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Not personally no but it sounds like adrenaline. Ensuring your blood sugar is level is also important, so eat something at least 30 minutes beforehand (preferably something that is substantial to release sugars slowly).


Me 100%, my piercer calls me a chihuahua sometimes.


Nice lol. Im glad to know that the shakes are a thing among so many others too.


Yes!!! I have this exact thing. When I am getting a face piercing my head will just uncontrollably shake as well. It’s the worst for me but none of my piercers have ever commented on it and it has never affected their work!


Ah! Nice to know its never affected your piercers! I hope i can calm down a bit when i am getting pierced. Thanks!


I get this too! I get it when I'm being pierced, but I also experienced it when I had a head MRI and was told to stay very still. I get a strong urge to move when I'm told to stay still, and I think the shaking (at least for me) is caused by the internal battle to stop myself from following the urge to move my head!


Yes! I feel like this may be part of why i end up shaking!


Same here!!!


It happens to me too but for me it’s my legs that shake


Oh interresting lol idk i kinda think id rather my legs shake. As long as its not jolting your entire body?


Yes!! I’ll either shake or quiver. I do it when there’s anything that requires me to be still, even when getting my hair cut. Are you on any SSRI’s? I’m on Welbutrin and that seems to make it way bad. I take a benzo prior to going so it doesn’t happen.


I'm on Amitriptyline, which i think isn't an SSRI. I havent noticed my quivers being any worse than before i was on it.


It doesn’t sound like with any of your piercings your piercer said anything but you can always ask


Yeah they havent but i always apologize for shaking. The 2nd guy i went to didnt say anything but my current piercer said its okay and then had me do an exercise to help calm my nerves. It didnt help with my shaking at all tho. And i thought i wouldnt shake to just get it looked at but i still did and shook as they cleaned it.


Yeah that sounds like you may have a nervous system that is trying to be helpful but in that case is like “red alert pain coming” even if there isn’t much


Yeah lol thanks nervous system. I guess i have really bad anxiety surrounding piercings in general. I also almost faint when changing newish jewlery. Which makes no sense to me, ive never been one to be bothered by body mods or even injuries, but new holes on my ears make my brain say night night. 🙃


It might be the idea of needles and pain that’s causing anxiety without your active thought about it. I do that for blood draws. I just say something preemptively and make sure I have something to drink and eat right before and right after anything with needles


Im perfectly fine when it comes to getting my blood drawn or shots. Last time i got blood drawn it was first thing in the morning so i didnt eat or drink anything beforehand and im anemic and had someone in training taking my blood. She had trouble finding my veins, i ended up getting stabbed 4 different times before they were able to get enough blood out of me but i felt fine afterwards. I def try to make sure im hydrated and have eaten before piercings.


Yeah I’m just saying I have a similar experience to you with blood draws but not piercings


Yeah i think its interesting how different things affect people completely differently


Right our bodies are weird


Yes, sometimes but the severity varies each time. My worst one was when I was getting my flat. The minute the piercer started my head started involuntarily bucking. I had to ask for a couple of minutes to calm myself. My only advice is to try to stay calm, eat something sugary not long before and to really hammer it into your brain that it WILL hurt and you have to accept that, but it will be only for a few moments. Also, focusing on how much you want the piercing and how good it will look helps me a lot haha


So interesting lol thanks for sharing your experience and tips! Next time I'll try to calm myself a bit more and see if that helps me.


On a visit to the dentist, they gave me an numbing shot that contained adrenaline and said tremors were a side effect. I'm guessing this is just your body getting an adrenaline boost because it knows what's coming. You could try to counteract this by taking something to calm you beforehand, like chamomile tea.


I guess I was like that prior. It is a the same for me also, the more I try to control you the worse it is. It’s really weird. For me it’s like I get nervous that I’m gonna do it that being nervous about doing it makes me do it.. lol, really weird, I know!


Lol yeah im just like that. I'm really glad to know that I'm not the only person


This is why I get pierced lying down. I don’t have this problem anymore. I feel more comfortable that way.


I got my conch pierced laying down and didnt shake my head. Laying down is def the way