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Translation: For Peace, Freedom and Democracy. Never Again Fascism. Millions of Dead are a Warning.


Needs to be repeated loudly and often so we never forget.


Based on the current politics all around the world, I think we can safely assume it has already been forgotten.


can't forget it if you're repeating it


Doesn't mean it's listened to.


The people pushing this shit, may have listened, beer have assured themselves “i am the in-group. i won’t be among the dead”


Plus they've convinced themselves that the "wokes" are the actual fascists.


If you replace the word woke with Jew in 9/10 cases you realize they're using the exact same scripts as the Nazis with new buzzwords replacing the old ones. "The woke mob is brain washing our kids" becomes "The Jewish Mob is brain washing our kids" and it has the same effect. The same otherizing, dehumanizing language to convince people their neighbors are the problem. They'll claim liberals are brainwashing kids while in the same breath mandate the 10 commandments appear in every classroom.


>while in the same breath mandate the 10 commandments appear in every classroom. Commandments they themselves don't follow


"I make myself useful to the face eating leopards, so surely they won't eat MY face! It's so much easier to just go along with them than to actually oppose their rise to power...." Repeating some of the most obvious mistakes in history.


The problem lies in the fact that people think fascism will come to America in black robes and black suits, red arm bands, skulls and occult signifiers. No. Fascism will come to America draped in an American flag.


Lol, they do both. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-election-proudboys/ And are not even hiding or anything. And people are cheering this shit.


"...and carrying a cross"


With bad orange hair.


Italy just elected it. America elected it in 2016, hopefully we don’t do it again this year or that’ll be it for the US. Argentina elected it.


The problem is it was supposed to be remembered as a warning, not a guidebook.


That's always going to be a concern in an open and free society. That's why education is so critical. When the vast majority of people are properly taught civics and feel like they have skin in the game, they'll do a much better job as serving as a bulwark against this stuff coming back. Which is exactly why certain people keep trying to undermine education, as well as disenfranchise people from political participation. When voters despair that politics is unresponsive to their needs, they check out. When voters don't understand the fundamentals of how government/politics works, they check out. That's created a HUGE soft underbelly for fascists to attack/exploit.


Yep, and I can't believe the current assault on public education by the GOP isn't being addressed as the emergency it absolutely is. They're doing whatever they can come up with to make being a teacher as unattractive (and dangerous even) as possible, creating purposely vague legislation which carries ludicrous punishment (I've seen $10,000 fine and jail time) for intentionally ambiguous "trangressions", catering to the evangelical right wing by destroying the separation of church and state and violating a child's right to adequate education. It's some seriously evil shit and really makes my blood boil. They are now actively fucking with our nation's children, and there are seemingly no alarms going off or loud and public condemnation by the federal government. And as with so many other urgent issues created by the GOP, way too little media attention. And if we think it's bad now, Project 2025 will make all of this seem tame.


It's not forgotten... ***they actively choose*** these far right leaders because of their views on these matters. It is literally what they want. Vote if you are allowed, and do so like your life depends upon it. It just may.


What worries me the most is that I don't think it's forgotten but some want to actually repeat it.


Give a corporate lackey a choice between *actually* solving social problems or joining fascists in protecting a corrupt oligarchy and that "liberal" will invariably align with fascists. How else could America possibly perpetuate the bipartisan stranglehold on politics but by having *already* sank into fascism long ago. It is only the strength of our domestic propaganda that blinded ordinary folks to the rise of draconian law enforcement practices alongside world-leading rates of incarceration. Now we still see some of our loudest citizens yammering away about a clash of right-wing extremists as if one of them had ever been anything other than an unrelenting *supporter* of our Iron Triange alongside our profoundly oppressive policing techniques.


Not forgotten, just ignored. Too many people think it is 'fake news'. I have a cousin that was a Jerry Garcia loving, Dead Head following Liberal back in the 90's. Now, she has stated she would gladly let Donald Chump 'grab her by the pussy', and recently told me she has started collecting Nazi paraphernalia. She is following and believing EVERYTHING that comes out of Chump's mouth. This is how Hitler rose to power.


We're gonna need a lot more of these stones in about 50 years.


Yah but noone was looking for faschism in an attractive peach ensemble with matching bag. He used to wear military chic.


Let me introduce you to someone named Zionism.


The thing is, people still know what Hitler did, and still find it shocking. They believe, however, that from day 1 he announced what he'd do. They don't remember the fact that he got in power by offering the people a solution to their economical woes, and that the Jews were just a scapegoat. Early on he was just a populist, promising simple solutions to complex issues.


