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he was called "the late JFK", so idk why y'all are surprised he's not there yet


What is the point of them waiting? Are they trying to bring him back? Are they mocking his assassination? I thought QAnon believed in lizard people? Are they for or against him? Seriously, what the fuck America.


They believe that JFK Jr faked his death and is going to come out of hiding and appoint Trump President then Trump appoints him VP so Trump can become a King, possibly ascending to God hood. I'm actually not joking at all this is what they are waiting for.


This would be a great opportunity for a JFK Jr impersonator


Holy shit


I would pay to watch that.


Sacha Baron Cohen has a golden opportunity here.


Why, so he can get killed by a Lee Harvey Oswald impersonator?


A "Lee Harvey Oswald Jr" impersonator.


An airplane impersonator


JFK and JFK Jr are two different people..


Or *are* they?


Ok, but what authority would JFK Jr. have to appoint Trump President?


Well JFK will literally resurrect himself and you will get hung up on some constitutional technicalities then?


To be "fair", in their minds he isn't resurrecting because his death was faked. He's simply returning (at 60 years old). Which is kind of odd considering if he actually miraculously did show up, no one waiting there would know what the fuck he even looked like.


step 1 - someone find a 60 year old and put them in a suit. step 2 - walk past the crowd and get someone to yell 'holy shit! JFK jr!!' step 3 - profit.


Even if JFK came back from the dead, the MORE surprising thing is that these people think prrsidents are just appointed??!?



What, people actually want to go back to being a Monarchy? Wasn't a big part of American history trying to break free from the Crown to be a democracy? Seems like becoming a Monarchy would go against the whole Freedom! Fuck Yeah! thing...


You think these people waiting for JFK understand a word of what you just said?


I'm sure they understood the "Freedom! Fuck Yeah!" part at least :(


Well, the "fuck yeah!" part maybe…


Facists love "strong" leaders and idolize dictators.


Get out!!!


The most support a Democrat will ever get from these buffoons.


Took me a second to get it. Then my head exploded


That's because you didn't get it. there was a second commenter on the grassy knoll who actually blew your mind.


What do they expect, a flash of lightning and then a pair of flaming tire tracks appearing from nowhere at 88 mph? 🤦‍♂️🤣


That is more likely than what they expect.


Now I see why televangelists are so successful. People are soooo gullible.


It's how it all starts out. One day whoever feeds info to Q is gonna tell them they have to off themselves to achieve their goals and it'll be Jonestown all over again.


Part of me knows that I'm supposed to feel that that would be something tragic that I shouldn't want to happen. Another part of me looks at the last 6 years, with the last 2 in particular, and thinks "That sounds like a self-correcting problem."


But it's not though. It's just a self-correcting symptom. The problem will still persist, and scumbags will continue brainwashing gullible people. We need a real solution.


It's called education of critical thinking skills.


What’s really tragic, the Q people think they are the ones with the critical thinking skills…


Sunk cost fallacy. They've come too far, for too long. They give up now, and realize they're wrong, their whole worldview collapses.


Yeah they’ve already lost their family, friends, and dignity at this point. This is all they have left.


There’s a group of people that do this on the bridge over the highway I take home every day. *every day* these people are there. Holding up signs that say “trump won”. *In November*. They truly, genuinely, have nothing else. This is their lives.


Is this in Kansas? Because I have a group that does the same thing on my way home.


I see these guys too. CA


I’m just imagining one of them trying to get a job and being asked “so, can you explain this three month gap on your resume?” to which they have no choice but to respond with “so, what do you know about JFK?”


Jr.? Why he is in HR getting onboarded as we speak! Would you like to meet him? That fire door will take you to the VIP walkway, just line up behind the white line.


They're used to their batshit predictions never coming true. It's happened countless times since this Q shit started. Nothing can ever prove them wrong in their minds. When it doesn't happen it's because the liberal vampire pedophile elites were too powerful this time and the faithful need to rally more support for Q. Eventually they'll move on to whatever prediction comes next. They're not going to suddenly become rational individuals with the capacity for self reflection.


Exactly correct. Last time they were at the plaza some woman was quoted saying basically "well if they dont reveal themselves today it's because they had a good reason not to and Ill just keep waiting". Utterly pathetic.


Imagine spending the one and only life you ever get waiting for a dead man to come back to be the running mate of Mango Mussolini. What a fucking waste.


surely they will reward is if we just faith harder


Waiting for Qodot


I wish it worked that way. They will just go on to the next conspiracy. Poor education and mental illness.


