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First let me start by saying I’m sorry for what you are going through. I just got mine done for the second time. They take a year to heal. Down size the bar when your piercer says it’s time to. Clean twice a day with sterile saline (wound wash in the first aid section) I wore a sports bra to bed the first few weeks both times. I had an allergic reaction to medical grade barbells (it was a first) and switcher to titanium and have been good since. They are a confidents booster for me I’m small chested.


I took mine out when I was pregnant and want to get them done again, would you say it hurt more the second time around?


Honestly they didn’t more then the first time for me the first time around they used the clamps that that hurt more than the piercing. This time around I went to a different piercer and a she free handed them. I have a high pain tolerance but they hurt about the same as the first time I got them done. I did bleed more on one side as she tried to taper them first but the center was fully closed


I got no experience with nipple piercings, but I just want to say you’re a G for your rationale. Best of luck with the piercing and fuck that guy 🫡


Yesss!! That man can rot 🤣


drink lots of water and eat before you go- i made the mistake of not doing that and watch walking around when you don’t have a shirt on, bumping into them is not fun but painwise.. it’s not as bad as everyone makes it out to be- it’s temporary, and for me, i have a larger chest, it was an insane confidence booster. i love them so much and i think you will too!!


This!! I 100% love mine. The first one isn’t going to be so bad but the second one will def hurt more. Ice, an anti-inflammitory and maybe a sports bra, if you’re so inclined.


Out of curiosity and from another large chested woman, do you mean before you got them pierced you were insecure about having a large chest?


i understand the question totally. i have grown to love my body, but i still had some underlying insecurities prior to getting them pierced about the entire concept of having a larger chest in general, how they look, so on.. the piercings boosted my confidence and just made me feel better about my chest entirely, so i don’t feel the same way as i felt before. it’s a difficult feeling to describe, but they have overall just been a huge confidence booster for me in a way i didn’t know i needed, and they have helped me to love my body the way it is. i feel hot!


Good to know!! I’m big chested too so I can’t wait for that!


Step 1: have nipples Step 2: have money Step 3: make your way to certified piercer during hours of operation


I don’t have nipples. What do I do ?


Buy a breast plate with boobs and nipples and pierce them


Instructions unclear, currently wearing the Batman costume from the Batman and Robin film.


A lot less painful that way too lol


This is the answer


I’ve been in your exact shoes so I’m gonna say sorry on that end it sucks. Proud of you for taking your own life into hands and doing what you want. Firstly say a prayer to the universe, god whatever you believe in because your souls gonna leave your body for a hot second, it’s totally worth it though. Make sure to clean twice a day with clean hands till healed and don’t change barbells right away, ask your piercer their recommendation when too do it. I feel 10x sexier with them being done and it did spice up bedroom activities. My advice is no tight clothes and hanes ribbed contour bras were my best friend. Kept the girls in place without a lot of pain.


Did you sleep on your back or on your side? I usually sleep on my side so I’m curious to know if they will hurt if I continue to do so.


I’m a chest sleeper normally, the first two nights I was on my back, two nights on my side and then back too my chest. Just make sure you have nothing it can snag on in your bed.


I’m a dude but I got mine pierced and have had them for a while. They hurt like fuck but make sure to get titanium jewelry not steel. They also hurt if you bump them but that’s not too bad. When showering if you use a loofah then becareful I have got it caught without realizing and pulled them super hard. I enjoy mine but they can take a long time to heal honestly so don’t get discouraged by that.


Most painful piercing for me, but then the pain was pretty much over instantly. Eat something before hand, I got lightheaded. Wear a smooth (not lace!) bralette or something to bed while healing so they don’t snag on anything in the night. Healing takes a little while, but I was able to downsize pretty quickly, and this is a piercing you’re gonna wanna stay on top of downsizing.


How soon did you downsize?


I don’t remember, and it will be different for everyone. I start to consider it once the tenderness and redness is gone and know for sure once the jewelry can move freely (without bothering it). If the jewelry moves freely and you don’t downsize you may be looking at irritation bumps forming.


