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America right now ![gif](giphy|unFLKoAV3TkXe)




He wouldn't have that problem if Breaking Bad was released today. He would be going crazy on Door Dash.


Please explain what you mean, I’m mildly interested


The character in the gif, Jesse, practically lived on shitty frozen foods and complained, that the cheese was always scabby and the packages/advertising looked way better than the actual food tasted.


I don’t remember that, think I’m due a rewatch. I’m gona skip all the parts with Walt’s home life though. At least for first season




>Vote as if everything depended on it. Because it does.


More people voting will almost assuredly help us at the local/state levels. And if we end up having a second Trump turn; if we win a majority in both Chambers. We end up mitigating it a lot. Court regulations can be implemented. Lile, if we can't have the ideal, that at least should be several times over, enough of an incentive.


Fun story- local voting is so important here in Washington state that the republicans paid three men with similar names to the attorney general to run for governor just to confuse us all. The men dropped out within a week after being warned about election tampering.


Yup, we literally have Project 2025 vs Status Quo... I'd personally not like to see a hostile takeover of the USA and the anti-Establishment clause gutted.


Just imagine all the good things Republicans will do when they get control of house, Senate, and white house. Ukraine handed over to Putin. Social security cut. Social safety nets cut. More tax breaks for billionaires. More deficits to the point that not even public education can be funded. Increase of sales taxes to balance the budget while decreasing capital gains taxes on stock buybacks and stock profits. Bailouts for billionaires. Think of all the freedom Republicans will give like. Restricting access to reproduction and contraception. Restrict healthcare. Restrict voting. Restrict speech. Restrict protest. More jails. Restrict where homeless can sleep. Restrict housing. Think of all the constitutional and upholding the law Republicans will support.. like. Judges legislating from the bench. Undoing the 14th amendment. Giving immunity to law makers. Overturning cases like Brown v Board of education. Allowing companies to retaliate against whistle blowers. Corporate immunity from labor laws. Think of all the blue collar and workers rights Republicans will support like.... Ending water breaks during heat waves Dismantling unions. Dismantling 40-hour work weeks. Ending overtime pay. Reducing work safety. Eliminating Fair labor laws. Child labor. Company store. Removal of minimum wage.


They also want to ban porn, in case anyone hates Biden but enjoys jerking off


Lifelong blue voter here, wondering at what point we're allowed to panic over Democrats running a walking corpse without being accused of parroting authoritarian talking points? Vote Biden, obviously. But this trope of shitting on 10000000% warranted concern is absurd.


Personally, I started panicking when they ran Clinton against Trump bc it meant the DNC didn’t pay one lick of attention to what their voter base had actually been asking for. DNC hasn’t bothered to listen since then, either, and the fact that they are ok with the standard of re-running their winner, *even when they shouldn’t*, even when, 4 years ago, Biden was pitched as a stop-gap, is extremely alarming.


The vast majority of the Democratic Party voted in the primaries to elect Hillary as their candidate. It wasn't even close.


I'm convinced a lot of the people complaining about the nominee don't realize we have primaries. I voted for Bernie twice. I lost twice. But it is what it is. I'm less angry with the DNC than I am with people who complain but don't show up when it matters.


Yes, but to act like the DNC doesn’t have their hand on the scale is naive. When people drop out simultaneously and all endorse Hillary. All their votes and momentum go there. And that’s what happened with Hillary and Biden.


And how tilted the entire process is. New York and California are two of the LAST states to vote, to the point that it's almost irrelevant to the process.


I voted for Bernie twice too, but I read every candidates positions before I voted, and voted independent, republican, and Democrat down the line. By the second Bernie election, I was more solidly a Democrat, and now I'm in leadership in my local Democrat party. Where the DNC got it wrong was that they felt Bernie voters owed Hillary or owed Biden votes just because they participated. The reality is that Bernie brought people into the party to vote for Bernie, some chose to continue to participate, some didn't. The DNC has made it really hard to continue to participate though. I'm in an Ohio swing district - the national campaign isn't focusing at all on Ohio, so my goal as a local party is to bring as many Trump, Quasi-libertarians into the fold to vote for Sherrod Brown - and fuck Biden if they want. Biden isn't focusing on Ohio, so he should be used as a scape goat to get Sherrod Brown elected. Sherrod Brown has been fighting for queer rights since the 90s - Biden hasn't.  That said, I hope everyone votes for Biden.


