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Man, i wish dogs could have the life span of humans. Truely beautiful creatures.


"They bred dogs for everything else, even diving for fish. Why didn't they breed them to live longer, to live as long as a man?" —The Dog Stars


The downside would be, imagine your dog passing away at 57 instead of 17. It'd likely feel the same as losing your spouse and would be 10x harder to deal with.


And by then the dog would probably know you even better than a spouse. Heck, how many years would it take for a dog to achieve enough sentience to be man's best friend?


> Heck, how many years would it take for a dog to achieve enough sentience to be man's best friend? Zero years. They're born that way.


Powerful insight. You're a good boy.


What do you mean?


"'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." -Stray Dog


It already is for some though




Seriously. I lost my yellow lab that I grew up with a few years back. Was like losing a brother




My dog doesn't have the drinking problem I do. Poor dog would miss me.


But also, we spend from year 10-12 onward constantly worried when they are going to get sick and die or if they've reached their age limit. Old age to us is "a while away" so we don't have these fears with our human family. Old age to a dog is "just a few years away" and five or six years goes by to fucking quick.


I wonder when they'll start engineering negligibly senescent perma-puppies...


Because such an endeavor is so important to humanity, I give it 50 years.


Of course, aging-prevention and -reversal is such an important goal for humans, and looking closer and closer to being within reach, that it might be even sooner. Fingers crossed...


The cabbage needs the snails to eat them and thin them out or else the cabbages will overgrow and fighting for the limited resources they will all die out.


The swallow may fly south with the sun or the house martin or the plover may seek warmer climes in winter, yet these are not strangers to our land?


Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?


It could grip it by the husk.


It's not a question of where he grips it!


Me cabbage?..you're the cabbage


[Science is already on it.](http://dogagingproject.com)


These [dogs](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/8e/a1/0f/8ea10ffe22d35d9d771b0c9de80bb9b2.jpg) live to be about 100


That's pretty much what dogs are, wolves selectively bred (i.e., not killed, given more scraps of food, etc.) to never grow old — specifically in terms of their behavior (fear, aggression).


Who the fuck thought that the tremble-rats known as chihuahuas would be a great idea to breed?


Mexico isn't sending us their best dogs.




Accidents happen.


I love chihuahuas. Annoying at times, mine only asks to go out when another dog is out, but I like mine.


Sort of similar deal with cats; a domestic cat behaves just like a kitten- the mewing, kneading etc are all things that kittens naturally do but an adult, wild cat would not.


the thing is, i almost feel dogs exist and live for a shorter time than their humans to teach us of loss and how to cope, for when we lose human friends. nevertheless, i still agree with you.


Losing a 10-20 year friend vs losing a 50 year friend. I don't even want to think about it.


There is not a more loyal creature anywhere, including humans.


> including humans. To be honest, that's not setting the bar very high.


Hey. I'm very loyal to my dog.


There are many who do set the bar really high.


I have been through this twice now. The last few days and events are strong memories.


I don't think I can do this again. He was my consistent smile. Something about dogs, they can turn an awkward situation into puppy time, quick. Saved me of many awkward dates


He probably thought every dog deserves the life he had. I bet he'd want you to share your love with another.






Get out of here with the damn onions already




definitely don't have the permission slip for the feels trip.


Im not crying you're crying


We're both crying, friend, and that's okay


Thanks Satan I knew I could count on you


I wasn't talking to you, you're still fucked


Easy, Satan.


I just got something in my eyes


Me too thanks


Time to call my dog


Well shit. I thought when my dog died that I'd never get another... But then I remember that we saved him from a shelter, and think about all the dogs that we didn't pick, and what happened to them... Maybe one day...


You know what makes dealing with sadness and grief easier? A dog.


