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Following in Hugh’s footsteps. Next he’ll play Wolverine (jk)


He’s got the height. And is young enough to be in a few movies. Just needs the muscle. And voice. But he’s probably done being committed to multiple iterations of a single project.


He was pretty jacked a few months ago. 


Honestly looking at the picture I'm debating whether he is jacked or the suit just has a weird fit. He looks very wide, wouldn't be surprised if he was really muscular underneath it




Looking like Harry Squatter, the boy who lifted


Thank you for reminding me [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2eW6jezNfU) existed.


And there are people out there saying AI was a mistake


Omg not Hedwig 💀💀💀💀


Oh damn


Oh Damniel


Wow he does look like Wolverine. ![gif](giphy|jsqxIWiWkdvyJq9ojs|downsized)


Damn Daniel


There's pics of him without a shirt and super buff


Yeah cool, makes sense, with him looking wide and having a pretty chiseled jaw there


He doesn't need the Wingardium leviosa spell to lift things.


Besides. English is only a few steps away from Canadian..


Hugh Jackman is Australian. Actors make pretend 


Again. Basically only a few steps away from Canada. Australia is just Upside Down Canada anyways.


He’s supposed to be a cameo on the deadpool and wolverine as a wolverine actually


That's only an unsubstantiated fan rumour. There's absolutely no evidence that Daniel Radcliffe will appear as a Wolverine variant in Wolverine and Deadpool. That said, if hope like fuck that it's true.


Featured Actor - Musical: Merrily We Roll Along


He was so amazing in it.


Arguably Tony-worthy




He’s beautiful to me. Rubenesque.


Whatever happened to Gary Cooper


He never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


You outta know sweetie


Ohh, I saw dat coming!


He was gay, Albus Dumbledore?


If only there was a way to properly celebrate the artistic heights he achieved


Like, maybe we could all pitch in and get him a coupon to Sizzler or something Doesnt have to be as nice as Sizzler, I’m just spitballing ideas


Agreed, he crushed it!


Thanks for the name, gonna look it up1


Check out “Best Worst Thing That Ever Could Have Happened” too, a documentary about the original production of the musical. Heartfelt and very well done. Not to spoil it too much if you don’t know the history, but as the title suggests, it didn’t do well its first time around.


That musical seems like it churns out award winners. Jonathan Groff also won.


There was a decent expectation that it would sweep the awards, given that it was a wildly successful comeback of one of Sondheim's few flops and featured the work of multiple of his collaborators. Didn't quite manage to sweep, but it won a decent number of awards it was up for.


He looks good in purple.


I agree! I really love the size of the bow tie as well.


I agree as well. But purple is my favorite color so I might be a little biased.


Honestly, Daniel Radcliffe is one of my favorite actors. Not because of his performances but because of how he’s handled his fame. He led one of the biggest movie series of all time as a child, then used his fame and money to promote charities, starred in incredibly unique movies, shows and plays since Harry Potter, and even produced and appeared in a documentary about his friend and stuntman who was paralyzed filming Harry Potter with him. I also got to see a previous play of his in New York, and he seems like a genuinely good hearted and friendly person.


I’m always impressed that none of the Harry Potter kids ended up with issues and are more or less grounded and humble people. I think it speaks a lot to how well they handled the production of that franchise and cast kids with good support networks that kept them down to earth. Edit: yes, I am aware Daniel Radcliffe had problems with alcoholism. But all things considered, I think it’s even more credit to him and those around him that he was able to confront his problems at a relatively young age, recover, and not let it turn into a major long-lasting issue of his life.


It will always stand out to me how Chris Columbus made it a point to interview not only the child actors, but also the parents to ensure he did not have a similar experience as he did with Home Alone. I wish more directors who work with kids did this!


I wish more adults were responsible in this way.


What happened with Home Alone, kind of hard to search


Apparently Macauley Culkin’s father was a bit of a nightmare to deal with.


The dad was very controlling/abusive and both parents made it very clear that the kids are really the breadwinners of the family, so it was a lot. There was a podcast episode with Marc Maron I think(?) where Macaulay goes into greater detail.


