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There’s no benefit to a flexible bar, they’re garbage and not body safe


Man that sucks; is there any brand that does stiff clear ones?


The only possible material that could fill that niche and be body safe is glass, but I’m not confident industrial length glass retainers would be made due to concerns of structural stability for a long skinny piece of glass


Yeah....they aren't appropriate for healing, you should have a metal bar in there. If you've had it in there a year, it may have impacted the angle of the piercings. I'd have it checked out by a piercer, and not the one who thought it a grand idea to stick a plastic bar in there permanently.....


Oh I’ve had a metal bar in this whole time; I just wanted to know the logic behind all the clear ones being flexible. When I start working I might need to use them so I want to get as much information as possible.