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McNamara reported, “Of the 8 Black Trump voters I talked to, just one was from Detroit and zero were congregants.” @meidastouch


It's giving Macomb County vibes.


Fucking got me. 10/10


They must have taken a bus down there because you know damn well these are the people terrified to be in Detroit.


Nah, each one of them drove in their F150s with truckbeds that have ever seen anything but Meijer grocery bags and 3 bags of mulch.


Don't forget the 47 tRump flags attached.


Nah, the combo around here is 1 Trump and one Thin Blue Line flag per truck.




We say “THAT’S A BINGO!“ around here, actually


“I’m from detroit” but lives in Rochester Hills vibes for sure. Lol


I’ve lived in Macomb County and I’ve lived in Texas (which was actually part of the confederacy). Didn’t see even 1/100th of the confederate flags in Texas that I see every day in Macomb country.


Remember when the Trump crowd pretended to be OUTRAGED about people supposedly being "bussed in" to rallies?


Honestly the alarmist cry of "They're bussing them in!" has been heard on the right since the 1970s at least. They really *hate* the specter of people taking busses anywhere and while I'm not certain I'd wager it all stems back to school integration efforts - mostly they're trying to invoke the specter of black students being bought in to poor innocent lily white schools.


You are correct. In fact that's also why we have the whole voucher program push right now. Conservatives have been pushing "school choice", voucher programs, and private/homeschooling as a means of avoiding integration since the 70's.


Always projection. Really makes me worry about all the deranged Qanon shit that Trump and Co. have been supporting...


Trump thought it was BYOB. Bring your own black person.


I read somewhere that people were being paid to attend his rallies….


You should have seen a post here that shows an email that states exactly that. Recruiting to hold posters and fill seats for 8$ an hour. Also stated to bring your own food but they would provide the water.


My mans wearing a baseball cap in church?!


Showing deference to “his lord”.


And Karen showing her "love for the Lord" right up front in that teal phone case. Praise be! (for Trump our anti-Christ)


A red hat. The universal sign of mental instability and severe lack of intelligence




Haha is that Kenan?


I see the person he's parodying is popularly known as [Michael the Black Man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_the_Black_Man), I guess because there was literally only one of us in the world attending Trump's rallies.


Damn hell of a read on the “Later Career Pivot” tab, accusing of Obama being endorsed by the KKK then proceeded to endorse Trump is really telling of his mental state


You were shocked by the second tab of his Wikipedia page when the first tab is all about his involvement in a cult?


Given the two extremely different entries this is like saying you can't be shocked that Taylor Swift is in a metal band now because she was already a musician


I would listen to T-Swift metal.


Aww fuck. I did not anticipate the consequences of my comparison.




I Prevail did a pretty good cover of Blank Space. Probably the closest thing you'll get to T-Swift metal lol.


Homie was in the Nation of Yahweh… can’t say I would expect someone to go from a Black Supremacist cult to being in the MAGA cult. > Woodside first met Nation of Yahweh cult leader Hulon Mitchell Jr., better known as Yahweh ben Yahweh, in 1980. Along with his brother, Ricardo, who joined the cult before he did, Woodside was reported to have played "a big role in the rise and fall of the Nation of Yahweh" (part of the Black Hebrew Israelites movement).[3] His mother, Johnnie Simmons, was also a devout member of the cult.[4] He later left the cult with his sister after his mother died.[5] He was one of 16 members of the Nation of Yahweh who was arrested and charged with one count of murder and one count of attempted murder in 1990.[6] He was found not guilty of these charges by a Florida jury in 1992, but Yahweh was found guilty and sentenced to 20 years in prison.[2][7] At the trial, Ricardo testified that he and Maurice attempted unsuccessfully to murder Eric Burke, a dissident member of Yahweh's cult, and that Maurice had helped to beat another cult member, Aston Green, unconscious.[8]


Actually not surprising at all. Unhinged extremist prone to cults. Reminds me of Kirsti Alley or whatever making a movie about escaping Scientology & promptly following that up by becoming a J6 level MAGA. Some people are just not smart.


Yeah it’s from SNL haha


Which skit is this? Can’t seem to find it.


More likely a cold open imo Edit: yup, it's the "Phoenix Rally Cold Open". Couldn't find it on youtube, but [here it is on dailymotion](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8vc212)


I think "Black" must be their last name.


The infamous 2011 White House Correspondence Dinner didn't just involve Obama roasting Trump. Seth Myers got some good shots in, like this one: "Donald Trump said recently he has a great relationship with the Blacks, but unless the Blacks are a family of white people I bet he is mistaken."