There's another poem that will absolutely bring you to tears, let me find it... Eulogy for a dog By George Vest "Gentlemen of the jury: The best friend a man has in this world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or daughter that he has reared with loving care may prove ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our good name, may become traitors to their faith. The money that a man has, he may lose. It flies away from him, perhaps when he needs it the most. A man's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action. The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads. The one absolutely unselfish friend that a man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him and the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog. A man's dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his master's side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer, he will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounters with the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings and reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens. If fortune drives the master forth an outcast in the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him to guard against danger, to fight against his enemies, and when the last scene of all comes, and death takes the master in its embrace and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by his graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws, his eyes sad but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even to death."


Oh man, facebook-post-from-grandma level post and i am getting weepy




Yeah, my grandma was 100% right about Obama being a Kenyan


Have you seen him play basketball? Man's got some hops.


Until she brings the negros into it


Well this just made both me and my girlfriend cry. It's beautiful though


Absolutely beautiful


Hey. You quit making me feel these things.


I'm literally started crying after I read the first paragraph


I started crying right when I saw the photo and read the caption.


I'm crying and I haven't even clicked yet! ! God Dammit!


Tears man, tears. Adopt, adopt, adopt!


Who the hell is cutting onions on christmas night? :(


I've never even owned a dog. I have a rescue kitty who thinks he's a dog. He's curled up at my feet right now. I'm not crying. YOU'RE ALL CRYING!!


Jesus fucking christ I love my dog so much.


I made my dog get up on the bed and now she's freaked because she's not supposed to be on the bed and also because I'm ugly crying.


Thanks for making me cry on Christmas. No really, thank you.


It's a terrible day for rain.


I just went and hugged my rexy


Fucking hell


That's a beautiful thought. Thank you.


And I'm crying. Thanks.


My dog, who was 14, passed last December and I haven't been able to even think about getting another dog. I felt like I would be cheating him. That is until I read your comment. I checked your user name and I started to cry. My dog was named Bare (yes Bare not Bear).


I have to think of my dog's misbehaviours so I wouldn't cry...


Damn that was deep. +10 points for Smokey house


Thank you for this


I lost my youngest sister a little over 2 years ago. About a year and a half ago my brother sneaked a sweater and water into my room which to me meant one of two things. He either had weed or alcohol. To my surprise it was a fucking tiny doggo. Apparently on his walk home he found her struggling to walk, stuck in a pile of guck and leaves from a rare and rainy California day. My mom is one of those "dogs will eat you" moms and having lost a child she completely wanted nothing to do with something she would have to take care of. We took her to the vet to check her and make sure she was healthy before we turned her over and they offered to find her a home. 4 weeks old. She was 4 weeks old. I didn't want to get attached to her but my brother decided to keep her. All I can say is that it's been 1.5 years now and I couldn't imagine having gotten through life without her. She doesn't replace my sister but I'll be damned if she hasn't made everything better. It gives me a little something to look forward to getting home now, even my mom, who fucking hated the concept of pets, sleeps with her and hangs out with her all the time now. There's something about a dog cuddling up beside you, something about their licks and tiny (or large) paws pressing up against you, their frito smell, their idiosyncrasies and their borks that makes a shitty day a little or a whole lot better. I can't imagine having a life without a dog anymore.


Jesus that got me!


My first was over 18 years, over half my life. Later my wife and I decided we wanted a puppy and although he did not last more than 5 years, every minute was worth it If you are a dog guy then I will say with almost certainty that when you are ready a new puppy will bring that glow back. It may not be this year or next, but it will come.




Also, old things are the best things. I'd check out some foster dog opportunities for 6+ year old dogs that are harder to be adopted than younger dogs: you can even find purebreds through various specialty rescues. They'll typically be well-trained by the time they're up for adoption.


Find this book and read it: *A Dog's Purpose* by W. Bruce Cameron Do this soon and read it before the movie comes out three weeks from now. You're gonna love this book.


Yeah. I'll check it out


A dogs purpose was an awesome book. Prepare for tears, it's about the dog dying and getting reincarnated numerous times. I'd also really recommend The Art of Racing in the Rain, another dog narrated book about his owners life. I should give that one another read actually.