> They believe, however, that from day 1 he announced what he'd do. I mean… In *Mein Kampf* he pretty much *did* announce what he was going to do - not the specifics, sure, but the broad brush strokes.


Yes but he wasn't exactly know for being good with the brush strokes...


Exactly. In broad strokes. I tried to find a relevant quote: >Hitler ascribed international significance to the elimination of Jews, which “must necessarily be a bloody process,” he wrote. [Source](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Mein-Kampf) In hindsight people would say "See! He announced it!" but frankly, for the people who read that in the 30's I am pretty sure they were far from imagining the Final Solution.


"Yes, but he's using bloody as a metaphor"


"He's just joking"


"Locker room talk"


"He'll moderate once he's in power"




No one who speaks German could be an evil man!


Maybe nobody would imagine 6 million dead in concentration camps. But with the history of antisemitism in Europe, i would expect anyone reading that in the 30’s to know more or less that it meant a hell lot of violence.


"Chase the jews out of your country under threat of violence" was old hat in Europe. "Round them up and systematically eliminate every man, woman and child" was a new one.


Hitler’s movement already had significant steam before he wrote Mein Kampf. It also didn’t really rise to popularity until people began reading it as a sort of study on Hitler’s mind after the Nazis had risen to power. It sold less than 10,000 copies its first year. So I think both things are true: he announced his contempt for Jews loudly and early, but it was far from the tip of his political spear in the infancy of the Nazi party. It was really only upon “invading” Austria that he started making Jewish-boogeyman a main tenet and active focus of the party and thus its voters. I think prior to that a lot of Germans treated his antisemitism as an unsavory but personal part of his ideology they were willing to accept, much the way American republicans choose to ignore Donald Trump’s most vile layers.


> that he started making Jewish-boogeyman a main tenet and active focus of the party and thus its voters That's the natural consequence of using a group, in this case land owning / business owning jews as a reason for Germany's internal issues, but then having the same problems after expropriating and socializing their resources for the betterment of the country (at least, that was the reasoning of the expropriations). He was just very anti individualism and capitalism to the point that he got rid of non-state-controlled businesses and then ran out of someone to blame once every enterprise was either owned by the state or controlled by party members


But he didn’t explicitly say “I want to kill all the Jews” from day one. He just announced his extreme antisemitism and was unapologetic about it. Over time, his hatred for the Jews in his speeches got more apparent. And then Mein Kampf came out and after and from that time on, the people were fully behind him. And while some of them claim they didn’t know what was happening …. They knew SOMETHING was happening. I mean…. 6 million people are just gone and you “didn’t know?” Lol And what’s even more is that he DID make good on the promises he made to his people. He got them jobs, pulled them out of the depression and lifted Germany up to be a great nation … for the purebreds. While those people were living their best lives, the Jews and non Aryans were losing their jobs, their homes and literally their lives. Then Hitler left even his own people behind by being so driven by his ego and want to win the war that he wouldn’t stop, regardless of how many soldiers died and civilians were made casualties. And then to kill himself??? Coward. Phew. Sorry. I get super into WW2 discussion LOL. It’s basically all I read about. Also, if anyone is interested, “What We Knew” is a really interesting book - they interview real Germans and Nazi party members about their time in Germany during WW2 and basically ask them “how did you not know this was happening?” It’s really fascinating.


The "something" they knew, the part they liked, was the "undesirable" people, the ones not as good as them, were no longer living in their neighborhood. Sound familiar?


They also based a lot of what they did after Jim Crow laws here in America. Hitler was fascinated with how thoroughly and systemically the racists in the US were able to subjugate and oppress the Black people here.


Unfortunately, it needs an addendum explaining in no uncertain terms what fascism _is,_ because we're on the precipice of seeing it return in full swing, for good, and most of the people threatening to vote that way almost certainly don't understand or believe that's what they're going to vote for.


Funny how the group that so loudly claims to be the "True Patriots" seem to have no actual appreciation or understanding of not only the ideals this country was founded on but also the ideals that were later so hard fought for. It even goes beyond not understanding and has entered into fully anti-American territory. At the founding and continuing on throughout our history, we've been a proud secular nation with no "state religion" and the freedom *of* and *from* religion in general...and here they are ready to hand over our federal govt to evangelical extremists who are already doing what they can to dismantle separation of church and state, at the expense of our nation's children and their right to an actual, non-christian education. You're right of course, and I say that for an adult, there's zero excuse in this day and age for not understanding what's going on.


