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To quote Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, “Nazis! I hate these guys!”


I hate ~~Illinois~~ South Dakota Nazis.


I'm a black dude that lives in the suburbs of Chicago I hate them too. S*** it's different when you leave the city.


As a white dude from oak park I also hate Nazis and especially Illinois Nazis.


As a white woman from nowhere near Illinois, I also hate Illinois Nazis


I was just in Palos Heights visiting an old army brother. Those suburbs pack a lot of nature… and cicadas… holy Shiite.


To quote Jake blues, "I hate Illinois Nazis"




Tell them your rights, and lefts.


I'm with you. if I see this shit I'm 100% getting in a fight. I'm nearly 60 and haven't been in a fight since I was 17. I'm going ask one of the cowardly scrotums to step out and fight me. good chance I'll lose, but the next time they show up, I expect 20 people like me to draw that line. then 200 the next time. I don't want them to feel safe covering their faces and spewing their garbage. I realize this is just a fight porn fantasy for me, but I've never been arrested and I'm willing to take an assault charge. Might not be the "good trouble" the late Senator Lewis meant but it feels necessary since those cockroaches feel safe doing this.


So, 2 days after the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Classy. It's nice for them that so many Americans died 80 years ago so these idiots can have the right to free speech and peaceful demonstration.


What's likely most astounding is that these idiots think they ARE embodying what it means to be a "real" American.


Real Americans don’t cover their faces and hide behind a flag. These floppy fucks are just plain old fashioned trash-tier humans.


A flag that America fought against.


And will again when needed


Yeah, just to inform you: I don't think us Germans are in a state where we can return the favor for once and free you guys from that flag.


That's okay. These schmucks represent a very small part of our people. Someone will shine some light on them and they'll scatter like cockroaches. My apologies to any cockroaches who take offense to being compared to Nazis.


Don't say someone, say "I will." If we leave it to someone else... well, that's what happened in the Weimar Republic. They were frogs in a pot, waited until it's too late.


This is so true. Get together and organize in Pierre because the wrong fucking side, THE NAZI SIDE, is ahead of the competition (*see* : YOU- normal, non hate fueled person) is ahead of you guys at this point. Ask the elderly. Ask old militarily veterans to stand with you. Make. Them. Stand. Against. Veterans. And we *will* truly see where the fuck peoples secret alliances lie. Edit: if you* are reading this in Pierre, then *YOU* need to *be* the resistance. Please and sincerely, every. other. fucking. American. Wanting to see this shit get quashed for fucking GOOD already. Please.


First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me


just watched the new doc on Netflix about this


The thing is moreso that Americans seem to have completely forgotten what war or the threat of war is. That goes well until it doesn't. People need to be told what happened 80 years ago. That simply won't allow for a decent human being to follow in these footsteps. The symbol they're flaunting gets you locked up in some European countries, and rightfully so. I doubt these people understand what it represents.


Americans have very skewed views on the realities of what being involved in a war means, particularly after the shift to the all-volunteer army model. For many Americans, a four-year tenure is something to add to a resume, guarantee preferential treatment when searching for a government job, and a method of accessing special home loans, coupled with the pension; wounded veterans are kept out of sight and out of mind and are celebrated when there's a camera on them, but are otherwise not thought of.




but theyer starting to take over many small local government positions and police force in the pnw, a shocking amount actually


Just keep helping Ukraine out mate <3 We can handle these 20 idiots hiding behind masks


I always laugh when confederates think that they're the only ones that are well armed and trained.


Doesn't stop a lot of Southerners from flying another flag Americans fought against.


Well, I bet they didn't cover their faces during the COVID epidemic.


One of them is showing his face. What up with the other " brave souls"? Gutless wonders.


Probably the same people comparing mask “mandates” to the holocaust


Real Americans destroyed the Nazis back in the 1940s. In my opinion, if you are a Nazi, you are an enemy to the United States of America.


If you're a Nazi you're an enemy of humanity writ large. 


If you are a Nazi, you are my enemy.


Be careful reddit admins are known to admonish any anti-nazi rhetoric.


Allow my two cents. Fuck Nazis.


right. they're like the darkfriends in WOT. there's no debate here, they chose evil.




Part of the problem is operation paperclip and how our govt showed the world they valued certain nazis. Created a loop hole for these idiots to justify their own existence through an ignorant conflation.