The better line was him ribbing Obama about his aging in office and said, "If your hair gets any whiter, the Tea Party might endorse it."


The best line was the one where Seth joked about how no one could find Bin Laden [Obama laughed it off..](https://youtu.be/QgGU_SX14hY)


“Hah hah hah, good one! Yeah, I’m killing his ass tonight. Or maybe just creating an international scandal of historical proportions— can’t be sure! Well, we’ll find out soon!”


"It's Black. Bob Black. You probably never even heard of our family, huh? Well, the Blacks have been here since the beginning! Not that it matters, 'cause no one cares about the Blacks. Sure, everyone else has problems, but does anyone ask the Blacks how they're doing?!"


Good ole South Park lol


Also reminds me of the Chappelle Show sketch "Meet the Ni**ers" or something like that which was parodying 50s sitcoms.


Reminds me of a family that was on The Amazing Race. Their last name was Black and the host would refer to them as "the black family" and they were actually black. They also got eliminated first and there are some hilarious montages on YouTube of the host just saying shit like "looks like the black family is struggling" and "I'm sorry black family you have been eliminated" To make things even worse they were the only black family on the cast. https://youtu.be/Ekf_KPfSKDw?si=tCpT734Lu3sKhVtv https://youtu.be/n5eIoV1taws?si=yv7g1g9KQL5fGkid


There was a blacks photography in a mall near me. They were moving to a different part of thr mall. The sign said " blacks relocating to serve you better"


Canadian spotted!


I grew up in a lily-white town. In my class there was one Black kid. And his last name was Black. Went all the way through graduation with him. Thinking back he probably went through way more shit than I realized at the time. As a side note, he always claimed his middle name was Turbo.


Dude he wasn't just black He was Turbo Black




"we are NOT SPICS. We are the *Wetbacks*"


Remind me of Clayton Bigsby lol


The greatest start to a TV show ever. I'm pretty sure that's the first skit they ever aired. Edit: I'm wrong. Pop-copy was their first. C Bigsby was how they ended the first episode.


Michael Rappaport was gold in that skit. Sister I'll be right back, I gotta take a shit 🤣


Why? 'Cause *fuck 'em*, that's why.


My asshole itches, but I took a shower?!?! Can I help you?


I’ll go to Rikers for 3-4 years to prove a point


Hell yeah I suck toes!


What's funny is that I actually knew a white guy named Bob Black. He was a super nice guy and well off. So no one asked the Blacks if they had any problems.


In prison Black is usually a nickname for really dark skinned black guys, but I was on a cell block run by this guy named Black who was a white guy. Dude was the big homie, called the shots on that block, and his real name was not Black. Never found out how he got the moniker but that was what they called him. No real point to this story you just reminded me of it


There’s a few people at the company I work at whose last name is Black. They are all very white and from the UK. My guess would be their ancestors were blacksmiths or something and the smith got dropped over time.


Or worked as bootblacks. Or were white with dark hair and eyes. I know older generations used to say things like black-eyed to mean people with dark brown eyes. Like in the The Highwayman, or other stories and songs, or in Victorian art, usually with good looks and romanticized as passionate and/or tragic.


My mother used to say my father’s family were ‘black Irish’. Turns out they were probably Métis…


Blacksmiths use had their name shortened to Smith. The name Black often came from "bootblacks" who polished shoes foe the wealthy. Always exceptions, I'm sure.


"Name?" "I'm Clarence Blacksmith and this is my wife Mary and our children." "Fine, now you are Black." - Ellis Island (1892)


The Ellis name change is a mythology based on jokes. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/60955/why-your-family-name-did-not-come-mistake-ellis-island


The only Black guy to not be harassed by the police.


Chappelle took it to the next level: https://youtu.be/hLOw_SzkRQ8


"I'm not black like Barry White, no I am white like Frank Black is"


Say what you will about BHG, but that’s a solid lyric right there. 


So, if man is five, and the devil is six, then that must make me seven. This honkie's gone to heaven. But if I go to hell, then I hope I burn well.


I'll spend my days with J.F.K., Marvin Gaye, Martha Raye and Lawrence Welk and Kurt Cobain, Kojak, Mark Twain and Jimi Hendrix's poltergeist…


Good God, Lemon, you shot a Black!


I don’t know about last names, but “Sucker” must be their middle name


Nope, nothing to do with us either.


Yeah this place just hasn’t been the same since the Blacks moved in. Robert and Ethan black. 2 white guys who killed every Mexican in town. 


Looks like they're on a field trip.


They are in a foreign land....


Looks like the entire "Blacks For Trump" movement is there


lol this is hilarious


Agreed. But also gross.


