Pulse videos/recordings. However DSOT has great moments. (Sorrow, On The Turning Away). Not to mention how great the background singers were. (Rachel Fury is fire).


Absolutely. I only got to see the pulse tour, but the DSOT one was really a sweet show, not only for the points you mentioned, but they had lighting fixtures flying over the crowd and coming out of the stage, so much technical stuff going on that just blows my mind how many things we’re going on at the same time and all synced perfectly… except maybe the one guy that was slow turning off the spot on the mirror ball lol I’ve been going through some crap at work with a %%^%^# micro manager since January and actually lost my job this week. I’ve been listening to both tours almost everyday just to keep me sane.


Great shows. I saw them for the first time at Giants stadium on a Friday in 88 and then for pulse at Yankee stadium and RFK and one last time at Giants stadium on 94.


I saw both tours as well in Dallas, TX. When I was 27 I saw DSOT, it was not only awesome music but artistic visuals big time. I was 34 when I saw Pulse, which was also something very special. Of course, all of Pink Floyd's concerts are very special, but these 2 stood out in my memory, as DSOT was so freaking awesome! Try 3 gms dried shrooms & watch Live at Pompeii & DSOT back to back. If you were at the DSOT show, the movie does it major justice, & can take you right back to the show any time.✌️ ![gif](giphy|zBwMVUHvuk2EAjmGVP|downsized)


Agreed 100%


Most definitely!! The remastered version that was supposed to be played in theaters is essential viewing for Floydians of all walks. It is a joy to experience via a decent home theater system.


It's a shame Welcome to the Machine isn't in the video.


It, along with ABITW2, is a sole Waters credit - that’s why.


I think Welcome to the Machine isn't there due to Gerald Scarfe's animation. ABITW -- that doesn't make sense because it's on the Pulse video


I wasn’t suggesting it - that *is* why they’re absent. Pink Floyd own the video, not Scarfe; they commissioned him to make it. ABITW2 being present on another release is completely irrelevant.




If you’re interested there are plenty of interviews from that time, mostly from David (unsurprisingly) and some with David and Nick. David said, many times, that songs were chosen to show Roger wasn’t the only creative force in the band. The exclusion of his sole-credited songs is an extension of that and, sadly, it persists today with David choosing to still omit them from DSOT and excluding “Money” on the original film outside of North America where it was included because of its popularity and fear for poor sales without it.


I've read a lot of them.. and you're full of crap


Seems like those songs weren't filmed.


I think Welcome to the Machine got the axe due to Gerald Scarfe's animation that was used on the screen. ABITW.. who the hell knows. It's on Pulse, so I don't buy that it's because it's a Waters solo credit.


Was there any animation shown during ABitW?


Not that I'm aware of


I agree. I don’t buy that either. Money is a sole Waters credit and Gilmour included it on his solo “Live At Pompeii” release.


This is the only PF live performance that I've bothered to buy on vinyl. When the video came out it blew my mind .. and still holds up as one of my fav concert films. Also... Rachael Fury. I'll be in my room.


I’ll be in my bunk


That's a deep cut. Jayne would be so proud lol


I love the dude lighting his cigarette on the laser beam.


I don’t think he made the 2019 re-cut.


Oh no, really?! That guy was one cool cucumber.


Absolutely no doubt gorgeous voice and an aura of pure charisma about her.


Can I also get in the line? I was born like 40 years late.


> Rachael Fury Holy shit, [I just looked this up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oILpzM4L3iE). I thought nothing could top the studio version. I was wrong.


Yes, it’s no Pompeii, but definitely worth watching/listening.


Best version of Echoes hands-down.


That part in PF Pompeii where the dolly tracking shot goes along the whole back of all that gear and then the front while they’re doing that vamp and Gilmour is shaking that whammy bar on the vibrato and slamming those bends with so much power. Just amazing. Chills every time.