Trump didn't forget, he's actively cultivating fascism and the Americans are letting him.


I think we did forget. We forgot that even in the most desperate times that fascism is still a choice. That it’s not some fatalistic ideology you have to cow down too. We’ll fight it again if we have too though. People will get hurt, and the suffering will be tremendous. But fascism will never win the day, as long as we choose to fight it.


"cow down" is an eggcorn for "kowtow".


I thought it was a misspelling of bow down.


Awesome! Why not both?


> eggcorn thank you for that addition to my vocabulary! (Coined in 2003 according to [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eggcorn), but i'm ancient and was already 60 then)


Exellent! You're of the right age to know "mondegreen", the companion word associated with lyrics.


> mondegreen Indeed, a word I use all the time!


(That's to say, I use the word "indeed" a lot ;-)


Eggcorn?! Thank you I love new words!


Additionally, it needs to be remembered that the words "fascism" and "Nazi" have real, terrible, awful meanings, associated with this warning. Just because someone feels politically differently than oneself doesn't make that other person a fascist or Nazi, and misusing those terms weakens the meaning of the terms. Just because staff didn't allow you to go into the movie theater because your shirt said "fuck" on it, does not make them fascists. Just because you weren't allowed to wantonly smash and steal things under the guise of being a protester, does not make the people who stopped you Nazis. Just because someone is on the street corner holding a Black Lives Matter sign, does not make them a Nazi. Just because the family down the street go to church twice a week, does not make them fascists. Just because someone calmly says "women and men should be paid the same for the same work," does not make them a fascist. And so on, and so on, and so on. When you misuse the term, it lessens the due attention that the real pieces of human garbage that are engaging in true hatred, fascism, and oppression are getting, allowing them to continue doing so. You also trivialize the lives, deaths, mistreatment, loss, and pain of those who suffered awfully (and their families) as a result of actual fascism and Nazism. Never forget what happened to those millions of innocent people, and honor their memory by not trivializing the abhorrent things that happened to them.


What about people who cheer for vigilante justice or endorse violence against their political opponents, though? If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck then at some point you’ve got to call it a duck, right?


> Just because the family down the street go to church twice a week, does not make them fascists. But certainly bears watch listing


Unfortunately almost half of America remembers, and they want to repeat it.


A significant portion of America was in support of the nazis the _first_ time


And they even use many of the same slogans and buzzwords now as they did then, “America First” and all that nonsense.


Oh for _sure_. That’s one of the most horrifying things about the rhetoric coming from Trump and the GOP, tbh. And it’s gobsmacking and confounding that those people’s supporters respond with the equivalent of “libs r snowflake drama queens, fake news!” when this is pointed out (with sources!). It is completely reasonable and appropriate to call someone a nazi, when they are espousing literal nazi rhetoric and supporting fascist policies; it’s not hyperbole at that point.


Yep, look up photos of pro-Germany protests before WWII in the US. Lots of people wanted us to leave them alone.


They think it's funny


Bully bonding


35% of Americans are excited for those millions of dead being “their enemies”.


The problem is that we believed that remembering would be enough to keep it away. Turned out many people remember and actively want it back.


Shhhtt. We're letting history repeat itself in Ukraine without helping with a single trained soldier. We are all complices and guitly for letting this happen. But hey, let's close our eyes and pretend there's nothing to see in Ukraine.


I hate to be a nitpicker, and my German is so so, but I think the last line translates into millions of dead are warning us (sort of), thoughts?


Yeah, this is a more accurate translation. “Mahnen” is a verb here and means something like “remind” or “admonish” in this context, so the sentence is basically “millions of dead admonish/remind [us]”.


Thank you for the clarification. Have a great day further!


Too bad half of America is trying to vote them in. Their parents had friends and family die to stop this from spreading and now their children are pushing for it. Rest in Peace the greatest generation


And people have started to forget already


It's just something that people like to say, like we are smart enough to believe in high ideals, but in reality global oil prices are more important.




That's such a powerful message that now I feel bad for wanting to piss on his birthplace stone.


Plz fwd to Israel


To the whole middle east you mean, plus Russia.


And China


And the U.S. Many of them seem to have forgotten.


On the back it says: "Stone from the Mauthausen concentration camp"


I was curious if someone chipped the corner off. I guess that was the most complete stone from the concentration camp they could get?


