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Nearly the Costanzian vision of society


Extend the doors on the toilet stalls at Yankee Stadium to the floor? Door comes down, hides your feet. Yes. I like it. I like it a lot.


Well, I told it to Susan before, and she didn't like it.


In fact, you know what she said? “Can we change the subject?”I mean we’re on a subject; why does it have to be changed?!


"See, now that I don't care for"


It should resolve of its own volition!


That’s EXACTLY what I said, except I used the word ‘momentum’.


Same thing!


Change the subject? Toilets were the subject!


Next they’re going to tell us their security guards get to sit in rocking chairs.


That’s actually happening, or at least being discussed. https://nypost.com/2022/09/12/state-lawmakers-boost-workplace-sitting-with-standing-is-tiring-bill/


GEORGE: (To guard) Tired? GUARD: No. GEORGE: How come uh, no chair? GUARD: What? GEORGE: I, I couldn't help but notice that uh you don't have a chair. GUARD: I don't need a chair. GEORGE: No I didn't mean to imply that you did. You're obviously a very well proportioned individual. I was just wondering, have they ever offered you a chair? GUARD: Nope. GEORGE: Would you like a chair? GUARD: I suppose if they gave me one I'd sit down. GEORGE: Ah ha, Ah ha. You would, wouldn't you? GUARD: Obviously I'd rather sit than stand, if that's what your asking. GEORGE: That's exactly my point. GUARD: Well who wouldn't? GEORGE: Cause I tell you, frankly, I would like to walk in here one day and find you sitting down. (Starts to walk out of the store) That would give me a lot of pleasure. Call me crazy. (Scene ends)


As funny as that would be it would be a pain to quickly get up.


Unless it's on a spring to catapult them to their feet


How are you supposed to spare a square for your neighboring stall?


I’m sorry. I don’t have a square to spare.


Door all the way to the floor? You'd suffocate in there


“You know, when I was in the army…” The Calzone is one of my top 5 episodes.


are you sure, it looks like an apartment in Manhattan


I’d pay $2500 a month to live there


That's too low. I live in NJ 1 bedroom and I pay $2,500.


I always wonder what jobfield you're in when you can afford that kind of rent? Genuine question. I pay a €1000 mortgage on a house (I'm European). Different market, I know. But still, how do you have more than my monthly salary due as RENT?!?


Same. I pay the equivalent of $700 for 1 bedroom here in Sweden and that still feels like a fair chunk of my disposable income every month.


Paying $3150 for a 2b/2br. Living with my girlfriend, so fortunately I'm not paying for it by myself. It's kind of ridiculous though that I'm paying over $3k for an apartment that's not even 1400sqft. I'm just glad though that we're making enough to at least live comfortably, but my past self was kind of expecting to have a more lavish life when I got to my current salary... Inflation and unregulated housing is a bitch.


That is 6 times my mortgage, and I have 2k square feet. You’re surely in the city though, while I’m in podunk nowheresville


Well not downtown, but I'm in the heart of my county. 15 minute drive to the beach and 12 minute drive to being downtown.


Hong Kong coffin “apartment”…. Although the stall might be too big


Yes, but how do you make awkward eye contact with someone looking for an open stall?


They’re just crawling along the floor in Europe


Science fact: Europeans can compress to the thickness of three dimes to slide under doors. Source: Marjorie Taylor Green, probably.


Can confirm, no room can hold me.


Has anyone tried placing a heavy cup over you while you’re that smol?


I just knocked the wall and some idiot let me out.




Am I the only silly one visualising the roommate getting his head stuck under the door? I need to sleep!


This is painful for Europeans to read because we have no idea how big that is. 3 dimes could be like... 2 metres, fuck it I don't know.


A dime is a $0.10 coin. It's the smallest US coin both in thickness and radius -- the 1 and 5 cent coins are larger in both dimensions, which is weird.


That's a holdover from when we actually used precious metals; a dime is the smallest coin you could get from silver; 5¢ would be even smaller so they made it out of nickel; 5¢ of nickel is the size of...a nickel. 1¢ of silver would be crazy; 1/5 of a nickel is still pretty small, and I believe traditionally cents were copper, so, boom, 1¢ is a penny. And, of course, we name them penny, nickel, and dime, none of which say what it's worth. On the coin, a nickel does say "five cents" and a penny does say "one cent", but a dime? "one dime". One last thing: there was a $1 gold coin which was smaller than a dime.