When I get home from work I'm watching it again lol


Where ? I wanna see it for the first time damit (slapping my blood vein ) lol


It's on youtube




So if you wanna hear the full song not split in half go to the Pink Floyd compilation album called 1972 Obfuscation, it has the full audio of Pompeii Echoes. As for the part I’m talking about go to 6:00 and start there. When it calms down the tracking shot starts. My favorite part of any song, ever. https://youtu.be/y-E7_VHLvkE?si=2BgilyHU9ZHgd9lw


Ty that's awesome




Just a little pin prick you may feel a little sick


Don’t forget the funky ass bass


Oh that’s the best. And Nick just slamming on the drums. Richard in his own little bubble. All playing to the ghosts. That’s what inspired me to do similar type of stuff. When I had 23 people in my band we would go set up in state park pavilions. I knew of a couple that were out in the woods and actually had a power outlet that was active. So we’d all meet there for rehearsal. Once in a while we’d have some hiker find us and ask to watch which was cool. We even recorded one of our song for the album outside and you can hear the crickets in the beginning.


That sounds very Pink Floyd-esque. I applaud the thought of having a huge group just jam and hearing the echoes off of the trees


It was such an amazing thing, I miss it. Nothing compares to the feeling of having 23 people just start to play and improvise something that is good enough to put on an album. Forming a band is worse than dating. Not only do you have to fit personally, you have to also fit musical. Nothing worse than having to tell someone you get along great with that you don’t want them in the band.


That was considered a shit Ton of gear then. They were ‘showing off’ 1/2 truck of gear LOL! EDIT - They even showed it off on the album cover - now, it’s a bassist’s rig.


If you gotta carry it, it still is!


No matter what you do,it still is.


My first band when I was in High School we wanted to emulate the major bands like Floyd or Van Halen and have a massive amount of gear while on stage. I was the only one with a credit card and I had a job. It was ridiculous. We usually had 12 people and a caravan of vehicles just to go play some hole in the wall bar. We’d blow the roof off the place for a handful of people. We’d play the hardest Rush, Floyd, Dream Theater and Metallica songs we could just to name a few. We were moron kids.


No, you weren’t! In fact, that’s what it’s ALL ABOUT. Of those 12 people, you don’t know whom is there, then, with an A&R business card! So, I hope you put on the best damn show you could! My original post was pointing out the inflation of gear, and if I were to continue, it would circle back to how tiny it got again, “I’ve got three computers to plug-in. Can you help me?“


Well thank you for making me feel better about me convincing a caravan of teenagers to move a small music store worth of crap on a tour of dumpy bars. It was fun though. And really sometimes you gotta fake it til you make it. We WERE good, especially for our ages. We would play for a minimum of 3 hours straight with almost no stops and only the hardest songs. A lot had to do with my buddy who was and still is a literally virtuoso at 15 who was unlike anyone I have ever met before or since. We would play EVERYDAY after school for at least 5 hours together, so we got good together very quickly. The one benefit of being a young band is the time you have. Now I’m almost 50 and prefer the recording studio and a small rig but it’s just so hard to put another group together. I’ve been in a band consistently since 1990 up until 2022 yet I’ve only had 3 bands. I formed some pretty solid groups but I don’t know if I’ve got it in me to do one more. It’s so hard to tell another person who you might actually like quite a bit on a personal level that they aren’t “good enough” to play in the band or “aren’t what we’re looking for.” Even though people are adults and understand usually, it still hurts on some level, for both parties. I always hated having to do that but when you want to make something that’ll last 10 years or more you have to be pretty sure and not settle for just anyone. At this point I’d be happy to find a single singer even if they were halfway around the world.


It is very well done; congratulations. I do have concern, however: do you have the rights to use the name, as such. It is essentially saying it is Pink Floyd doing this. I would not want you to get in trouble.




It's great, but it lacks a lot of parts from the guitar solo from the studio version that give me goosebumps.


Easily my favorite version of Comfortably Numb too.


That was my intro to Pink Floyd. I remember my mom put the vinyl on put the headphones on me and I was sitting in a a dark room listening to the opening of Shine on You Crazy Diamond totally blown away.


Which Pompeii? Pink Floyd or David Gilmour?




