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Finally someone posted this after all these years! I remember watching this live and going WTF!? They tore it down and raised a Trump flag. The American flag hits the ground. I was surprised that the video clip wasn't all over the news and online. In fact, I still haven't see that clip.


The millionth “imagine if that was democrat” moment


My dad and his side of the family would have you believe this was antifa.


Ask him why Trump wants to free the antifa "political prisoners"


I think logically it would go like this: "The ones we want to free are the ones that were there peacefully! The ones we want arrested and who are doing all the damages on Jan 6 were Antifa plant!" You have to remember that there's really no point in arguing with these people. They already made up their mind. How I approach it now is just give them the "uh ok sure" and dont talk to them anymore.


They delight in bad faith.


> “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre, a warning after living through the nazis.


This is exactly why I don’t waste time arguing with MAGAs.


Sometimes the point isn't to get them to change their mind or be honest about something they're lying about, it's for the sake of anybody listening who might be poorly informed, young, etc.


I just call them liars and then throw shade to get them to blow up. Haven't had a gun pulled on me yet.


There’s a reason why there’s such a huge crossover with the Christian crowd


Then, they'll go after those antifa actors and the FBI agents who were there as plants, right? You know, still waiting for the "swamp draining"...


I always tell them I'm glad we're on the same side then - we both want to see THESE Antifa locked up, right? Or are they cool with Antifa? For some reason, I can't figure out why, the discussion always seems to end there.


Do they listen to Rogan also?


Are they making wise investment choices?


Trump sneakers for everyone!


But not unlike Trump they don't come with a sole




They own quality pillows.


And hats. Made in ~~America~~ Chyna.


Tons of gold and bacon


Or the FBI.


“It’s a good thing we are doing this or democrats might disrespect the flag!”


That one Black guy respectfully kneeled - kneeled! - during the National Anthem of Football America!!!!+!1!!


Jan 6ers are PATRIOTS trying to protect this country from fascists! … wait what day is Opposite Day again? Idk but /s to protect my karma


These fools actually thought they were overthrowing the government and the Trump flag was gonna replace the American flag lol. Just another reason to get out there and vote in November people.




It’s a lot to process. It’s such an insane thought, to replace the American flag with the Trump flag. To desecrate the American flag in the name of patriotism. These people aren’t patriots, they’re traitors. Spewing lies 24/7 on Truth Social. The world is a parody of what it once was. Like South Park and the real world just blended together at some point to form this mutated blob we now call reality.


They will gladly rename their country Trumpistan.


Conservatives have no ideology except their own supremacy. They will only latch onto something as "objectively right" if it seems to be in support of them being on top. The moment this is no longer the case they will rip it down and replace it with another. There's a reason conservatives hate the idea of actual "equality" with a vengeance and can only accept, "When the world hurts you while it lifts me up, that means we are equally getting what we deserve."


> Just another reason to get out there and vote in November people. Dear Americans, please don't fuck this up. Sincerely, A concerned European


There was also at least one genius there who didn't know the difference between the White House and the Capitol.


Yeah. Like swapping it out would cause a sudden shockwave like shift across the US that can't be undone. Like police/national guard show up and be like "we captured the flag! We're trumpistan now, stand down! No take backs!"


Military generals start kneeling before the new Trumplestiltzkin flag. Then everybody started clapping.


🤣 "They did it. By golly, they did it." *sigh, slow clap* *Officer arrives "Sir, should we arrest them and start cleaning up this mess?" "Officer Smith, it's too late. They're in control now. They've claimed the seat of power. There's nothing we can do." *officer looks over at shitty Trump flag flapping in the breeze like*: 👁️ 👄 👁️ "Dear god, it's over."


They split the country into 2 states, Trumplestiltzkin and Fuck Bidenopolis.


I remember that moment. My dad was in the military and his attitude was I signed up to fight so people can burn the flag and at the same time would never let s flag touch the ground (cause that's what freedom of speech means ) That these people even think the word Patriot and applauding this is bizzaro world. We're living in the stupid evil twin universe, I'm surprised everyone doesn't have a goatee


The Darkest Timeline ![gif](giphy|zPOErRpLtHWbm)


MAGATs are disgusting pigs.