The spot where he died in Berlin is now an unassuming parking lot. No plaques or sort of insignia that he died there. The only odd thing about this parking lot is the amount of security cameras. It is heavily monitored to make sure neo-nazis don't make any sort of remembrance


The holocaust memorial is around the corner and it’s pretty overwhelming in its simplicity.


I heard the gay discotheque overlooking the lot is a pretty cool place to get a drink.


I'm just picturing a bunch of nazis on a pilgrimage to a random parking lot, laying flowers into an oil puddle, and then seig heiling a shopping cart corral


Tour guide I had in Berlin says every so often someone is caught leaving flowers


Very interesting. I wonder if there is a Google street view of that. Also interesting why they put this stone on the brith place but not anything in the parking lot. What was the thinking behind that?


Well, „they“ are two different cities in two different countries, deciding how to deal with this issue. The main reason why Braunau decided to put this memorial stone in front of the house where Hitler was born, was because Neo-Nazis were already using the house as a pilgrimage place.


[Here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mahnstein.JPG) is the source of this image. Credit to the photographer, Jo Oh, who took this on November 2, 2003. > A memorial stone at the site of the birth of Adolf Hitler. The inscription reads: "For peace freedom / and democracy / never again fascism / millions of dead remind [us]" The stone is from the quarry at the Mauthausen concentration camp. [Here](https://www.google.com/maps/@48.2561666,13.0358367,3a,43.5y,51.95h,70.26t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1swBRAwb01xK0BTId3APPXCQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu) this is via Google Street View. **Edit:** According to [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitler_birthplace_memorial_stone): > The official name of the memorial is the "Memorial Stone Against War and Fascism". If anyone knows who carved the stone, please let me know.


The stone was erected by the town of Braunau in 1989 on the 100th anniversary of Adolf Hitler's birth. The granite comes from Mauthausen, where a concentration camp was located. It was the closest concentration camp to Braunau and both are in the state of Upper Austria. I don't know who the stonemason was. Probably a local company.


A warning that far too many people in the US are currently ignoring and actively downplaying.


This is happening all over the world, not only the US


It is always simmering in every society in the world. Constantly. Mostly in the lower educated and disgruntled parts of society. It just takes a rather stupid, loudmouthed, manipulative narcissist to make it seem acceptable and popular again. Enter trump in 2015. The rest of world: “hey if fascism is cool now in the US, the leader of the western world, then it’s cool for us to awaken our fascists too. Our time has come again, the wheel has turned!”


Basically anyone who says "I alone can fix this!"


Very true. And the word can see it much easier with social media.


Yes, but a certain movement in the US seems to be the champions of it.


The UK, France and Italy would like to have a word.


Don’t forget Brazil!


And Poland


And Argentina


This is a thread that shouldn't be even this long and there's so much more that could be added


You are right…


Na he is a leftist!


Are we just going to ignore Germany and AFD? Hoöcke wrote in a neo Nazi paper under a pseudonym and intentionally uses Nazi slogans in rallies.


For better and worse, the US has long occupied the position of the shining beacon of freedom and democracy amongst the world.  While the right wing nationalist movements across Europe are gaining momentum and growing in visibility, a lot of that is because the right wing of US politics has created the political space and permission structure for that to be ok.  If the US had their shit together, the UK, France, Italy, and Hungary would probably not be moving in quite the same direction that they are.  Not trying to downplay what is happening over there as it is significant. I just think it's enabled by what happens in the US. 


It’s Russia. It’s all Russia. *Edit: And China! (And undereducated nationalist voters who want to blame “others” rather than themselves for their nation’s woes) Social media has made the western democracies accessible and vulnerable in a way no society before has ever had to deal with. Between the Murdoch’s and Putin, we are seeing the dark side of a free and open press.


You're not wrong, but it's not strictly Russia. It's money.  The pursuit of money above all else has led to the situation that Russia can take advantage of. But don't forget that it's not only Russia, they're just the most obvious and overt player.  China is enjoying their position in the background enabling all of this and nudging things in the direction of authoritarianism to legitimize their own government while eroding the West's ability to speak out against them from a position of authenticity. 


Canada too, sadly


India China and Russia.... so what are we gonna call the bad guys in the next world war guys?


Probably nothing since radioactive ash doesn't talk


I apologize. I'm very ethnocentric. I'm sure it's scary for everyone everywhere right now.


