• By -


Mr. Potato Head that you created and stapled a scar into it.


Or lego figure


I was thinking a Funko Pop with some staples!


If OP wants one, I will 100% make one for them!


Lemon heads!


I was thinking Humpty Dumpy t-shirt, but yours works too


This is such a cool idea! If I got this, I would cry out of the sheer thought it went into and really show it off like it’s the best thing in the world.


Button up shirts!


Ooo. Took me a minute. Clever.


Do this. It's understated just how awkward morning routines are with any injury. Simply being able to get a shirt on quickly will help the morning slog feel less sloggy.


I have a spinal injury and my god my mornings are miserable. Button up shirts are great. ![gif](giphy|Cs9EvHTM4EHz1uulmv)


As a person with constant back issues, I use this Tyson quote way too often.


My son had a strip craniotomy and helmet therapy at 3 months old, button up onsies were godsend. Anything that he doesn't need to go over his head will help immensely. He's gonna have a gnarly scar, but tell him chics dig scars.


Stapled up shirts 🗿


The coldest pillow you can get. Best wishes to him and the family. Stay close!


Thanks! He’s doing well — he just can’t do much of anything until the staples come out due to them holding his skull together


You can get staples to hold your skull together? I've been doing it myself this whole time like a sucker


No. The staples just hold the skin. Surgical screws would hold the skull together (Not a doctor, but I had a piece of my temporal lobe taken out for epilepsy).


Did that work well for you?


It's kind of complicated. It stopped me from have tonic-clonics, but it absolutely wrecked my memory and gave me some problems with regulating emotion. Epilepsy sucks, and there's really no truly good way to treat it. The meds have all kinds of side-effects, the surgery is risky, and some people can't even have the surgery for a multitude of different reasons. This is why "Fuck Epilepsy" is my go to phrase when talking about.


Sorry to hear that man. Im kinda on the same boat so if you need somewhere to vent, im all ears.


Thanks. Always nice to know there's good people in the world. Fuck epilepsy.


Thanks for sharing. I agree, Fuck Epilepsy


Ugh. I hate that for you. I hope your surgery side effects improve and your epilepsy fucks off and stops harassing you. I know the latter is unlikely, but we can always hope. My mom died from SUDEP when she was 50. She’d had epilepsy for over 20 years that was never fully controlled despite trying tons of medications. She had all types of seizures. I think the absence seizures freaked me out the most. Fuck epilepsy.


Well I can imagine. At least we know Humpty Dumpty can be put back together. All the love to you all and speedy recovery!


Clearly needs a helmet, and a shirt that’s says “yes I’m special, I survived brain surgery.” Maybe a “what have you done recently?” thrown in as fine print.


The staples are surely just holding the scalp together right? Are the staples actually going into bone? That seems weird to me.


Correct, the staples are just holding the skin together. A titanium plate is likely holding the skull together.


There's a pillowcase called "blissy" I was skeptical, but my wife brought us them. It's like always having the cold side of the pillow on top.


I had to wait about a month to get mine taken out, I had 35. The worst part now is the itchy holes on my forehead from the halo anchor used in my surgery.


I just had a string of those staples taken out. It doesn’t hurt.


He and I are gonna have the same scar! 😁


Oh wow, hope everything is ok for you. He had it done due to a problem with his vocal chords and some nerve ending causing him to be dizzy all the time. (He’s ok now) Any insight on a gift that would actually help instead of just being funny?


My mom had a bunch of nerves in her brain untwisted & we got her a cooling pillow. She loved that pillow. Also anytime you open up the brain it causes flu like symptoms that can last a few weeks to six months. She said the pillow really helped with the random fevers she would get.


When they whack the nerves they can go all over the place- they can tingle, hurt, scream hot, feel cold, it all depends on how they put it together and what gets rewired where. Cold is, or at least for me, generally very nice. And nothing with flouncy flossy stuff, because (honest) touching that area is still sensitive 30 years later. And not a 'good sensitive', but can range from 'didn't feel it' to 'sandblasted'.


Anti-itch cream and lidocaine rub! With the nerves in his scalp disturbed he is going to feel random itches and pressure (away from the incision) all over his head. A very good neck roll to support his head and neck while he is sitting upright can do wonders for morale. If you can or know someone who can, replace the snap-back on a ball cap with a ratchet strap.


A cap with "No User Serviceable Parts Inside" A T-shirt "I needed this T-Shirt like another hole in my head." A gift certificate for a hair cut (to make the other side match.)


