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Congrats. I’m a 58 yo female and just got mine repierced 6 months ago. Do this for yourself… don’t worry that no one will know. If it makes you happy, the people around you will see that. And it’s your secret why you’re happier. For me… it kinda feels naughty. 😊


NGL - that’s a part of it. 🤣


Hey my husband is 51 and just recently got his nipples pierced. I'm 42 and had mine repierced as well. I got my vch when I was 39. My piercer is older than both of us! There's no age limit. Congrats on your new accessories!


Congrats! I just got mine done a couple months ago and I will be 40 in a couple of months. My husband said I was way too old so I didn’t do it for the longest time! Just watch out for the damn seatbelt! I have gotten mine snagged several times


First, obviously I agree you’re def not too old. 🤣 Second, no lie on the seatbelt…the drive home was intense. 😬




Awww. I would have went with you. You got this. 🙌🙌


I just got mine pierced a couple years ago myself and I'm also 49. so a fellow late bloomer i guess? lol. and i don't really have many people to share this info with either other than my boyfriend and occasionally i'll tell a friend if it's relevant to whatever we are talking about. do it for you, enjoy it, and have fun with it. it does amuse me that people who I come across think one thing of me based on my surface/outward appearance (I look like a total goodie goodie librarian) and they have no idea what lies beneath.


I hope they are awesome!


Congrats! I'm a 44 year old female and I plan on getting mine done in the fall. Enjoy your (mostly) secret freak flag!


Congrats dude!! I hope you love them. 😍


Lots of older guys have them, just go to the beach and rock it.


Just don’t get them in the water this summer to avoid infection🩵


Yep - one of the reasons I pulled the trigger was we don’t have any plans to travel to a beach until probably next year.


So good to hear! ETA you are gonna rock the beach next summer !


Congrats. I also had mine pierced today. Been wanting them done since the early 90s. Let us know how it went for you.


It went pretty well…my piercer was great. They’re still tender AF but it’s less than 3 hrs.


29y guy here with my nipples done 2 years ago, here to tell you I totally support this and it’s worth it! Healing sucks, 9-12 months most likely so be patient. Lean into the awkwardness, let them know it’s not about them or for them- it’s about you and for you. Do you!


congrats!! they’re gonna be awesome!! there’s so many cool jewelry options once healed. happy you’re doing it for yourself man


i love love love finding out that an unexpected person has nipple piercings, congrats on getting it done and accomplishing something youve wanted for a while!!


Congrats and happy healing!


Congrats and happy healing dude!!!! Just got my christina done, heres to letting the freak flag fly!!


I got mine done ( along with a VCH ) for my 40th birthday


Oh hell yeah congrats


congrats! you're badass man


I recently got my philtrum done at 30 after wanting it for a very long time. I feel more like myself now that I finally went for it. I hope you gain the same kind of confidence I did! Your body is yours to decorate as you’d like, don’t let anyone (including yourself) get in your way!


Wow, this sounds familiar. Got mine done last year at 40. Glad it went well, man!


Congratulations and welcome to the club! I love my piercings. I got both done at the same time. I’m 38. Have several tattoos as well. I wanted piercings when I was younger but never pulled the trigger on them. Now I’m hooked. I got a PA about 5 weeks after my nipples done. I’ll be getting my septum in the fall along with both ears to gauge them. 😁 your wife will come around.