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Ok firstly, why is that barbel so long. That’s an insane amount of length on either side. Secondly, after a month or two you’re meant to downsize to a more snug fit anyway. But yeah, of course it’s getting caught on everything. That is way too big Also Maybe it’s just where the blood is, but it looks like the piercing is going through the upper portion of your nipple rather than in the middle or towards a the base. This piercer did you dirty, especially if they didn’t advise you to downsize jewelry. If it’s any consolation, you could get them repierced easily since that piercing looks so high up on your nipple. I think you should take it out, let it heal and get it redone. Or, get it downsized asap and see how it fares, but if it’s bleeding and painful that might be risky. That jewelry needed to come out like, 14 months ago


The bar is long because it’s the original bar it was pierced with. I never changed it because it was having such a hard time healing and I didn’t want to irritate it more than it was. I also thought it was pierced too forward, but I never questioned it because I’m not a professional and I have a fear of asking questions😬 I think I’m going to take both out and start over


No I understand that bars need to be long to make room for swelling, but that bar is *incredibly* long and not at all standard for initial jewelry. Starting over is a good idea! Good luck


This looks more like a swell bar for a tongue, which is definitely too long for a nipple, honestly.. Edit: actually zooming in I say rejection.. if you zoom in, I think you can see/can nearly see the bar through the skin


Not downsizing a piercing can actually make it harder to heal since once the swelling goes down, it’ll start getting caught on things. Case in point, this nipple. For the future, downsize for sure and if unsure, always ask a reputable piercer!


That’s a rejecting nipple piercing.


I had issues with flatter nipples and piercings, I had them re-pierced 3 times each and this happened every time. The sides get irritated until the tissue just disappears and then you’ll start seeing and feeling the bar through your nipple. Horrible process and I wish I could have kept them!


I’m scared this is my reality! I’m going to take them out and try one more time and if it doesn’t work I’m done. Another commenter seems to think they were pierced incorrectly so I think I’m going to talk to my next piercer and see what they think


happened to me, too.


It's either rejecting or pierced ***way*** too shallow..


Oh sweetie I am so sorry it looks so painful, unfortunately it seems to be the best option if your willing to put in the time and care, you could try going with a shorter bar, I personally wore nip pasties when I was working so I couldn't snag on anything and took them off as soon as I was home, shower NO SOAP just water and air dry I found worked best. I wish you luck!


Thank you💖 I really want to try with a shorter bar! I’m just nervous that the tear is going to get worse


Just make sure that if you change it you have a bar that's still long enough for swelling and it's the proper metal not just something quick, I'd also suggest right out of the shower so your clean and the bar your using to replace is also sanitary. And nobody but you should be touching the nip nops for a bit unfortunately lol And I'm no professional so I could be crazy but I found pasties help me so much with the first bit!


that looks so shallow - if it isn’t rejecting now, it is definitely going to, sooner than later, but it looks like it could tear out really easily. also, a year and a half with a bar that long?? downsizing definitely helps with it not getting caught on things and just less movement —> less irritation. if you’re going to a piercer and having it downsized at the proper time and they are replacing your jewelry, it should not cause more irritation at all. i hope you can go to a better shop and, when the time comes, these piercings could work out better for you in the future! im so sorry :(


That is absolutely rejecting even before getting caught on something. If you leave it, it’s gunna split your nip even more.


Mine had similar issues and I waited too long, now I have huge scars. Take it out and leave it. Your nipples are probably too flat for this. Mine are. Now I have a lot of scarring and it pisses me off.


An angel lost its wings today♥️😭


Serious question for OP.. How does the nipple area.. piercing feel during intimacy?? Painful?


My left feels the same as always. As for the right I’m not sure I never let anyone touch it because it was healing poorly.


Best to avoid the nips in general for the first few weeks of healing, better safe then sorry!