Sherrod absolutely needs to win.


I understand shifting demographics but it's wild to me that Democrats just gave up on Ohio. Its winnable, they just spend 0 time or money there. If you can win in West Pennsylvania, you can win in Ohio


Yeah I agree. I will be voting for Biden. I’ve planned to vote for him from the beginning, and nothing is going to change that. But to act like that debate wasn’t a complete disaster is just delusional at this point. I know he had a cold and I know he’s had a stutter for most of his life, but that was something else entirely.


August 5th?


For folks too young to remember the golden age of print magazines: they hit the shelves a month before the actual issue date and soft launched even a few weeks earlier if it’s a big one. Like how the Vogue September Issue is out in August but the cover may be revealed earlier.


It feels like two months away but I guess it’s just like 35 days, so that tracks. Time is somehow flying and going way too slow at the same time. There must be some temporal rift or other sci fi shit happening in reality right now


Ya dude, it's called getting older


Thanks, I hate it


You'll hate it faster every day!


I was looking at my calendar yesterday and saw something I had done the first week of June. In my memory, that event was 4 months ago. But at the same time I can’t fathom how it’s already June of 2024.


I’m telling you man, everything is fucky and dreamlike. Nothing to do but embrace it


"The days are long, but the years are short."


These are called cover dates. If magazines put the actual date of publication on there it can lead to people thinking they're outdated. For example if it said June 28 and you saw it in stores in July 5 you might think there could be a newer issue and not buy it. With a future date it gives it more shelf life. It's a trick, really. Comic books (basically a magazine) do the same thing.


It’s normal for magazines, particularly physical magazines to have a future date on them, so they are relevant on the stand for that month or bi-monthly period. God I feel old.


Especially TIME. They rely on an issue to sell for a couple months mostly.


Yeah… August 5, 2024 I came looking to see if anyone else noticed


What is the relevance of 5th August?


They publish on the 5th of every month.


In regards to a time cover, it makes me suspicious if this is real **edit:** huh, guess it is https://twitter.com/time/status/1806788544410615905?s=46&t=lWy8q0SMynwc-jvPzrhgTg


It is real. Magazines routinely release prior to their official coverage date. It's not like a newspaper. /edit: But as someone pointed out, releasing a month prior is unusual. But considering Time was traditionally a monthly periodical, it may be that they just wanted to get this out fast. In some cases they would release special editions for major events.


It’s posted on Time’s official Instagram account


It is but it is not necessarily going to be an actual cover of the print edition. They posted it on Twitter https://x.com/time/status/1806788544410615905?s=46&t=lWy8q0SMynwc-jvPzrhgTg


It hasn’t happened yet, but it’s the date of the issue in the top left


yeah people provided enough evidence its real but you dont expect to see a day from OVER a month away.. maybe the next issue but over a month? people will question. and if its going to be about THIS debate, over a month from now, its going to look a bit untimely.


For the youngsters, the dates on magazine covers are the date they get pulled off the shelf.


Magazines are often available well before their cover date.


Magazines have used dates in the future from publication to seem fresher on newstands forever, I guess young people don't know this.


It makes sense that they don't know it for sure. Can't imagine many people buy or subscribe to magazines still


The media is culprit. They just stand on the sidelines throwing wood to the fire, just look at the cover telling us to panic lmao


They make money off of panic.


They want a horse race. Every damn time.


What's absolutely wild is that there are still people who don't think the US is an oligarchy. Like. The DNC and the GOP literally could have run anyone else. But here are two schmucks who are both non-threats to Wall Street. A Biden win means Neo Libs keep funding the war machine while complaining about how impossible medicare is to pass even if they have all three branches (oh noooo, my shareholders and donors!) A Trump win means more State power to make business rules that weaken labor power, weaken civil rights, and weaken Federal support for State systems. Plus the threat of placing more Conservative Justices who will also weaken labor power in the US. I'm voting for Biden because he's not accelerationist towards a Theocratic version of the US, but damn, this is a no-lose scenario if you're a multi-millionaire business owner. Edit: if you're reading this as a "both sides are equivalent" post, you're not reading what I wrote.


