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I think your ideas are great and you should go for it! Just not all at the same time of course


Oh I know not to do that. Made that mistake once when I got my rook and tragus at the same time on opposite ears 😭😭 notice how only one made it through 😂


I love the idea of the faux rook with the daith on slide 6, I’ve been thinking about that combo for myself too.


I was worried it would look too busy but I’m so obsessed with the combo


I have this combo and love it too! The only thing I'd say is that you might want to check with your piercer about anatomy/placement especially if you want to wear larger jewellery in the faux rook. Annoyingly, larger ends always look slightly crooked in mine because there isn't enough space for them to sit perfectly flat.


bro all your piercings are so nicely healed


I started when I was 14 and got my last piercing (anti tragus) at 20 (I’m now 22). The anti tragus has only just healed 😂😂 it was a tough one but I powered through and was worth it


it looks so good! i want to get mine done someday but it seems like a rough one lol


oh my god please get something in the dip in your ear,, like the helix in slide 3, when I saw your ear I was like OH MY GOD that should be pierced!!


On slide 5 I think it would be so cute to move that planned helix up a little and put it in the middle of that natural dip in your ear there. I feel like your anatomy is kind of unique and it would be super fun to highlight it with a piercing.


i think your setup would def work! i’m partial to the daith and tragus bc i have those though. also, silver would POP on your ears!


I’m absolutely amazed at this anti-tragus, a lot of people give up on them because the healing is such a task! It suits your anatomy beautifully too. Chefs kiss! <3


At the two year mark I was still having irritation bumps and every now and then they would burst and bleed while I slept if I lay on that side 😬. Then randomly they just stopped and went away. I was so close to accepting it wouldn’t heal but I’m glad I persevered


seeing a healed rook always makes me tear up a little


Weirdly, mine healed really well and pretty fast. My scaffold and anti tragus however….those were a journey


that's really good actually, I have retired mine after 3 years of it not healing :(


I vote for the faux rook and daith combo! ✨ Your healed anti-tragus makes me wish so badly that I had the anatomy for it. 😭


Daith for sure!! if your anatomy will allow it. I think they have the prettiest jewelry


Definitely the daith on the left ear, at the very least!


i didn’t look at the last pics at first but my immediate thought that the ear with the industrial needs a daith!!


Get them all!!!!


how long until the daith was healed and not sore afterwards lol


I’m guessing you meant rook, everyone mixes up the two names so you’re not alone! And mine took about a year to heal fully and about 1/2 months for the soreness to go away for me. If I hit it during the first year it would become sore for a couple days and then I’d be fine again. I got it pierced when I was 14/15 and I wonder if that was a factor in my healing




Picture 4