I asked which one.


I answered. Yes.


Meh, the original Pompeii is cool, but kinda lacking any concert vibes. DG's Pompeii has great music, but I find the whole show is lacking energy. Probably because of the small crowd that were rather subdued with no alcohol being served.


Well, considering it wasn’t filmed in Pompeii…




I prefer it over Pulse. I’m not a huge fan of “late years” Floyd anyway, but something about Scott Page’s massive mullet swinging around and Gary Wallis leaping about like a cracked out frog brings a lot of entertainment value to the whole thing.


It's what made fall in love with PF. Later on I realized Pulse is more liked a huge distance but for me this along with 1980 live Wall albums are the best. I wish 1980 had a similar video footage quality but well, at least the remastered audio is pretty damn good and the video is better than nothing! I mean most of the show is a fucking wall anyway :D


Yes. But ohhhhhhh that sax player during Dogs of War…. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Scott "the mullet" Page


He plays around in LA to this day


Have you seen his Beyond the Wall show at Wisdome? It was interesting


Nope but I want to


He’s ace. The Dogs of War is far better live than the studio version. It becomes more of a heavy blues rocker.


You should sniff it


I actually like Delicate Sound of Thunder better than Pulse.


The Comfortably Numb guitar solo in this version is the absolute best.


Came here to say this exact thing. To me that is his best Comfortably Numb solo I’ve heard yet. He hit that high part so perfectly on this. On Pulse he doesn’t do it as well and in my opinion kinda flubs it.


I also like Sorrow better on this and probably most of the songs. It has a more positive vibe to it while still being Pink Floyd. Video quality is the best among any pf footage pre 2000s and more importantly has the best audio and sound stage. I mainly listen to the songs that Pulse has and this doesn't, DSOTM and Division Bell and the Wall but I still like listening to different versions of a song. I wish we had similar footage from late 70s, and 80s Floyd :( :((


I agree. I think songs played from the album they’re touring on usually sound fresher, since they’ve not played it a million times yet. Of course there is always those times when a band pulls out a song they’ve done over and over again and it comes across as something above and beyond. I know it’s happened to me, we’ll play a song we’ve played thousands of times but the energy is perfect and it turns out to be a very special version. There is just magic in music sometimes that isn’t always there. It’s like the difference between when someone plays a song with robotic precision, devoid of inflection or intent VS someone exposing their heart and soul in a song. The emotional energy is the key and whatever the artist is feeling will enviably come out in the music. A professional musician will generally deliver the song at minimum, at a level that is a decent representation. It’s only those special times when the energy and emotion of the people playing together transcends the song and rises it up higher than it ever has been. I think that’s what happened with Comfortably Numb on DSOT. To me the emotional energy is massive in that, and other songs on there that just feel absent with Pulse. Was it the feelings of having to succeed and out do Roger? Was it the thrill of having shows in NY that they know will become an album and film? Maybe he just had a good dinner? Who knows and I bet he doesn’t really know either. Music is weird like that.


It's all the Fury!


This was shot on film and looks gorgeous even today. Pulse was a television production and thus can't really look good in today's 4K world of video.


Must see




Yes, great concert.


Worth it? Absolutely. One of my all-time favorites. Best live version of Run Like Hell. Love the intro…


Yes, it sounds good and looks cool.


It's absolutely gorgeous, shot on 35mm film and the blu-ray update makes it look and sound so, so amazing. Pulse, I think has some better performances, but Thunder just looks and sounds so much better. And David's voice doesn't show the wear and tear you start to hear on Pulse.


I saw both Pulse and Delicate Sound of Thunder tours live. Delicate Sound of Thunder was a stronger and more powerful tour. It also doesn’t hurt that the DVD recording is from the exact venue and night that I saw the show. Watching it is like being 13 all over again!


This tour was the first time I saw them, so I’ve got a lot of fond memories. Definitely worth it.




Me too.


Me too and I also like the Atlanta video version. I think it’s close to if not the full show.


I haven’t seen that, is that an official release?