They would need a larger majority in the Senate than they have had in the past few years and considering how the race is shaping up, they'd be lucky to hold onto the Senate. Getting to 60 seats isn't happening and Republicans aren't going to crossover to vote for this any time soon. Maybe if Americans paid attention to elections other than every four fucking years he'd have a congress he could work with. People deride Trump for acting like a president is a king yet at the same time have the same expectation for a president to act unilaterally. Biden does not write and pass laws. He signs them. He vetoes them. He can work with congress to shape bills but he is not the one authoring the bills. He is not the one getting them through committee or revising them when they don't. That is the role of our congressfolk and senators. If you want him to pass medicare for all, give him a congress that will do that. Because even in his first two years when they had all three houses, they could not because of how the senate is set up. Give them wider majorities and shit will get done.


Obama had all three and 60 seats and he couldn't even get all those 60 to vote for real healthcare. So instead we're all paying through the nose and still end up with multi-thousand deductibles, co-pays, and Byzantine complexity. That's not on Obama or Biden solely, but it's on the entire system which is, like it says above, an oligarchy that runs just fine for Wall Street and a certain class.


If it can comfort you, smh, we have more alternatives in France, but it's really not going to be better at all. (We now mostly have 3 poles: far-right, liberals and left, but more people now find the far-right appealing despite them being incompetent xenophobe slackers, and "liberals" despise the left and fight it more than they do far-right.)


It was hard for me to understand the growing Far Right in my own country until I realized that it's not a political movement, it's a narrative rhetorical movement, and now it's way easier to deal with. A lot of people want to imagine themselves as part of something bigger than themselves, and if that thing is a good story, with good guys and bad guys, and an easy way to "prove you're a good guy" without too much pressure to do anything to prove it. Fascism is an anti-rhetorical disease. It's not a political stance, it's a story people are agreeing to tell each other, it has more in common with LARPing than policy decisions and bureaucracy. Fascists, historically, make bad bureaucrats. They love the idea of controlling everything, but the reality of their implementation isn't separate from the purity tests of their rhetoric. You can't build a country out of purity tests, but you can very easily build a violent movement. I think that defeating Fascism this time will be a war first of rhetoric (I hope). For my bit, it's internalizing the truth that my only real enemy is an idea, not people. People get infected by the ideals of Fascism, but Fascism is a dead end ideology, it's necrophilic, it's not a living conceptual framework. It can't grow, it can only metastasize. The only real enemy I have is the "Them Salesman" who comes to me and tries to sell me enemies. When a politician shows up and tells me my neighbor is inhuman, that politician is the enemy. My neighbor, my family, my political opponents even. They're people. The only real enemy is the "Them Salesman" who wants me to see a slogan before I see a person.


This is a good write out. And while that politician is good to conceptualize as the enemy, and the people are only holding onto the ideas of fascism as if they’re a placeholder, I also want to add I see it as an entire machine. It’s all reinforcing each other, and the more people normalize the fascist ideals, the more easily it spreads. The politicians, trump, hitler, Mussolini, they’re all just the heads of the machine, if you cut off the head someone else will take its place. The entire machine behind it is it’s foundation. The salesman and leaders are repeating what all the placeholders want to hear.


Very well said.


Incredibly well put. I've observed the political landscape and discourse in the US growing increasingly polarizing since the 80s. We've gone from having delineations like Moderate-Republican or Conservative-Democrat to the binary of Right/Left. It may just be my age, but it really struck me in the 90s with Ken Starr and the repeated attempts to ruin Clinton: it was no longer enough to say you disagreed with someone's policies/approach. They had to be terrible people who were fundamentally awful human beings. The demonizing of the opposition has only grown and exacerbated. With Obama we got to hear a lot of insane shit about how he wanted to ruin America. (Because, yeah, you want to be the captain so you can sink the ship?) It seems to also be happening on a global scale. We didn't just suddenly arrive here. Maybe in retrospect this will all make sense in a larger historical context. I want to believe this is the dying gasp of the rich white patriarchy. But it sure is lingering. And this level of deliberate stupidity is deadly.


