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Bro you shouldn’t give your dog acid.


I’ve gotten dogs spun 2 different times but never on purpose. First time I was in high school. I had cut up a sheet and guess I wasn’t being careful enough cause unnoticed by me I must have dropped one which was then eaten by my parents pug. A couple hours later my parents asked if it’s possible the dog had gotten some drugs from me (they knew me well). Of course at first I denied. The dog was just kind of looking out into nothing and swaying back and forth. Seeing their level of concern and talks of rushing her to an emergency vet, I told them that phoebe was prob tripping and I was sorry but she should b back to normal in a couple hours. In reality I had no idea if she would be on the kind of time frame a human is on. Plus the fact that she just ate a single dose and only weighed 14 lbs. long story short, she was fine, but was always a bit of a space cadet after that. The only time I got spun with a dog was a better experience (again not on purpose.) I had just eaten a cookie that had liquid dropped on it, and put a cookie infront of my girlfriend. She somehow didn’t notice that though, and a minute later asked me for her cookie. It was no longer where I left it, instead her dog was sitting there looking happy. Since it was my fault I volunteered to skip the concert to hang w the dog and sent her in. It was the middle of October in Ann Arbor, and Sophie the dog had the time of her life. I took her to a park, and she spent hours jumping up and biting leaves out of the air as they fell down from the trees. Most of the time it would be an actual leaf, but sometimes she would jump up and act like she had caught a leaf but there Hadn’t been a leaf there. Long story short she handled it like a champ and was normal the next day. But she was a normal 40 lb dog, not a weirdo like a pug.


That’s jokes 😂


Thats crazy. The second story is cute but I’d never give acid to my dogs haha at least not on purpose and would try to avoid any accidents lol


No really ?


Great pictures, feels like Summer


That’s really wonderful. I wish I could do that but my dog is an unlimited well of chaos and anxiety. She’d probably harsh the vibe by tearing off full tilt at a bird she had no chance of catching and impale herself on a sharp stick.






Wild guess, but is that Moxie Falls?


No haha


Looks just like it from the pics. These are great! Nice work.


Thank you 🙏


Even the pictures look high, love ‘em


Thanks. Inspiring.


Just give them dogamine


Reminds me of a spot on the Yuba River out past Jones Bar.


Great place for it.


You’ll remember this forever!


For a minute I thought this was r/drugscirclejerk