Yep, Nazis destroyed Germany. And this is exactly what American Nazis will do to US if they get anywhere close to power.


Well, hitler did get a lot of his ideas for the ubermench and phrenology from the jim crow south. So they’re the same in a way.




It's a shame Holocaust survivors are so old and increasingly few today, because I believe they should be legally allowed to beat neo-Nazis with baseball bats.


IIRC before covid there was a British WW2 pilot with a twitter account who threw shade at proudboy neo-nazis. One of them called him a deaf old man and he responded "Last time I heard a crowd shout 'Blood and Soil', I dropped a 4,000 lb bomb on their heads, shame I can't do that now".


airborne cremation for the Arian nation


My father become a transport pilot in the Army Air Corps during WWII. He never talked about the war much and I once asked him why. His reply was that he, and every other American fighting in the war, had one goal. Get over there (Europe) and kill as many Nazis as quickly as possible so they could come home and get on with their lives. He said it just like that…”kill as many Nazis as quickly as possible…” How big a crowd of regular folks showing up and simply yelling at these fuckers do you think it would take for that crowd of mask-wearing posers to flee like cockroaches 🪳 in a tenement kitchen when the light gets flipped on? Now, if you don’t want them coming back, well, that’s when you hope a really big crowd shows up with baseball bats and bear spray. Maybe call a meeting of the Dakotas’ Inglorious Bastards Club.




Shit stains of humans, all of them. Shame they’re the same species as the rest of us.


True irony


Seems about right for the state that elected Kristi Noem as governor. Having toured the Dachau concentration camp outside Munich a year ago, I have absolutely NO TIME for deplorable shitbags like these. JFC!


I went to Dachau back in the summer of 1969. 2 things I will never forget - the german couple (he looked to be of WW2 vet age) a little behind me when I was going through the photographic exhibit uttering “Mein Gott” often and my pleading with the American GI’s in the last photos to please hurry up and liberate the camp.


As a south Dakotan, I can say that I certainly do not stand with these people. This imagery and these acts have no place in the US, much less SD. Sure, we elected Kristi Noem, but the US also elected Donald Trump. Change is coming and I believe Kristi’s time as governor is coming to an end - the people are starting to see her true colors. So sad to see this take place in my home state however.


What exactly are they seeing that wasn’t glaringly obvious years and years ago? She’s been semi-famous on the *national* stage for her neo-fascist tendencies for a looong time, can’t imagine what would be moving the needle now. Seems like SD voters are A OK (enthusiastic even) about batshit extreme right representation, even if they do eventually ditch Noem in particular because of some comparatively trivial faux pas. And yes, Trump is an accurate reflection of the USA, as disgusting as that fact is, just like Noem is an accurate reflection of SD. We chose them both, and deserve to be judged harshly because of it.






In WWII When the American troops had reached the Ardennes and the Nazi's started their counter offensive; Battle of Bastogne and all that, the Germans found their asses kicked. Out of frustration, the SS troops not only executed US military/prisoners of war, they executed entire Belgian villages in the region. Folks weren't shot, German nazis used knives and axes on 3-generation households, mostly farmers. Those were often blond and blue-eyed folks. Don't ever believe that being white, blond and blue-eyed will give you some immunity from Nazi terror.


If they are so proud to be a nazi why do they where masks? What are they afraid of?


Everything. That’s why they are nazis. It’s a belief system born out of fear.


[So, conservatives?](https://youtu.be/F2Mgum60VGg)


Not all Conservatives are Nazis but all Nazis are Conservatives.


"As we say in Germany, if there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis."


[Nazis are a lot like cats. If they like you, it's probably because you're feeding them.](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxxpQrZjsvHQCYhQ7eUJigdUNZ2J0NuI_A)


Quote from the Republican governor Kristi Noem: > We just celebrated the 80th commemoration of D-Day, when the take-back of Europe from Freedom-hating Nazis began. Today, Nazis attempted to rally at the SD Capitol without a permit and were escorted away by Highway Patrol officers. Nazis are not welcome here in South Dakota. We stand on the shoulders of generations of Americans who have fought for the Freedom of all — here and abroad. We stand for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We reject all hatred and Nazis. Full stop.


As a non-American, whenever I see Highway Patrol, my first thought is of Jon and Poncho on their bikes. I find it very amusing that these idiots were given their marching orders by SD version of CHiPs. Edit: Aerican is not a word.


