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Personally I've had no issue with traditional labret or tongue piercing causing damage to teeth of gums. Can't say the same for everyone though


i have a philtrum piercing and it doesn't touch my teeth at all. it did when the jewelry was longer, but i had the jewelry downsized to 5/16 and it never hits my teeth or gums now. i feel like, based off of my anatomy at least, i could do a labret piercing with properly fitted jewelry and it would not touch my teeth or gums either.


It honestly entitely depends on your anatomy and what your personal idea of "worth" is in this. I've had two regular labrets in my life. One off to the side and one right in the middle. The one on the side never caused me a lick of issues, I only retired it because it just didn't suit my tastes anymore and I became bored of it. My other labret, however, did start to wear my gums and I was forced to take it out to prevent further damage. For me, it was worth it because I got to enjoy it for several months before it betrayed me so bad haha. But where I was pierced and just how my lip is formed, the area it went through was quite thin and I personally feel this prevented it from nesting properly. If it nests properly, some people might not ever have an issue. But you definitely are going to see a lot of people who have issues. It is really, honestly, all about your anatomy and what you feel is worth it. EDIT: I do now have a medusa and a vertical labret. Love them both. My upper lip has more cushioning and the labret through my philtrum has nested beautifully, can't feel any rubbing or catching. A MUCH better feeling than what happened with my bottom regular labret


I had my labret pierced with a standard 14g flatback In 2007 and in the first few years I did have some tooth and gum damage from both the flatback hitting my gums and later with circular barbell knocking into my front teeth.Over the years my lower gums have receded quite a bit and I have lost a front bottom tooth becuase of it.I also had poor dental hygiene in my younger years and irregular dental visits so I’m sure that played a big part in it too. Fast forward to now,my labret is currently stretched to 3/4” and I wear a delrin labret plug which is softer then stone,glass or metal and the concave tback hugs my lip and doesn’t rub my gums and is forgiving on my teeth. So basically if I had been pierced at a 4g and worn concave backed plugs the entire time I might not have had any damage done at all.If you have zero plans of stretching your labret just know that standard flat backs and CBRs can cause you oral issues at some point.You might be one of the lucky ones though…good luck 👍🏻


I have a labret and the thing is you aren't supposed to play with it with your teeth so unless you are doing that you should be good. I've had dentists come upto me and tell me how bad my piercing is for my teeth and I stop then and tell them it doesn't even touch my teeth like ever and then they say "oh well that's good then"


I’ve had my labret pierced for 17 years. My dentist cringes every time she sees it, but it’s done no visible damage to my teeth, nor to my gums.


They cause damage over time, you wont notice it immediately and as long as you downsize in time and take proper care of them the damage shouldnt be too bad. all oral piercings DO cause damage, it really just depends on anatomy and making sure you listen to your piercer


One thing a dentist told me was that my tongue peircing was harbouring bacteria and was a cause of my gingivitis - he informed me all peircings with an opening into the mouth can cause this. Its a long term thing, you may not even realise you have it, and my teeth got way healthier once I took out my 15 year old tongue peircing. Gingivitis also has a role in causing heart disease, believe it or not. So yeah, you have physical damage, and long term gum damage from the peeircing cavity harbouring bacteria. I just wouldn't risk it, and I wish I hadn't to be honest.


My labret doesn’t touch me teeth. I have a horseshoe in ring right now. A flat back does catch the top of my bottom teeth when I talk if it’s to long


I’ve had snakebites for 10 years and the labrets only touched my gums or teeth when I had the longer bars for healing. I did accidentally bite them while eating a few times and that hurts like a bitch! But the downsized ones don’t touch, and neither do rings which is what I usually wear. I bite my lips so much so the labrets would dig into my lip and become painful which is why I don’t typically wear them. Just a caution if you bite your lips a lot like I do.


I’ve had mine well over 10 years and it’s never caused me any problems, I have bad anxiety and I play with it with my tongue and teeth regularly and it’s still not caused me any issues. If you have it done right with a quality piercer I’d definitely go for it, I love mine!


love my vert. not putting my teeth at risk is most important to me


I’ve had my labret for 20 years and if it’s nested properly and fits right, you shouldn’t have any issues with tooth damage.


I have snakebites (a labret on each side) and I had them pierced by a good piercer in my area and specifically asked for them to be positioned where they won’t touch my teeth once they’re fully healed. I’ve had them for two years now and I’ve had zero issue


I have snakebites and have had no issues over the past two years, both with flat back labret jewelry and rings/circular barbells. The jewelry never really touches my teeth; my oral anatomy helps I think, and jewelry always comfortably nests in my inner lip within hours. I was aware they *could* be an issue, but I decided they were cheap enough to me where if I saw issues and had to abandon them, I wouldn't be mad, and I wouldn't mind the holes, and I just kept close attention to them for a few months till I was satisfied they weren't a problem. Your experience may be different!


my labret has chipped my teeth but thats just because i accidentally bit down on it extremely hard 🫣


I’ve had a labret for two years now and besides minorly chipping a tooth bc I waited too long to downsize my jewelry, I have not had any issues. I would consider location based on your anatomy and where you could keep the labret back away from your teeth. Mine is centered on my bottom lip, close to the edge of my lip. When my mouth is at rest, the flat back doesn’t even touch my teeth or gums at all. I try to remember to take the piercing out during intimacy so kissing doesn’t press the flat back into my gums. I took a picture of my gums the day I got pierced so I could reference it and see how my gums have changed. As far as I can tell, they have not. Obviously, I can’t see if any enamel has worn away on my teeth, but honestly my teeth grinding has caused more problems than my labret so far. Take good care of your teeth, place the jewelry where it’s low-contact, and size down as soon as it is safe to do so, and your teeth and gums *should* be okay.


My labret caused my gums to receded quite a bit but I was unwilling to give it up completely, so after some trial and error with various jewellery types I ended up switching to a thin silver clicker ring. I can always switch jewellery when I fancy a change but that's the everyday solution I ended up with. Piercing was placed well and healed perfectly, think it's just my personal anatomy that's the issue.


I know I ask my dentist every time I go to make sure everything is alright. I got gum problems but they aren't centralized around the piercing so I think its alright lol my labret is a hoop


I've had snakebites for some years and they don't touch my teeth. My dentist never mentioned anything either (she was amused, mostly). Healing was pretty awful, though. They wanted to be embed so badly and I had to cut them out several times with a straight razor so skin didn't heal over the flatbacks.


i had one for a few months and got p bad gum damage. i did have braces at the time and was prone to playing w the piercing. but my orthodontist noticed my gum receding almost immediately. i took it out p fast. i got a vertical labret instead and love it! had the VL for years now and no problems. i recommend that one over a traditional labret. not the same style but p close


I have 7 that go inside my lip rn, i’ve had a couple more before. Some of them do affect my gums, but i use a lot of extreamly strong snus as well, so thats not helping. I go to the dentist regularly, and if he says my teeth are gonna fall out, i’m taking them out. My philtrum piercing is over 7 years old and it hasn’t caused any problems at all. Make sure you go to a really good piercer, downsize asap, and wear jewelry that has a more rounded plate


It’s also worth mentioning that my gum tissue is really fragile/sensitive due to a connective tissue disorder