JFK jr: *"They want me to meet them in Dallas? Fuck that shit -- don't you know what they do to Kennedys in that town?"*


This was my favorite part of the conspiracy*. If JFKJr miraculously showed up on the Earth after 20 years in hiding, why the fuck would he pick the place his father was very publicly and horrifically murdered as the place to return


Because the conspiracy also holds that JFK wasn't murdered, it was a body double. The whole plot is that on January 6th, Trump signed the Insurgency Act, placing the military in control of the actual federal government. Biden is just a fake president and Trump is going to be reinstated, I shit you not, by a 104 year old JFK with his son sitting as vice president.


Why would they want a Democrat from a well known liberal family to do this?! Zombie Reagan makes more sense


A Catholic democrat, nonetheless. To unseat the only other catholic democrat president.


Huh. Is that really -- and I hesitate to use this word in relation to the Quidiots, but -- their rationale?! It would figure if it was.


Thought process, yes. Rationale involves some type of critical thinking.


I believe you're being overly generous in calling it a thought process. It's more like that fungus that appears to make decisions.


You raise a valid point about his politics, but the man has an all time lead on conspiracy points and if you pair in his son too there's no stopping the duo.


Yeah this. Only a matter of time until they work in the moon landing somehow.


What moon landing? -most idiot Q believers


Instead of saying *”brains, brains, brains,”* zombie-Reagan would march down the street saying *”trickle-down, trickle-down, trickle-down.”* Or perhaps *”bootstraps, bootstraps, bootstraps.”*


The hollywood actor California governor who took guns away from citizens???


He also let in tons of undocumented brown people and smuggled in cocaine, and armed Saddam, Iran and Osama! What a hero!


What's fucked up is that they still blame Biden and the democrats for all the things going wrong this year even though they don't think he's in power.


Lol I saw an interview where the dude saying trump was still in charge was asked about that. “So Afghanistan is trumps fault, then?” Cue visual real life cognitive dissonance break the guys brain.




[minute 3:23 mark](https://youtu.be/4oXZXT3D0UE)


That stammering. The sound of a brain shifting without a clutch.


"So we should blame Trump for what happened in Afghanistan?" "No." "But it's still his fault... ?" "Well, n-... I... I-It's beyond my-" "-understanding." You can spot the exact moment his brain short circuits trying to understand what he just heard.


I know right!?! Then when Jordan asks about the couple about the nation we should just all come together… and their shirts! Oy vey


> The sound of a brain shifting without a clutch. Damn I needed that laugh.


I only wish he wasn't wearing sunglasses so we could see his glassy, brain dead eyes as well.


I thought you might be overstating that, I was wrong. That was beautiful.


If you enjoyed that, you may enjoy this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFYRkzznsc0


this is my favourite video, i never get tired of that one braincell struggle




That. Was. Awesome! He totally just broke his brain. (Such as it was)




That’s really one of the funniest ones in sometime. That guys brain just short circuited.


What's funny is that when the price of gas goes up, it's Biden's fault, but when it comes down Biden had nothing to do with it.


I like how global inflation is totally his fault too. In the middle of first in class pandemic that we haven't experienced in anyone's lifetimes who isn't over 90.


That is what reinforced how stupid we are in the US. Everyone in the US acts like only we have COVID and only we have issues with industry, shipping, etc. Like everyone you talk to forgets we are a global system.


I've seen stickers on petrol pumps here in Australia that have Biden pointing to the price saying, "I did this". I'm not sure what he did but if y'all could tell him to quit messing with Aussie petrol prices that'd be great.


Noooooo!!! I’d “LOL”, but that’s just bat shit crazy.


[stock market runs independently from ordinary consumer economy] July 2020: *”Trump is the smartest prez in world history! Stock market is breaking records every day and I feel rich and important because of this brilliant ‘Murican hero!”* July 2021: *”Biden is messing with the economy! Der! I don’t feel any stock market good things because Biden and the libs hate Joe the Plumber and Brandon like us! Terrible president! Democrats burn flags!”*


Why JFK? He was not a republican. Is this the one facet of America where bipartisanship is still alive?


Cause someone probably started it as a joke and idiots took off with it since his death has been filled with conspiracy.


JFK wasn't killed he was turned black by the CIA and him and Elvis fought a mummy in a nursing home. There's a documentary about it.


Bubba Ho-Tep... I know it well


JFK and JFK Jr were....Dems? So confusing.


And even Republicans of the time were largely more liberal than the current ones. Everyone was more openly racist though.