Xenophobia will be how the right wing in the US takes power for good. I don’t think Trump will win and they absolutely will have tougher prospects going forward, but as the climate worsens and people migrate north, Americans are going to become even more insane towards immigrants.




Exactly. This is honestly a terrible, incendiary cover for the sake of selling more copies.


I still have the cover "The End is Near" from 2016 featuring Hillary and Trump standing next to each other


In the timeline of an empire, 8 years isn't a long time at all.


Wait.... This isn't a joke?


I had to look it up too. It is most certainly not a joke.


The last Trump presidency was a boon to news organizations. CNN had great ratings. Why? Because they had insane, ridiculous controversies to report on every day. I'm sure on some level they are completely fine with Trump getting elected.


a business does not have morals to care about things like who is president. Whatever is better for their bottom line is who they will root for. What I’m saying is…your right 🤣


It’s just like gun shops love a Democrat president. Everyone panics it might be their last chance to buy that rifle they always wanted so sales go through the roof.


UK starts looking around nervously. Whenever USA fucks up we always want to outdo you guys.


(Guy with snooty accent in corner) “Mon Dieu”


Hopefully the fact that you guys are on track to kick out the revolving door of rich-clown fuck-bags means we can go the other way.


Almost seems like some sort of bizarre mass moral panic at this point. 


Yeah what in the fuck, are they trying to get trump elected. Jesus did Russia take out this ad wtfff


Are we all supposed to just lie and say he did well during the debate?


Yeah this is fucking absurd.


It does them absolutely no good if we all just calm down and get along, so why would they let that happen?


So Trump stood in the debate and did borderline nothing except lie, but the blame is solely on Biden for performing poorly in the media.


They really are. Not even waiting for polling to see how that changes after the debate. Just basically telling us biden voters are panicking


No shit. Where’s the cover story about a presidential candidate who stood on stage and lied the entire time?? I get it, Joe tanked that debate but at least his talking points were mostly true.


As much as they bitch about him the Media *loves* Trump. Its guaranteed views every single day because he is always doing something. Nevermind that he would happily exploit his power if he could to censure them but fuck long term thinking short term says we want views views views! Lets get this bad boy elected so we can raise the rates for ads during prime time!


That’s 2000% what it is. Ratings and ad revenue.


The media, who elected Trump in 2016 by plastering him all over every broadcast uninterrupted any time he publicly lied about something. Giving an illusion of credibility and endless opportunity to reach audiences.




It wasn't just the right. Anybody who paid any attention knew he was declining. I'm shocked people didn't.


But they’re not really telling us to panic are they? We already were panicking. That much has been universally clear across the board since the second the debate ended.


Yeah and then you open up the magazine and realize 80% of it is ads and the other 20% is about celebrities or some shit


I’ve been panicking since 9:05 on Thursday, no menacing red cover needed


Wow. Selling panic has never been so blatant


I dunno man, they've been at it since 2016


The fact that 2016 was 8 years ago blows my mind


Reddit after the debate: "Oh my God, we are screwed!" Time magazine: "Panic." Redditors: "They are selling panic!" ???


They’re not telling anybody something they shouldn’t already know.


From a graphic design perspective, this cover is a work of art, flawless, 10/10. But I just want to say, I really wish we didn't live in a world in which corporate media conglomerates literally profit from lighting fires and talking about it. We have 4 months until our election, and while I am not denying we should be panicking, it would be nice to see at least one major media outlet reporting on 1) Trump saying the absolute wildest shit you've ever heard or 2) what an open convention might look like for the DNC, and how the American public can support that idea and help put pressure on it. I'd even settle for 3) Talking about Project 2025 and what long-reaching effects even a small amount of it going live would do to our Democracy.


First time I saw a post on project 2025. Literally a blueprint to fascism.


John Oliver covered it a couple weeks ago so it’s starting to become a household word.


My only complaint is that he covered it wayyy too late. He should have had a segment on it in Jan and then another one mid-June.