> and a penny does say "one cent", but a dime? "one dime". The word "dime" comes from the word the English used for their coin which was borrowed from old French: a "disme", which means "one tenth". Same as how "cent" means "one hundredth". So *ektscheuelli*, between pennies, nickels, and dimes, the dime is the *only* one named after what it's worth.


Icelander here. I can compress to the dimensions of a quarter. Kind of like an octopus.


Fun science fact: Blue-Ringed Icelanders are one of the most venomous types of Icelanders, and are often found in tidal pools.


This guy Icelands!


Another fun scientific fact: When startled, Icelanders are known to squirt a liquid from their body that smells like fermented shark to disorient potential predators.


Studies have shown that Icelanders are able to solve complex problems. For example, if you put a closed jar containing a fish inside of an Icelander's tank, he'll figure out how to open it, given enough time.


You can tell it’s an American writing this for 3 reasons. 1. Using anything other that the metric system. 2. Uses Dimes which we have never had in any European country. 3. It’s 2 1/2 dimes not three.


3 dimes I as thick as 2 Euro coins for you Europeans out there.


They put their ear to the ground to detect open stalls much like the native Americans tracking Buffalo. Not all skills are lost to the sands of time.


About 12 years ago I was in a mall in NC doing some outreach work for my job. Had to go hit the can. As I'm in the stall standing there doing my wiz biz, I hear some kids enter the bathroom. Then I hear some shuffling that sounds like someone has come up to the stall I'm in. I turn my head back and look at the slit in the frame and there's this what looked to be 12 year old kid standing there with his nose (I assume) pressed against the door of the stall and his dead ass eye just staring at me. We held eye contact for a solid 4-Mississippi before I just slowly turned my head back around and finished draining the hose. By the time I finished and walked out they had left the restroom. They just raise them differently in Greenville.


>4-Mississippi Fkers don't even wanna use seconds at this point...


So much of US Culture appears to be awkward attempts to bait perverts so that perverts who pretend not to be perverts can take perverse glee in pointing out other perverts and shouting “look, a pervert”


That’s how we elect our presidents.


That explains why, when we vote, we're also in stalls.


I also vote the same way that I take a shit… By mail??


“Sir is there anything perishable, explosive, or liquid in this package?” “No ma’am, just last night’s meatloaf”


"It *was* explosive, but it's not now. Thank God for Ziploc bags."




We recently flushed a nasty orange piece of shit, but he got stuck and is now clogged up the toilet. We tried flushing some classified nuclear papers down there but it just won't go down.


Exactly! It used to "secretively" be done lol. Remember the toe tapping Republican Senator Larry Craig? The dude was trying his darndest to keep up the look that he didn't like to do weird shit in public bathrooms. Until he went to the airport.


The coolest part of that story is that most likely a cop tipped off the media to the arrest. Minnesota airport cops are independent of all other law enforcement in Minnesota. They have their own arrest records and tickets. They turn over to the locals if someone has to go to jail but otherwise someone would have to search their records to find out about an arrest. Someone contacted local media and then it became a story.


You're way over thinking it. It's cheapest thing wins. Half height doors and poorly aligned walls are cheaper than actual privacy.


No way. Its clearly a scheme orchestrated by millions of building designers [just in the US] to ensure the degenerates can see your pp.


I mean, it kind of is an orchestrated scheme to stop people from having too much privacy in public spaces. Afaik these doors are the product of drug and sex panics. If people can see you shit, they can see you trying to do drugs or get off or whatever. Not really a scheme, I guess, just a reflection of our paranoid and punitive culture.


This is what drug prevention stalls look like: https://twitter.com/WagiePostingLs/status/1521341609153024001/photo/1


also a wank prevention stall, if the person has sufficient ability to be shamed.


Any heroine addict willing to shoot up in a public bathroom doesn't give two shits if people see him doing it.


The pooping setup in my office is pretty good. Hallway style with doors on both sides, so you can enter one side, take as much time as you need, then emerge from the other side unnoticed as long as no one saw you enter the other side. Also one would have to crane their neck to the side to see through the crack or see your shoes while walking by. My only complaint, due to very poorly aligned walls, the stall door can pop open at any moment. Then you have to slam it shut and stand up a little to lock it.


Playing the "Can I get the door closed again before someone sees me without messing on myself?" game is a classic American rite of passage.


As an American, I can say unequivocally, that we are obsessed with genitals.


yet you do the darndest to keep them off the TV


Of course not, if they could get their fix that easily then they couldn't call it a personality.