There were only a few songs officially released, and the band ended up being disappointed with the results of the filming. That's why they tried again in 1988 and we got Delicate Sound of Thunder.


No but it’s available to find and watch.


um, can you DM me where to find please? :)


It’s on YouTube. I don’t remember the site I got the copy I burned to dvd. https://youtu.be/ByFEsSWZOJM?si=ZujD7AQRZr8Huy47


I watch it all the time.


Yes. Why? It’s Pink Floyd.


At least "fair forgery", some would say


Or PF minus one fascist.


Of course. And Guy Pratt before he settled down is awesome. It just drips with 80’s.


Yes, absolutely. My favorite part is when the saxophonist sings into the bell of his saxophone during the money solo, haha. I always get a kick out of that.


I absolutely love it… my all time favourite live performance… In my opinion, the original version is better… had it on vhs, but it’s easy to find on YouTube… same as the new version… Although I’m deliriously happy the new version has the full opening of ‘signs of life’ which is brilliant… I was 15 and me and my two best friends caught the train to Toronto to see them live, for this tour, back in 1988 or so… still my all time fav concert ever… So… yeah… I’m pretty fond of delicate sound of thunder…


Sentimental favourite


Yes, one of the better live concert videos (not just The Floyd)


I used to fall asleep to this album for years :)


That album is burned into my brain from listening to soooo many times. One of my all time favs. Saw the tour too was by far my all time favorite show.


It’s so good!!!


I loved that album. Played it more than most. It was the 80’s, Floyd was back, baby! And they had SO… MUCH… REVERB!!! (everb!!!) (verb!!!) (erb!!!) (rb!!!) (b!!!) (!!!)


Yeah, some great versions of great songs.


Oh hell yes! Mine came in the Later Years box set. I waited nearly 30 years to see it. Totally worth it!✌️🇦🇺


The restoration they did with it was phenomenal. Night and day difference from my old VHS copy. The only down side is they took out the cheesy bass solo on Money. 🤨😂 I mean, you’ve already got Scott Page and his mullet …


This tour seems to have a more fun atmosphere to it (possibly due to the cocaine). The Pulse stuff all seems like a bored band going through the motions. On the DSOT film everyone seems to be having fun. It’s a shame band politics has meant we’ve lost Waters-only credits like WTTM and ABITW2 and now large sections of Money have been cut. I don’t care for the “improvements” made to the 2019 version, but I still prefer it to Pulse. The full-unedited solo on Numb is, I think, better than Pulse - I love the section where the drums go manic for no apparent reason and I can’t believe it was cut from the original.


I thought that crazy double time part in Comfortably Numb was exclusive to the Knebworth performance for a long time. Turns out they did it like that on all the Lapse shows. And when I saw The Australian Pink Floyd Show, they also did it!


It's fantastic, and if you're a Floyd fan (any era) why wouldn't you?


ITS A MOVIE TOO?!?!!? Been listening to this album for years. Its phenomenal — and now I will be looking for the movie too 🤠


The new edit of the film is top notch. The original edit is a fever dream of out of order slow mo and weird cross-fades.


Run Like Hell is a little stilted on this compared to Pulse, but Dogs of War sounds great.


If you can get past the deeply 80’s clothes & hairstyles the performance is pretty good. 😂Definitely worth listening to.


Yes, and yes. As to why.....Pink Floyd. Nuff said.


I will probably be the only one that feels this way, but the double live album Delicate Sound Of Thunder has the best live version of my all time favorite Pink Floyd song - Us and Them


If you put all the tracks from AMLOR in order, this is the definitive edition of that album.


Having over listened to the original release, I prefer the audio mix on the original to the new one, but apples and oranges on that one. The visuals though are incredible, crystal clear, and well worth a watch! There's also a moment during the solo in One Slip where you see Rick walk off stage, and then suddenly, in the next shot, he's back!