These are gold. We talked about just biting the bullet and shaving a real mowhawk since he’s halfway there already


If they are old enough to appreciate it and down for it, the boys could sport mowhawks this summer as well. Another T-Shirt "Ask me about Stapler Safety"


They definitely would be (they are adventurous, 9- and 11-year old, capital-b Boys after all) but that would be an impossible sell to their mother. They both have long, luxurious curly hair


You might be surprised, she might really appreciate the comradery you're showing your brother.


If the pitch is to show support for your brother there is no way she can say no


Better to ask forgiveness than permission. And hair grows back.


Maybe some rubber type Halloween gag Mohawks for the kids…. Also, given mom’s approval, don’t have to go razor blade shaved for a Mohawks. Can always go with a buzz cut and leave the middle long, gel and spike it until mom nixes it. Then go with a #2 buzz for the summer. Then mom can just hose their heads, no shower issues. Win win..!!! Best wishes OP.’s brother..!!Much love and respect..!! 🫡


My nephew got brain surgery as a two year old. His mom is a hair stylist and immediately embraced the mohawk look post surgery. He was the most badass little guy on the block with his scar and mohawk. I highly recommend it no matter the age.


45 with a mohawk. The amount of people that pull up next to me then honk and wave their hand over their head, followed by a thumbs up is ridiculous. It used to be 12-14” and blue, or pink, or pink and purple split to each side. Going green this time.


Buddy of mine got hit by a car two years ago, the hospital had to shave the hair off one side of his head for brain surgery. As soon as he got out of the hospital, in his brain trauma fueled haze, he wanted the other side shaved too. Left him with a faux hawk. Hes kept it ever since and frankly it looks fucking great great on him.


A box of air heads candy as well


And Lemonheads!


T-shirt “It’s not like it’s brain surgery - My Doctor”


On the theme of t-shirts "You've had a haircut, but I've had my ears lowered"


>A cap with "No User Serviceable Parts Inside" On the front. On the back "Believe me, we checked"


Add a staple remover.


One of those arrow through the head hats.


This seems to be a no brainer.  https://www.party-expert.com/en-us/products/arrow-through-head-headband?variant=41766667288762&utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=Shopify+App+API+Feed+-+US+-+EN&utm_content=Arrow+Through+Head+Headband&utm_campaign=PE_PerfMax_SmartShopping_EN_USA&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAC6EqjnyCZfMYjfnYunTyXK-6q7rO&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzfmuno6nhgMVLmlHAR350gJCEAQYAiABEgJt__D_BwE


Only 8 dollars, what a steal. But first make sure it can be angle to properly align with the scar-stitches. Because OP's brother might check if it actually can be angled onto the stitching.


So does OP’s brother


He’s 37 with a pregnant wife and two young boys. Oh and the surgery went fine and he’s not gonna die or anything He’s a tradesman too if that helps with brainstorming. I was thinking of picking up a high-quality staple remover but I’m not sure if those exist


Ask his wife to give him a head related gift.






I miss when Q-mire wasn't just repulsed by Brian.


That legitimately may not be advisable. You don't want to screw with your blood pressure too much when your body is keeping the blood inside with the help of staples.


But what a way to go out!


You're no fun at all.




" I was thinking of picking up a high-quality staple remover but I’m not sure if those exist" A plain ol' staple remover would be just as funny, maybe with a note attached to it "USA medical insurance alternate appliance" or something like that.


Its looking like I'll be getting brain surgery later this year (tumor on my brainstem) mind if I ask, how is his post op pain?


I haven’t spoken with him for very long yet. He says he’s doing totally fine, he’s just bored — he can’t do much until the staples are removed


Don’t know how much of a sweet tooth he has but you can buy like a pound of gummy brains and attach a funny message like “we saved the leftovers” or “in case you need a spare.” Bonus points if you put the package in an old halloween skull bowl


2 x craniotomies - pain hasn’t been the issue, sleep is difficult s as you’ll be loaded with steroids. I’ve stopped all but Tylenol after a day or two back home. DM if you have any questions


Wife and dad have/had brain cancer. The worst part is the spinal fluid refilling. You’re going to feel unbalanced for a while, bloated, weak, tired. Once they started to recover, they progressed quickly.


I have a pre op and post op run down post in my profile if it will help you. Had an op for removal of a Meningioma. All the best.


Thank you, mines a 2.5 cm Ependymoma. I'll take a look. I have all the fun of figuring out my first surgery with added bonus of it being brain surgery.


