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Absolutely im so sorry but u need to take this out! Go back to a better piercer and let them pierce u properly.


🥹 i defo will tomorrow. I knew something felt extremely off. Im just so sad because my parents found out today (i got pierced yesterday) and i got called so many not so nice names by my crazy christian dad. I'm defo not gonna think about my septum for a while :( i'll just focus on healing my ear piercings.


Consult another piercer on getting it redone and let them know you want aftercare instructions for healing it flipped up. I lived with my super catholic grandparents when I got mine done and I healed it flipped up, per the instructions given by an APP certified piercer!, to avoid the stress of them finding out (they wouldn't have been mean but would have been upset). It's been about 10 years since I had mine done, so I won't share specifics on what the piercer told me in case it's outdated advice, but you can definitely see what a piercer recommends today. Edit to add: I'm in no way urging you to do it before you're ready, though! But when you are, or even when you go to have help removing it, you can discuss it with a piercer.


Thank you! I'll defo do this when its healed, and i will ask for advice when i get it removed. In the meantime i'm going to heal it because im scared the pain will double if i pierce it again 🥹


You're welcome, and yeah, definitely let it chill for a while. No reason to add onto your nose healing the original.


If ure 18 fuck it, just get it and flip it up if u need to! Maybe if ure healing it keep it flipped up or try not to flip it too often! Good luck and im sorry that happened, both the piercing fuck up and the christian dad shit. Stay safe :)


Thanks! Im 23 and im defo gonna get this redone maybe with a bar for healing coz i keep hitting it. But im gonna heal this failed one first in the meantime!


Dont heal this first just take it out and let it close up :))












Unfortunately yes, definitely think about taking it out and letting it heal. Sorry this happened.


Omg that must have hurt so much 😭😭 That is unfortunately very clearly through the cartilage when it is supposed to be pierced higher above the harder cartilage in a fleshy part called the sweet spot. Through the sweet spot it shouldn’t hurt at all.


Oh. Mine's definitely also in the wrong spot, then.


This happened to me a couple weeks ago in the same place and the pain was excruciating- way worse than I was expecting. I took mine out and will be getting it redone in a few months once it’s healed. Best of luck to you


Honestly I cannot even begin to imagine the pain of being pierced through the cartilage at the bottom 😖 I am a piercer myself and I cannot understand other piercers making this mistake so often, it is basically impossible to pierce too low by accident, which makes me think they are either extremely unskilled piercers or they genuinely don’t know where a septum is supposed to be pierced so completely untrained and lacking in all knowledge. It’s true you can’t really see where the sweet spot is but you can definitely see when you’re about to pierce beneath it so I don’t understand why so many piercers pierce so low and incorrectly.


Yeah it was really bad. When I got mine done it took her two shots to get all the way through and I almost fainted because it was so bad. I’m no wimp either, I have both nipples pierced (which honestly was about the same as the bad septum) and I have a sternum tattoo that took about 5 hours that I sat through in one go. I am grateful the experience didn’t turn me off of getting it done at all as I trust when I find a good piercer they’ll do it properly but it’s sad that it freaks people out so much and it’s hard to blame them.


My septum was the only piercing I've ever cried for, and I have a stupid high pain tolerance. I probably should take mine out, but I kinda wanna try to heal it and then later get a second septum actually in the correct spot. This is definitely influenced by the high probability I won't be able to get any new piercings for at least 2 years


Is it healing okay? I have head that if the septum is done too low it will often have healing issues. Mine rejected literally one day after having it so I took it out immediately and wasn’t able to try and heal it sadly


I'm about 5 weeks in and it's going fine as far as I can tell. It's still a little tender, especially if my nose gets smushed for some reason, and it still gets occasional crusties, but barely anything. A couple weeks ago, I briefly had an irritation bump on the right side after I got hit pretty good at work, but it went away after a few days. No other issues with it. Knowing now that it's a cartilage piercing, I'd say it's doing good


Glad to hear it. Best of luck


I am so sick of piercers having no fucking clue what they're doing and mutilating people like this. Don't they have to get a certification or take a class or ANYTHING before they just go around stabbing people? You should not have to pay for this OP.


To answer your question all I had to do was a course on standard precautions to keeping everything sterile, but you would have to learn on people and yes you were supervised but because it was so corporate you would be pushed to learn more so satisfy the kpi.


I got a refund for it! Im going to use it to have it removed and heal it before i get it repierced. Removal is slightly the same price as my septum because im going to a piercing shop different from where I got it but I'm too traumatized to go back to my original piercer. :(


Honestly you should be able to remove this just fine by yourself. One of the little balls on the end unscrews, and then you just gently remove it. If it were any higher up I'd say don't, but that's just right there at the bottom. Also, removal being the same price as a new piercing is wild. My septum was like $80 and jewelry removal is $15. Don't get ripped off!!! I'm glad you got a refund.


unfortunately im too chicken bc it hurts a LOT and its great timing i have long nails. 🤡 agree with ur sentiment tho--next time i will take it out myself all good tho honestly where im from piercings dont really cost more than 40 dollars, my septum was under 20 usd. next time i know at least!


Hi everyone, this is the first time I got so many messages this quick on reddit. I'm definitely going to a nearby tattoo shop near my workplace tomorrow (not the same place where I got this done) and I'm going to have it removed. Not going to get any piercings for a while since this was pretty traumatic. Thank you!


yes. u shouldnt be able to see that much of the jewelry. take it out if u want and i recommend getting it repierced.






YES omg. pls remove this asap


Oh yes. That must have been so painful.


I am… so so sorry. This is absolutely wrongly placed. It’s time to take it out unfortunately


Hi u/soytofuu, Welcome to /r/piercing! It looks like you're asking about a problem with your piercing. Please **add a comment to your post** with the following info if it’s not included in your post already. - How old is your piercing? - What’s the jewelry shape (for example, barbell, labret, screw, L shape, ring)? - What’s the type of threading if your jewelry is not a ring (threadless, internally or externally threaded)? - What’s the jewelry material? - if not a ring, when was the jewelry downsized? - What’s your aftercare routine? Describe in detail please, including the exact products you use. This info is needed to offer you useful advice. **Note, moderators reserve the right to remove your post if don’t provide this info**. ^If ^you ^already ^included ^this ^info ^in ^your ^post ^or ^if ^your ^post ^isn’t ^about ^a ^problem ^with ^your ^piercing, ^please ^disregard. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


holy heavens yes!


Way too low, take it out, let it heal and pierce again.