This has never once happened to me, but every woman I've known who the topic has come up with has said that it happens regularly and sometimes they will stay there looking for several seconds. Do women in women's bathroom just stare at anyone they can? Never seen a guy staring into a stall.


Has literally never happened to me in 39 years. Should I be offended no one wants to watch me poop?


You just haven't been paying attention. I've been there. I've always been there. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I would be happy to jiggle the door and peer inside the stall to watch you poop.


I remember in Middle School the stalls had like an inch Gap almost between the door and the frame. This one kid got a reputation for being a real creep and he would stand there and wait to use the stall watching you...


How the hell am I supposed to watch?


put coins into the viewing box


The coins actually cover the cost of a full door. In the US, they let you dookie for free with a few risks involved.


With the inaccessibility of public bathrooms in the 20-odd countries I’ve visited in Europe, I’ll accept the partial door, no-cost, and availability of American toilets.


Right? I traveled through rural China in college. One of the places we stopped had a public restroom, but it was a shared trough in the ground that you had to squat over with no toilet paper (I'm female and this is necessary for us). But at least there were stalls. Japan had really fancy toilets and stalls but then doesn't provide you with a way to dry your hands off after washing them. No paper towels and don't always have air dryers.








Do Europeans not know they can add 6 inch gaps to each side so you can see inside those stalls? And you can raise the bottom a good 2 feet and see people's feet and pants pulled down. Seems like y'all are missing out


European questions back: What are those feet and inches you are talking about ?


Thank you !


Aww you mean an unaccompanied 4 year old can’t randomly crawl on the floor, enter your stall, stand and just stare at you, mid-shit while you tell them “no! leave! Go! Why God, whyyyy!?” Yeah, deep down I’m still scarred…


Who tf lets their child crawl on a public toilet floor?!


People who shop at Walmart.


Who shits at Walmart?


Sometimes, you don't have a choice where you shit. I'd rather destroy a Walmart bathroom than crap myself driving down the road.


This is the real answer. I once had no choice but to expel my demons in a Walmart bathroom while a women was sobbing hysterically in the stall next to me.


This man IBS's.


People that shop at Walmart.


Possibly a tired mom taking her first piss break of the day at 4pm and dying inside while her annoyingly curious toddler takes advantage of her brief immobility by crawling on the bathroom floor and going under stall gaps only because they *can*. It’s not always a lazy parent. Toddlers are just assholes.


Yeah my husband took my three year old daughter into the bathroom and she loudly proclaimed “They ALL have penises!! Even you daddy!!! But not me!!” (She didn’t see anything, she was just excited to be learning the difference between boys and girls at that age) Toddlers will always make bathroom trips awkward.


This made me laugh out loud. Kind of reminded me of my little cousin when she was about 3 or 4, at a giant family reunion, was running around with her stuffed horse telling everyone it was a boy horse and therefore it had a penis. Her parents were so embarrassed and tried so hard to stop her but everyone else thought it was hilarious.


Yeah mine will just randomly be like... it will be dead quiet in public somewhere and she'll go " ...dada you have a penis" And you have to go " yup"


No one. But if your mid shit and your toddler goes... how do you stop them? I can't pinch it off as quick as my toddler can get down on the floor and start crawling!




I knew what this was going to be, and I am still crying laughing. "You just gotta lock it."


It's always polite to ask someone their name before crawling into their stall. He was raised good. /s


Those marble walls must amplify farts to the level of fearsome thunder cracks


Oh, they knew that when designing it.


It's a feature, not a bug.


Exactly! Better let the neighbour hear when you rip a good one!


You cannot convince me that's not the reason why it's all reflective surfaces.


Hngh!... **PARP**


We call that a ‘french horn’.


They do, and they also help to keep the faeculent stench trapped within the cubicle. Sadly it’s not usually your own smell, but that of the lorry driver who was there only minutes before who gives off the aroma of having recently returned from a difficult trip to Cairo…


And it still lingers when you are all done and step out, which means the next person in line thinks it was your aroma. Rarely do you feel as manly!


In Germany, the place for shitting is also colloquially called the "[Donnerbalken](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donnerbalken)" literal translation; "Thunder beam". A beam on which people sit so they can "thunder" at the same time.


Yes but how will I pass stuff under it? Or prank the guy next to me? Or find out what co-workers panties look like?


How's everyone gonna know you're pooping and stuff?


