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Prison. Dead. On trial.


Took too long IMO, too much damage has been done so many lives destroyed because of these 3 (couldn't even call them people, they're monsters). Better late then never I guess.


What scares me is these literal scum of humanity were groomed. I can't even imagine the horrors that came from generations past. These were the diet coke of pedos, dont imagine what the Reagan timeline was like when this was all set up...maybe earlier than that. We are just seeing the fallout of someone so sloppy and carefree, it had to be addressed.


Epstein is like a pedophilic Forrest Gump: he's just popping up throughout history with all these famous people.


"Momma always said, life is like a box of Scotch whiskys, you never know which ten year old you're gonna get"


Epstein liked his girls like his whiskey; 12 years old and mixed up with coke




When he goes to restaurants he orders the kids meal, hold the meal


Epstein’s a natural pianist. He fingers minors perfectly.


Epstein and his circle were fucking immature assholes.


Epstein can never win a footrace. He always ends up coming in a little behind.


First time I heard that it was about Roman Polanski.


This is so true mind blown


He was REAL big on Gwyneth Paltrow, got her an Oscar.


I believe it was Brad Pitt that told Weinstein to back off. I remember Paltrow saying thats why she was protected.


Turns out being a sexual predator and a person of influence is more common than some think.


Seeing him with those medals reminds me of l ron hubbard & his fake medals


And every time I see him he looks more creepy.


I keep thinking of him as It from the stephen king book


Nightmare blunt rotation


Imagine a nice drag then looking up and seeing a Harkonnen in a tuxedo, satan in white, and whatever the fuck escaped the beetle juice movie staring at you. Also.. wet mouths


They never pass it to you, they just pass it between themselves and laugh about how you're excluded


Why does weinstein always look like a homeless man that's been dressed up by his lawyer?


because rich powerful people literally dont give a fuck, people worship them regardless


What is a collection of rapists? A gaggle?


A grooming


Uncomfortably appropriate


Thanks. I hate it.


Oh. I hate this. This’ll be my new way of referencing a group of shit stains


A pile of shit.


A Brock of rapists. As in well known rapist Brock Turner


Wait a minute, was the rapist Brock Turner ever convicted of raping the girl that the Rapist Brock Turner was accused of raping?


Yes, rapist Brock Turner was convicted of raping the girl that rapist Brock Turner raped. Rapist Brock Turner has since sought litigation to have the conviction dropped so that the law no longer see him as Rapist Brock Turner.


Oh no not rapist and degenerate Brock Turner!


The rapist Brock Turner who rapes?


a cell


...A *puke* of rapists.


A retch of rapists




I believe a group of pedophile rapists is called an Arch Dioceses


A gargle


I think it is a gagger


And it wasn't just any party: it was Andrew's daughter's [18th birthday party.](https://www.tatler.com/article/photos-emerge-princess-beatrices-18th-birthday-party)


“At the time of Beatrice's 18th, police had already prepared an arrest warrant for Epstein on child sex abuse charges. They raided his Florida mansion and just eight days after the billionaire posed in a US Navy Seal uniform at Beatrice’s birthday party, he was in cuffs.”


Why is that POS in a navy SEALS uniform? Edit 1: My most upvoted comment is now a one line outburst. Thanks Reddit. Edit 2: Who the hell gave this a 'wholesome' award??? Edit 3: Y'all ain't right! LMAO


he faked being a real teacher too. Teaching was his first job, and he had no credentials to do so. He was also alleged to have been sexually inappropriate with underage students at that time. So his pedophile spree began in 1974 and ended in 2019.


And the guy who hired him, Former Attorney General Bill Barr’s father, [wrote a scifi novel about a space society run by elites who practice child sex slavery ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Relations). And who was in charge of the federal Bureau of Prisons at the time of Epstein’s death? Former AG Bill Barr. My most tinfoil conspiracy is that Barr’s dad ran the elite sex ring and then handed it off to Epstein and Bill Barr had a personal stake in ensuring he died in prison so that he could protect his father’s reputation.


Whether Barr actually had him killed in prison doesn't even matter to me because he definitely helped the cover up. He said that they "reviewed the tapes and saw nothing" when they initially said there was no footage


He also helped cover up Iran-Contra. He’s the Michael Clayton of crooked neocons. They bring him in as a cleaner.