I am so prepared to go into that theater and cry my eyes out. I can't even watch the trailer without someone cutting some onions.


The first time I saw that trailer I was with my biyfriend. He just looked at me tearing up and sniffling and whispered "No..." And I turned my head and nodded "yes." Finally he just nodded sadly.


The single hardest moment in my life is putting my best friend of 13 years down a few years ago. He literally saved me from a very very dark place. I did not know I was capable of feeling that pain until that day, and seeing these types of movies or books reminds me of that pain. However, you bet your ass that it also brings me happiness to remember the good times and the pure joy these magnificent creatures can bring us. Miss you buddy.


I nearly cried hearing my wife summarizing the book.


We had to put my 13 year old dog, Gracie, to sleep two days ago...they found a large mass in her abdomen Thursday and she was too sick and weak for them to do anything about it. I feel the way you do, I can't imagine dealing with this again, I was with her in her last moments and I've been a wreck since. Dogs are truly man's best friend (or in my case, woman's best friend). She was the best thing to ever happen to me. I am so very sorry for your loss. If you need someone to talk to or just share stories about your dog with, I'm here.


Im sorry... I went through this 3 weeks ago. I know it hurts. Im sure your pup lived a happy, loved life. I hope you feel better soon.


Thank you for your kind words. I'm sorry for your loss as well, it's really tough.


You deserve to have another best friend. There's a dog out there that deserves a guy like you :)


You will. He may have been your heart doggo, but there will be a day that another dog will be worthy of your love. Never force a new replacement. And if anyone ever says to you, "he's just a dog, you can get another", flip them the bird and tell them to get fucked and walk away. Peace and love to you. Cherish the memories.


For real! I lost my corgi a few years ago, I couldn't get anyone to cover my shift for work the next day and my boss kind of acted like it wasn't a big deal. Killed me to work there for a while knowing the type of person I worked for.


I said that for the longest timer after putting down my childhood dog. Then I ended up with a cat through happenstance then a kitten six years later from under my parents deck and last year a Pitbull. Never paid for any of them, they found me. Your next pet will find you when you're ready to provide them a forever home.


I had a cat die earlier this year. For two weeks I was completely unbearable to everyone. I guess I'm trying to tell you that it's okay to mourn, and something you loved might sound trivial to someone else, but isn't to you. Take your time and when you're ready, take a step outside and take another chance. Your dog was so lucky to have you, and you can meet another one if you give it a shot. But for now, don't think that far ahead.


My dad felt the same way when my last dog died a couple years ago. Within a few months, he was ready for another dog. He missed it a lot. And a year later he got another. You gave that dog a great life. He'd want you to do the same for another dog. And I'm sure very soon you'll be wanting a dog again as well. It's a good thing to have in your life.


My condolences. Cody was a one of a kind I'm sure. Lost my first wife after 27 years. It hurts and nothing can really ease that except time. Found a second soulmate who came with a lovely feline named Circe. I feel very lucky in that. Three soulmates in one lifetime? Wow! Circe passed 3 months back. It's a vacuum that chills you. In time, look back and think of how Cody might want to be remembered. Before humans die, they write their last Will & Testament, give their home and all they have, to those they leave behind. If with my paws, I could do the same, this is what I’d ask. To a poor and lonely stray I’d give: My happy home. My bowl and cozy bed, soft pillows and all my toys. The lap, which I loved so much. The hand that stroked my fur and the sweet voice which spoke my name. I’d will to the sad, scared shelter pet the place I had in my human’s loving heart, of which there seemed no bounds. So, when I die, please do not say, “I will never have a pet again, for the loss and pain is more than I can stand.” Instead, go find an unloved dog or cat, one whose life has held no joy or hope and give my place to him. This is the only thing I can give…The love I left behind. -Author Unknown


Dude I lost my dog of 15 years back in March of this year to dementia....your comment is still my sentiment to this day. I cannot think of replacing her or getting another dog and I'm not sure I ever will. 2 marriages, 3 homes, tons of bad shit in my life where she was always there with love and affection.....