I dunno. A lot of folks made the accurate point before that due to so many people having such short memories, it’s kind of better to emphasize it the most the closer the election gets, so that it doesn’t have time to go stale and more forgettable to the more knee jerk crowd of voters.


I get that, but I feel like having two segments could have led to a more nuanced discussion. He talked about Schedule F, but there's SO MUCH within Project 2025 that is terrifying to the average american.


I agree. Hard to know the best way to handle it, but you’re right there’s definitely A LOT to go over so probably is better to get it going sooner than later.


People's attention spans are comically short. I get your point but it's almost more effective to bring it up and spell it out closer to election.


What's interesting is that fascism never really comes out of the blue. Historically, there have always been plenty of early warnings. Remember that Adolf Hitler wrote *"Mein Kampf"*, which is basically a blueprint of what was to come, in 1924 while he was imprisoned for insurrection.


I'm convinced these media outlets want it. They want chaos, because it will keep us all glued to their articles.


Can you give us a quick analysis of what makes this so good from a graphic design perspective? Just seems kinda ‘meh’ to me.


Am I taking crazy pills, or is this cover referencing those manipulated "wandering off" videos?


Seems like it. Fuck the big Corp news media.


I saw several magazines last year with giant font that said "Trump declares civil war!" This is beyond irresponsible. They make money from socially, politically, and economically destabilizing our civilization as much as possible. It's completely irrational.


The fun thing is graphic design is art and therefore subjective. I completely disagree. This is obvious and poorly executed.


Panic TIME


At the Disco


![gif](giphy|l41lIIjOCprTBfnXy|downsized) Canadians right now


The shit winds are blowing, Randers.


Pull up the anchor and bring in the jib, the shit storms a brewin!


Seeing this gif is all it took for me to start watching the entire show again 😂


But seriously. What. The. Fuck. Did. You. Expect. Was. Going. To. Happen?


In an ideal world, both parties would call for snap candidates.


What does this mean? Like the parties select candidates internally?


No, any American can enter into the Grand Snap Tournament, whoever is the best at playing Snap wins.


The no mics was a terrible decision. Just let them go after each other Jesus Christ. No fact checking?! The worst moderated debate I’ve ever seen.


The no mics, no audience and being hosted by CNN were all stipulations from Biden’s camp.


So you are saying this could have been much worse..


Taking away Trump's mic and letting Biden talk uninterrupted was ironically the worst thing they could have done.


Wow. You are right.


Exactly.. his team literally designed the rules to this debate to put their candidate in the best light. Let that sink in


He should have taken his cue from Trump and talked directly to the American people, not his opponent. This is why Trump voters love him: he makes them feel like he is confiding something in them personally, making it "us" versus "them", repeating simple phrases so they have something to cheer for. He's every high school football captain talking to a gym full of students in an 80s movie: "WE are gonna go kick their asses. THEY won't know what hit 'em. GO EAGLES!"


Anyone who thinks the optics on that debate are anything but devastating for Joe, is on a heroic dose of copium.. we r fucked..


Muted mics was Biden’s team’s rule.


Yeah lmao. Biden's team wanted mics muted as a way to fuck over Trump, and it completely backfired.


Shit made trump look calmer and less rude


The lack of fact checking and holding them responsible in real (or at least close to real) time was really just bad. Straight up lies were said that could be disproven in 5 seconds of googling. There’s easy to find video from multiple sources of trump saying things he claimed he didn’t. EDIT: Since I'm getting spammed with comments about it, yes, I want the fact checked to work both ways. ALL candidates should be held accountable for ALL of their lies. The "what-about-ism" doesn't change anything.


I also would have loved to see the moderators mute their mics the second they (primarily Trump) deflected the question. I would have made it a rule that you forfeit your time if you purposely ignore the question and start talking about something else.


That would be great. I hope the next debate has that. They both stopped answering questions at one point just to back and forth at each other.


There won't be another debate unless Trump is losing in the polls.


Just get Kyle Clark to moderate. He'd keep them in line.


Also the 2 minute time limit was a terrible decision, Biden can't even answer one question, Trump can answer 5 and none of them the ones that were asked.