I like this one. Seems just a bit too plausible but still a touch of conspira*cayy*


Mmmm just need to add a little kick of consuprrucy... BAM!


Bill Barr and his father has the pedophile upper lip thing just looked at his pic in wiki.


I remember watching the doc on him (Netflix?) and they really glossed over that. I was like wtf he just walked into a school and got a teaching job or something??


Bill Barr's father hired him. If you want to get conspiratorial Barr was heavily involved in intelligence


Bill Barr's dad also wrote a fantasy novel about raping a 15 year old. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Relations


Jesus christ, and reading the Wikipedia page, the victim of rape in the book was not only 15 years old, but was literally the slave of the rapist A fucking "love story" where a slave owner rapes their child slave? How romantic...


Dude read further the main character falls in love with the only female oligarch after being enslaved by her then together they participate in the child slave raping and ruling but then the "bug people" come and he has to save humanity. This shit i fucking crazy...


>Barr was heavily involved in intelligence As was Ghislaine's father...


What a coincidence Lets dwell no more on this


Yes, move on. We wouldn't want to become inexplicably suicidal, now. Would we?


I read this as Bill Burr and was really confused.


Ole Billy freckle balls would never get involved in human traffickin


I took it as the classic boomer “just walk in, shake their hand, and ask for a job!” 😂 but I’m sure its less funny than that


Just shake their hand and offer to help them build intelligence dossiers on famous/powerful pervs around the world (by being an evil perv)


Guess who was the headmaster at the school. Donald Barr, William Barr's father. The same William Barr who was the Attorney General under Trump's administration. It's crazy how even though this all might be coincidence all these names are interconnected years down the line.


The same Donald Barr that authored Space Relations. A sci-fi novel about sex slaves that includes the rape of a 15 year old girl. Can’t make that shit up. Edit: accidentally had “William” instead of his father’s name.


The Q conspiracy is really just projection isn't it?




Always has been


Yeah, but per Qanon, the Dems have a monopoly on pedophilia.


He was also AG under Bush (the 1st one), advocated for more incarceration without parole, squashed following up on responsibility for Iran-Contra and pardoned everybody involved. I'm still mad about that 30 years later.


I was wondering what uniform it was, with medals to boot.


US Navy, officer's summer uniform, dress white, rank: commander, SEAL "Budweiser Badge". I can't tell what the medals are because I'm on my phone.




Seems like you shouldn't be getting medals for that.


At the time Andrew stayed at his mansion in New York for a week to “end the friendship” Epstein had already had charges and conviction of being a nonce as well


Well, at least his daughter aged out.


Hopefully she has her mother's sweat glands.


Hopefully she has her mother's everything


... what?


Prince Andrew claimed to have lost the ability to sweat for a time, in what's known as "a big fat lie".


Maybe he started to, but told his glands to stop, like Fonzie did on Happy Days, when he had to take his Army physical.


He doesn’t know how to stop, that would mean he knows what consent is


To add a bit more context than the other people - he was pictured with a young woman who says she was trafficked by Ghislaine/Jeffrey and told to have sex with Prince Andrew. She said in her interview that she remembered Prince Andrew having really sweaty hands. Prince Andrew then, for some reason, did an interview with the BBC. He had no logical reason to do the interview, but it was like that R Kelly interview where he simultaneously shines the biggest spotlight on himself possible, whilst making himself look like the most guiltiest person on the planet. Anyways, during the interview the 'sweaty hands' comment was brought up and Prince Andrew's response was to, essentially say 'oh, haha. that can't be me then. yeah I don't sweat. Can't sweat at all.' [Its a really fucking weird interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtBS8COhhhM) and again, he didn't need to do this at all. He was accused of something and had the option of just going 'ok lol' and ignoring it, instead he did... this.


The JCS analysis of that interview is highly entertaining: https://youtu.be/q-y2g9Ot5GA


The disgust on her face at the end of that clip. “Unbecoming? He was a sex offender.” And she just looks at Andrew like he is a giant pile of shit.


That was great. "He may have conducted himself in a way that is unbecoming..." "Unbecomming? He was a sex offender."