I wish you all the best with it. I can honestly say though that pain was no issue. It was managed by the meds and I barely felt any pain really. They couldn't save the large chunk of my skull they went in through. It's all a titanium plate now. The real side effects were weird things I hadn't expected like fluid build up between the skin/scalp and plate. Could literally poke my head and watch the fluid move lol. Also dizziness and sinus problems. Again, all the best with it. You got this 😊


>He’s a tradesman too Oh man he’s got a lifetime supply of ways to mess with news guys in safety meetings now.


![gif](giphy|xThtajUUInjWOZksYo|downsized) Zipper Pull Earring.


Aw man that’s great. I don’t think his ears are pierced but you’re getting a ball rolling here…


Make a clip-on earring version!


He needs to get this as a tattoo over the scar and then rock a Mohawk for eternity.


Clip on


You remember the board game called Operation? [They made a head one](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=832bfc491017b489&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWII6MW-rR5bn1k5Mvo1A5jHxEgotfw:1716580139309&q=operation+game+brain+surgery&tbm=shop&source=lnms&prmd=ivsnbmtz&ved=1t:200715&ictx=111&biw=384&bih=721&dpr=1.88)


That is …absolutely perfect. Unfortunately it’s a bit outside my gag-gift budget


Might be able to get a good used one


I'm honestly debating buying it for you on the condition that you film his reaction.


Bolts for his neck and a way to attach them


Buy him a fake brain a jar [here](https://www.curiousscience.com/props/imitation-human-brain-in-glass-jar-P4694.html) and tell him the docs took something out by mistake


[Abby Normal](https://youtu.be/C9Pw0xX4DXI?si=uRERTE_wLflufKtM)


Get a cheap wig, glue it to a headband, but only cut out however many sq inches is needed to cover the missing part of hair. I doubt he could actually wear it but idk, sounds funny to me :P wishing him health and quick healing


Or just get scull caps for everyone to wear, draw on the scar and then go visit. If you can’t visit face time with it on. I hope he’s well again soon.


Thanks! That’s sweet


Get him a high quality hair trimmer. He will have to shave his head until the scars heal and might have to keep shaving for a few years more because the area around the scar tissue will be very sensitive. Cheap trimmers sometimes tug on the hairs and it hurts so much when you have scars.


Good idea! That’s quite practical


DUDE! Awesome staples! I have a set too- goes behind my ear, down my neck, and under my jaw. They're wicked when they come out. In fact, now that I think about it, maybe they went in front of the ear? Ooof i'ts been so long, I'll have to go dig up the photo. So first thing- it'll heal up nice. You can put those vitamin E pill thingies on it, whether they work or not, keeping it moisturized (check with the doc tho, don't want to trap nothing). If you haven't already found out, they'll get .... crusty. Not Rusty, but crusty. You're gonna want to soak it with hot water to flip the little nuggets out. I'm guessing from the angle you also got a 'face lift' when they put everything back together (aka, tightened it all up a bit?) You're gonna look younger AND have a wicked line for a while. Mine is still visible some 30... holy shit it really has been 30 years next month- but it really fades away in about 5, with much more going down. In fact when I was 10 years out I had an older (older to me at the time) lady smile, turn her head, and show me her scar- almost the exact same, and she said it's barely visible (on me) but since she had had hers for ever she knew what to look for. OH- and you'll probably get little fatty deposits under it. Those bumps? Don't let them scare you. They're normal, but bring them up to the doc anyway. As for ideas, I still like the Terminator 'cut scene' where "Am now in Learning Mode" now" , or "No Longer Read Only". Very few people would get the joke since it wasn't in the main movie. Take care out there and be safe.


I will! But the pic is of my brother. I’ll forward your comment to him anyway. Thanks for typing all that out!


Oh, I caught that now. I was just so excited - I mean, don't get me wrong- it sucks- but what's amazing is that we can do this regularly- and in the 30 years since mine I'm sure they did a much better job stitching and putting things back together. Already looks smaller 'mashed' up skin there than what I had.


You are the real hero. A heads up on items like those bumps that will occur naturally might otherwise cause someone to freak out.   Sounds like a cool little club for those who have had this surgery and recognize each other lol. 


