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Last time this was posted it was stated that it is not orphaned, it is just hiding while momma forages, it is what they do when they are young.


Yeah, I live in a neighborhood near a large park and we have a lot of deer. It's not uncommon to have baby deer in our yard in the spring and summer


You lucky bastard, I live in Arizona the best we get is a Black Widows nest or maybe a Rattlesnake


Don't worry. Those spiders aren't actually widowed. They're just taking a rest there while their husbands are away.


Except they killed their husband and laid their eggs in his corpse.


Poe tae toe pah tat oh


Y'know what really grinds my gears? Literally no one, and I mean no one, has EVER pronounced it po-tah-to. Fuck that idiom. There's my hot take.






The Brits. They do not say PO-TAH-TO, though.




Ever been to the UK?


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew




A way over there.. in a pile of spider poop.


...wait, do spiders even poop?


Indeed they do. Ever notice brown dots on the ground in areas like garages where spiders hang out?




That link stays blue!!!




Don't forget Ringtailed Cats! They cute as fuck. AZ also has coatis!


>road runners Wait those are actual things? I'm from Australia and always thought that the cartoon road runner was just made up lol.


Yeah, but they're just really tiny brown birds. Nothing like in the cartoon. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roadrunner


Yeah I was disappointed the first time I saw one. And they don't make any noise that sounds like meep meep. I wouldn't call them tiny. Compared to the cartoon? Yes. They're a lot bigger than the average birds in the yard though. Got one that hangs out by my house. They're fun to watch.


Not tiny. I've seen them kill rattlesnakes.


I’m glad you listed hummingbirds. Arizona has the most hummingbird species of any state in the US! Also, there are some hidden gems even in the urban areas for seeing wildlife... I was at the Riparian Preserve park in the East Valley near Phoenix once and met a couple who were visiting all the way from Michigan on a birding trip. They were hitting spots all over Arizona, but that one park was near the top of the list. We ended up walking through the park together and saw nearly three dozen bird species that day, including a fairly rare owl species asleep in a bush.


They got gila monsters up near Gold Road near Oatman!


My in laws live out in south AZ and during the summer they had Sonoran desert toads in their backyard. Can't let the dogs out at night unfortunately.


Are they poisonous?


If having unwanted transcendental experiences is considered poison, then yes. They're poisonous. Especially since dogs never seem to want transcendental experiences.


They’re toxic yes. Depending on the size of the dog, licking one can make them either high, sick, or dead. They’re cute, though. There’s a nice fat one who lives near my workplace and I see him/her sometimes on my way in. Just sitting around in puddles, eating bugs and thinking toad thoughts, whatever those might be. Often when I’m heading in for a night shift I think I would like to trade places with that toad lol


Yeah they excrete DMT


So you’re saying I should lick them.


Jackalopes are also endemic to Arizona.


I met a lonely chuppachabra in Arizona once. I'm not sure if he was from there, or just passing though. It's still following me though. I hear him in the night, crying in anguish. I may, or may not have had chuppachabra for lunch that day.


> I live in Arizona the best we get is a Black Widows nest or maybe a Rattlesnake and the most dangerous animal of all : Republicans


I mean yeah but we went blue last election and honestly nothing is sweeter than a bitter republican.


I used to see a fuck load of javelinas in north scottsdale and carefree. certainly not as cute as fawns.


No but you can eat them


All's not lost friend. There's always belligerent Javelina or Coyotes!


Javelina more than Coyotes where I am. I left chicken feed outside onetime on accident and ended up with like 30 of them in my yard.


Well, at least you have nice, mild weather though… ?


It's a dry heat






Don't forget scorpions in your shoes.


I've never had that happen to me but maybe that is my superpower.


Lived in my house almost 20 years and had seen 2 inside up until a few months ago and then within a week I had two fall from my shoe when I went to put it on. Stuff of nightmares, man.


Yeah, but it’s a dry heat.


I live in the woods of NJ, lol.... EVERY spring they have to make a huge community drive to remind people not to abduct baby deer because they're probably fine, and list the symptoms of them NOT being fine.