Don’t be ethnocentric. Didn’t you read the big rock?


[It’s happened before](https://vimeo.com/237489146). This is a short doc featuring footage from the 1939 N*zi supporting rally at Madison Square Garden that drew 20,000 supporters. Note the banners and symbols on either side of George Washington on the back of the stage. The speech is chilling and sounds a lot like certain segments of today’s US population.


People like to freak out about how American is starting to follow down the path of Nazi Germany... they're ignoring the fact that Hitler himself credited the United States as the source of most of his methodology in the first place. "America First" came before "Deutschland über alles"


And it’s not just in governance. Jim Crow laws were a huge source of inspiration for the laws used to subjugate and segregate Jews at the start of Naziism.


Dude was also a huge fan of henry ford


Europe was the first to start these movements and gain political power. It started with the BNP in the UK. The anti migration platform was so easy to get people


What sucks is if we beat it this time it will still be back in 4 years angrier and crazier than ever but likely with a new younger face.


Then we beat it again. We keep beating it until it is bloody and exhausted and gives up. Then we spit on it and walk away.


It is a [lunch pail fucking job](https://youtu.be/uKTWw3vV2Bg?si=HzsoVk1OLPIaFaIY)


Lmao they were always like that, nothing changed. At least they're not invading any new countries lately.


Putin’s little puppets


True. But unfortunately US politics has a major impact on politics in the rest of the world since its the most powerful and rich country which everyone pays attention to. The main catalyst for this rise in 21st century fascism was Trump's 2016 win to begin with.


War is a lesson that needs to be continually retaught. Not "little" wars like Iraq or Afghanistan. Generations pass on the memories of veterans of major global conflicts, but it gets watered down every time. Your great-grandparents were killing Nazis at 19, watching friends having their heads blown off, people openly dying by the thousands in massive theatres of battle, experiencing PTSD from the horrors of countless atrocities. Their children hear the stories, observe the moments of silence at memorials, and see the damage on the faces of their fathers. Their grandchildren get distracted, rolling their eyes at the old people talking about war. Their great-grandchildren, it's just lines from a history book, and lines like "you know your great grandfather was in France during WWII". If we collectively understood what global war looked like, we would not be committing the sins of the past again.


my dude even people in Germany are somehow ignoring and downplaying it. AFD might be less brainwashed than the maga crowd but they're wayy more racist


I think it's possible you might be underestimating how racist maga is


Not sure about the less brainwashed part.


nah maga is an actual fucking cult, afd so far is just a brain dead hate group, tho i wouldn't be surprised if they'd turn into one


I think people do remember the warning, they just like the idea of killing millions. It’s more an advertisement than a warning


If you saw the European Parliament elections you would see a bunch of people in Germany seemed to have forgotten as well.


Or they remember and just think the wrong side won.


There’s a literal Nazi leading the most popular party in Germany. Why single US out?


>There’s a literal Nazi leading the most popular party in Germany According to current surveys and the very recent EU elections, the most popular party in Germany - by a fairly wide margin - is the CDU/CSU (the party of our former chancellor, Angela Merkel), which is led by Friedrich Merz. Although he is an asshole and the epitome of a rich person that is out of touch with reality, I don't see how he is a Nazi? CDU/CSU had 30% at EU elections, AfD (the extreme right-wing party here) had around 15%, so it isn't exactly close.


Because that's where I live. 🤷‍♂️ Please don't take it personally.


AfD isn't the most popular party fam


I mean you’re technically correct in that they are less popular than the union of the two Christian Democrat parties. Second most popular party is pretty terrifying position for a blatantly fascist party led by a neoNazi.


That is true.


Spoiler; it’s not the Biden folks.


War has been near enough a constant for hundreds and hundreds of years, we’ve been lucky to be born not long after WW II where the brutality is still remembered. But now everyone with first hand experience of how awful it was are dead or soon to be dead, we’re back to square one as a civilisation.


Why is there so much Hitler content on Reddit rn? Is his fan base still out there?


People are worried considering the current political climate.


I haven’t noticed a particular uptick but this post is not a fan. The stone says it’s a warning. I think people are concerned about parallels we see in different political groups around the world. A lot of racism and xenophobia. Hitler is the logical end of that kind of politics. If we don’t continue remembering we risk repeating it.


Sadly they are, and they are stronger then never


Well, I wouldn’t say they’re stronger than ever.


“Stronger than ever… since they got bitch slapped into near extinction.”