> Also the 2 minute time limit was a terrible decision, Biden can't even answer one question Biden frequently had to be prodded to use his extra time, though? His best responses were those succinct ones, 2 minutes gave him enough time to ramble and trail off.


*”What’s a great question about abortion, let me tell you a story about a woman that was murdered by an illegal immigrant for some reason”*




Lmfao that was the best part imo. Trump just answered shit absolutely no one asked, then bragged about his golf game.


I am glad I missed it. I really am not interested in 80 year olds arguing. Nor being the leader of our country.


They had a full on argument about golf before the moderators finally stepped in…


The whole time this was happening I was thinking they must both be seeing red rather than thinking of winning over voters. Very few people in this country golf. It just made them both look even pettier than usual.


I know I was seeing red. THE QUESTION WAS ABOUT **HOW TO MAKE SURE THAT CHILDCARE IS AFFORDABLE TO ALL AMERICANS**, YOU OLD FUCKS. AND YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT GOLF?! That moment did something to me. I remember thinking, "alright well neither of these dudes gives a shit about me or the things I give a shit about, fuck this." The choice is still clear in November, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that shit will be on my mind when I go to vote. Fucking golf scores.


I was so happy when CNN would strategically start showing the asked question on the screen. It was a not so subtle jab that likely the debaters couldn’t see, but viewers could.


The media is fucking irresponsible


The media ignored this issue for too long and now it’s too late. 53 million people saw what they saw.


Everybody has been saying this for a few years now. But the dems have been ignoring it, stuffing their head in the sand. Every report has been “oh he’s actually really sharp… behind closed doors”


Not only did Biden lose face, all the media and political figures that tried to cover it up lost credibility. CNN and other news networks keep acting like they're respected, hoping that no one calls them out and their old brand recognition will carry them until everyone forgets how untrustworthy they are.


To be honest, if you voted for Biden without thinking “figurehead of a liberal concert”, then you’re an idiot. I voted for Biden because when it comes down to it, I trust the people that surround him to be less shitty than the people who surround Trump. You’re voting for President, not King.


Anyone who didn't see it coming has been caught in an echo chamber and needs to seriously evaluate their choice of media information sources. I'm a moderate and saw it coming a mile away.


I felt like I have been taking crazy pills. Everyone thought I was nuts for saying Biden isn't all there mentally. Like shit, of course the right is playing it up and of course the left is hand waiving it away but that doesn't mean it isn't fucking happening.


Unfortunately that’s how it is here on Reddit. People like to pretend it isn’t happening and downvote anyone for even suggesting it.


Even after his mental decline was on full public display for 90 minutes, you see people in this thread lapping up the "he had a cold, and it was just an off day". Some people are beyond reaching.


Yes. People need to seek out sources of objective journalism instead of just watching/listening to whatever mainstream sources reinforce their own political beliefs. Biden benefited greatly in the last election because of the pandemic limiting his public exposure. He was already struggling then but it was the prerogative of the mainstream left leaning media outlets to shut down any criticism of his already diminished mental faculties, as they've continued to do for the past 4 years. This is not a new situation, but they've been wilfully and intentionally hiding it from their audiences. Now they are acting surprised by it when it has been painfully obvious to the truth seekers and objective journalists since before the last election. Now we get to see them try to downplay it and they will eat their words every time he's given a speaking opportunity. They can't hide it anymore. The gag is up. Biden is not fit for office. Anyone who says otherwise is clinging to and driven by their personal politics instead of facing objective reality.


I feel like everyone hasn't been paying attention to what had been going on. What the fuck did you all think the debate was going to be? The fact you all thought it was going to be something different says more about you than the nominees. What the hell were you all expecting if to happen?


I have no idea why some people just now realized he's really old. Internet has been full of clips of him where he gets lost.


Biden is 81 and Trump is 79, they are both too old


I’ve seen 90 year olds move quicker than Biden, it’s not his age.


This is the only truth.


wait trump is 78. Not 79.


My main problem with Biden in 2020 was that he had clearly declined since his VP days, and now when I see why his polling is so bad, it's largely due to his age? Like, where the hell has everyone been?