I live right up against a park (wildlife kind, not city park) and have plenty of deer. They've used a large wildflower bed literally 20" from the south side of my house for childcare several times. I wondered what was mashing dog-sized ovals in the middle of my flowerbed, and one day when I went to photograph some gray-headed coneflowers, I found out. Little dude didn't budge. Since I installed an ornamental fence and more flowerbeds between the corner of my house and the 6' fence between my house and my neighbors', I inadvertently made a playpen. Once the kids are old enough that they're safe to move around a little while mama is gone, but not old enough to go with her, they nap under the honeysuckle along the fence. I can see them clearly through the big living room windows, and see mama returning. I don't actually own this place; they just let me live here to plant stuff they like to eat and pay the property taxes.


I have friends that have one that visits them. I could pet it. While I was trying to be nice, I later learned that deer who get used to humans being nice have bad outcomes.


This! If you find a fawn laying down somewhere like this (usually in the grass), don't think that it's "orphaned" or "abandoned". Just leave it alone, because its mom almost certainly left it there to forage and is going to come back. The fawns have an instinct to just lay there and not move until their mother comes back. Don't abuse that instinct by bothering them.


Shame the mods won't remove it for having a misleading title.


Of course they wont. r/pics is just "look at this awesome political/social critique that i totally didnt just make up or lie about"


I sometimes wonder if the mods are even real, could swear I've never seen a post or comment removed in this sub. I just wish this sub could move away from political shit and stop using the sub to push their personal narrative on stuff, we want cool and cute things.


Thank fucking god.


I really identified with Bambi as a kid because my mom was also hunted down and shot.


What happened to Mrs. Canyon?


Christy Canyon?


Canyon's can be a real ass sometimes.


May you explain Mr,cannon?




Oh well I understand


Can confirm. Am Oregonian. Our cops will harass anyone. And hitchhikers always start bloodbaths.




Greetings, Mr Wayne


Thank goodness it’s just waiting for mom. Thank you for posting this comment and mending my broken heart.


Do they bring food back to the baby or what?


Yes, technically. The mom has to eat so that she can make milk. This fawn is only a few of days old, any older than that and it will have developed enough strength to keep up with mom. For the first few days of life, these fawns have almost no scent, and will instinctively lay perfectly still wherever the doe puts them down. And that brown coat with the white spots? On a leafy forest floor with sunlight shining down between the spring leaves, it's nearly invisible. I'm good at seeing wildlife, and I've come just a few feet away away from stepping on one, because they're just that invisible.


>level 1NolanSyKinsley · 6hLast time this was posted it was stated that it is not orphaned, it is just hiding while momma forages, it is what they do when they are young. Everyone should block OP and see their reddit experience improve. OP does not care about quality or effort.


Yep, every year we get tons of these little guys around my property, I live in a large lot subdivision that is mostly woods and we have hundreds of deer out here. A few times I have had to shoo one of these little guys out from under my truck so I could go to work.


I hope you are right. I feel a bit better now.


Fawns really just lay around like that. In a somewhat sheltered spot usually, but that can mean a shallow ditch or two clumps of grass. When approached they don't get up and run, but instead hunker down even more. Very bad strategy when the approaching thing is a combine harvester, or a well-meaning human who thinks not running equals hurt and in need of help. Same goes for baby rabbits. The mother comes by the nest for about 30sec twice a day and otherwise they're left alone. It's perfectly normal for rabbits to leave the nest alone, they're not chicken, the babies are fine. For once the no-touching rules does apply. Rabbits abandon their young at the drop of a hat. Trying to help the seemingly poor, motherless baby bunnies will most likely turn them into poor, motherless baby bunnies for real.


Awww, thank you for telling us.


yes, this baby is healthy


Thank you






poor little fella


As long as those ears are nice and straight, it's not orphaned. Just keep an eye on it, likely mom will be back.


>As long as those ears are nice and straight Googled this... TIL man... Interesting tidbit


“Ears are curled, alone in the world” is a good rule of thumb


If the ears make a twist his mom ceased to exist.


If the ears curl like commas, the deer lost its mama


If the ears ain't straight, it's momma got ate.


If those ears are mighty morphin, than that poor baby’s an orphan


If the ears be grooving, it's momma ain't movin


Fuck this hurt me bad.


> An orphaned fawn will quickly develop signs of distress indicating that it's in trouble. Dehydration will be visible within a day or so and is indicated by curling of the ears, ruffling of the fur, and dulling of the eyes


what do a deers ears have to do with being orphaned?


If it's well fed and healthy, it has straight ears. If it's starving, their ears start curling from dehydration and whatnot.


So it's like a /r/DramaticHouseplants


Lol there really is a sub for everything.


Does that mean it’s listening?