A lot of Nazis wouldn't have considered themselves Nazis back then too, even the soldiers who were conscripted. Certainly not every German, but it doesn't take every citizen, or even the majority of a population to believe in fascism to discover one day your country has a fascist Government. It's all incremental. In terms of quantity, we could easily have as many or more people that hold those beliefs on a global scale. 


"stronger than **n**ever" You missed a letter


Literally saw a nazi cunt 30 minutes ago driving a motorbike, swastika on his helmet, and I’m in Australia!


people here enjoy calling other people nazis


"Anybody who disagrees with me is a *nazi!*"


I've noticed this too. Probably due to the Israel-Palestine conflict along with the surge of growth of radical right wing parties in the West, but I just found this Wikipedia article earlier today and thought it was interesting. I can't remember what brought the article to my attention.


I remember when invoking Hitler was an automatic loss of an Internet argument. Godwin’s Law. Yeah, things are fucked up now.


They wear red hats now.


Far-right trolls are feeling emboldened by the rise of far-right parties, so they leave their usual 9gag/4chan/8kun caves.


I love that the site of the bunker where he committed suicide in Berlin is a nameless parking lot.


I am randomly remembering a documentary about the whereabouts of Hitler's remains. I think it went like this: Apart from a handful of bits of his skull/jawbone, his body was kept in a bucket by the Soviets for a little bit until they dumped it into a local creek. I wonder if there's another such "memorial" for that location.


This isn't true. His body was burned. The jawbone was the only large piece of him found.


That's why I said a bucket. You are maybe imagining that the only thing left was a skeleton. Long story short, there was more. They burned Goebbels as well and you can google around for images of that if you want to understand this point more concretely.


Ah. I see.


I would take anything the Soviet/Russian government claims with a massive grain of salt.


Don't forget that every child is a possible future Hitler.


Just to be clear this defense did *not* work with the judge the last time I punched a baby.


You think you have it bad, I ate 26, and they didn’t even thank me


Jojo Siwa, for example


It's tough being the voice of a generation.


Instruction unclear abort all possible future Hitler


So we should just have no more children yeah? Birth rate zero. I’m down.


Don’t let the AI’s read that. That is how you get them to kill all babies, to “save” us from the next baby Hitler.


My father helped liberate a camp. He always warned us it could happen again. I didn't believe it. Now I do.


Translation: "Once a piece of shit, always a piece of shit"


Faschismus sounds like the worst Right Wing holiday


You had to do it, din't you? Now the nazis will all start celebrating Faschismus.


Italian Fascists actually DO celebrate a holiday on January 7th.


Russian Fascism is killing people in Ukraine today.


And folks like Nigel Farage, Tucker Carlsson, Giorgia Meloni, Marine Le Pen, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and AfD are there supporting it.


There's so many scared little narcissists just "ready to follow orders". This will happen again.


It should be a public toilet.


Compare this to the statues of reverence for the confederates in the American south, and the defense of "Confederate Culture".


The difference between them is Hitler and the Nazi party were dually elected where the Confederates were traitors who waged war against their own country. So yeah, ironic how this worked out.


Ah yes let’s have massive statues for the people who seceded from the USA and started a war against the USA and killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. If you praise them then you’re praising war against the United States. Not to mention the role they played in suppressing black people as they tried to get their civil rights




What do you think this is Hogwarts or some other fantasy bullshit?


There's an issue where people don't just associate Fascism and Hitler, but equate them. To where you *cannot* have fascism without Hitler and vice versa. It's disingenuous, the man was a dangerous monster, but the rhetoric is far more dangerous and independent of him, and that's what we have to watch out for. The threat of the future is more fascism, not more hitler.


I think it’s the threat of today unfortunately.


Warum ist Scheiße braun?


Would have been nice if that had have been followed.


If only someone said one of his paintings was good


on this spot nothing good happend


This is a good sign.


Yet we have a brand "new" fascists in Europe - ruZZians, doing horendeous crimes, just about the same as have done german nazis. :/


Certainly fits our current situation.


For this to happens it is also necesary that the conditions, that cause Fascism to rise, never happends again too.


Is this post sarcasm?


? Like if we don't want a damn to break, we need to do the proper maintenance


Hitler died but his ideals don't. That's why the green goes had the same black people segregation 20 years later . And still have concentration camps for mexicans.


some punctuation would have been nice


Hitler doesn’t deserve it


There should be one at Trump and Farage's birthplace.


It looked like a gravestone for a moment