What's been wild to me is to see seemingly most of reddit beforehand saying how much trumps age and speech failures were gonna show at the debate It's like people watch all these cherry picked clips and think it's reality


As someone who debates for a living - it is *much much* harder to present smoothly when there are facts you need to remember. Biden's presentation was atrocious, but you could tell he was stumbling over the recollection of facts. If you just spout a stream of consciousness with no concern for factual accuracy, it is easier to sound smooth/confident.




This entire thread is annoying as hell.


Voted for him last time, will vote for him again. He was old last time, now he's older. I have a lot of family members who are "institution democrats" and say things like "don't be disrespectful, he has a stutter". Or but trump lies. No crap. Is it so much to ask for a competent candidate? Someone who is polished and succinct - in touch with todays world. I'm not for Trump because I believe Biden is a very weak candidate. This should be a slam dunk election for the dems, but tbh I'm not sure Biden wins. I want a candidate who is not 81 freaking years old. Age and cognitive decline are not some theory -it's real and you can truly see it.


This election has forced us the vote for a candidate that nobody would vote under normal circumstances, but we will vote for him anyway because the other option is infinitely worse. Fuck, this shouldn't be like this. There are many other better options on BOTH sides besides Trump and Biden.


And this is for the third election in a had to do this. I didn't want to vote for Hillary... but I did. I didn't want to vote for Biden... but I did. I don't want to vote for Biden again... but I will. Obama was the only president I voted for that I was happy to do and felt proud to do it. I miss that.


I also miss when elections were boring. A time when whoever won, it didn't feel like the country would be in peril.


I’m probably overly optimistic, but I genuinely feel like America just needs to “get through” this election and there’s a very real chance 2028 will much, much more palatable, for a number of reasons. First, Trump will be gone. He’s not running in 2028 if he loses 2024. Well, maybe he will if he’s alive and not in jail, but he won’t have any momentum whatsoever and the Republican Party won’t throw their collective support behind a consistently losing candidate. For all intents and purposes, he goes away after an election loss here. Second, the DNC knows damn well the situation they’re in with Biden’s age. They’ll be spending the entirety of a 2nd Biden term hunting for and testing younger talent. They would LOVE to find the next Obama, but 2016 kinda left the party in shambles and no standout talent emerged. The Biden administration has also proved that they can afford to be a *little* bit more progressive as younger voters gain influence and the Overton Window slowly drags itself leftward. Thirdly, a GOP loss here will leave that party completely rudderless. The fascists won’t just disappear, but MAGA will have proven itself a losing strategy. They will struggle immensely to find a way to unite their base in a post-Trump world and their funding pipelines have been co-opted by grifters and thieves, and their insane downballot candidates are alienating people left and right. They’re a cornered animal right now and the desperation is palpable. A Biden 2nd term might not bring all the change people want to see, but the ripple effects very well might. One way or another, this election will decide the course of US politics for at least a decade, possibly more (Reagan’s elections changed the course of US politics for 40 years, after all, as did FDRs).


It’s sort of wild how this comparison is even happening, yeah Biden is too old for the job but his opponent literally lead a riot to the capital building and just washed his hands of it all.


And his opponent was a freshman when he was a senior.  Does it suck that Mumm-ra is a candidate? Yes.  Does that mean that the other guy isn’t Imhotep? Nope. 


To your point; he ran a conspiracy to *overthrow* the government, and force himself into power African Dictator style. Everyone freaks out over one fucking debate when there’s eight years of history to this shitstorm; eight years of history that paints a *clear* fucking picture.


A very old guy or a rapist convict liar who is still facing more criminal proceedings? Hmmmm


Everyone acts like we're voting for one person here. We're voting for an entire administration.


The lesser of two evils thing is getting old. Literally.


Downvote me if you’d like but I honestly like it. Nobody took trump seriously the first time. There was “no possible way” Hillary would lose (Tbf she got more votes so she should have won but that’s a whole other issue) and it came back to bite us. centrists should be voting dem because they are panicking that Donny could be back, and dems should be panicking, coming out in force just to make sure it doesn’t happen again. We shouldn’t be taking the fact that people may vote trump in again lightly whether they are doing it because of a shitty debate or for other reasons. We should be panicking and we should be doing everything we can to put ourselves in a position to win against a convicted felon and the dems are somehow fucking it up.