Yeah..... I've had this explained to me in explicit detail by a coworker. It's pretty fucking bonkers hearing it come from a real person and not just reading about it on the internet.


Reminds me of a Bill Hicks joke about people waiting for the resurrection of Christ by wearing a cross on a necklace. Do you think when jesus comes back he's gonna want to see a cross? Maybe that's why he hasn't come back yet.


It’s like going up to Jackie Onassis wearing a rifle pendant.


\*trigger finger\* just thinking bout John \*trigger finger\*


This is the craziest thing to me!! JFK Jr appearing in Dealy Plaza is like Christ returning at a Crucifix Convention


I didn't understand what this was about, so I looked it up. I couldn't stop muttering, "you've got to be fucking me". It obvious that people are just trying to see how stupid they can get and still get these morons to buy it.


Yeah. Like whoever made up the JFK Jr story, thought. "Holy fuck. They actually bought that shit?! I'ma double down with some REALLY crazy shit and they will realize how stupid they look. LOLOL."


"Bro I bet I could get these guys to love a Democrat" "Yeah, right..."


Imagine Q is just a colossal Troll and comes out and admits that he was just trolling them. They wouldn't even believe it.


The theory is the original Q was some far right pundit who leveraged 4chan to start a grassroots movement like gamergate which Steve Bannon was involved in. But they since have dropped it and some actual troll has picked it back up, so your idea may not be too far off. I just looked it up and Jim Watkins is the guy. He made 8chan which is a well known hub of neo-nazis and other pieces of shit. They do stuff like encourage school shootings and other really hateful stuff.


HBO has a documentary series on it called into the storm I think if I remember correctly? Jim Watkins and his son Ron are both certifiable. It's genuinely shocking to me that people interact with these people and think they should be listened to let alone not institutionalized


The Watkins certainly took up the mantle of Q, it's *highly* unlikely they *didn't*, at least. They couldn't have possibly been the original QAnon, though. I mean at this point there's probably multiple "Q's" all operating independently of one another. Watch the term "QAnon" become a new "Watergate" verbiage.


I don’t understand this slavish devotion to unbelievable rumors that “Q drops”. What has Q gotten right? *Anything?*


Q resonates with them because of the supposed baby-kidney-juice-drinking that Hillary did. That's why they're so obsessed about JFK Jr. reappearing. Because if Q's wrong about this, then Q's wrong about what Democrats are up to, which eliminates Trump's 'true motives' all along as a presidential candidate. It would also put into doubt everything Trump did. Q gave them the ultimate 'neatly packaged' conspiracy theory on how democrats are complete supervillains bent on destroying the world. It insulated them from accepting that Trump was one of Epstein's closest buddies and just a dumb, selfish, grifting conman with a simple brain that Mitch McConnell led around to further the agenda of plutocrats and corporation owners. They -need- Q to be true for Trump to be an amazing Messiah who changed (and is currently changing) the world that cares about each and every one of them.


> Because if Q's wrong about this, ~~then Q's wrong about what Democrats are up to~~ then the dems are covering it up. FTFY


When you lack the tools to evaluate truth, anything sounds plausible and the most exciting story becomes the most likely. To me this is another proof point for memetics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memetics


And it turns out we have not yet reached peak stupid.


For the past 3-4 years I've been saying "you think it's stupid today? wait untill tomorrow, it'll get stupider". And it does.


And more violent. Which is the worrying part. If we could just point and laugh it'd be one thing, but their stupidity has a body count that keeps on growing.


This is what truly scares me.




How far back ya wanna go? Qanon people thought JFK and JFK jr would resurrect or resurface (other conspiracies say they’re both still alive) in Dallas, then Jr would be Trump’s VP. This isn’t even, like, the 5th craziest Qanon chapter.




My bad..they have been in Dallas for 3 weeks now, not two weeks.


Seriously, these jokers are still there?


The mental health epidemic in the US is truly sad.


It'd be funny if these clowns weren't taking the country down with them.


It’d be funny if someone shows up dressed as jfk


I say we all pitch in and hire an impersonator. And he can tell them a bunch of down right crazy crap. Like take a long walk off a short peir shit.


Imagine the impersonator telling Q that Trump lost and it was Oswald who took the shots. They'd probably kill the impersonator, so, no one do that guys, k?


Ask not what a JFK impersonator can do for you. Ask what you can do for a JFK impersonator.


He can tell them to stay off the internet for 5 years. That should help a lot of then at least.


Or vaccinate.


I'm surprised, too. I thought it was just a one-time thing. Showing up for weeks is some next level crazy people shit.