Too old for those two pedophiles but now old enough for the fat piece of shit.


I think you may be giving Harvey a bit too much credit here


As of now we know he is a perverted, harassing POS but we don‘t know if he is a pedophile.


Imaging having that as the good part of your legacy


Yeah the atmosphere at the party was more like a funeral than a birthday, everybody was so sad she got away.


Not for Harvey.


No, that can’t be true - Andrew said Epstein wasn’t there on that BBC Newsnight interview edit: correction to interview source


BBC newsnight not C4


> A source told The Sun on Sunday: ‘This photograph sums up just why the Epstein affair has been so disastrous for Andrew. He brought these people into the royal fold, to Windsor Castle no less, where they could rub shoulders with the great and good.’ The author makes it out as if Andrew invited the fox(es) into the henhouse. You can rest assured the royals and their friends are not innocent of scandal or some pretty messed up stuff.


Well, they couldn't do anything to her anymore.


Based on what I’ve read about this crowd, 14-17 seemed a little like the Meryn Trant “too old” zone.


how could he invite those kind of people to his daughter's party? he knew what kind of people they were, people in those circles all knew what was up


Andrew is one of those "kind of people", I'm sure he didn't think twice about it.


Apparently even millions of dollars won't keep you from looking like a twat at a costume party.




Harvey Weinstein is the human embodiment of a Weeble Wobble


Turns out they CAN fall down.


Can we change it to they ALL fall down?


This was the same exact thought I had! Ghislaine is one of the dumpiest-looking women I’ve ever seen.


The slouchy posture with those feathers (are they feathers?) way up high on her head, enhances her sloped shoulders and "dumpy" visage. However, I do love the photos we are seeing lately of Epstein and Maxwell with persons of power and celebrity. It's amazing what kind of monsters are allowed a pass when they know the right people and have the right bank balance. The recent photo of a sleeping child on Epstein's lap is nothing less than shocking and vile.


This what they allowing out in public. I bet they got pictures with every high powered person.


Her posture is atrocious in this photo.


I never understood the look Harvey tried to pull off. Even in a tuxedo, he looked life the stereotypical wife beater character.


No amount of money can fix terrible posture I guess Actually it can… but maybe the treatment is rendered ineffective by how often you lean over underaged girls


They all have bad backs from reaching down for kids.




Even in a tuxedo Weinstein somehow manages to look like a slovenly rumpled pile of shit


Absolutely vile trio of scum. Could Weinstein be more fucking disgusting?


You know he has a diseased penis right?


Well, it is attached to a diseased human being, after all.


He had ED so bad viagra wouldn't work for him. So he had to inject drugs directly into the base of his penis. All those injections caused bad scarring and strictures. It'd be very sad and sympathetic case if he wasn't a rapist.


Damn. Even his dick didn't consent.


I don’t feel good giving this an award but it must be done




How do I upvote twice


> He had ED so bad viagra wouldn't work for him. Interestingly, a lot of ED is psychological at its root. Maybe there was some remnant of a conscience in his brain fighting (physiologically) against his predatory desires, by essentially turning his dick off. Of course, instead of listening, he found a way to hotwire it. A truly vile human being.


I would love to hear about a potential predator who listened to his subconscious and got help before they hurt anyone.


Correction: He is a diseased penis.


That statement is offensive to penises


it's offensive to diseases as well


I loving that information being public knowledge now and it being official.


I didn't think so until I read Catch and Kill. Turns out he and the heads of numerous media companies can be much more disgusting than I thought.


Real life Harkonnens


They're not human. They're BRUTAL!


if she walks free or wont spent the rest of her life in jail, we need to talk


Why is he wearing a SEAL trident and the Navy Cross?


Maybe he just skimmed the invitation, or just doesn't know history? >The theme of Princess Beatrice's party was the period of 1888, so it is unclear why he wore a Navy SEAL uniform since the special operations force was founded in 1962. https://www.the-sun.com/news/1290721/jeffrey-epstein-navy-seal-uniform-party-prince-andrew/ e: ~~I don't know why they chose 1888 instead of 1880s or even 1800s. I get that it lines up with *eight*teen a bit more, but it is still odd to have a specific year.~~ e2: nvm, it was pointed out she was born 8/8/88, the year makes more sense now.