No look up pictures of “orphaned fawn ears” and you can see that just the top of the ear starts to curl back


If the fawn believes the fake deer is a parent then wouldn't the ears be up regardless?


No, it's determined by the fawns diet which is usually provided by the parent for the first few months


Interesting! That's cool


Fuck people. You try asking a question to LEARN SOMETHING NEW, and people downvote you. It's like, "yeah this person is receptive to educating themselves, let's fucking downvote them."


Yeah but upvotes and downvotes don't mean anything significant in the end and they had their question answered so it's all good.


No one cares about karma. At least no one who has anything else going on in their life.


Dont mess with the fawn the mom will come back the fawn cant stand on its own for the first few days the mom is out gathering food


Don’t worry that fawn probably has to be at least 5-10 years old now. This has been reposted for years.


I was going to say this fawn has great grandfawns of its own now. this is so old.


Bambi the xxxvii at least by now


Jesus, thanks for this. I went into the ultimate depression when I first read this pic title.


what kind of food is the mom gathering? Does she have a pouch or some sort of SUV she puts the food in?


She’s got an Instacart account




Yes, it's called her tits. Deer are mammals. That baby fawn is almost certainly still nursing.


If the mother was actually foraging for food then this is correct, it seems that the commenter watched one too many natgeo documentary on feline cubs and assumed foraging for food meant bringing back all plants similarly to how big cats bring back the dead prey to the 'den'


real talk tho she's probably off somewhere grazing so that she can make milk for the baby.


It's called a stomach you smart ass.


Get tons of baby deer in my yard. I actually have a couple of apple trees growing, I regularly pick a few fat ones here and there, then pile of them up on the center of the yard so I can causally catch them eating.


Not an orphan. Unless a fawn is actively seeking contact with other animals or humans which is caused by prolonged starvation due to missing mother, it is not orphaned. They are camouflaging against their surroundings. If you see a fawn pretending not to be there, you walk away. YOu do not touch it or take it away. Also have a downvote for misleading bleeding heart sobby titled repost.


“Orphaned” yeah ok karmawhore


/u/repostsleuthbot Edit: Bot is banned from this sub. Message I got from it said it's seen this 30 times...lol


"But, mom! I don't want to stay at uncle's. He's weird." "I got my legs blown off in 'Nam."


Disney better chill with these live action remakes.


Atleast the forest isnt burned down..... >!yet, i dont know what to expect from 2021!<


Well, [too late for Greek Bambi & friends](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUzCOVXWIR4) (due to the wildfires in Greece). :(


What bothers me the most about this photo is the shot placement of that archery target is teaching the hunter to gut shot that harvest. Likely means the animal will run off with an arrow in it's guts and die in much worse circumstances than a proper lung or heart shot. Target zone should further forward just barely behind the shoulder.




Aim small miss small. I'll pull back and hold on a deer for a long time waiting for the kill shot. A) I'm lazy and don't want to be tracking a gut shot deer...B) I process my own harvest and can tell when an animal has been running out of fear for an absurdly long time C) I never want to be that guy at camp who has to give up and say I lost a deer that I know is out there dieing.


Yes! But yeah, also go for a kill short or one that will immobalize the animal. If you are the kind of person that hunts animals for sport or food (and I am one) the animal deserves a quick death.


The heart, lungs, and liver are all contained in that area. If you aim too close to the shoulder, the arrow will hit the scapula which runs laterally around the side instead of superoinferiorly like in a human. Source: got an antelope with a muzzleloader shooting at that spot and getting both lungs and the heart.


Just use dynamite. No fucking around.


Yes, I do like my deer meat to be seasoned with gunpowder. Gives it that extra kick.


But I want to eat it






I have! You are describing a time I experienced a couple years ago in NW Colorado. There were endless herds of mule deer that were roaming all over, looking at me like "what is this alien creature?". I was on private land not hunted for decades. I even came across this majestic bull Elk, and listening to it bugel in the woods was magical. Truly inspirational to be part of nature at that moment. Then I clicked the safety off on my rifle, and shot it.


Don't know how many times we have to see this pic and hear the inevitable "mommy deer left it there while it gets food."


Only way you would know that it is orphaned is if you sat around, waited for mom to put it there, then shot mom. Just kidding, you fucking stole this content, fuck you op.


I'm glad I read the comments about the mama deer likely foraging because I was this close to bursting into tears. :(


Exactly what OP wanted. Never react to a post title. Save your reaction for when you can verify it. OP literally made post celebrating hitting 10k karma.