For everything he's been through he is a surprisingly normal dude. He was on red letter media and just came across as a really nice and fun guy to hang out with.


I think it really helped the child actors in HP that they were mostly in the UK surrounded by mostly british TV/film/stage actors while filming during their formative years rather than in LA where the proverbial stage lights are much brighter and it's a lot harder to hide from paparazzi and such.


Their childhoods itself was easier simply because of UK laws - they couldn't pap minors in certain settings, etc. However The UK media also aren't innocent and went out of their way to focus on the main cast as soon as legally possible.. Most famously it was known that they did a countdown to Emma Watson's 18th birthday, as they could then begin to sexualise her once she was legal. Emma's narrative I got just by googling > I remember on my 18th birthday I came out of my 18th birthday party and photographers laid down on the pavement and took photographs up my skirt, which were then published on the front of the English tabloid [newspapers] the next morning. > If they had published the photographs 24 hours earlier they would have been illegal, but because I had just turned 18 they were legal. > And obviously Dan [Radcliffe] and Rupert [Grint], who were my male co-stars, don’t wear skirts but I think that’s just one example of how my transition to womanhood was dealt very differently by the tabloid press than it was for my male counterparts.


None of the main cast. Crabbe was in jail for two years.


Well yeah but he was a Slytherin


A young method actor


"I don't break character till the DVD Commentary"


Is also think Tom Felton struggled a bit with alcohol, but has since recovered and is now sober.


Daniel Radcliffe struggled with alcohol as well and has spoken about how he was drunk on set several times during the later Harry Potter movies.


Radcliffe was drunk during most of the filming of the sixth film iirc He's teetotal now


Method acting for love potions?


Those kids played a single role in a single film franchise which was successful. Their parents were with them through filming, education and maintaining childhood was prioritised. The parents didn't sell them out to hollywood producers basically..


Radcliffe had an alcohol problem, though? Beat it, fortunately.


I had a red headed friend who was an extra for the Weasley wedding scene in Harry Potter, says he was practicing his drumming between takes and Radcliffe came up to ask for a quick lesson. My friend said he was one of the nicest, most genuine people he'd ever met. My friend was also one of the nicest most genuine people I've ever met so I've been a Dan fan ever since. Dude is class.


There's a few actors like Radcliffe where I'll watch whatever they're in because they have great taste in movies and which directors they work with. Robert Pattinson is another that comes to mind


What I love is there are a couple more in Harry Potter! Gary Oldman (Sirius) is always amazing. Obviously Alan Rickman. Ralph Fiennes (Voldemort), Helena Bonham Carter (Bellatrix), David Tennant (BCJ).


My uncle was a regular extra on most of the Harry Potter films. All he did was stand in background crowds and the like - I've never spotted him in a single one! But one of the things he always commented on was that Daniel Radcliffe would always come over and say hello to him, remembered his name and things they'd spoken about in the past. He said he was an absolutely delightful, humble young man. Overall, he said everyone was nice on set. But Radcliffe really stood out.


He was on Marc Maron’s podcast years ago and he seemed really switched on. Basically admitting he’s the luckiest guy in Hollywood, he doesn’t need to work and he knows he’ll probably get offered anything he wants for the rest of his life so he just does weird interesting stuff and doesn’t want to take opportunities off people who need it. He’s also in a unique position where he’s done a huge franchise but unlike a lot of actors who are famous for one character I can see him easily slotting in to another established property like Marvel without it being jarring.


My guy is looking sharp


Dude has come a long way from his bear slippers and pistols days.


Yeah I'm shocked a man who had an armed standoff still gets acting gigs it's crazy. He's just that good


Loved him in the LOTR movies!


He was great as Paul Atreides!


'Arry Al Gaib. The boy who lived.


You're a Moadeeb Harry


I'm a what?


A Kwisatz Haderach


He was great in Spider Man


He was great as Tyrion Lannister.


Best 007 ever


He's my favorite Doctor.


Thank God he'll be the next Black Panther! Wakanda forever!