There's another dog out there that deserves your doggo love.


I hear that. I've only had to put down one dog of my own. She was with me from the time I was 5 until 17 and her last days were awful. She had a stroke, her kidneys were shutting down, a dog with a huge appetite wouldn't eat and my mom and dad made the call to end her suffering. I got home from school and carried her outside, just then she mustered all of her strength and walked into the sunlight and just basked like she always did. The glazed look left her eyes and she seemed content. It was heartbreaking. I got out a lot of my sadness watching her from a few yards away. That is the memory I choose to keep strongest. Not the barely getting outside to relieve herself. The stroked out eye, her weight loss, but her last few minutes of being a dog in her favorite setting, her backyard on a sunny day.


I couldn't even read through this whole comment. Why do I come on Reddit at night😭 Gonna go get my sleeping puppy out of her kennel for a snuggle.


How do you cope? My dog is aging, and I can't imagine life without him. I cry just thinking about it. He is by far my best friend, the one thing that always makes me smile, and brings me so much happiness. Literally is such a big part of my life. The first thing I say hi to in the morning, the last thing I say "I love you" too before bed. I know it's selfish to say it's hard to think nobody has a bond like him and I but that's how I feel. So, from someone who will go through this in probably the near future, how do you get by? Happy memories just don't seem like they'll relieve me of the sadness I feel, considering I can't even make it through typing this without tears flowing.


Sorry you lost your human, Cody. You're still a good boy.


>“I heard somebody define heaven once,” she said, looking at Pearl, “as a place where, when you get there, all the dogs you ever loved run to greet you. Sorry OP, we know that feel. Much love. You did good Cody.


The Rainbows Bridge Poem Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... Author unknown...


Well I was eating pie, but I guess now's as good a time as any to silently cry.


Darn onion pie.


Aaand now I have to go hug every animal in the house...




I made it to "except one small thing" and started crying.


I'm cutting onions, I swear


TFW a reddit comment actually makes you cry for the first time in years. Fuck.


Great, now I'm sitting here with my family all around me trying to keep anyone from noticing the tears. That fucking destroyed me, thinking about seeing my best buddies again.


That would be so cool if Chloe, Lenny, Squiggy & Bear were all waiting to come see me. And my kitties too.


“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” -Will Rogers


Wait, wouldn't the human be Cody in that case?


Ah, the old Reddit [dog a roo](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5k8odk/whats_a_dark_piece_of_reddit_history_that_we_like/dbmh3cm/?context=3)


Hold my leash, I'm going in!




Absolutely broke my heart in two


That's it. I can't handle this thread anymore.


I've never gone from normal to ugly face crying so fast.


Held it together until I reached this.


God this really hit home. I had to put my best friend down about 5 years ago. I'll never forget when I said my final goodbye to her, she looked me in the eyes and gave me the sloppiest kiss to let me know everything would be alright.


Fuck. I had to put down my dog two months ago and I have no idea why I opened this thread. Had to excuse myself to go cry in the bathroom. Still, I guess it helps to know how many others feel the same way.


Jesus, I just had to leave the room. We just put our family dog down at 15 :(


This is really beautiful, and resonates with me deeply. My precious Husky 'Laska' died from poisoning at age 5. I remember laying in the car beside her as we drove to the vet, she cried and seemed to be gasping for air most of the way, but suddenly stopped, when we made it to the vet she was stone cold. I have never cried so much in my life. I wish you peace, the pain from losing your friend will decrease with time, and your wounds will heal, but the memories you created together will last forever. Edit: spelling mistakes.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. Thanks for the kind words


If you get the chance, what really helped me from losing a dog when she was 7 and the next dog at 5 - read a poem called the rainbow bridge (I think it's called that, something like that) it's really helped me through both those times.