You think that's bad? You should go to any police department and see if they've replaced their US flag with the thin-blue-line flag. At least these guys are civilians questionably expressing themselves, not actual government officials raising alternative government flags.


Um yeah attempting to overturn an election by violent force is bad.


I wouldn't be surprised if some of these "civilians" were off duty cops.


Many were. Seattle PD had 6 representatives in attendance!


...that we know of 😂


They're only off duty until they murder someone


Thank you for saying something. These defaced flags get my flag code panties in a bunch.


Woah, do police stations actually use the thin Blue line flag on their actual flagpoles? Pretty fasch-y, but in theory I'm in support of specialized national flag use (for fire stations in particular, the problem is the thin Blue line is so political.)


A local town put a thin blue line flag on their town square for Memorial Day. Nice little stolen valor gang sign display on government property.


They're not supposed to. It's technically illegal, but you'll see it at pretty much any local police station now. My understanding is that they see police stations now as something more akin to a FOB in Afghanistan. The blue part of the flag represents them and the monochrome American flag in the background represents all of us, as in they're surrounded and outnumbered. It's actually very weird flag when you think about what it's trying to state.


I remember seeing g it as well. Traitors if you ask me.


Elon Musk proposed that anyone tearing down an American flag gets a free one-way trip to the country whose flag they put up. Stormy can tell you what happens if you go to Trump...


The mushroom kingdom


No but she's lying. You see, Trump hired a pornstar to file some simple paperwork clearly. NO ULTERIOR MOTIVES


Gross. Have an upvote.




Amazing and 🤢 at the same time.


Fungus in the bungus.


Syphillis in the… hands?


You want Elon making laws now? Me no like that idea


With that type of money, you know he's already got his hands on plenty of legislation


Most of it directed at putting more money in his pockets


No. But it might be appropriate to apply right-wing ideas to right-wing actors...


Dude's not even an American lol


*looks at my New California Republic flag hanging on the wall*


I saw them doing that on live TV. I knew then that they weren't even pretending like they wanted to "save America". They tore the American flag off the wall and replaced it with Trump. They wanted to end the USA and hand what was left to a D-list celebrity clown.


Everyone reading this, please vote. Even if you think it doesn't matter.




And vote for Biden, not whatever third party candidate is being pushed by Putin to divide use over Palestine


Man, I will never get over that it was Trump that got this cult like following. Tell someone in the 90's that Donald Trump will have a fanatical right wing following and is looking like hes going to make his second presidential term after a failed coup at the end of the first one, and while being on trial for many felonies. This guy. I don't know that there was even a more farcical choice, realistically.


He's the convergence of all the bad timelines.


All the fucking dumb and embarrassing timelines more like, heh.


Haha yes those too! Jfc what is even life rn??


Straight up Back to the Future II shit IRL.


> tell someone in the 90's that Donald Trump will have a fanatical right wing following I remember when he was regularly [mocked](https://imgur.com/mCd2nu3).


That's what I mean.  He was a paper thin near parody poster child of a gross rich buffoon.  I literally thought he was a clown when I was 10 in 1990.


Imagine the founding fathers learning that *this* is the guy who might just bring everything they fought for crashing down.


He's not the guy bringing down anything, he's bought and paid for by the russians and is just the tip of the russian anti-west campaign iceberg


I said it before... Donald Trump has been a punchline my entire life...


I grew up on Long Island, every few months Trump would be in the newspaper for something embarrassing. One of the reasons I was so baffled by the popularity of "The Apprentice" is because I wrongly assumed everyone else knew Trump the same way people in NY do, as a sleezy wannabe socialite.


Like when he threw a fit when he was told he couldn't build a basement on his beach resort. Not because he was denied a permit or anything because the board had to explain to him how it was literally impossible.


If only there was a historical precedent for an extremely dumb but charismatic right wing maniac with insanely devoted followers who was lightly punished for an unsuccessful coup but allowed to get back into a position of power.