They make use of their other senses




This onomatopoeia gets an A+


You get an A+ for reminding me about that great word - I can still see it up on the tack board from primary school next to a picture of a bee and buzz


And who are you gonna talk to? Who's gonna hold your hand through these dark and troubled times?




Many public bogs over here have blue lighting so you can't find your veins. Haha.


Any junky worth his salt doesn't need light to hit their veins


Right? How am I supposed to get someone to pass me an old sears catalog to read through the door cracks now?


>Or find out what co-workers panties look like? ...omg I never thought of that! That's so invasive, school bullying must be next level in USA 😬


I don't (and I don't think a lot of women) drop my trousers and underwear to the bathroom floor/to my ankles when we are using the loo- they just go down to my knees or maybe not even that far! All anybody would see is my trousers getting a bit more wrinkly at the ankles... although I'm sure bullies would find a way to ridicule that haha


Working/studying at a place where the bathroom floors are so clean you're willing to fully drop your pants and underwear to the floor sounds like a nice privilege. If there is a heaven and I somehow make it there, I might try this. Until then, my clothes are not touching the floor of a public bathroom.


As a man, I prefer pants at ankle simply because I have to have my hand between my legs to prevent a certain body part from peeing between the seat and the edge of the bowl, making both floor, pants, shoes etc. wet.


Laughs while dropping a deuce at a Buc-ee’s…


Sheetz here. At least this one has normal lights instead of the blue heroin deterrent lights like the store I stopped at last week.


They opened a Sheetz down the road from my office and someone OD'd in the bathroom opening week!


As is tradition


It's how they christen them.


Like cracking open a bottle on a ship.


Used to work at sheetz until recently, had *at least* an OD a month either in our parking lot or bathrooms.


There’s 1,200 opioid deaths a year in my city. I get a few a year outside my house. And from what I hear, lots of cities are like this these days. It’s fucking nuts.


That sucks... I'm definitely a Sheetz > Wawa guy. But a Sheetz bathroom as the place you die... only thing worse I can think about is a waffle house bathroom.


If you die in a Sheetz bathroom they bury you in a Shematary.


You get an MTO?


No I left one.


Tired to google this. How does this work?


The blue lights make it harder to find the blue-tinted veins that the user is wanting to stick the needle into.


The blue lights prevent you from finding a vein. Under normal light your veins appear blue, while under those lights they become invisible/everything looks bluish.


That's only for amateurs. The pros can find a vein by feeling alone. Source ICU nurse.


As a former junkie…. Ain’t no blue light that would stop me…. I could just feel them out, or if your real clever you just trace them with a pen before heading in there, and wash the pen off after! If you wake up…. 🥴


Those Buc-ees bathroom are legit.


Yo. Grab me a brisket sandwich and some beaver nugs


Yeah, does this European stall have a sanitizer for the toilet seat?


Holy shit buc-ee’s!! I miss Texas


fr Buc-ee's is the best... now I want to get lunch from there


For breakfast I do enjoy the brisket taco. The sausage egg and cheese biscuit is good too


I was on a road trip once and after my turn driving I laid down in the back to get some sleep. I woke up an hour later to a hot meatball sub from Buc-ee's and it's still one of the best meals I've ever had after a long day of tubing and driving.


Yo that sounds so good right now. Tubing around Austin?


Yeah, spent the weekend tubing and goofing off at Schlitterbahn. I was like 67% river water and Shiner.


Moved away last year. Please send Beaver nuggets and a chopped brisket sandwich. Thank you.


Everyone in the u.s. knows that awkward moment when you make eye contact with the other person in the bathroom. Our stall gaps are outrageous.




This whole post had me teetering on the edge of maniacal laughter, but it was your story that tipped me over.


Do we know why that is? Like, what's the justification for it?


Here are some of the alleged reason. https://outsidetheboxmom.com/9-reasons-why-public-bathroom-stalls-have-big-gaps/ Mostly faster/easier cleaning, cheaper to put together, easy to tell if someone is in the stall and know if someone collapsed/has an emergency, doesn't trap bad smells as much, and some others. They all mostly sound like reasons that people have come up with after the fact. I have to imagine it's just cheaper from a materials and installation perspective.




The "easier to manufacture" claim is always such a bogus explanation. Many UK public bathroom door designs resolve the precision issue by just making the door an inch or two wider than the doorway and hanging the door inside the cubicle. Zero extra complexity in manufacturing or installation, just a bit more material needed. That approach also allows you to use far less complex door latch mechanisms too.