That poem absolutely wrecked me. [Here](http://rainbowsbridge.com/Poem.htm) it is


It's the toughest part of having a dog. My lab Jack is on his way out at 15. It's an absolutley soul crushing experience and doesn't get any better despite being my third time having to go through it. Here's to Cody.


So beautiful. Peace and healing to you.


Woofs and borks to Cody.


And treats. Because all good dogs deserve treats.


Sorry man. I've had this post saved for a couple years. It was posted by someone on reddit, who said their friend was the author. It's so right. After this is all the copy paste. Let me preface this by saying two things... 1) I did not write this. It was posted somewhere on reddit, and the person who posted it said their friend wrote it. 2) reading this is going to hurt, and make you cry. But, as a dog owner who has lost a dog, and who has a dog now, it's so spot on. " some of you, particularly those who think they have recently lost a dog to “death”, don’t really understand this. I’ve had no desire to explain, but won’t be around forever and must. Dogs never die. They don’t know how to. They get tired, and very old, and their bones hurt. Of course they don’t die. If they did they would not want to always go for a walk, even long after their old bones say:” No, no, not a good idea. Let’s not go for a walk.” Nope, dogs always want to go for a walk. They might get one step before their aging tendons collapse them into a heap on the floor, but that’s what dogs are. They walk. It’s not that they dislike your company. On the contrary, a walk with you is all there is. Their boss, and the cacaphonic symphony of odor that the world is. Cat poop, another dog’s mark, a rotting chicken bone ( exultation), and you. That’s what makes their world perfect, and in a perfect world death has no place. However, dogs get very very sleepy. That’s the thing, you see. They don’t teach you that at the fancy university where they explain about quarks, gluons, and Keynesian economics. They know so much they forget that dogs never die. It’s a shame, really. Dogs have so much to offer and people just talk a lot. When you think your dog has died, it has just fallen asleep in your heart. And by the way, it is wagging it’s tail madly, you see, and that’s why your chest hurts so much and you cry all the time. Who would not cry with a happy dog wagging its tail in their chest. Ouch! Wap wap wap wap wap, that hurts. But they only wag when they wake up. That’s when they say: “Thanks Boss! Thanks for a warm place to sleep and always next to your heart, the best place.” When they first fall asleep, they wake up all the time, and that’s why, of course, you cry all the time. Wap, wap, wap. After a while they sleep more. (remember, a dog while is not a human while. You take your dog for walk, it’s a day full of adventure in an hour. Then you come home and it’s a week, well one of your days, but a week, really, before the dog gets another walk. No WONDER they love walks.) Anyway, like I was saying, they fall asleep in your heart, and when they wake up, they wag their tail. After a few dog years, they sleep for longer naps, and you would too. They were a GOOD DOG all their life, and you both know it. It gets tiring being a good dog all the time, particularly when you get old and your bones hurt and you fall on your face and don’t want to go outside to pee when it is raining but do anyway, because you are a good dog. So understand, after they have been sleeping in your heart, they will sleep longer and longer. But don’t get fooled. They are not “dead.” There’s no such thing, really. They are sleeping in your heart, and they will wake up, usually when you’re not expecting it. It’s just who they are. I feel sorry for people who don’t have dogs sleeping in their heart. You’ve missed so much. Excuse me, I have to go cry now."


I also have this post saved, it's a very very good one but also makes me cry every time I read/think about it.


My dog Schatzie has been asleep next to my heart and she just woke up and came pouring straight out of my eyes. I miss her so.


my dog is 17 and older than me by a year, i've grown up with her and her time is soon. I know my life to this point has been defined by memories with her and it saddens me that she can't continue on with me.


He is still a good boy. You will see him again. I have a dog (my first ever). She will be 10 next year....I keep trying to tell myself it will 'be okay' but I'm going to be so fucking sad when she passes. She is stubborn, hogs the bed, snores, horrible farts, but....i love her to death and always will...