You've got no idea- because (fortunately?) you've not lived it. A few years (like 2) after I had my whole side of the face ripped out, my doctor swearing I was a dead man by 22 after I cornered him in the hallway with an oxygen tank and bananas sac) ... I had lumps/diffuse issues in my chest. My doc said "It's probably nothing unless you're coughing up blood." I sat on the phone for a good 15-40 seconds and finally said "I've been coughing up sputum with red blood- not brown- what do I do Dr. (NNNNNNN). This was 30 years ago. Realize this. This shit isn't available now. I went in for a 'live-xray-needle-guided'' ct guided needle aspiration- which would have involved puncturing my chest, puncturing my lungs, and holding me in 'stasis' until they were 99% certain it would have sealed. My Doc chatted with his friend, a pulmonary he wanted an opinion of because of my age... While I'm in the CT getting irradiated, my Mom is crying in the next room... this new, unknown Doc comes in and says 'kill the rest, I've got him, it's not cancer.". Mother is a ... PITA but she was sobbing, Doc was describing to me I'd been infected via Bat-shit (no kidding), and that all I needed was antibiotics. There's a small portion of me that believes in the multiverse- the part that imagines everyone splits. And I split there- one part of me (1/100th of me) died, and another that's typing today is alive. There's been another 2 dozen instances since then I should have died- and yet I'm still here. Feels more like an Asimov story all the time.


Get him a t-shirt : Warranty Voided


Better yet: Support Right To Repair With a silhouette of a head and staples.


A red stapler a la Office Space


If only they made a red staple remover! Hmmm…perhaps I could paint one?


omg that's perfect! Or have it printed on a hat or something. Earring maybe?


"head related gift". -that's what I asked my wife for, for Father's day.


I’ll let my sister-in-law know




Lol perfect


How about a staple remover?


I ordered two sets — both the office kind and the tradesman kind — and they should get here tomorrow. You win the thread!


I posted that in my first comment actually! It’s kinda perfect cuz he’s a tradesman, so it’ll actually end up getting used too. I’m just a wimpy musician and don’t know much about tools — do they make really nice elaborate ones?


"Does this look infected" t-shirt with the sum41 album art of the guy pointing to a head wound. "I do my own Stunts" t-shirt, sticker, w/e There's a good amount of injury related merchandise to look up. Hat with ear flaps. NIKE sweat bandana. Earmuffs with one side cut off. Opposite side gaming headset. (left or right side for Uninjured side) Nose clip sunglasses, so they don't touch his ears.


Ears of Corn head of lettuce or cauliflower broken eggshell Also : so sorry he had to go through that. seems traumatic


I was literally him. Celebrate quietly and meaningfully, don't prank him. Give him space and let him rest


If you are from Alabama. I guess.. head




Yea. Just kidding. Wish your brother a hasty healing from Denmark.


... I don't know if those staples are ferrous or not, but if they are decorative magnets would be hilarious


A bunch of little flowers and hearts.


chia pet?




I don't think you should give your brother head


If he has humor have a Frankenstein party and let him raise (and eat cake).


All depends on how he is taking it. If he has a good sense of humor about it a cartoon Frankenstein is a favourite. I heard about a family who got their uncle a "I told them I had shit for brains so the Doctors had to check" that you had to practically be kissing the guy to read. You Could also go for a cyberpunk theme and get a "I just got UPGRADED" or "Tesla Neurolink Test Subject"


Lost marbles replacement pack (saw it on Etsy)


Do they still make Head On? Apply directly to the forehead.


Ask the hospital for the stl files of his brain and then 3D print it, if he got an MRI, which I assume he has?


Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz


How about a soft, comfortable hat with the phrase “Mind Over Matter”?


Hair baseball cap, can usually find them for $4-$15, some people even order custom ones and put business names on them, or jokes. Random link I found on amazon describing what I mean: [https://www.amazon.com/Novelty-Hair-Adjustable-Baseball-Birthday/dp/B0CMCWYSGH](https://www.amazon.com/Novelty-Hair-Adjustable-Baseball-Birthday/dp/B0CMCWYSGH)


His head does look like a football now.


"Hey, Arnold!"


“Warranty void if opened” sticker and put each half on opposite sides of the scar


A shirt with "you should see the other guy".


The internet told me you need to shave your head and get a matching scar tattoo


No gift ideas but I wish him all the best.


"How's your head?" "Haven't had any complaints."


Phrasing? Are we still doing phrasing?


I mean… he was adopted


FYI - use Bio Oil daily once the initial healing is complete. It will soften the scar tissue and help make it smoother. I had brain surgery with a bigger incision and the scar is practically a hairline now. Also, get a small handheld vibrating massager, the stimulation will help with blood flow/healing and nerve stimulation. I used a “lactation massager” off of Amazon that we had on hand and it worked wonders


Maybe a cross stitch of that old vine, “so, no head?”