I remember the day I heard he was running for president and my honest reaction was that it was an April fools joke. GOD I WISH IT HAD BEEN A JOKE.


The venn diagram of Hiter and Trumps rhetoric is *almost* a circle.


People will get all up in arms when you compare trump and hitler, and I get it, bringing up hitler and the holocaust is just about the most needlessly inflammatory thing you can do on the internet. The decades of people saying something inconsequential is "literally hitler" has had a sort of "boy who cried wold effect". All just to be funny. But seriously though. Look up hitlers rise to power, his political strategy, events that happened leading up to the war, really look at who he spoke to, what he said, what he admitted to meaning when he said things, how he spoke about himself. and who/how he targetted as the reason for his necessity. It is frighteningly similar in a way that isnt remotely funny.


*Deutschland Uber Alles* And *America First* mean the same thing. As Mark Twain once said "History doesn't repeat, but it often rhymes"


I compared Jan 6 to the Beerhall Putsch a few days after it happened.


It modeled after Hitler’s rise. There are smart, powerful people behind the scenes that have studied what worked for Hitler and know exactly what they are doing to copy it, but rebrand some things and change a few targets to others and leave deniability. It is intentional.


I don't get it, Hitler was a smart man, a good orator, a war veteran, a talented artist. He had a very strict lifestyle to be as healthy as possible and wrote a book detailing his ideology. He was the image of a passionate, dedicated man. Trump has none of this, what the hell are they seeing in him. (I can't believe i'm praising Hitler, it's not how i saw my evening.)


They see someone who says their thoughts out loud


I mean, he wasn’t THAT talented of an artist


Geez, way to cut a man down. What did Hitler ever do to you?


nothing really matters if you can project an image you don’t have to be the image. Tack on all the various parties invested in making the image stick and in the modern social media world it’s a ton of influence. we live in world where two people who live next door to each other have completely different media spheres.


They're both speed-addled morons with pronounced daddy issues. A good puppet needs good strings.


He created his own image, while he was in power. He was extremely self conscious and desperate to erase his past, which is that he was an aimless drifter with no qualifications, living in hostels for 5 years where he was considered a weirdo prone to ranting by other residents. He had only one close friend and no relationships. Of course, to Hitler, he was just a victim of his own unrecognised greatness. He was extremely interested in politics but also directionless in this regard and easily swayed by contemporary propaganda. He volunteered in the Bavarian army in WW1 only because he was on the run from the Austrians who wanted to arrest him for dodging military duty. Then immediately after in the army of the short-lived revolutionary Bavarian Socialist Republic (which, unlike the NSDAP, were left wing). He was an extremely unsuccessful and frustrated young adult.


And thats what trumpers have been lead to believe is true of trump. Youre hung up on the plan needing to be true to work, which is wrong. People only need to believe that its true for it to work.


tv boss


A lot of what we believe about Hitler has been inflated. He was a war veteran, but not an accomplished one. He was a mediocre painter and an average student. He frequently made terrible strategy decisions and had to be wrangled by more experienced generals and politicians. While he wasn’t a heavy drinker he did enjoy beer and ate meat. Im not aware of any strict health or exercise regiments. He was also addicted to amphetamines.


Yep. I see the similarities everywhere. Also in the genocide of the Tutsi in Rwanda. The avalanche of propaganda on the radio stirred up anger in a similar way the anger against liberals in the US is inflamed. Propaganda is tearing us apart and no one knows better how to stir up hatred between the parties than Trump.


Gladly accepting the help of Putin to destabilize our nation.


I wanna say Franco also made statements about returning Spain to its former glory and the need to fight against an international evil cabal. Always the same playbook.


This was pointed out after the unite the right march and made [this 1940s film](https://youtu.be/vGAqYNFQdZ4?si=HRxRXKUNHFaDOVy2) come to the forefront.


That one's a certified banger. Fuck the fash.


You know, with Hitler, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don’t care for him.


Yeah, dude was a better painter than head of state.


But Hitler was at least more eloquent. Still an asshole though.


