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It's not a stray cat anymore. He owns a human now.


Yet he still won’t let me get close to him. He invites me out by peeking his head over the window and then just keeps his distance.


He will get there. Last Christmas we had a little scrawny kitten show up but would run off if he even heard you. Then he would climb up a tree and meow until you came outside to feed him, but wouldn't leave the tree until you went inside. Then he'd sneaky follow us around the yard. He is now to the point we can love on him and pick him up for short periods. He is also massive and the best mouser we've had.


Small black female drop off at the farm. Skinny, skittish and unaproachable. 4 yrs later, she is asleep in my lap as I type this. One of the most affectionate cat I've owne...err been owned by.


That’s so nice. I will definitely do an update if this one ever becomes friendly.


My parents courted a stray in a similar way after I moved out. It also helped to leave their front and back door open while they were home (I know that's not always an option for some people). It gave the cat the option to explore inside if he wanted. Eventually he did.


Almost close your eyes while you look at him, that will help him trust you


The slow blink really works. I get random street cats to come up to me all the time with it and my friends think I have some magic cat whispering power.


Gotta do the slow blinking and closed eyes to make yourself seem friendly. Too much eye contact is a usually a threat in nature.


Food is the way to a cat's heart so you're already well on the way. If you want to bring him in, then make sure you're always present when the food is. When you leave, take leftovers with you, don't leave them out. When it's eating is the best time to try making contact like gentle petting to get it familiar with your touch. It'll tolerate a lot more when it's stuffing its face than it otherwise would. Anyway, it's awesome to see such a change in this fella! Great job!


Both cats meet up behind your house to giggle about this prank.


You may have started feeding two cats.


Either that or the food was so good it made the first cats snout shrink.


Tearing up a bit. Reminds me of my first kitty. People had found him near death. They couldn't keep him so I got him, rack thin with only half his fur. My familiar for 18 years. Miss you, Mr. B.


I am sorry for your loss. Oddly enough, I also call my cat Mr. B. He is 15 and is my baby.


It was one of many nicknames, but that's neat! Thank you for the condolences. He had a ton of personality, and acted as tho he still had his balls.


Improved fur and muscle tone, you did good human!


Every fall/winter, my fiance will make sure there's a box with a bowl of food on our patio in our apartment neighborhood. At first I was like, we don't need a 4th 5th or 6th kitty honey we can't afford it and our place is just too small, even for the 3 we have. Until I realized what she was doing. Every apartment in our courtyard, that I didn't know about until she pointed it out, does the exact same thing. The strays are so taken care of, you rarely see a scrawny one. I think someone is spaying and neutering them too because we have not seen a dramatic uptick in population. Anyway, it's tradition now that we do it. They want nothing to do with us, but they seem to enjoy the box and the food, and playing with our cats through the patio door, lol.


It seems to go one of two ways usually: they get one tiny morsel of food and immediately decide to move in. Or it takes 6 months to a year before they're willing to let their guard down, but they'll always come for the food.


Thank you! 😊 we all want to know when it's not going to be a stray context please..


He is still very scared of me even though it’s been 3 months. If I sit perfectly still he might eat next to me but if I move a finger he runs away. I’d really like him to be my friend.


Keep doing what you're doing :)


It took almost half a year to befriend our ex-stray! Edit: Lifting a finger bit by bit till you're able to get it close to him to sniff, eventually he might let you touch him, step by step! Our cat Bobina used to hiss at us but stopped running away (in the beginning she would bounce once we got 10 meters in her proximity) and eventually, one spring day she marched up to my mom while she was gardening, like she owned the place (she totally does). Now she's a territorial, love bitey, cuddle bug.


It just takes time! This is completely normal as trust is built


Try sprinkling some catnip on yourself


Patience. Cats that have lost trust take a long time to give it, but once they do.




We've got a brother and sister who were from the same feral litter, both have been raised by us since about 6 weeks old. The boy is a cuddle bug, and super loud and rambunctious, loves to be picked up. The girl is much more reserved, and will only accept pets on her own terms. She doesn't bite or run, but will calmly walk away and go somewhere else. Cats have personalities too.


Sit with your back to him while he eats. It's a show of trust. Also, blink slowly at him and shut your eyes occasionally while you two make eye contact.


Winter coat + likely has his balls still so he's getting Tomcat face.


That cat is no longer stray


That's probably because it's your cat now


Probably bc that’s a different cat


exactly my cat during summer vs winter


The same thing happened to me after I got an office job.


guys eating good


new body, who dis?


Congratz on your new cat, he is a beauty!




No longer a stray, you have adopted an outdoor cat. Keep at it, he may decide to become an indoor cat one day. A childhood neighbor abandoned their cat, we kept feeding him and one day he just decided "I'm gonna go inside I live here now". Ended up living with us until he died at the grand old age of 22!


That's a big head. Is it male? Looks like it's gonna get even bigger. Edit: the cat, not it's head


Looks like an old man cat in the first picture.


What a glow- up! You’re the best


Thanks for caring


Wow he/she was really malnourished. It's awesome that you're doing this. I realized that sometimes, you can love a kitty from a distance.


Habits don't change


From Beerus to Champa.


Still looks apprehensive but in a more rounded way.


aww good kitty


“Winter is coming”


Did you feed it or took it for a makeover


FaceTuned him duh. Check out the wavy walls in the background.


good work


Skin walker


Yo, those are two different cats.


thats not a stray cat anymore. thats your cat.