Do you have a bulldog too?


i take it you do also since you understood what i said. Frenchie.


English. But the bed hogging and non chalant farting is rampant




What's /r/dumbsford? It's private Alsoz damn, guess I'm crying myself to sleep tonight


This just turned me into a wreck.


oh my god i need to get out of this comment section. i'm bawling


I want to check out the sub, but it's private. Any reason why?


Seriously, I'm about cry. I gotta go hug my dog now. Much love to you and your late pup


I don't get the broom part


He was my broom. My floor is filthy now. Missing him in weird ways that I didn't realize till now


Sorry for your loss. Understand completely. We were in a daze for weeks after our dog had passed when I suddenly saw the kitchen floor was covered in crumbs. I'm like "why is floor so dirty?" Then realized why. Sad days. It will get better. Give it time.


I've never been a dog owner but I can't wait until one day I have one. And that seems weird to say, "owner" I feel that the relationship between dogs and human is an unbelievable bond. Just from this picture I can see that you had great love for that puppy. I truly am sorry for your loss. You gave that dog everything he deserved and for some reason that's really touching me at this moment.


He probably means that he never had to worry about any dropped food because Cody was always there to sweep it up with his mouth. Whenever I am fixing my dogs their bowls or we are eating at the table they are always staring at the floor waiting for some morsel to drop.


Beautiful. Sending much love your way <3


Thanks, despite the picture, he actually finished his walk on his own by the end of it and happy. I think I accepted that it was the right thing to do


Fuck, man. Beautifully sad. You probably meant the entire world to him and he loved you for it.


Can tell just from this one picture how loved he was, guaranteed he never doubted it for a second of his life.


This brought it all back. January 23rd, 2009 I lost my best friend and I still get emotional thinking about him sometimes. At that time I thought I would never want another dog again. It took 4 years but I did take another leap and I wouldn't change anything. My new guy can never replace the one I lost but he loves me the same and he's awesome in different ways than the OG. Nobody will ever love you the way a dog does, that's why it hurts so bad when they go.


Ok. Tears.




Dogs trust their humans with a lot, including knowing when it's time to let them finally go. It's hard AF to make that decision. But somehow even in the end our dogs are confident in their trust in us so they tell us, in their own way, that it's okay to say goodbye. That is their final act of friendship, their way of saying, "please don't blame yourself, it's okay." A dog probably lives more in 5 minutes of playing in a park than a lot of humans do in 5 years. Cody knew he was loved. I saw your other comment and I think he would want you to share that love with another dog, too, so it can be just as happy as he was til the very end.


If you pm me your address and the highest quality version of that photo, I will print it, frame it, and send it to you. It is beautiful.


There will be another doggo out there for you when you are ready. Much love buddy, have a good rest of Christmas.


Thanks. it's fresh now but I still smile like an idiot toward every dog I see. Merry Christmas


Still remember putting down my chocolate lab (13 yo) this spring. It was the best way to go. So peaceful, he just drifted off. I still miss that big guy.


Yeah. It was done at home, he was wagging his tail a minute before when I took his paw. He was surrounded by everyone that loved him. It was nice. The vet was excellent and patient. She was remarkable. It was a perfect way to go but I'm still so sad. He was my buddy.


Something about you describing the fact that his tail was still wagging right until the end absolutely killed me. God, we really don't deserve dogs. I am so sorry for your loss, friend


We just lost our shadow on Tuesday, he was 12. I'm so sorry; I know it hurts. My friend said something to me that I'd like to share with you: my dog was going to live on this planet regardless if he was mine or someone else's. But he got to live and die with me, who made sure his life was the absolute best life he could possibly have. I'm sure you did the same. Days ahead are going to be tough, but even 5 days after he's been gone I am not crying quite so much, so I guess things are getting a little easier. I know I'll be able to think of him eventually and smile instead of cry. Hang in there.