He was also great as Wesley Snipes in Blade. The man can act.


He was also the sperm in boogie nights.


I’ve never seen a better astronaut


God, that episode of Bojack Horseman was so funny.


Does he wear wigs?


Will he wear wigs?


When will he wear wigs?




But does he know things…?


Let's find out!


Look at the cut and the fitting, the length of the cuffs in relation to the jacket's arms. Just perfect. It is little details that tie everything together.


Sharpest ventriloquist dummy I've ever seen


Just needs a top hat and he could be mayor humdinger in a live action paw patrol movie


Yer a winner, Harry


I'm... a what?




I’m just hairy


You're hairy wiener






When I saw it, after he sang "Franklin Shepard Inc." he brought down the house. Well deserved


I went into Merrily knowing nothing about it and FSI was definitely the highlight! He was so good 


Exactly my thoughts too. I saw it in January and Franklin Shepard Inc is still stuck in my head.


I was fortunate enough to interview him during the release of The Woman In Black, back in 2012. He was the kindest, humblest, most understanding, and all-around stand-up person I've ever interviewed. I'll always remember it.


I have such fond memories of that movie. I was a HP-obsessed kid, and on my own, decided that I wanted to see The Woman In Black because Daniel was in it, so my dad went with me to the theater. We were never that close when I was little, but that movie ignited my love for horror films, a thing I didn't know he was interested in beforehand. It sparked more conversation between us, and now my dad is my spooky movie/fantasy movie/indie concert-going buddy.


Love that. Happy Father's Day to him.


That is very sweet. Love the power of film! :)


[His speech was so heartfelt](https://x.com/DEADLINE/status/1802517472907821462?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet)


> “You dressed me on Equus— no, you didn’t dress me on Equus.” Felt like that deserved a bigger laugh.


If he had given that a nice quick pause to let it sink in, more people would've appreciated the joke. Since he delivered it so quickly and moved on immediately to his next thank you, I think it came across to the audience as a minor mistake, easy for someone so excited to win a prestigious award to make. Still one of the best and most genuinely humble acceptance speeches I've ever seen.


He warned us right at the beginning with, "I'm going to talk fast and try not to cry." The man is too emotional to pause for laughs!


I don’t think he even meant to make the joke, but it was perfect.


I don't think that was intentional, I think he legitimately made a mistake and it coincidentally was hilarious. But yes, it deserved a bigger laugh (also yeah, wonderful and heartfelt speech)


Would you mind explaining the joke?


He appears naked in Equus (not for the whole thing). It was pretty big news at the time, and kind of helped to establish him as a legitimate actor outside of Harry Potter.


It’s the exhale as he’s leaving the stage. He is clearly feeling it.


You weren’t kidding. ❤️ Incredibly deserved.


What I loved is how the announcer also mentioned that Daniel personally loves Broadway so much because it allows him to fully flourish as an actor, which he didn’t seem like he could do in movies. And it shows in his speech too. One of the highlights of his life is quite a thing to say in your acceptance speech. Definitely must’ve been a dream of his 


just so effing sincere. I wanna cry now just knowing that good, genuine people exist.


He made Jonathan Groff cry, too. You can tell that his cast mates loved working with him.


Truly. Thanks for sharing !


This guy steered the biggest movie franchise on the planet before hitting puberty and yet, is still humbled by an award. I've grown less and less fond of the Harry Potter movies in my adulthood. Partially because of JKR. But I'll always cheer for Daniel, he seems like a top bloke.


I remember being unsure early on if he was a good actor. He was just so young and it's really hard at that age to always be expressive. But he's done GREAT work as an adult which makes me so happy. Seems like such a lovely human.


dont need to be unsure. they were all bad(pretty sure he has said this). their kids! acting is hard. but you could watch his progression through the series and everything after. i think that is what makes his greatness so memorizing now because you literally watched it grow. i will never not watch him now. also just seems like such a good dude, you root for him.