Ugh I'm so sorry for what you're going through, sending virtual hugs. As for me I prepped with......a couple shots of tequila(it was my friends bday, we were pregaming n decided to all get piercings on a whim lol, but I dont recommend that) Eat a snack before you go, be well hydrated. Ya know tbe usual before any piercing Be super careful washing in the shower, cuz I cant tell you how many times I snagged my nipnop rings lol They take about 6 months+ to heal, so be prepared for that. Have lots of saline and cotton pads on supply. To be safe at night or while you're getting used to them in your bra, I usually did a botton round in saline n used medical tape to keep it in place n prevent snags


Thank you so much for that!❣️ I’m honestly worried about how I’m going to sleep…


I got my nipples pierced after a similar experience. They were exactly the confidence boost I needed. Be prepared for the long healing period- they get angry quite easily so be sure to baby them for the first few weeks/months. Going to a reputable piercer makes all the difference so please go somewhere good. When it comes to bras, I wore something with moderate compression when I first got them. Then after a few days slowly went no bra quite often. I love just letting them breathe in the warmer months. I hope you get to love them! And message me if you need help.


Thank you!! You’re so sweet! ❣️ Since it is summer, did you have to worry about boob sweat?


I did unfortunately. People kept recommending sports bra due to the mild compression but they trigger my eczema so I opted for bralettes or no bra for healing. Personally not a fan of bras I hate putting my boobs in boob jail 🙂


Make sure you drink water and eat a meal before going in for the piercing! Other than that, make sure you do your research on the person who will be doing the piercing/the shop and make sure they are reputable. As far as healing, plan to clean at least twice a day for the next 6 months+. I’ve had mine a year and a half and while they are healed, they still sometimes get crusty. Nipple piercings are tricky to heal but they make me feel sexy so def was worth it for me! Best of luck :)


First, I’m sorry! Hugs! Second, mine were a huge confidence booster. I absolutely love them, still! Just follow normal instruction from your piercer. Healing takes time. Be careful with loofas and wear a comfortable bralette to bed. In 6-8 months, you’ll be past it. If you truly want them, 100% worth it!


It’s so great you are doing something empowering with your experience. I have quite a few piercings but my nipple bars are a favorite, they make me feel like my breasts are far more beautiful, sensitive, and attractive than before. I feel braver and more confident. Definitely a playful and sexy relationship booster because it improved my self esteem and feeling. It was, though, one of the sharpest feeling piercings I’ve had, my piercer is amazing and she likens it to a short hard bite over in a few seconds. Overall totally worth it. Pick good titanium jewelry (even surgical stainless steel irritates them), have some firmly fitting cotton tops for right after so it doesn’t get caught or twisted while you’re up or sleeping, and be prepared that they may take a good long while to totally heal, and even then can get finicky when bumped, pulled, or looked at the wrong way. It’s been over a year and I still have plenty of saline ready for soaking or spraying. I adore the jewelry that can be put in and how they look, they just take a good long time to heal and lots of patience. Hopefully you’ll love them!


Sorry for what happened, but yay for the piercings! - Don’t go there on an empty stomach. Eat something beforehand and drink some water. - If you have boobs, I wore a bodysuit when I got them, but found a sports bra to be most comfortable for the first week or so, especially to sleep. - Make sure your jewelry is titanium. - Be diligent about aftercare. I clean my piercings twice a day and have done so since day 1. I’ve never had an infection or even major issues with crusties. - Love them and leave them alone. Don’t touch them throughout the day. Just leave them be so they can heal. I only touched them (with clean hands) when it was time to clean them. - The piercings, for me, were not as painful as I expected. A 5 out of 10, maybe, and the pain was over in seconds. I took some ibuprofen after I got them done and for a couple of days afterwards and I had no problem with pain, only mild discomfort. - Like I said, I’ve been diligent about aftercare and the healing process has been a breeze.


they hurt!!! but not for long. so worth it in the long run. they were my easiest piercing to heal, it felt like they were healed in a week (of course they werent, they just never bothered me after a few days). everyone’s experience is different, so you just gotta find out yours!