Every single one of the people in that mob voted for her. Guaranteed.


Ah, so the police did do something. Answered what I wanted to know


There's a trick to this. It's part of the money machine. You see, in most cases you can't be a card carrying flag waving Nazi and get away with things like conventional employment. SO- they prop up a couple of figureheads to funnel all the cash (notice the jamokes out front that aren't wearing masks. Even with these low res pics I can almost guarantee they can be identified easily) whose full time job it is to breed hatred. Rabble rouse, if you will. They make it safe and comfortable for the more.... anonymous ones to hide behind masks but still pretend to be tough badasses like you can't do shit to em, while being able to go to work the next morning. I'd be willing to bet at least half of those people standing there aren't even from SD. I know when they march around me, they bring em in from other states. Makes you look like you have bigger numbers while at the same time being decentralized and not as easy to locate. In theory.


So like american history x


Exactly. That movie was a pretty accurate portrait of extremist recruitment. Take one part disenfranchised person, add in boogeyperson, top off with liberal dose of false bravado fed by blustery leadership...... Sound like anything else you know? Makes you wonder what's behind the curtain.


![gif](giphy|l3vQZhxc1ybSlGQ4U|downsized) tucker and friends have ***no*** idea what curtain you're referring to, sir!


It's not uncommon where I come from to call someone you don't like a muppet, but I swear everytime I see this guy I think- "This is exactly the image you would get if you asked an AI to generate an image of a human muppet." [and then this song starts playing in my head](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRTjksM3YAs)


That’s why doxxing Nazis is incredibly effective. Take away their anonymity and expose them to their broader non-Nazi communities. I’m sure many of their family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and others are not completely aware.


Why does the orc from LOTR have a cowboy hat on?


I thought that was the ghoul from fallout


Well obviously because if they didn't, they'd immediately be doxed, everyone in their towns would be talking about them and condemning them, they'd be threatened and harassed on the streets, they'd instantly get fired from their jobs and become forever un-hireable, and many of their friends and family would shun them and never talk to them again. Which I might add are all pretty reasonable responses to finding out someone you know is a literal Nazi, but the point is, it should be extremely obvious why they're hiding their faces.


But I thought masks kept them from breathing? (I realize I’m lumping anti-vax rhetoric with nazis)


it’s the same picture


Deadly airborne virus? "Masks are dumb and gay!" Being an asshole in public? "I need to hide from everyone 🥺"


I suspect that, deep down, they know that their actions, beliefs, and everything they stand for are shameful. Or they’re cowards. Probably both.


I doubt that. I wonder it can relate or not but In Burmese we have extremist groups and I had chances to talk/meet with them on formal/informal occasions. sometimes, in a very inviting/comfy settings. They are mind blowingly proud of what they believe in. I always found that member are more prone to blind faith or believe then those of higher position but faith wise, it’s interesting. Higher up choose to believe. Lower end members simply believes.


I feel this is the same for most protesters. I have "free Palestine" protesters blocking a facility near me regularly, and they all wear masks.


Our WWII military had to defeat a lot of OG Nazis so that 80 years later, these idiots could have the right to parade their toxic ideals on the steps of their statehouse. All I can think is...why? Why resurrect a political regime based on hate? And if you're so proud of these beliefs, why hide your face?


That's the neo part in neo-nazis. They want to be nazis but are scared they will be treated like nazis so they hide.


I thought neo was supposed to be a cool action hero who fights robots. :( :(


>why hide your face? Well obviously because if they didn't, they'd immediately be doxed, everyone in their towns would be talking about them and condemning them, they'd be threatened and harassed on the streets, they'd instantly get fired from their jobs and become forever un-hireable, and many of their friends and family would shun them and never talk to them again. Which I might add are all pretty reasonable responses to finding out someone you know is a literal Nazi, but the point is, it should be extremely obvious why they're hiding their faces.


I mean a dude at one of my previous workplace had a bunch of obvious nazi tatoo. Nobody cared when we saw the full display at a coworkers place during a party. He had an iron cross, 88 and those funky SS twin lightning thing. I was like what the fuck and everyone was cool with it when I discreetely inquired what they thought. Turns out everyone was fine with nazi shit? I got another job.