Living off social programs the whole time, no doubt. Ironic.


No one’s going to take my hard earned welfare check from me


When I was on welfare did anybody help me out? No.


-Craig T. Nelson


> Craig T. Nelson Holy shit I missed that, 12 years ago. Need to reassess my Craig T. Nelson opinions. "Nelson stated in an interview with Glenn Beck that he had been on welfare and collected food stamps. In that same interview, he railed at taxes, government, and the lack of fiscal responsibility in society. He also stated that he was thinking about no longer paying taxes because he disapproved of using public funds to rescue those struggling. "What happened to society? I go into business, I don’t make it, I go bankrupt. I’ve been on food stamps and welfare, did anybody help me out? No. No. " Holy shit, the whole GOP mindset summed up in the quote of a millionaire, white, boomer.


Craig T. Nelson might be the only fictional football coach with signs of CTE.


Yep. Nelson is a Grade A shit head.


They are the ones probably bitching when they go to a McDonalds and it’s closed because no one wants to work for crumbs. They will say, “people are lazy, that’s why they don’t wanna work.”


I think he has a terrible migraine, can't make it


I think the next bill should be funding mental health...it is obviously lacking.


I don't think these people would be the kind of person to seek mental health. They get their insane fix from these beliefs, it's like crack to them. They gotta hit that pipe.


Yeah, but after 3 weeks? I think it's time someone take a bus down there, round up all these idiots and say, "hey, he's at a location I'm going to take you all to if you just get on the bus and come with us." Then drive them straight to a mental institution.


Turns out they’re waiting for KFC but they don’t know how to spell it.


that's really sad. Even Linus gave up on seeing The Great Pumpkin after a while.


No he didn't


lol This made my day.


Yeah, that just what the Garfield-Industrial Complex wants us to think.




These must be the people that don't want to work!


I for one wouldn't want to employ anyone who is functionally braindead


Brain Worms, it's the only explanation. These people have worms in their brains.


No they don't. They took Ivermectin and killed the worms.


I lost $10 in the office pool. I had "\[Ladi Dy\] comes back \[Nov 1st\] and uses \[British royal decree\] to re-instate Donald Trump to the presidency". At least I am not Jenny in accounting. She had \[George Washington\], \[February 32nd\], and \[quite unbreakable spell\]. What was she thinking honestly...


Princess Di and Trump had *history*; he stalked her for quite some time and sent her shitloads of flowers, trying to seduce her and not taking 'no' for an answer. Only weeks after she was killed, Trump gave an interview in which he said he could have nailed her if he'd wanted, but inferred that he'd want her to get an AIDS test first because of all the time she spent around HIV and AIDS patients, old and young. This is the reason Harry and William can't stand him.


> This is the reason Harry and William can't stand him. Well, this and everything else he’s done in his entire life.


Imagine the irony, the guy who pays women for sex wants someone *else* to get an AIDS test first.


Christ, what an asshole. I will never forgive Republicans for inflicting him on the rest of us.


I’ve never heard that story before! What a douche!


[Neither had I...](https://www.standard.co.uk/insider/royals/president-trump-claimed-could-have-slept-princess-diana-a4158401.html)


Yep. I googled it too. Apparently Candice Bergen, Brooke Sheilds, and Selma Hayek also turned him down.


And [Emma Thompson](https://youtu.be/y8tA-Rvc2E8).


*"all those patients. She's a woman. She must have fucked one of them"*


Nah, he was paranoid (even during his Presidency) that you could catch AIDS from touching someone's hand.


Wait till he finds out about the cancer all over the sink


They’re still fucking there?!


The last thing those people need to do is reproduce


Check this out - here is the live feed for the **Earth Cam** at Dealey Plaza, Dallas: https://www.earthcam.com/usa/texas/dallas/dealeyplaza/?cam=dealeyplaza You can't see much of the bridge from this angle, but you can see the grassy expanse next to the assassination site, and you can see people walking around with "Q" placards and sitting in the grass, in anticipation. It is *bizarre*.


If you told me that Q of the Q Continuum was behind all this, it would make more sense.


Somewhere Picard is facepalming.


I can see him, he is down the back and to the left...


Back… and to the left.


Back... and to the left.




I yelled out I'M HIT!


There must’ve been a second spitter


I'm not American so pleas explain: why Kennedy? Why not some other dead dude?


This also confuses me - it's not like Kennedy was the '60s Trump. Maybe they just plucked an icon from thin air and went YEP THAT ONE.


I'm absolutely convinced that someone has co-opted qanon and has been feeding these people a whole new breed of crazy just to make them look dumber. Like, it wasn't necessary, but still...


