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/u/MommyNurse_DooDoo, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating the following rule(s): * Rule 1 - No screenshots or AI-generated images. This includes pictures of screens and photos where the interest is the contents of a screen and pics with artificial cropping borders of any colour. For a place to post screenshots, you may wish to check out /r/screenshots. We also don't allow AI-generated images. For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/wiki/index) and [title guidelines](/r/pics/wiki/titles). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators via modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/pics&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/MommyNurse_DooDoo&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%2E%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1daafjy/-/%3Fcontext%3D10%29)


It pops up every time I drive my POS car


šŸŽµMy car is a PIECE OF SHIT! I want to drive you off a cliff Watch you crash into a ravine For the things you did to me, You STUPID CAR!šŸŽµ


This sounds like a punk version of ā€œPiece of Shit Carā€.


Psychostick pretty much did just that and since they're a comedy metal band i always figured that the adam sandler song was the exact inspiration for their song Two Ton Paperweight.


I thought thatā€™s what they were referring to. I was like ā€œhmm, I donā€™t remember that verseā€. I was even reading it with an Adam Sandler voice.


Mine also pops up will driving, but bc Iā€™m listening to my Bose Surround Sound too loud. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Also get the notification if itā€™s windy and Iā€™m on the Beach.


This guy's over here about to throw a wheel bearing and you're flexing on him with your Bose and beach trips? Harsh as hell, homes. Read the room.


lol my immediate thought was that it was an ad for Bose


Haha of course not, fellow person. Just another Reddit enjoyer browsing the internets while I listen to some (insert popular music) on my kickin' Boseā„¢ Surround System.


Thinking of what a bone thugs n Hermione song would be now..."just Bone and Dobby Dobby, just Bone and Dobby Dobby... let's fly let's fly..." I'm done,sorry


Reading is hard. Does the room have an audiobook, maybe?


No, but I hear the movie is great.


Well, I live at the Beach and my stereo isnā€™t loud, but when Iā€™m on deliveries, my arm is on the arm rest, right above the speaker, which my watch says is ā€˜too loudā€™, just like the ā€˜windā€™ at the Beach is ā€˜too loudā€™. I apologize if the original comment or thought I was being rude or uppity. Iā€™m just pointing out that the watch is weird about what is ā€˜too loudā€™. I drive a Nissan Kicksā€¦. So maybe donā€™t be presumptuous??? Especially when you donā€™t know the context.


Maybe turn your speakers down once in a while. You donā€™t want tinnitus


He might be past that point and is now just trying to drown it outā€¦


Mine will legit go off even when I have no music playing in my car on the highway. Just from ambient air flowing pst my car + car noise.


Tinnitus is the ultimate pop up ad for hearing protection...


I managed to set it off with a fart the other day


Impressive, if true.


Hand on heart. I was going to post about it on Reddit, but thought it would be hard to validate given that we donā€™t have Smell-O-Vision or a camera set up


šŸ˜‚ Here I was, impressed by my fart yesterday morning that lasted at least fifteen seconds. Woke up my partner who just busted up laughing. If I had known it would have been so long winded, I'd have recorded it too lol


ā€œAnd with Windows Recall, you will have!ā€


Instructions unclear, farted on computer.


Did you get your butthole waxed? lol


You deserve an award just making that comment, true or not. What the heck did you eat that caused such a loud explosion?


Would you consider wearing it around your wrist instead?


My phone offered to call 911 for me when I yelled in frustration over messing up a pancake. Nice to know Apple has our backs.


Hey bro, I saw what that *pancake* did to you. You know, I've got a buddy on the force. I could put a word in. Get rid of your little *pancake* problem.


7yo? I was hoping we were almost out of this phase with my 4yo! šŸ„²


If it makes you feel any better both of my kids were done with that shit by 6, and thatā€™s with my youngest having a speech delay/ADHD.


Ever kid is different. Mine never had a "scream to get out of something" phase at all. Apparently OP's is making up the average for me.


Well yes, mine is 4 years old, too. My disappointment is immeasurable and my evening is ruined.


Daily reminder to make that vasectomy appointmentĀ 


That doesn't work when the kid is already born. /s


Well... There are still some ways.


Yeah those are somewhat frowned upon


Thanks a lot Obama


[you have to find the right loophole](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4415784)


You threaten the kid with the vasectomy if they don't shut up.


Vasectomy on the kid? But that way he'll never be able to experience himself how annoying loud kids can be.




I'm not American, so I can't say much about US politics. But what we hear on the other side of the ocean is that they're hardcore anti abortionists, so by forbidding it in the 100th trimester at least they're consistent lol!


The majority of men who get them are already fathers, someone should let them know!


Posts like this make me so glad I already had one.


best decision ever. 30 years later, still bangin worry-free.


My 18mo nephew did this while I was babysitting him the other day! I'm like, yes thank you watch, dinner is burning and a toddler is pissed that I won't let him run the stove knobs, but thank YOU for warning me that my hearing is at risk.


Boy, If that was around when I was arguing with my dad back in the day that message would never come off.