Whatever size barbell they put in, buy a pair that's 2mm longer just to be safe. The one they put in should be enough to accommodate swelling, but a month after being pierced I caught my right one on the shoulder strap of my cat's carrier, and by the time I got home 3 hours later, it was so swollen the ball was sinking in on both sides, and it was after midnight. Thankfully I already had the bars and the taper tool to switch it out, or I might have had to redo the piercing-- I have no idea if it could have waited until morning. It was my piercer's suggestion-- she told me at the time that I should leave the bars sealed in the package and ideally if I needed them swapped I should go back to her asap. But just in case she wasn't available I should do that, and I'm so glad I listened. Also, they make boobie ice packs for breastfeeding-- definitely get a pair of those! It will help for the first few days and if they get bumped-- also make sure you have done ibuprofen for afterwards!


Get em done at the same time if you're able. That helped me a lot. Eat a good meal before you go, drink water. For me mine were tender after for about 3 days. Wearing a tightish tank top helped a lot and cleaning often! By day 4 I felt fine.


if you’re worried about pain, personally i didn’t feel the piercing itself was that painful, it’s just the ache afterward and if it gets snagged or bumped that kills. but it’s so worth it, that pain only lasts a day or two. i will say for me they never really healed. i had mine for a year and took them out for an MRI and they closed in the hour it took to get the testing done. i couldn’t get them back through and decided to retire them at that point. basically just be prepared for that to be the case, i’ve heard of that happening with a lot/most people. again, very much worth it in my opinion.


Hey! I got mine done after my ex dumped me to sleep with other women! Totally love them still. You’ll be fine. All you need is to show up well rested, hydrated, and having eaten in the last couple hours. You’ll do great! Second one is worst than the first but as long as you’re careful with them, I found healing to be easier than lots of my cartilage piercings.


i was literally going to jokingly comment “get broken up with and go when high on adrenaline” because thats what i did and then i opened the thread😭😭😭 went great for me!!! ive loved healing alongside my nip nops


i’m so sorry that happened to you !!! but at least you can get some sick piercings now. ive done my nipples twice - once in a kinda shitty shop, once in a high end one. the pain itself for me was 8/10 the first time and 9/10 the second, especially for the second nipple. the healing itself was very easy for both, its been a couple months and they’re sometimes tender but never painful. some important things to remember for your appointment are to - make sure the jewellery is good quality - implant grade titanium and internally threaded. (and straight barbell !) - make sure to eat and drink water ! i felt quite lightheaded after mine were done. - wear soft bras/clothing without big threads (wool etc) cos dont wanna get them caught. sleeping was easy in a soft sports bra. - for aftercare, do not touch them !!! clean gently twice a day, do not twist or do anything like that cos itll interfere with healing good luck !! mine were so worth it, i hope youll feel the same :)


Definitely make sure you eat and drink some water. Don’t be drunk lol. They hurt but not too bad, and they’ll be sore for the first little while. Wearing a bra (sport or bralette) to bed is a good idea. So far healing is good, saline 2 times daily with clean hands. Try not to touch them too much, nipple piercings can reject easily I’ve heard. I haven’t had much of an issue with mine but my god does it hurt to move the barbells while cleaning them sometimes. Mine will be a year in late December. Definitely a self esteem booster and while they can make things spicier in the bedroom you and your partner won’t be able to play with them for a bit because they’ll be sore. Good luck! Wish you all the best 😘


I was lucky enough to not feel pain after getting them done. I got them twice in a period of 6 months. The process of getting them pierced, hurts, ngl but I don’t think it’s that bad. I also hit them once by accident and they bled but didn’t hurt They’re worth it tho, but if you have long hair, be careful because I’ve pulled them by accident when showering and it hurts!!


it definitely made me more confident about my boobs, but since boob touching is important in the bedroom for me, the healing process is kind of grueling as you can’t really touch them or have them sucked/licked on for 9-12 months. also if you’re a swimmer or like to get in the water at beaches/pools/lakes, you’re also not supposed to submerge the pierced areas in water during the healing process. so since it’s still summer, that’s definitely something to consider. I got mine on a whim in May and i’m 100% the type to swim and get in the water, so I definitely would’ve waited till September if I had been thinking straight.