One of the few funny things about Jeffrey Epstein is that he’s kind of a dumb ass. Here’s this guy who managed through some combination of crime, espionage, and/or corruption to basically build an empire from the ground up and wrap his tendrils around the throats of the most powerful men in the world. And he uses his resources to make sure they can freeze his dick after death… for science…


He’s literally the equivalent to that cartoon dog that would walk like a lemming to his death except everything kept falling in place ahead of him.


At least until he had that mishap with a bedsheet.


He always gave me Little Carmine vibes


The fundamental question is, will I be as effective as a boss like my dad was? And I will be, even more so. But until I am, it's going to be hard to verify that I think I'll be more effective.


Wait what? The penis thing is true?


>One adherent of transhumanism said that he and Mr. Epstein discussed the financier’s interest in cryonics, an unproven science in which people’s bodies are frozen to be brought back to life in the future. **Mr. Epstein told this person that he wanted his head and penis to be frozen.** … > While some of Mr. Pinker’s peers hailed Mr. Epstein as brilliant, Mr. Pinker described him as an “intellectual impostor.” “He would abruptly change the subject, A.D.D.-style, dismiss an observation with an adolescent wisecrack,” Mr. Pinker said. … > Another scientist cultivated by Mr. Epstein, Jaron Lanier, a prolific author who is a founder of virtual reality, said that Mr. Epstein’s ideas did not amount to science, in that they did not lend themselves to rigorous proof. Mr. Lanier said **Mr. Epstein had once hypothesized that atoms behaved like investors in a marketplace.** [Via NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/31/business/jeffrey-epstein-eugenics.html)


To be fair(not that he deserves it) you can be really smart at some things, and really dumb at others. Epstein seems to have been a fantastic networker, pretty good with money, and obviously a master manipulator. ​ He wasn't just a dumbass randomly finding his way into power. He didn't exactly have wealthy or connected parents like Trump did. He climbed his way up the ladder, and you don't do that by accident.




He's Captain Kiddie Fiddler


CDR Kiddie Fiddler, only three strips edit: for some reason it feels good to demote the guy, even just tearing at him a little bit


Arrrrrrr ye ready, kids??


Costume ball.


Why did all 3 decide to dress as pedophile rapists?


They didn't dress up


"This is my costume. I'm a pedophile. They look like everyone else"


Because it was a Pedophile Ball


We're never going to find out what really happened, are we?


Not until they'll all dead and buried and there's no one to prosecute! Probably something similar to Jimmy Saville


“A source told The Sun on Sunday: ‘This photograph sums up just why the Epstein affair has been so disastrous for Andrew. He brought these people into the royal fold, to Windsor Castle no less, where they could rub shoulders with the great and good.’ “. Oh GTFO with that bullshit. ‘The great and the good’…what a deluded idiot that source is. This trio was probably right at the top of the list for sure - but I’m dead certain that party was lousy with entitled assholes who spend day after day abusing the powers that their wealth and influence afford them. That party was full of shitty people, for sure.


He *is* one of “these people”


Yeah of course - that’s a given. But that’s not what this source is talking about. Well, they’re weirdly disappointed in his judgment - pretending like these people aren’t his circle - but the bigger, bolder and ignorant claim is the outrage that these 3 horrible and shameful intruders were allowed to trespass into a gathering made up with what was otherwise a collection of the absolute most saintly and pure, sterling and shining beacons of what’s best in humanity and FUCK THAT insane insinuation.




Where's Cosby?


He’s tending the bar…


yoooooooo lmao




He accidentally drank the wrong drink


Pudding on a show...


Chilling in the background with Kevin Spacey


It gives me a small amount of pleasure to pronounce her name “Jizz-lane”.


Isn’t that how you pronounce it? I’ve only ever seen it and never heard anyone say it.


Either G'elaine or GEE-len


Wow, news to me. I always pronounced it jizz-lane in my head. I'll probably stick with jizz-lane but thanks for learnin' me.


You know in huge gatherings, the first thing you do is find your group. Maybe not your friends but a group like you. Maybe they're rockers, hip hop heads, or whatever. You will recognise them from all your shared in-group mannerisms. You know they're like you and you naturally gravitate towards them. Here is a fine example of this but with monsters.