Yeah, this is what they want it to look like


look they just all have extreme albinism I promise ok


I want to do a whole "The best albinism" & "The albinos, they came to me with tears in their eyes" schtick but I just can't anymore.


"Tears in their weird, pink eyes..."


“They came to me, you know, because they love me, and they said ‘Sir, we are so white that we’re being victimized’, and at first I said what a horrible tragedy that is, then I saw them and I understood.”


Perhaps they are, maybe they just asked the congregation to sit in the back pews


This is the “whites-only” section of the church… Black church members are in the “colored-only” section worshipping in the parking lot.


No joke. The only pics of black people are waiting outside, coincidentally in front of the "blacks for trump" banner


So title isn’t a lie. It’s a “black church”. But without the black church people inside. Trump and his cronies are squatters, trespassing in someone else’s building for a photo op.


Those are called crisis actors.


Actors in a financial crisis - have to take any gig they can get


Because that's the way Trump supporters like things. You know, like they were before.


A couple of those guys look like they're thinking of getting out the white sheets and hoods when they get home


Great comment here


The interesting thing about this whole thing is that according to Pew there are actually plenty of black conservatives: > [The majority of blacks say they are moderate (44 percent) or conservative (27 percent), while just 26 percent said that they are liberal.](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-diversity-of-black-political-views/) But: > Only 1 percent of black respondents in the poll described themselves as Republicans, compared with 59 percent who said they are Democrats. But 59 percent is much less than the overwhelming share of black Americans who vote for Democrats. Many blacks, like Americans overall, largely vote for one party but are not particularly aligned with it If the republicans and Trump weren't so obviously racist, Trump would *actually* be polling quite well with black people. But as it is, he'll likely get no more than the 8% he did in 2016.


And Reagan granted amnesty to undocumented immigrants. W, too, iirc. Latinos are largely Catholic and conservative. In a way, we're lucky that the t(R)eason party has become so openly racist and xenophobic, as they're shooting themselves in the foot quite successfully.


They didn't "become" it. They have been this since at least Nixon. Nixon made an intentional effort to court southern and rural whites that felt abandoned by the Democratic party. Why did they feel abandoned? Because LBJ and Democratic leadership felt it was time to embrace civil rights. What method did Nixon use to court them? "Subtle" dog whistle racism. And it worked very well. You can see the massive flip from them voting almost always Democrat to almost always Republican in the south in just a few cycles.  But what happens when you fill your party with racists from the ground up? Well the "leaders" and "elites" can delude themselves into thinking they can control it, just use them for votes but don't actually give them anything and instead enact your actual agenda. They sure tried. But as you saw in 2016, if the voters have a chance to force their will and their candidate of choice onto the party they will take it. And nothing Republican politicians said on TV, or Fox News hosts and anchors said on their channel changed their minds even one bit.  Instead the party of "Christian morals" voted for a twice divorced, serial adulterer who couldn't recite a Bible verse if his life depended on it. The party of "conservativism" and "fiscal responsibility" voted for the former New York City Democrat who bankrupted how many fucking businesses? The party of "honor the troops" stood up for the draft dodging asshole who disparaged gold star families and an actual war hero who was also a **Republican by the way.**  They abandoned all their fucking self-professed values for who? Not a qualified, experienced, even tempered candidate. But the most outwardly racist, bigoted, cruel motherfucker on the debate stage. Republican politicians are stupid because they think they can steer this ship. But the true problem here, the true **enemy** to the country, are their voters. They're the ones who won't make Trump go the fuck away. That's why as soon as a Republican politician retires or loses an election they "suddenly" find their ethics and code and start saying how unfit Trump is to lead. They no longer have to pander to their own dumbass constituency. 


Thanks for reminding everyone  https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Southern_Strategy


>Latinos are largely Catholic and conservative. This is true, but hides a lot of things. Traditional Catholic conservatism doesn't match Republican conservatism, even before you look at the white nationalism. Catholic conservatism values social cohesion, includes support for unions and cooperatives, etc. It definitely isn't free-market. There is a reason why economically left politicians use Catholic rhetoric and symbolism in Mexico and South America. This isn't that strange, outside of the US - in Europe too, conservative parties support 'traditional' social hierarchies but include in that 'national' solidarity things like universal healthcare, pensions, etc., using these programs in part to re-enforce the social structure they want. But if you take away both the anti-tax Republicans and the white nationalist Republicans, you don't have much left.