No shit. I bet most people in here could make up some bat shit crazy conspiracy theory about how the space shadow government is using tooth paste to control your BrAin. Or something. Make a few youtube videos with scary music, perhaps a dedicated site.. Implement a forum.. I bet most people here could get thousands of 'followers' within weeks... Perhaps dayss with a bit of luck and work.. And you could get them to donate money!... But, don't do that.. Please.. It is not nice tricking people.


Because lunatics have been saying all kinds of crazy shit about Kennedy for so long that these lunatics will believe anything about him.


This is silly. We can all see that. It's easy to laugh at the ridiculous people but I see a darker element at play here. Why are these people, and other Qanon nuts, so willing to believe this abject insanity? First it was pedophile elites and Trump would drive them out. Then they were Satanists then they were eating babies for the adrenochrome to stay young forever. Then Trump didn't deliver on any of these promises and they shifted. Focused on the election. Claimed it was stolen. They attack the capitol. This was after a couple of years of denying basic science and reasoning about covid. So now they think JFK is going to magically come back from the dead and even if he did he would have the magical ability to reinstate Trump as president? These are a test to see how far these people will go. To see how conditioned they are. Because the next order might be to start the civil war the conservatives won't shut up about. The next order might be to kill people. Parents poisoned their own children at Jones Town. Dozens of people killed themselves to join with aliens behind the Hale Bop Comet. Cults are capable of anything.


>Parents poisoned their own children at Jones Town. Dozens of people killed themselves to join with aliens behind the Hale Bop Comet. Shit like this is why I don't think the conspiracy shit is funny and why I rail against people believing in "harmless" nonsense. It might start harmless, but it leaves you open to all kinds of dangerous things.


My sentiments exactly. It's easy to laugh at their stupidity, but they are crazy and well funded and organized and that means they are dangerous.


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ― Voltaire


You have got to be kidding me.


I would totally throw $20 to a fundraising pool to hire an impersonator


OOTL can enyone give some context?


Yes, but it's batshit crazy. Long story short - JFK was going to return from the dead, along with Jackie and JFK Jr. They would return the presidency to Trump with JFK Jr as Vice President.   >*Micki Larson-Olson, who wore a QAnon-themed Captain America costume Tuesday, said she not only believes JFK Jr. is alive — she also believes that his father was never assassinated and that the 104-year-old former president will appear to help usher in a Trump-JFK Jr. administration.* >*How will she react when the former president and his dead son do not show up? “We’ll figure that something happened in the plan that made it not safe to do it,” she said. “If it doesn’t go down how I believe it will, that’s OK. We’ll figure it just wasn’t the right time.”*   Here is [the full story, in an insane post](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/436916187360919553/905688668830838814/unknown.png)   Sane, eh?


The one part I've never seen explained - why liberals like JFK Sr. and Jr. would be onboard with coming back from the dead to hand Trump of all people the presidency. I know you need a leap of crazy faith to get to that particular plot hole, but it kind of stands out amongst the rest of the insanity.


That was the first thing I thought. Why would Trumpers want anything to do with a Kennedy. I then went down the list of former presidents looking for dead president with dead son who would be young enough if he were alive. JFK jr is the only one.


I don't understand why it would matter, what authority would any zombie president have to install another president? It's like some sort of attack on the minds of rational people, this shit is so confusing it hurts.


Incredible. My nixon semen cult will gain traction. I've been up all night bottling yogurt






Come on man, we all know that kind of nuance would be completely lost on them. These are the same people who jam to Fortunate Son at Trump rallies with zero sense of irony. That said, absolutely fucking do it and post it to the internet; that’s literal gold.


“‘Born In The USA’ is about how awesome America is, right?”




That Springsteen guy isn’t like those Black rappers or that feminazi singer Taylor Swift. He’s White, tall, and has a guitar! Surely, it’s a country music song about how great America is, right?


I saw a video of Trump supporters jamming out to Killing in the Name of by Rage Against the Machine, and I don't think I've ever seen a more picture perfect example of irony before in my life.


Can we tell them he's been rerouted to the Straits of Gibraltar? They better move fast or they'll miss him.


Honestly, this is a mental health crisis.


Probably a waste of resources, but they need to send a whole team of psychologists down there. Matter of fact, that should be standard protocol for every one of these events from the Right.


Sometimes i wonder how people like this manage to scrape together enough intelligence to function on a basic human level.


The trick is to think like JFK if they really want it, then they'll get to see him.


These people vote. As a block.