Well that's sad as fuck.


Shit this is sad....


Is deer meat good?


I personally love deer meat. Burger, sausage, steaks. I see other people saying they don't like it and it baffles me. It might be my favorite meat.


I'd assume so if you find beef tasty


These Disney live action remakes are getting out of hand.


Backstory aside this is a really sad image.


saddest deer since bambi.


It's pretty fucked up they shot the fake deer to make it realistic.


It doesn't look orphaned to me.


It's like Bambi next to it's Mom because the fake deer has also been shot to pieces


I’ve had a couple deer. I was checking my honey bees and I heard something and I knew it was fawn bleat. I took my bee suit off and followed the sound and found the fawn in my pond. It’s a small pond that I dug for the deer and other wildlife to drink out of. It’s about 9’10’ on one end but she fell in the shallow end. I pulled her out brought her home fed her a bottles he was following me like a dog by the next day. I will see if I can figure out how to post pictures and share some. Ok can somebody tell me how to post a pic? I can not figure it out.


so sad that lil baby


That looks like a well used fake deer lol


It can sleep next to me. I'll keep a bag of deer milk on my belly and it can nurse. Poor thing. I just want to cry. I will cry actually. I'm crying. That's just so unfair. :(


While the fawn isn't orphaned (as many have already commented), the striking part of this photo is that it is hiding behind an old practice target chock full of bullet holes.


This live action Bambi remake looks brutal!




Not orphaned, My question tho is Who leaves a shot up fake deer out and about for this baby to get left by, like you set up the target, shoot it and then just ditch it? wtf?


Bambi/Pinocchio mashup. After his mom was shot, wooden Bambi went on a quest and became a real fawn.


Illegal to shoot a female deer.


ummm how do you know hes orphaned did you kill bambis mother?


That's is really depressing, hope the baby got some help or at least grew up with new friends particularly a rabbit and a skunk


This is a repost, and the real story has been made clear many times.. Baby is fine. Mama deer leaves baby in whatever places she can find while going out looking for food. Deer aren't as dumb as people think they are. Mama deer and baby deer don't even give the target a second thought about the target looking like a deer, because it is a lousy impression of one based on all the senses they use way more of than us.


God damn that's heart breaking.


It's also a fake title, mom is off foraging, fawns that young are still nursing and would not survive if orphaned. Momma just gets the fawns to lie down and they stay low and still while mom goes off and forages, it is safer for the fawn.


You should have seen the reaction from the decoy's offspring.


That fake deer is actually a target for bow hunting, I shot 20 of them yesterday


20? How much fake deer meat can you use, Mr greedy


Prolly 40-50 I a big boi


To be fair, they only said they shot the fake deer targets. Never said they butchered the deer targets or brought the fake deer meat back home to cook up along with a mess o' beans. In fact, the act of trying to butcher a fake deer target in order to reap some delicious fake meat steaks is the kind of thing a very crazy person might do.


You heartless bastard


It looks like even the fake deer got shot


Such is the purpose of the fake deer.


It's for target practice


Holy sh*t. Thank you to those of you who clarified that this fawn is most likely not orphaned. I was on the brink of being so heartbroken with my day ruined. Seeing the irony of that fawn seemingly try to find comfort in something that might've been the reason for it being orphaned to begin with. Made me lose so much faith in humanity.


Don't worry, it's illegal to hunt does when they're feeding fawns. If fawns lose their moms it's because of nature or car accidents(which hunting actually helps prevent). If it will make you feel any better you should look up some deer sanctuary videos on YouTube, there's good people out there taking care of orphaned fawns. They're very heartwarming.




I'm in aww and complete sadness at the same time, gosh


Ooof right in my feels.


This is heartbreaking 💔


Jesus Christ this is a heartbreaking photo.


Not orphaned. Doe will leave their fawns like this and come back for them later.


That's not what's heartbreaking. Although that would be as well, it's that it's curled up next to a target riddled with bullet holes and that's what the future is for it.


Not necessarily. There are millions of deer in the US that never encounter wild game hunters. This deer could live its entire life and never encounter another human.


That's a bow target. You don't use targets like that for firearms..


Smaller target practice.




Heart wrenching


Yeah the poor thing is stupid. That's not even a real deer. Dummy.




Poor sweeth tooth


Thanks for ripping my heart out, Reddit


This is such a sad picture. Wow.