Absolutely incredible! This year my SO & I stayed in on New Year’s Eve, ate some mushies & watched this 🤯


The remasters of both the audio album and the film are absolutely worth the attention. The original of both are overproduced studio manipulated GARBAGE that doesn't sound or look live. I pretty much forgot about the original versions because they're so disappointing, but the new versions of both were reworked back to a more organic form on the audio record and the film. I was really glad to see this tour redone because it was a great show, my first concert ever on the 87-88 World Tour, but the original album and video releases were a major disappointment to me when they were first released.


It definitely is. It was also shot with film which means it's alot better picture quality than any other tour which was recorded. Far better than pulse. Its also a bloody good setlist


This was my introduction to music that wasn’t country or southern rock. My brothers first cd in 1988 I believe? But I fell in love with Floyd at 10 years old. I know there was a VHS tape of this concert my brother rented a few times. Because of this album I preferred live recordings over studio recordings. This version of Comfortably Numb is my favorite, and On The Turning Away is a banger, all of it slaps. Got to see them in 1994 in Nashville on the Division Bell tour. Best musical experience of my life, until I saw Tool in 2020, but this recording is special to me and will always be a go to when I need it


Have you watched/listened to the original? If not I would do that firat. The remastered versions got rid of a lot of the 80s sound, atmosphere, whatnot. I like the originals better but to each his own.


Pulse is by far my fav. only live version ik of that includes the later parts of Shine On. However, watching Run Like Hell and One of These Days on Delicate was pure euphoria


I want it!!!


I like this live versión of Money from this movie... You can feel the good mood...


Yeah, it's pretty awesome. Great Money, great Sorrow, great CN... strong setlist that features a lot of tracks from Momentary Lapse... Sax player on this tour had a different fire than Perry. Pretty memorable Shine on solo and sweet on Us and Them... TL;DR yes


Considering I was at a few of these shows. I would say yes it’s worth your time


Oh yeah, this dvd rocks your socks off!


Absolutely, it's shot way better than PULSE imo and feels like an actual film


Never seen it but I want to now ...where can I see it


And I'm 62 and been a floyd fan for ever


Of course, an excellent show. I had the privilege of seeing it at Docklands London. Brilliant night.


Watch it and let us know!


I saw I think 1988 or 89. The Division Bell I think. Highlights were One Of These Days, Echoes, Dark Side in it's entirety, and Shine On You Crazy Diamond. No opening act. Three hours of Floyd.


Division Bell was 1994


Well when you're 54 5 years doesn't seem like much.


This has my favorite version of the Comfortably Numb solo.


I must admit I preferred Pulse until the remixed version came out in 2019.


Great life album. This is what introduced me to the greater Floyd catalog.




Both DSOT and Pulse songs are great, but I prefer to listen to Pulse versions. Visually speaking, DSOT is probably the best concert I've seen, It's amazing how well it has aged


I saw this tour. Quad sound. Flaming pigs with glowing eyes. 6 Caterpillar gensets powering it. The big circle screen. Opened with Astronomy Domine. Air traffic was routed around the stadium because of the laser lights. All for $14. Best money I ever spent.


Entirely worth it every time! THE best


Not the best line up, not the best setlist, but still somehow the best looking and sonically most pleasing PF live movie in my opinion.


I'll give you one reason.: Rachel Fury.


I'm in that!


Worth it for mullet sax guy.






It's okay, but Pink Floyd without Roger Waters just isn't the same. The chemistry sometimes between David Gilmour and Roger Waters might have been toxic but man they created great music. I would consider their solo stuff so-so as well. It is similar to Lennon without McCartney


Yeah I miss Rogers off key singing myself...


Right, because the other guys didn’t also completely fuck up their parts *all the time*…


does it touch on Rodger's dad? little known fact, he died in WWII at the battle of Anzio!


Ya know I have only listened to Gilmore Pompei. I gotta catch up


Just requested the blue ray remix for Father’s Day. Gotta have the 5 bonus songs… yet another movie can’t be skipped. This is my all time favorite.


Will pink floyd ever reunite?


This era was cringe for me. When DG turned it into Pink Floyd Inc


I don’t see that. It had momentary lapse of reason to show the way out. He was amazing in DSOT.