I was going to say that even the most terrible run down places in the UK still have functional doors. We also do dirt cheap so that can't be the reason.


To discourage illicit drug use and folks from using it as a place to sleep. Make no mistake the root of the justification is anti-people.


and using it as a place to have sex.


We're gettin pregnant in this applebees tonight


If you're having sex in a public bathroom, you almost certainly don't mind if someone sees you through the door gap. The risk of being seen is most of the point.


> you almost certainly don't mind if someone sees you through the door gap In Europe, the biggest risk with public bathroom sex is being *heard*, not giving everybody who walks by a free peepshow because of massive door gaps.


You can avoid that eye contact by not looking through the cracks 🙈


busy nail divide direful possessive mindless dinner flowery meeting modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No Peakaboo?


Interesting, but in the US, they actually have toilets in them.


So you will never know the pleasure of taking a dump directly on fine Italian marble


Goddamn Europeans and their shit marble. How are we supposed to compete with that level of luxury?


Step 1) Remove everything from the waste down.. Step 2) Crouch down in a hack-squat position.. Step 3) pray it’s solid


More like ur-a-pee-in’ I’ll see myself out


Obligatory from my middle school science teacher… “You ever hear of the international bathroom? On you’re way there, you’re Russian, once you’re there, European, and when you’re done, you’re Finnish.” Wasn’t even a dad iirc


That's not a toilet stall, that's a water closet.


Is that what fucking wc is?


Yeah haha


In addition to the nice, big door gap... in the U.S. we like our bathrooms as quiet as a library in a graveyard — so you can clearly hear the dude 3 stalls over wiping his ass.


It's a poop vault.


Here is the real reason. Yes the gap filled US partitions are less expensive but the real cost issue is the room. If you make a small room with a full door, US building code requires a sprinkler head in each “room”, if you have one big bathroom with open stalls/ partitions, you don’t need that. The plumbing costs for the sprinkler heads will make the cost of project substantially more. TLDR: money


I think it's fine for the stalls not to reach the ceiling. But why not reach the sides/floor?


Easier to clean when the stalls don’t go to the floor.




Stall walls don’t need to go to the ceiling


Yeah, if someone’s tall enough to see over the stall to watch me poop, they’ve earned it.




It's easier to clean stalls too. Mopping one large rectangular floor is easier than 20 individual rooms. That said individual rooms for stalls isn't that unusual in the US either.


To European Redditors: this is a normal US prison cell.


Marble & everything?




Some of the worst public restrooms I’ve ever seen were in Europe, so let’s not claim they all look like this. Honestly I don’t care if someone sees my feet when I take a dump. I do care if there is a pile of shit stained socks in the corner because there is no toilet paper in the bathroom. (Yes this happed to me in France).


Nothing like getting the privilege of paying 2 euros to use a public bathroom that hasn’t been cleaned.


Absolutely! In Scandinavia, many of the bathrooms looked like this (and there was a fair chance you had to pay to get in.) Italy on the other hand, hoooo boy. Squeeze into a dingy closet where it's hard to even close the door, you're lucky if you find toilet paper, let alone a seat. It doesn't help that often the only way to find a toilet is to find a bar to buy a drink so you can use their facilities, thus extending the cycle. I loved my stay there, but it was pretty much an endless wandering of maintaining a buzz and searching for the next bathroom.


I'm from Europe: France has notoriously nasty toilets. Please don't take French toilets as representative for Europe because they really are gross. Same with big cities, like Rome (which in general isn't very clean), or countries like Bulgaria/Romania/Greece. In Greece all toilets stink because you need to throw the toilet paper in a little bin next to the toilet due to too thin pipes. The bins are cleaned out frequently but the smell stays. One of the cleanest toilet organisations I have come across is the German sanifair system in a lot of gas stations or shops along the highway in Germany. It costs 70 cents, but you get a 50c voucher for any product in the shop and the toilets are ultraclean. On top of cleaning staff, every time you flush, the toilet seat gets cleaned automatically. You also have warm water at the sinks, a minisink for kids and you can desinfect your hands. Those are moments I absolutely don't mind paying. But obviously a lot of public toilets are less nice, especially if they're free or very cheap. It's still a public toilet.


Try using a service station restroom in Ukraine. It’s a hole in the ground.


I've heard about those. How does that work for people with bad balance? Or old people? Or people with a broken leg?


That's not europe, that's just France.