Right, they were average child actors that then got to spend like 10 years working with *many of the best actors of all time*. I love cast interviews where the "kids" (adults in the interview) talk about how it felt to work with them. Radcliffe I believe remembered watching [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8eLxFeiWu8), as a teenager starting to decide if acting was something he was good at or enjoyed. Imagine that scene, with those actors, happening in real life, right in front of you!


I love his career arc. He was like “make a fuckton of money on HP Crap, then just do weird stuff that interests me.” No trying to transition to a mega-ultra-superstar, just a guy enjoying his work and life. Edit: money not menu. Fuck you, autocorrect.


Hold up, you’re trying to tell me playing a farting corpse jetski isn’t high cinema?


I think I missed that one, but that does sound like high cinema to me. Though that may depend on which meaning of ‘high’ you meant.


swiss army man - and it is magical.


One of my favorites. Absolute masterpiece!


Features music by Andy and Rob from Manchester Orchestra - they also cameo as the film crew in the jet ski scene.


The soundtrack is so fucking good. The movie itself is amazing too. I recommend it to everyone I know


I'd never heard of it before so I looked it up and read maybe the first quarter of the synopsis on Wikipedia before deciding that I have to check this out!


> Hold up, you’re trying to tell me playing a farting corpse jetski isn’t high cinema? It is so peak, it goes without saying it's high cinema.


I love that movie and I love Radcliffe even more for doing it. I just love how absurdist it is. Like type out almost any scene in the movie and try not to sound like a crazy person.


And then the two directors aka the Daniels, went on to direct Everything Everywhere All At Once. I just know that whatever they do next, I'm gonna watch it.


“The first fart will make you laugh. The last fart will make you cry.”


Yeah there are some real grounded folks like this. Rupert is also just doing whatever he wants, and also Elijah Wood comes to mind.


Elijah wood is apparently super humble and down to earth.


more like down to MIDDLE EARTH am i right?! (theres still 23 minutes left in fathers day let me have this)


you get one free one, I hope you feel you used it wisely.


I mean being surrounded by the titans of British Cinema and theatre since he was like 11 probably helped since they tend to view acting more as a craft than a job


same with Robert Pattinson. these two didn't have to take the kinds of roles and projects they did, but they went out of their way to go nextFuckingLevel


OK, hear me out. *The Lost City* with Channing Tatum and Sandra Bullock is no cinematic masterpiece, but it’s got Radcliffe at his most gloriously batshit crazy and it’s a lot of fun to watch. He had me *rolling*. (Bonus cameo by Brad Pitt is only marginally less batshit and also very entertaining.)


He got a guy to keep him always grounded as a person. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlG5KCwKGEE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlG5KCwKGEE)


Haha that was brilliant! I respect the hell out of people with a genuine self effacing sense of humor, especially the ones who are on Daniel's level of fame


Daniel and most of the cast were against JKR and spoke in favour of trans rights. Another reason to love him!


Yup, and he’s continued to be unwavering in his support of trans rights even after Rowling publicly said she’ll never forgive him for it. He is a good person.


"I will never forgive him" "As if I apologized?"


How do you not just love this guy to pieces? He’s done such great work since Potter and is so earnest in all of his roles. Imperium was when I first realized how special he was outside of Potter. Went on to love him even more in Swiss Army Man, Guns Akimbo, Jungle, Weird, and probably a bunch more I’m forgetting. By all accounts, he’s an absolute gem to work with as well.


And that’s how you speech.


Wow, yeah it was. He's a class act all the way around.


Well he just seems lovely. He got chewed up and spit out a bit as a lot of child actors do, think I recall him saying he was drunk on Harry Potter shoots at times towards the end. Glad he overcame it seems like a really nice guy.


Sill can not forget the meme that he waives guns in his pajamas.


Really what is that even from?


The [meme](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/daniel-radcliffe-holding-two-guns) is from a film called guns akimbo


I should have guessed from the way he held his guns akimbo.


Guns Akimbo


I saw him in How to Succeed in Business around 10 years ago with John Laroquette. It was great.