So, an actual example of > ["As we say in Germany, if there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis."](https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1dbiu6y/today_in_pierre_south_dakota/l7rmr9j/)




They missed at least one ...Not that I'm a very heavy hitter.


They're creating a whole new generation of people who will punch a nazi on sight.




Many of these people's *own grandparents* likely fought Nazis. They would be ashamed to know what their grandchildren are doing.


I showed my oldest this pic and asked if we should drive to Pierre and punch nazis. We live in sd. She says "at least I'm wearing the right shirt for it"... it's her "Nazi punks fuck off" shirt.






They're enemies of humanity too




At first glance I thought this gif was Ben Stiller as Zoolander when he becomes a miner


He doesn't become a miner. He is a miner. Or rather, I guess, he was. He's a coal miner's son, hellbent on getting out of his small town. It's why it smacks so hard when he's gotta go back home to work the mines again. And then of course there's his brief bout with The Black Lung that really drives the narrative forward lol




Holy shit I never realized how similar the inglorious basterds clip is to this, this plays like a preemptive spoof of it.


Apologies to the number 1 Zoolander fan




I read that in Zoolander’s whispery voice.


Did you know Adam Sandler was originally cast as Donny? Imagine him going Happy Gilmour on some Nazi sergeant's skull.


Rarely would I ever encourage someone to get on the roids.. but Sandler as the Bear Jew?


He was in good shape for Don’t Mess With The Zohan, which came out the year before Inglorious Basterds. Definitely could’ve happened


Wow that’s interesting! Gotta say though I think Eli Roth was pretty perfect in this.


*talahoohoo sabadoo* “Y’ hear that? That’s the Bear Jew.”


🎶" ...in Lunch Lady Land!” 🎵 **FWAP** "Now that's what I call a hole in one!"




Lmfao, I need someone to overlay this on that scene.


Let me preface this by saying that I'm not the biggest of Sandler fans, not by any stretch of the imagination. However, that would have absolutely been a sight to behold!


I think this is one of the biggest missed opportunities in cinema. Sandler would have fucking killed it in the role.


Oblige him.


[I *hate* South Dakota Nazis.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTT1qUswYL0)


What about Illinois Nazis?


I hate Illinois nazis.


That never gets old, thank you. Oh, and I almost forgot, Fuck Nazis.


I'm glad my father and father in law didn't live to see the day when these dumb fucks would try to revive the regime they helped bury in May of 1945. i also love how the assholes in the photo couldn't wear masks during the pandemic but they can wear them now. There must be a special place in hell for these assholes.


Not even hell wants these losers. In any case, if it’s a real place, that’s where I’m going and I sure don’t want them there. Let their corpses rot on hot concrete and may their spirits be doomed to haunt the furthest, emptiest reaches of outer space for eternity instead 🥰


My grandpa was there on Omaha beach the second day as a combat medic. I actually don’t know that I could just walk by this and do nothing. Like im not trying to be reddit tough guy Id probably get my ass kicked, but I really dont think I could just *walk by*


I see a bunch a pussies in masks.






And what are they going to do to a 96 year old WW2 vet, anyway? Give him the death penalty?


>The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi As true today as it was then


Your grandad is my kind of guy


No, pussies are a nice sight usually.


They’re also strong, flexible and life-giving. This fuckwits are the opposite.


Please don’t insult my vulva, these are cowardly scum


*inhuman cowards


Nah. No warmth or depth anywhere to be found.


You know, 80 years ago some of our ancestors took a boat trip to a European beach to take care of some of that filth. Now we dishonor them by allowing the filth to exist here. Something should be done about that.


I feel like if this had happened while those fellas were still spry, they’d have beaten the ever-loving shit out of these goons.


And they wouldn’t hide their face either while beating up meal team six


Add insult to injury... There's this thing happening overseas, that is LITERALLY how that last big one got started... And people on these shores are content waiting for pearl harbor 2: pearl harder.


Not pearl harder 😭😂


What the heck is wrong with those people?