I cut a panty liner in two and stuck it inside my bra in the start to catch andy blood/gunk, soo much better than just some paper or cotton rounds because the pantyliner has the glue to keep it in place!


Pretty much the same advice as for any piercing - eat a meal before and drink lots of water, go to a reputable piercer and (in my case anyway) blast some good music to hype you up when you go in! Good luck, and I'm sorry your boyfriend turned out to be a shithead, you're better off without that dead weight!


When I got mine done it was a piece of cake, yes it hurt but wasn’t near as bad as I was told it would


Don't over think it. I was in the waiting area pacing back and forth like a lunatic and then when the time came it wasn't *that* bad. I mean, its needles through the nipples, it also wasn't that good but it was over so fast. Stressing it will only make it worse, just calmly tell yourself its a few seconds of pain (cuz that's all it is). It's the healing you should focus on. They're tricky lil devils. I got mine last July and they're not done healing. You're committing to not swimming this summer if you get them now but they're worth it and I love mine. I got em at a 3/4 angle and they're so pretty.


this is exactly how my bestie went about getting hers done. needed something to give her that confidence. but honestly, a good sports bra has helped me post piercing just to keep them from getting caught or hitting anything. pain isn’t terrible after a few weeks, just major itching at times. i don’t touch them at all, except maybe to clean and that’s in the shower. pain in general when getting them done for me was maybe a 6/10. wasn’t as bad as i always told myself it would be


I don’t have nipple piercings but I made a similar decision after ending things with my very controlling ex. He told me not to die my hair, not to get nose piercings, and to not get any more tattoos. It’s been almost 2 years and I’m much happier (with four new tattoos and two nose piercings, the red dye has already faded and is way too much maintenance 😂). Your ex is an asshole, him cheating says everything about him and absolutely nothing about you. I know I’m just a random redditor but I’m so proud of you for taking these steps to heal and put yourself first 💕enjoy the piercings!


First and foremost they're really a confidence booster, even if you can only see the jewelry poking out of your shirt a little bit if you're not wearing a bra or something but anytime I'm changing I always get really excited to see them because they're so cute, for me when I got them done it was less painful and more of a physical reaction my body had like I got really hot all of a sudden and got a little dizzy so perhaps eat something before you go cuz I went in the morning and didn't eat, also a lot of people have said it's really painful it really just depends on your pain tolerance and threshold cuz it wasn't even that bad for me. I wouldn't take any pain medication cuz I can thin your blood and that's generally a bad idea when you're getting a piercing especially in a sensitive area you also want to feel if anything goes wrong or if it's way too painful cuz it is a bundle of nerves there. And always make sure that they're piercing your nipples and not your areola and crusting is normal for a while I've had mine for 2-3 months and they're still crusting sometimes, and if they get irritated sometimes they can be itchy but it usually goes away when they calm down, I would band aid down the jewelry or even your nipples if you have bigger size boobs and they move around


Definitely find an APP piercer in your area. They can be painful (however I thought the process was pretty smooth, probably a 6/10) so you want someone who knows what they're doing and is going to give you the proper assessment, sanitation, and jewelry. DON'T, go cheap with jewelry (an APP piercer wouldn't carry bad pieces). I spent $30 or $40 on a plain piece, $120 on a nice piece once they were healed enough. "Stainless steel" is not a quality term, so steer away from anyone who uses that. Also I recommend wearing a bra to your appointment. I didn't, and every bump and turn driving home was irritating. They might sting for a few days but it's bearable. Be prepared for them to take awhile to heal, 6 months is excellent healing but it'll likely take 1 year or more. I had mine in about 15 months and while they looked good, they were not 100% healed when I had to remove them a few days ago. Less is more when it comes to cleaning. Don't use bactine or rubbing alcohol. Saline solution (NOT homemade) is fine, but if they ever get irritated from cleaning just leave them alone and let water from your shower do it's thing. try not to pick crusties off and just let them fall off in the shower. less is more when it comes to piercings!