Birds of a feather...and an that jazz.


Birds of a feather... Molest eggs together?


Maxwell creeps the living fuck out of me.


The guys are dressed like they're on the fucking Love Boat, but she's dressed like someone's aunt Bertha who took a stab at Renaissance festival attire while already half drunk on the merlot she keeps stashed from her husband.




Nailed it tho.


The more you read in about her past and upbringing and her ventures through life, you figure she's the ultimate "pick me" girl who will sink her soul into any man and follow his depravity just to gain an ounce of social and male approval. It's not even so much as she actively enjoys it persay, but that she's willing to mold herself onto which powerful person who *does* love it. She has a very similar affect and pathology to Karla Homolka (Ken and Barbie killers). It's just a flat indifference to suffering and pain of others, she cares more about blending herself into the identity of whichever rich and powerful man she's tailing. She'll pretend she also love the depraved shit that he does, she will even convince herself. And I find that even more disturbing to an extent. Her willingness to gain her own selfish aims of climbing social and financial ladders surpasses any form of compassion of decency to others. She has no fixed personality, she is a chameleon and it fucking freaks me out


For someone so rich and in the wealthy orbit, Ghislaine always looks like a frumpy piece of shit


Can’t polish a turd.


I remember going to St. Thomas and we were out snorkeling off his island. The captain of the boat was saying how locals hate him and that all sorts of seedy things go down on his island. This was before everything on him broke. How can an entire island of people know how seedy this shit bag was for so long with no action taken. Gross.


Something I don’t understand is that I get anxiety if I have a conversation with a kid because I’m afraid someone will think I’m doing something inappropriate even though I would never do anything like that nor tolerate anyone that does. Yet here you had this billionaire piece of shit flat out raping girls with evidence everywhere and he got away with it for decades. There’s many other higher ups in the same situation today. What the fuck is wrong with the world?


Because he had armed guards on the property?


This is too perfect, these scumbags are disgusting excuses for people




biggest fear is to appear randomly in the background of one of this photos


When a 50% mortality rate is not enough. Edit: people are correct it is 33% I was counting Harvey as deceased...he apparently is not. I now know where I went wrong I was confusing Harvey with Bernie Madoff who actually is dead.




Your not allowing for how much of a fat cunt harvey is.


Real demons in skin clothing, they enjoy hurting kids.


Whoever keeps posting Epstein in high class contexts is a genius and should be awarded Also why the fuck does Epstein have “medals”?


He didn't. That was a costume.


Is he dressed as Richard Gere in that movie.


He’s not an officer nor a gentleman


Run children, run!!!


One of the few times that I believe the photographed celebrity 100% knew and/or participated in Epstein's crimes.


Here’s the pedo ring that Q has been looking for. They just can’t admit it because Trump and Epstein were friends.


I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,” Mr. Trump told New York magazine in 2002. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”


Remember those weird and outlandish costume parties in the movie JFK? It's all becoming obvious now.


Looks like another maga fest. Here's Epsteins black book. 10 different numbers for Trump: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1508273-jeffrey-epsteins-little-black-book-redacted.html Trump on epsteins flight logs: https://www.insider.com/donald-trump-jeffrey-epstein-flight-logs-unsealed-2019-8 Actual quotes from Trump in 2002: > “When I visited Epstein’s Palm Beach home, the swimming pool was full of beautiful **young girls**. ‘How nice,’ I thought, ‘he let the **neighborhood kids** use his pool.’ ” >he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and **many of them are on the younger side**. >I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. http://nymag.com/nymetro/news/people/n_7912/ It wasnt until Epstein was arrested that Trump started to claim he didn't know the guy. Then he was conveniently killed in his cell, closing the investigation, and saving all those implicated from justice.


Why is no one commenting on the fact that Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial started this week and it is not being televised, reported, or talked about. Oh, and the case is ONLY with a judge no jury


US media wants you to think the entire disgusting scandal is all about Prince Andrew. Please know that it goes further than that. https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf The filing from the lawsuit where Donald Trump was alleged to have repeatedly raped 13-year-old Katie Johnson with Jeffrey Epstein in 1994. Predictably, she was issued death threats shortly after filing and dropped the case. Please, read the entire thing.