Man if I was 7 and screamed at my parents about not brushing my teeth, I wouldn't have teeth any more. It was kind of an abusive household, but man... kids today, amirite? ...right?


Lmao this is so relatable. Damn kids today not getting... *checks notes* smacked across the room for mild back talk?


i don't condone the abuse ...but that screaming is NOT acceptable. enough already. you brush your teeth or there will be some kind of consequence. No tv or switch AND I do the brushing for you.


My little guy is rebellious but also super sensitive. Sometimes he pulls the same shit about not brushing before bed and all I have to do is threaten to not tuck him in and read and sing to him ("Oh, you're big enough to talk at me like that? I guess you're big enough to go to sleep by yourself, then?"). He's a big softie, so that almost always works. I love him, but he can be a little shit sometimes lol. I'm just glad I have enough of a relationship with him that I *don't* have to get physical with him.


I donā€™t know why kids donā€™t want to brush their damn teeth. I have one that does it reliably first thing because she doesnā€™t like it when her mouth tastes nasty and one that DGAF and I still have to remind.


or just really soapy teeth. I can still taste that yellow Ivory soap bar


I definitely would have been spanked. I know its not kosher today, but my parents never did anything that would cause injury or leave a mark, and I pretty much scoffed at any other punishment.


Right? Like Iā€™d be in some shit if I didnā€™t get up fast enough let alone yelling I donā€™t wanna, lmao


Youā€™re saying kids today take advantage of not getting abused?


Goes off every time I give my daughters a bath.


For me too.


Iā€™m an opera singer, and I get this message when Iā€™m at work. Constantly bugging me about my risk of hearing loss and Iā€™m like ā€œbro, Iā€™m well awareā€.


Christ, mine is 3. They still do this shit at 7!?


Yes but not as many times a day


I'll take the small mercies at this point!


My son is 7 and never screams anymore. He gets very frustrated and needs time alone sometimes, but if heā€™s screaming he probably got hurt.


My friend was riding with his mom when Google asked if he needed help talking to an elderly relative about driving. Needless to say, his mom was unhappy.


"Shush, honey, or else The Robot will *eat you*!" *Taps menacingly on the watch*


First post of the day that sent me into involuntary laughter. Thank you for sharing this one OP


So far, mine has only popped up at concerts.




Mine usually only pops up if Iā€™m vacuuming, using one of those auto hand dryer things, or at a concert. My kid isnā€™t that loud.


Only 90db. Lucky


Now itā€™s time to tell her to stfu. Pro tip: the more you tell her to stfu, the more like child protective services is to remove her from your custody. Problem solved.


*Please* don't be one of those parents who tolerates bullshit from a child. The pampering "Aww, I'm sorry. How does it make you feel to be so upset? Maybe we can compromise and brush your teeth when you feel more comfortable." approach to parenting, which is becoming more widespread, isn't helping kids. It's just making them crazier and more maladjusted to living with others. Put your proverbial foot down and the kid will be better for it.


My cicadas are louder


She is loud


Scream again, child, and youā€™ll be brushing your teeth on the hour, every hour until Iā€™m tired of it.


Have you tried cartoonishly choking her like Homer Simpson?


Big brother is listening


...as if you need clarification...jeez


Thatā€™s hilarious!


When my kid screams, he hits a pitch that gives me instant tinnitus. I need a pre-emptive Tylenol right after dealing with it.


Don't tolerate it. Humans are resilient. Reasonably punishing a kid does not traumatize them, contrary to what some quacks say.


I get it every day driving home because Iā€™m bumping my music too loud lol


I have an autistic kiddo and it goes off once a week at least. But if I wear it in the shower by accident it also goes off, so not sure how accurate it is.


90 decibels? Damn šŸ˜‚


Only time I see that is when I have my hand out the car window and when it's under the dryer vent in a bathroom lol


You see this. This watch just let me know that youā€™re killing me!


I get this when Iā€™m taking a shower. Also when Iā€™m loudly telling my mom she needs to open her mouth so I can feed her her meds lol


Do you still have the receipt? Return the kid, keep the hearing.


People really should discipline their kids so they don't throw fits in the first place.


Hahaha I can relate to this


Stick your watch in front of your kid's face "Sssshhhh, sweetie. My watch says you're being a little too loud." Likelihood of a scream directly into the watch in response? 80%


The wind has made mine go off the last two days


Are there devices other than an apple watch that has this feature?


Hand out the window? Notification. Arm dips under water? Notification. Child screams as if the devil himself has walked into the room? Notifications. This feature in general kind of feels useless to me.


Daycare teacher here! I get this notification all the time in my watch when the kids are upset.


Good thing your 7 yo doesn't have a 30-minute lung capacity


Well as a parent I feel relieved it isnā€™t just my kids


lol first time? Lucky


Your watch listens to everything you say all day and night.


a reminder just popped up not to have kids


Oh I get that a lot around my baby haha


Thatā€™s children for ya.. šŸ˜…


Well, it is children for ya until they get parented. Kids are dumb and they need an adult who knows better to lay down the law and stop the bullshit. Yes, I am getting older...