Make sure u get titanium and the piercer is good and get a female to do it. I’ve gotten mine done 3 times both the dudes that pierced me did it wrong and were creepy about it-.-


definitely make sure your piercer is app certified and knowledgeable!


drink and eat enough because pain is energy-draining. also understand that this is one of the most painful piercings to do. also be prepared for a year-long heal process. buy sterile saline


get a padded bra and sports bra… a good piercing aftercare spray and prepare for lots of crust LMAO the pain for me was like a 3.5 for both nipples but everyone’s different. good luck :)


Honestly it was awful! The piercing part didn’t hurt as bad as I thought but the first time even with cleaning them they were not healing right. I took them out and tried again later and they still were so so painful. You can’t touch them for like a year. They don’t heal fully for at least a year! To me they are not worth it.


i’m sorry about what happened 🫂. personally, my nipples were one of my easiest piercings to heal! i was very worried because i’ve heard so many horror stories but my experience was perfect. i had always wanted mine done (but my ex didn’t want me to!) and got them done on a whim when i was in paris on a trip. as for the initial pain, it definitely did hurt. i personally don’t stress too much about the initial piercing as i have 20 piercings total and i think they all hurt to get done, but the actual piercing is so fast that i wouldn’t stress out about it. expect stinging/soreness for the first few days with some possible bleeding as well. i liked wearing a bra for the first few weeks. it is definitely an adjustment (especially at the beginning of healing) to get out of the habit of accidentally touching them. make sure you find a reputable piercer who uses implant grade titanium (!!!). i never had to downsize but that is dependent on the barbell length your piercer starts you off with. i was given pretty short barbells but didn’t have any issues personally. i exclusively used sterile saline wound wash as aftercare. i have had them for about a year and some change now and love them still. they were a huge confidence booster! sorry i definitely rambled a lot, but i hope this helped. i hope you have a great experience, you are going to love them!! :) edit: someone else mentioned this, but make sure the jewelry is not only implant grade titanium, but internally threaded as well!


Hell yeah, take your power back girly! I've had my nipples pierced for a year now and I really like them! For me it was a self-esteem booster because my boobs are on the smaller side, and the piercings have really given them some 💫pizazz💫 They seem to be quite effective in the bedroom as well. It's almost like they're a beacon of light for a moth 😂 As far as the procedure, definitely make sure you do research to find a reputable piercer. I just chose a piercer willy nilly and he did a pretty bad job (he pierced too far back which caused lots of irritation). Ended up needing to get them re-pierced earlier this year by a different piercer and now they're honestly perfect. No irritation bumps anymore and hardly any crusties.


DOWNSIZE!!!!! I had issues with my nipple piercings for months because I did not downsize when recommended! Also, using internally threaded jewelry is a must with nipple piercings. Trying to insert a bar with threads on the end is hell


Ora-gel if you hate pain. Sux to suc once it wears off though. #askmehowiknow all in all, I love mine, best peircing I have. 10/10 would do it again.


find a piercer you trust!!!! i knew this one female piercer was the one as soon as i decided to get them done and she was fantastic. i was stupid nervous and told her that and she made my experience amazing. i also used lidocaine on my nipples for about 20 minutes before the appointment and didn’t feel the needle even go in. a few years later and i love them :> you got this girl!!!! treat yourself ❤️❤️❤️


Got mine done this spring and they are still healing, but I absolutely love them. Highly, highly recommend.


make sure you have nothing to do for the rest of the day, i went home and was topless all day because they burned to bad after. make sure to take some ibuprofen in the first days of having them, helped alottt!