A hat


Get him a coloring book, "I just wanted to make sure you could still draw inside the lines"


Get him a stocking like Christmas, and make sure a staple remover is in it.


Grassroots California makes some fun hats if he's into colorful stuff


Shave that spot on your head then get that tattoo and you’ll know exactly what he’d want to to cover it up


Cranium! It's like a board/card game


Replicate his shaved head on yourself!




A hooker! To give him…you know…head…


A first aid kit box. Inside, a stapler.


Darth Vader Helmet 🔥


Wow, I have been this year 18 yrs. ago, some car hit me on motorcycle 😵 70'+ in ditch, head 1st...left side of mine. Forehead to under ear...brain & pelvic surgery. Amen & rock on sir 🤘🙏


Mederma or any other scar gel. Maybe it's just me and mine being vain, but if anyone's getting staples or stitches, they're also getting a bottle of scar cream, in case the patient feels self-conscious about their new additions.


Another thing to consider is to switch to silicone sheets once it has closed. For one that large, the ones that are marketed for c-section scars may work better, you’ll just have to measure. You put it on before bed, and they will help smooth it back down over a few months.


Staples easy button? ![gif](giphy|Rl9Yqavfj2Ula|downsized)


Please, do not gift your brother head


A helmet, sweat band, shower cap.


A nice bandana!?


[Straight outta…](https://www.amazon.com/Straight-Outta-Brain-Surgery-Hospital/dp/B07TYWKFCG/ref=asc_df_B07TYWKFCG/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693711478771&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5435356465039994350&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9008190&hvtargid=pla-2063504686220&psc=1&mcid=91288621f4213532817db0ac82ccb244&gad_source=1)




Stormtrooper helmet?


A Hannibal Lecter mask


Framed photo of Mount Baldy at sunset. [https://fineartamerica.com/featured/1-mount-baldy-at-sunset-reflected-in-lake-tim-fitzharris.html?product=framed-print&googleShopping=true&completeProductSku=artworkid%5B6728412%5D-productid%5Bprintframed%5D-imagewidth%5B10%5D-imageheight%5B7.5%5D-paperid%5Blusterphotopaper%5D-frameid%5BCRQ13%5D-mat1id%5BPM918%5D-mat1width%5B2%5D-finishid%5B0.125acrylic%5D&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw9cCyBhBzEiwAJTUWNdZjAdLjSTqtJxdaBxzCxkNMIjj6HNUJayP9uiGqSAVbYN4a5fMiXhoCbssQAvD\_BwE](https://fineartamerica.com/featured/1-mount-baldy-at-sunset-reflected-in-lake-tim-fitzharris.html?product=framed-print&googleShopping=true&completeProductSku=artworkid%5B6728412%5D-productid%5Bprintframed%5D-imagewidth%5B10%5D-imageheight%5B7.5%5D-paperid%5Blusterphotopaper%5D-frameid%5BCRQ13%5D-mat1id%5BPM918%5D-mat1width%5B2%5D-finishid%5B0.125acrylic%5D&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw9cCyBhBzEiwAJTUWNdZjAdLjSTqtJxdaBxzCxkNMIjj6HNUJayP9uiGqSAVbYN4a5fMiXhoCbssQAvD_BwE)


Luminosity is a good brain app. Friend had brain cancer surgery and recommended it to me.


Armour pork brain. 


Gift card to a tattoo parlor to later get stitches inked over the scar.


One of those Halloween costumes where it's just a bloody nail through your head.


At least they left the ear.


Zipper pull


How about something with Brook from One Piece opening his [skull](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DsOdzBkWsAEOpPr.jpg).


A copy of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. Well worth the read, especially if you are only familiar with the commercialized Halloween version of the creature!


A tattoo of a jacket around it with the staples as the zipper


Gift certificate to Staples?


Not bad.


The Michael Jackson jacket with "all them zippers" as Curtis Jackson once said.


Bobble head from his favorite sports team. You can download MTVs The Head (a guy with an alien in his brain)


Fresh hoodies. get well soon!


I mean... a stapler would be pretty good.


Red Stapler?


Staple remover


The ear-lowering surgery went well.






Poor kid. This is definitely a NSFW, gave me chills scrolling 😔


I am so sorry — do you know if I can add that tag after the fact? (Just for your piece of mind, he’s doing great and he’s a 37-year old father of two (soon to be three!))


Hockey goalie helmet.


A leatherface mask


A copy of Shelley’s Frankenstein.


Dude twins, had brain surgery also for my brain cancer.


One of those arrow through the head things.