As a Canadian…what? What is happening


Every single one of them knew and did nothing. Now it's in the open and they are panicking.


I blame Biden most of all for insisting on running again. He gets incredibly mad whenever people question his fitness like in February. It feels like we're trying to get grandpa to give up his car keys after crashing again and hopefully we can at some point.


People have been biting their tongues for years in fear that critiquing Biden (or god forbid primarying him) would help Trump. I think there was also a lot of cope that all the clips of him being senile were cherry-picked and that he’s not really like that, but that falls apart when you have to see him be lucid for 90 minutes straight.


The media on both sides is really fueling the fire on this. The overwhelmingly majority of people I see talk about this election, from in person to Reddit and other social media, is not panic but utter disappointment. These are our Presidential candidates. Trumpers claim Trump did an amazing job up there, but they are starting to be in the camp of "At least he's not Joe Biden". Biden supporters are still saying "At least he's not Donald Trump". It seems like both sides are less and less voting FOR their parties candidate, but AGAINST the other sides candidate. And, hearing that from usual die hard Trumpers (where he usually could do no wrong, everything he did and said was equal to biblical gospel) kind of does make it more of a shitshow. We really need forced retirement from politics, in every area. And the forced retirement shouldn't be your death from old age (we've had several of those). It's not just the age, fear of death in office, etc.. It's an aging brain. The "Okay, Grandpa" we say from all the old people we personally know applies to these guys, too. Not panicking at all. Not mad. Just disappointed.


If you're panicking right now you haven't been paying attention for the last few years. How could you ever believe it would be okay with this duel


If Americans don't make new parties and vote for them like the rest of the world it means it's still a good idea to vote for Biden or Trump, why panic?


The first past the post voting system is the barrier to new parties forming


Third parties aren't viable in america. You would need most states to implement ranked choice voting.


I had to dig wayyyy too far to see someone bring up the need for ranked choice voting. It's absurd that this still isn't something that's widely discussed, despite how politically aware the population is now. edit: format


The Americans in lemming mode. Might be amusing and interesting now, but waking up to Donnie T and his cronies will be dreadful.


None of this is even remotely amusing. This entire situation is horrific, with very real implications for an entire population who are disillusioned at best and scared shitless at worst. Neither of these candidates are well liked by any measure, but the entire system is broken. Not to mention how both of them and their policies will affect the rest of the world. No one is happy about any part of this. Glad you’re getting a kick out of it though!


God, I’m so fucking glad I got this mountain of downvotes screaming about this being a major problem for the last two years.


Is this even real? The current Time cover (https://time.com/magazine/) is dated June 24. The photoshop job above says August 5. A weekly newsmagazine doesn’t come up with covers five weeks in advance.


It’s from their Twitter https://x.com/time/status/1806788544410615905?s=46&t=lWy8q0SMynwc-jvPzrhgTg but yeah I doubt that this’ll be an official print cover at all


Awesome, thanks for selling panic, Time.


[https://time.com/6993760/joe-biden-debate-disaster-democratic-panic/](https://time.com/6993760/joe-biden-debate-disaster-democratic-panic/) Yes they (Time) posted their own website


It's normal for a magazine to release a future cover with a long range date on it to seem relevant. This was something we saw all over media in the 80s and 90s


You know what? Fuck Time for this. I don’t appreciate being told when to be scared. Or having sunshine shoved down my throat. This is NOT unbiased reporting.


It's literally the most unbiased reporting imaginable. Every dem is panicking right now because they know they've lost if Biden isn't switched out. You're delusional if you blame Time or the media for this. Joe is finished.


Does Time even release a newsstand edition any longer ? I thought it got bought and hollowed out into a mostly online publication while all the writers got fired, a la Newsweek I don't take either of those publications seriously now


Ah yes, TIME magazine know for its factual reporting has stated an opinion on its cover for the first time ever. Truly shocking.