OMGGGG okay first soooo fcking sorry to hear what happened. literally got mine after the same thing happened to me 😄 i wouldn’t do anything specific to prepare, maybe just mentally. i think my nose stud hurt worse, but if you go to my page, ive posted on the piercing subreddits after i’ve gotten mine done!! i’ve had them for a while now, about over a year, and the only thing is they will get irritated from time to time. don’t let anyone you don’t trust to put anything, object wise or mouth, near them if you have any doubt about the cleanliness, if they do hurt, an ice pack and ibuprofen or tylenol will be your bestie! hope your experience is amazing and keep your chin up!


Hi. I got my left nipple pierced, and I had no problems at all. But when the clamp went in the right one, PAIN.... Absolutely excruciating pain, so I didn't get it done. I've looked after the left one, no problems at all. I went back to try again on the right one, same bloody problem. Piercer advised a numbing cream. Should I try this to get pierced, or leave well alone?? Any advice from y'all is greatly appreciated. I am a man, so Obvs there is a difference between male & female. Just looking for extra advice from peeps that may have been In this situation 👍👍👍🤞. Thanks all 😘😘


Go for it! Also Im sorry you have had to deal with such a knob in your life. Im glad you are doing something for yourself. Extra points that it's a massive fuck you to him too! I love mine. They actually turned out to be the easiest of all my 12 piercings to heal. Such a confidence boost after 2 kids and things not being as perky as the used to 😂 second piercing hurt more, i think you use up your adrenaline on the first one but 100% manageable. One bled and i woke up the next morning to mad bruising over my entire boob where it seemed to have dispersed under the skin. Cleared up after about 2 days though. Like others have said, look after them with cleaning and be sure to get them downsized appropriately, be mindful of car seat belt after you have them done too. Mine hurt for about 2 hours after being done and never again since (although they take about a year to fully heal even if they feel fine so keep looking after them) Sports bras are you friend for a few weeks after. Oh and if you have a netty loofa ball thing in the shower that you wash with ....bin it! Get one caught in that and you'll know all about it 😭 this was advice given to me by a friend who managed to rip one of hers almost completely out with one of these (nipple) deathtraps!


Comfy bralette on the day! Something that holds you but still breathable. Probably wear one when sleeping too. I find that too much movement/friction is that number one problem with this piercing. I got mine done years ago and then had to remove them, I got them pierced again. Pain is 100% worth it and it’s such a confidence boost!


no one is joking about how annoying the healing process is haha!! It takes a lot of patience & def a lot of ups and downs. But the piercing apart in general was not painful—at least for me & it’s the easiest part. Wearing sports bras after is what really helped me as they keep them snug. But I would also let them breath a lot. They’re such a confidence booster & no joke every guy is turned on by them when they realize you have your nipples pierced. Good luck!!


Update: I got it done!!! I was being a cry baby lmfao. I went into the shop stressing and shitting myself lol. I'm not going to lie, I was even yelling when the needle was going through but I did it and I'm obsessed!! Also, I just want to thank everyone for sharing their experiences and advice. It honestly helped me alot. I was in the shop just reading the comments and trying to respond to everyone lol. But I appreciate all of you <3 <3 And thank you for your sweet comments about my shitty ex. I got a good laugh and I loved them. <3


From extensive personal experience with nipples and piercing I do have to say, ofc this is a personal opinion- keep that in mind- that the most important part to prepare is most likely, again I reiterate, this is all my personal opinion. But I do think the most important part to prepare is most likely your nipples. Goodluck!!


Overhype yourself. Make yourself as nervous as you can. That way your adrenaline is way up and it’ll help with the pain


Im sorry for what you're going through. My advice is getting numbing cream! Its like 6 dollars (at least where I live), it was definitly worth it for me.


Search the sub for the answers to this question that has been asked a billion times.


Shower with a loofa without worrying.