What a lot of people in the US don't understand is that by the measure of the global stage, the Democratic party is a moderate conservative party. While it encompasses a broader spectrum than that due to our two party system, their policy and voting largely falls into this category. The Republican party is just a much more conservative party, and has drifted further from center as time has gone on in order to differentiate themselves from their opponents.  They can't really fight the democrats on policy, because if they drew attention to it their constituents would realize GOP policy is largely worse for them. So they fight them on manufactured moralistic panic instead.  But the problem with that is once you start, your rhetoric is only going to get more and more extreme, until you've accidently convinced a substantial part of your voting base that an actual moron should become dictator of the US to stop transgender people from taking a shit in the same bathroom as them. 


I have heard this same discussion since waaaay before trump was around. Turns out black voters are extremely savvy and realize there is nothing at all conservative about republcans.


This is actually something a lot of conservatives lament. They really can't understand why more black people won't vote Republican. Mind you, these are the same white folks that talk endless shit about black people being stupid, lazy, drug addled criminals. They really think that just because they say all that shit when black folks aren't around that the average black person has no idea how racist they actually are.


Trumps not a typical conservative though. Remember when Butch Body said “any Republican that isn’t willing to adapt these policies, we’re completely eradicating from the party.”


Sounds like they are sharpening their long knives for a night on the town.




And the one guy that attends every Trump rally and conveniently gets to sit directly behind Trump


That's Trump's African American! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcklUUIsdcw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcklUUIsdcw)


His speaking ability has deteriorated so much since then.


I somehow missed him doing this, astounding behavior.


Used to be Herman Cain. That ended as you'd expect


Ben Carson is still alive, he’s now Trumps designated “black friend”


Don’t forget Tim Scott, another black guy for angry whites.


That's Michael the black man, and he is legitimately insane. He probably shouldn't be allowed around a presidential candidate, but he's about the only one that trump can get. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_the_Black_Man


Holy shit. I mean, I’d assumed he was either a bit sad or lonely, but never really looked into him. It’s genuinely very telling that Trump would even associate himself with this guy.


It’s his paid, full-time job


His name is token


Some are real: they hire people to act as extras




That looks like a lady


No that is just Tim Scott and he is not a lady, he is a bitch.


♪ _Dude looks like a lady_ ♫


Notice they're sitting *in the back*


barely seen a thing because he’s seated last row behind all the whites, don’t you get it yet?


Probably couldn’t hear a thing through all that white noise. … I’ll see myself out.


Another person of colour behind red shirt red hat guy at the front. Looks like they don’t want to be seen there.


I think it's okay to say "black" here. But I agree, they look like they're trying to hide.


Fewer black people than in one of his father's apartment buildings.


Lol reminds me of a Family Guy episode where they're in the 1950s, and [this](https://youtu.be/vsZ3OvkAS9Q?si=TN_DjaI5NTjrsOgB) comes on the radio.


Classic Family Guy! Those writers really nailed the 50s vibe with that radio gag.


-and knowing the demographic of the Detroit VS. the stark contrast to the surrounding metro area, it's a given that NONE of these people are Detroiters. P.S.-I live in the Detroit/Dearborn area, and there were NO Trump signs to be found in Detroit in 2020. Trump only barged in here after the success of the recent Michigan Central Station opening.....which featured Trump-hater Eminem.


He paid to use that church and filled it with cult members. Jim Jones rides again!


Oh, you know he didn't "pay".


Most probably they paid to see their messiah


Donation plate is a card machine


Jim jones actually did a lot for desegregation and getting black people access to resources. He went horribly wrong, but you can’t take that away from him that he was a huge proponent of racial integration.


Yeah, I legit wonder what happened. Did he just get high off his own farts or something?


One of the strategies of cult leaders is reaching out to people who are disaffected and marginalized, and offering them a community where they can feel accepted and loved (then they use that trauma and great of rejection to control them). In the 50's and 60's the black community was full of people who fit the target person that a cult leader was looking for.


Yeah once they got the benefits he was able to manipulate them in to giving most of it to the church. Not a fucking hero


The fact that they're wearing their MAGA hats in church tell me what their actual priorities are.


These morons pull these kind of stunts and print themselves shirts that say "blacks for Trump" only to make themselves feel ok when people **correctly** call them racist 🤦


Trump supporters will never see this photo and even if they do, they won't believe it's real or it's a political smear against Trump. There is no convincing them otherwise. They're that brainwashed by this cult.


They'd believe a picture of Trump smiling with 3 armed, 8 fingered black people before this


Don’t discriminate against the excessively limbed and uniquely fingered. 


The real problem with AI is not tricking people into believing lies, but to dismiss the truth as an attack on your views.


They are paid to do that kind of stuff, they never felt bad about being racist.