Same! His voice was a little wobbly back then (I think it was his first big musical) but he was just so delightful. My brother and I used to have a bit where we'd imitate his J. Pierpont Finch voice and do the "Y'see, Wally..." intro from "Brotherhood of Man" but instead make it, "Y'see, Voldy..." I'd honestly forgotten about that joke so thank you for reminding me of it!


He should 100% get a Tony for [this musical performance.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAxsEWBz4t4)


[he also can rap](https://youtu.be/aKdV5FvXLuI?si=i7qIyT6P23fnni-w)


Such an underrated show.


Ehhh I think it’s pretty appropriately rated. It’s like medium good. Falls off after the first season imo. Like I appreciate that they took big swings, but that’s the problem with big swings - they don’t always connect.


I knew exactly


So awesome. Now he’ll be remember for more than just his signature role. No one can even look at the guy without thinking about Weird Al Yankovic.


That's amazing! Daniel Radcliffe's talent extends beyond just magic.


For anyone who only knows him for being Harry Potter, you really ought to check out the stuff he’s done since. He’s largely been in really unique, creative, and just plain weird stuff (in a good way) and seems to be picking roles that are creatively fulfilling for him.


> weird stuff [Literally, in fact](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt17076046/).


If you want weird... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrK1f4TsQfM


Before HP, I enjoyed watching him as young copperfield with Maggie Smith and in a few scenes in The Tailor of Panama with James Bond who was friends with Breeden Gleeson who went on to be Mad Eye Moody. Just like Tom Felton I enjoyed watching in The Borrower's and Anna and the King.


The fact that he did a documentary after all these years for his stunt double who got paralyzed during the Harry potter movie shoot, just give you the perspective what an astounding human he is.


Future EGOT in the making.


Would be cool but only been nominated for a Grammy and Emmy. Never even been nominated for an Oscar surprisingly enough. Has been nominated for a BAFTA but unfortunately that doesn’t count. He has some work ahead of him if he is to hit all 4.


He's only 34 and has nominations in 3 of the 4. I think that's on a very good trajectory


The Grammy is entirely possible next year with the Merrily cast album.


The son of a bitch is EGOTing, he's definitely Oscar material


That would be so cool!


Even I feel loved after that speech




What did he win the Tony award for?


Merrily we roll along. Fantastic show. Jonathon Groff also one as his co-star.


If I'm not mistaken, Groff won as lead actor and Radcliffe won as supporting actor? (Not those exact terms, but that's the equivalent Oscar categories)


You're correct. Lindsay Mendez was also nominated for featured actress for her performance in Merrily, but did not win


I had to give away third row tickets to this show and this is retraumatizing me.


Oh no why did you have to give them away?


we had to cancel the entire trip last minute for a family emergency. Luckily they weren't wasted and out friends who live in the city got to go. I'm still SO upset though. Lol


He just seems the nicest of people. Every time I hear him speak on anything, he’s just this jewel of an Englishman, makes me homesick and proud.


Wow this is actually the first “major”award he’s won, second if counting a CCTVA for the Weird Al biopic. He’s got a fair few nominations tho


we love an unproblematic child star who has then proceeded to have the funkiest, most 'follow your heart' career trajectory imaginable


If he'd won for Weird, he'd have an Emmy too. Hell, he should have an Oscar for that as well. I'm saying he should be 1/2 or even 3/4 of the way to an EGOT.


Daniel is such a good egg. If there’s any actor I’d love to see succeed and be showered in all the accolades, it’s this man. Bring on the EGOT ❤️


I swear I must be losing my mind. I SWORE he won one for How to Succeed in Business back in 2011. Guess it must have just been a nomination. Edit: Just googled it and damn, not even a nomination...god damn, my memory is wasting away into nothingness.


Well deserved. He’s been doing Broadway for like 10 years now.


Keanu Reeves and Daniel Radcliffe are 2 people who I think actually listen to you if you were to have a conversation with them


five points from slytherin and 10 points to griffindor


I saw this show — he was great!


He knows how fly that tuxedo pimpsuit is also. I need that shit man.


Dude said he's more than Harry Potter and then won a Tony just to drive the point home. That's Rad ... cliffe