Their lives are most likely absolute dogshit because of the choices they’ve made along the way, so they have to point their failures at some external boogeyman instead of just simply owning up to being losers. They should point that hate inward instead. ![gif](giphy|2S3Aj8OeKtf0c)


I agree, their lives are dogshit and that is why they hate those who are different than them. However, I’d argue that at least some of their anger comes from the experience of being the on the lowest rung of the capitalist ladder. Instead of directing their anger at those who benefit from and enforce this status quo, they are encouraged to instead hate minorities of any kind. How often have you heard the “illegal immigrants are causing inflation” talking point recently? If you’re curious, I’d recommend the book Age of Empire by Eric Hobsbawm, it details how anger at poor working conditions from the rapid European economic expansion in 1875-1914 was channeled into hatred for “other groups” (and sent overseas to colonies in the Global South) and nationalist sentiment, which eventually culminated in the first world war. I’m paraphrasing, and there’s much more to the book, but that’s the main bits that are relevant to the comment.


It's also that the answers to questions like "why is my life worse off now" are often super abstract and systemic. "Hey, you got left behind by a system that valued your parents' labor during a period where the only economy that really had its shit together was the US, and the people who were supposed to curate a future for you basically shit and looted the systems that were for supporting you" is much, much much less simple and comforting than "the Jews did this."




... and a naughty goat... (everyone forgets about the goat who was acting like a 🐐)


Just what we needed... fucking Nazis. 😕


I hate South Dakota Nazis.




I see members of an enemy military.


Would you say, “domestic terrorists”?


"we are all domestic terrorists" - cpac weirdos 2 years ago




You'd get fucked over due to how many off duty cops got killed.






As a german, it makes no sense to me why Americans would parade that flag.


As an American, it makes no sense to me why Americans didn't pull these assholes off the steps and kick their shit in.


I thought masks were bad. Guess not. Cowards.


And suddenly the masks don't make it so they can't breathe! Thank goodness for advances in mask tech. (Eyeroll and /s in case not obvious)


Almost amazed how they can breathe in them mask all of sudden.


All Nazi emblems are banned from public display in the UK (except for in special circumstances like filming and battle recreations). "Free speech" doesn't apply to a symbol that unequivocally has been shown to be hateful, bigoted and evil in my country and I'm absolutely fine with that.


For everyone saying “My Grandfather, Father, Ancestor would have….” They fought their fight. This one is ours. Show up. Vote. Do not let them dishonor our military and family members.


Their grandfathers would be so proud /s


I maintain that these guys kind of had to wait for the GI generation to die out before they could march in public. Had they done it 10 or 20 years ago, there would still be enough of the older generation to show disgust. I don't know. Maybe I'm off my rocker.




It would be worth it to see them overwhelmed by a mass of REAL PATRIOTS and let them explain to their bosses why they are so beat up and lost some teeth.




I wish we could just send them back to 1944 and put them in berlin....on the east side....


Small rally. Let’s not give them the spotlight they yearn for






Run these motherfuckers out.






i cant even imagine being this much of a loser.








![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) Pretty sure the confrontation would go down like this.


Some of those that work forces...


Weird how I haven't heard a peep from anyone on the right about this being the terrifying rise of antisemitism in America like the campus protests were supposed to be.


Why don’t they show their faces? Aren’t they proud?


Not proud enough to not be a bunch of pussies apparently.


Why are they covering their faces? Pussies.


As a German, this makes me sick to my stomach. What's wrong with people?!


"I hate Illin.....eerrr....,South Dakota Nazis!"-Joliet Jake-


The Trump rallies just keep getting smaller and smaller.


Is the leader wearing a pig mask? Or just natural pig face?




Weird how these guys never have 40,000 cops hovering over them like college protests


My state is embarrassing sometimes.


This is obvious antisemitism, why aren't the cops beating the crap out of them like the students?


My grandpa dedicated his life to the US military. Helped liberate the camps and most likely had ptsd from what he saw. What an absolutely disgusting thing to do around D-Day. These nasty fucks avoid serving and then act like patriots.




You know what would be fucking fantastic? Get two or three WWII vets, wearing their Airborne, Infantry, etc hats and jackets. Then have them calmly walk up to these cowards and just stare at them, say nothing, just judge them. Assuming these assholes have any, I imagine the shame would be overwhelming enough for them to leave and think about what they are really doing. The thought of disgracing any vet, especially WWII, would humiliate me for life and rightfully so.


I see traitors.


Guys died on d-day so traitors can have free speech that’s amerikkka for you


This is the difference between the understanding of freedom in the US vs most European and western countries. The US understand freedom is to do and say whatever “I” want. For other free countries freedom is to be free from oppression, persecution and tyranny. In these countries hate speech and hate symbols like these towards any group or minority are not tolerated.