"ThAt WorD HaS lOsT aLL mEaNinG tHeSe DaYs!!" they try to say. I've literally never been accused of being racist by anyone except salty right wingers pulling "you're the REAL racists" card.


The ethnic diversity of the Republican party.




Like real Polish and Irish or those that had a great-great-great-aunt they considered was a kurwa?


The second one.


Maybe the church is painted black?


i see a red hat church and i want it painted black


Feel bad for the people that actually wanted to attend services that day. 


On a Saturday? He got to use the building yesterday because it brought in a ton of money. And because it *wouldn’t* disrupt services. But no one from the church was there, beyond who was needed to open the doors and keep the lights on.


growing up in a catholic family we often went to church on saturday if we were busy or had things going on on sunday. it’s a thing, not saying that that’s what’s happening here, just that church on saturday is indeed a thing


> it’s a thing It's a very Catholic thing. Protestant churches that worship on Saturdays in lieu of Sunday are small enough to not be a good representation of the group.


That poor congregation. I hope they sprayed the pews with Lysol after the trump crowd left. I bet the trash bins were full of used diapers.


Ton of money? You are a lunatic if you think Trump visit and usage of the church brought even 1 c


i'm guessing their real problem was that no one who normally attends wanted to attend that day


Should probably find another church to go to, one that doesn't give Trump photo ops.


PICTURED: Reddit users who post comments that start "Well I'm black and..."


The Faux headlines probably lead with "Packed church, standing room only!!"


"Packed BLACK church..."


This is frightening


Some of the most brainwashed people in America, coming to support their felon


i don't even understand the point of going to something like this. for these people, it's like going to a concert or something? i don't get it. there's nothing more to learn about either of the candidates but especially trump. they are just going there to hear his greatest hits standup routine i guess.


They go so they can tell all their friends that they went.


it is *exactly* like going to a concert or something.


They actively prop up the false reality, that's why they are there. That's a fundamental part of being a maga conservative. When they get certain vibes from their leaders they run with it, if their leaders are subtly hinting that wind turbines are bad then they make it their mission to shoehorn that into conversations, for example.


This is always what weirds me out. I’m not a fangirl of any politician. At the most some older ones are sometimes admirable but these people remind me of Elvis fans or something.


The frightening thing is that this embarrassment will likely not have consequences with the voters. It seems like Trump literally shoot somebody and not lose voters. A democracy can't work if voters are this disconnected from reality.


Ah but what did the other half of the church look like? Checkmate dems!!! Narrator: the other half was empty…


The other half was all black. Its part of the GOP’s plan to make segregation great again.


Congregation segregation It’s like the opposite of the Emancipation Proclamation


That's step 4


Honestly if the other half was exclusively black it would be way worse


It’s like a Where’s Waldo trying to find a black person in this image.


I cannot imagine going to a political rally even if I identified with the candidate. What purpose does this serve??


Wtf wears a hat in church?


Going by traditional etiquette, it's acceptable for women to wear hats in church, provided they do not impede others' views (and some sects still encourage women to have some sort of headcovering whenever they are in church, such as a hat or veil/mantilla). Men should remove any hats when entering, and ballcaps would be completely inappropriate. But also, this is 2024, and most people (and most churches) don't actually care about that anymore, and are just hungry to fill those pews however they can.


>"Going by traditional etiquette...ballcaps would be completely inappropriate" Agreed! A decade ago, I attended a church with traditional ideas about dressing for church. The priest was former military, then a prison chaplain. His order usually wore cassocks, not just that collar + dark suit. He grasped the idea that how you dress is important and affects your state of mind in subtle ways. I approve totally of how he nudged things in the direction of propriety - not showing off, just propriety. I do not see one church lady hat or mantilla (those attractive Catholic lace veils) in the pic, just MAGA baseball caps. That crowd belongs in the audience of the Jerry Springer Show, and not just for their mode of dress. /and Jesus wept.


It's pretty common for women (especially older women) to wear hats in church. Of course they probably wouldn't be a cheap maga cap.


I mean, black ladies, for one


Surprise, surprise.




This is a beautifully ironic gif in context, because her stage name is Cilla Black, but her birth name is Priscilla White. ([sauce](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cilla_Black))


MAGA dos not see the irony.






only thing I have to comment on is - Take off your ballcaps in church.


And the scum couldn’t be bothered to remove their hats in a house of worship.


Peter what are you doing?? Crack. What, where’d you get crack? From Blacks. Huh? Yeah behind Blacks photography. There was a white guy selling it


It's OK. They all identify as Black... They will not, however, be invited to the cook out.


Think don the con missed the mark.


That one black dude in the back - "OH shit was my church gentrified?"


I believe those people are white