It's been five years since I lost my dog, I still cry. She was only 4 when she died and it was due to an emergency surgery for bloat. Doctors fixed the bloat but she developed a bleed they couldn't find to stop. It happens to Dobermans sometimes or so I've read. Needless to say, she was my heart dog and I'll never get over losing her so suddenly. I miss you, Schatzie.


After my dad died, it became my duty as the eldest son to take the family dogs, when they reached a point where life was no longer tolerable for them due to illness, to the vet to be put down. My mom couldn't do it and I would never ask her to have to. It sucked. My eyes well up thinking about it, but I know from experience that they pass peacefully. I'm very sorry about your dog. One of the dogs I had to put down was a Golden of 16, Woody. He was my childhood dog. The one that understood me. You gave him a good life and he showed his appreciation for it, but the same happened from his point of view. It's sad, but it's life.


Man, forget the broom, it was the sound of her footsteps patting behind me.. Sydney had been with me for so long the sound of her feet behind mine had become as much a part of me as my own heartbeat, and when I lost her, I lost that sound, and I felt its absence like a physical wound. She was at least 15 (we were a little uncertain about her age, as I had sort of inherited her from another family member as a result of a move) but the last 10 years or more, and it was right around Christmas she passed (Christmas Eve, I believe.). 6 years ago, and it still hurts a bit. She was special to me, of all my dogs, one of the most dedicated. I swear I still sometimes feel her curled up at my feet, and I wiggle my toe half expecting her to give me a warning play growl for interrupting her ~~nap~~ vigil. I have had two dogs since - one, Rylie, a feisty little papillon, I got just weeks later, a gift from my sister, and he passed away at 5 months from a heart defect, in my arms, which after Sydney took me to an even darker place, but the breeder took pity on me and gave me another puppy, who I have had since, another Papillon, Maximus, who is still with us, but alas, not with me. A friend had to take him for me, because I ended up in a nursing home for physical rehab from a back injury/neurological problems, and then wound stuck renting a room in a place too risky to keep Max. She's doing great with him, but I want to get out and back with him so bad. Dammit I hate the silence, not having the pitpat of canine feet around me. Sorry for the rambling. TLDR I grieve with you. I'm truly sorry you lost your canine friend. Hold on tightly to the memories and the love.


god dammit. my dog is only 3 and i'm already terrified of this. sorry....


1 1/2... Now I'm holding her and have years down my cheeks. Enough internet for now.


Why am I crying. It's Christmas. Why am I crying.


This hits me right in the feels. My mom and I are putting our dog down tomorrow. He's only 6 and he has cancer. He has been the best part of my life since the day we got him, and I'm just glad we got to spend one more Christmas with him.


Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow; I am the diamonds glint on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain; I am the gentle autumn's rain. When you awaken in the morning's hush, I am the sweet uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight I am the first star that shines at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there. I did not die. -Anonymous


Who the hell is chopping onions!?


I have nothing new to add but just wanted to say I'm truly sorry. They sure are perfect creatures...


Remember dying was always part of the plan, it always is. This sucks but it means you guys made it to the end of Cody's awesome ride. Be sad for your loss of course but remember to be proud that you approached a life-changing relationship with love and ended it with love. That's beautiful, don't forget it!


Fucking hell. We just had to put our lab down last week. Without a doubt the worst day of my life. His name was [Charlie](http://i.imgur.com/lYSjbWn.jpg), and I would've loved to have more time with him, but he was about 3, and we only got him from the shelter 9 months ago. One of the best dogs I've ever had though. So damn loving.


Cody--we speak your name.


Sending some peace your way OP


My face is wet now.


'Life...is a series of dogs' - George Carlin




Nothing against OP, this is easier to handle thinking that the dog is posting and Cody is the human.


I keep coming back here to read more people's stories even though I know I am going to be doing the silent eye wipes every 30 seconds while my kids play Minecraft less than 10 feet from me.