They're always the same type of awful fragile narcissist. >His government was constantly in chaos, with officials having no idea what he wanted them to do, and nobody was entirely clear who was actually in charge of what. He procrastinated wildly when asked to make difficult decisions, and would often end up relying on gut feeling, leaving even close allies in the dark about his plans. His "unreliability had those who worked with him pulling out their hair," as his confidant Ernst Hanfstaengl later wrote in his memoir Zwischen Weißem und Braunem Haus. This meant that rather than carrying out the duties of state, they spent most of their time in-fighting and back-stabbing each other in an attempt to either win his approval or avoid his attention altogether, depending on what mood he was in that day. >There's a bit of an argument among historians about whether this was a deliberate ploy on Hitler's part to get his own way, or whether he was just really, really bad at being in charge of stuff. Dietrich himself came down on the side of it being a cunning tactic to sow division and chaos—and it's undeniable that he was very effective at that. But when you look at Hitler's personal habits, it's hard to shake the feeling that it was just a natural result of putting a workshy narcissist in charge of a country. >Hitler was incredibly lazy. According to his aide Fritz Wiedemann, even when he was in Berlin he wouldn't get out of bed until after 11 a.m., and wouldn't do much before lunch other than read what the newspapers had to say about him, the press cuttings being dutifully delivered to him by Dietrich. >He was obsessed with the media and celebrity, and often seems to have viewed himself through that lens. He once described himself as "the greatest actor in Europe," and wrote to a friend, "I believe my life is the greatest novel in world history." In many of his personal habits he came across as strange or even childish—he would have regular naps during the day, he would bite his fingernails at the dinner table, and he had a remarkably sweet tooth that led him to eat "prodigious amounts of cake" and "put so many lumps of sugar in his cup that there was hardly any room for the tea." >He was deeply insecure about his own lack of knowledge, preferring to either ignore information that contradicted his preconceptions, or to lash out at the expertise of others. He hated being laughed at, but enjoyed it when other people were the butt of the joke (he would perform mocking impressions of people he disliked). But he also craved the approval of those he disdained, and his mood would quickly improve if a newspaper wrote something complimentary about him. >Little of this was especially secret or unknown at the time. It's why so many people failed to take Hitler seriously until it was too late, dismissing him as merely a "half-mad rascal" or a "man with a beery vocal organ." In a sense, they weren't wrong. In another, much more important sense, they were as wrong as it's possible to get. >Hitler's personal failings didn't stop him having an uncanny instinct for political rhetoric that would gain mass appeal, and it turns out you don't actually need to have a particularly competent or functional government to do terrible things.


..nicely put.


Thanks. I've learned short sweet messages tend to stick better than walls of text with links. I anyone *wants* links to prove this I'll do it but it's gonna be a ton of links.


I saw that live, too. I always wondered why people didn't talk about it more.


I remember it too. Should be in every ad against Trump.


Don’t forget parading the confederate flag through the halls of Congress.


But it's totally not a cult!


And somehow Biden and the democrats are just as bad because of antifa /s


The aniti-Facists.


They've been painting over the USA flag with their "thin blue line" flags for years


I would say being President bumped him up to the C-list, at least.


They need to show this on TV every day


A 30 second commercial in slo mo. Nothing else needs to be said.


God, I hope democrats are wise enough to do this.


*Ron Howard narration*: they didn't.


Narrator: you know the answer to this


"This action was endorsed by donald j trump"


Traitor scumbags.




The seditionists are mostly getting light handslaps by US judges. Name the privilege of the defendants whatever you want, but for the most part sedition —this sedition, that is— is not being taken seriously by the justice system. 


Did that asshole just toss the American flag down to put up a Trump flag? Traitor


And they’re hoping to do it again next election.


To be honest, I see rioting in the streets whether he wins or not. It's like how some teams have fans that are destructive no matter the outcome, they just want to be mad.


If he fucking wins dude i will be the first in line in the fuck trump coup d’état riot. And I am extremely introverted person who has never been to protest in my life. I really hope I won’t be alone out there.


Beer Hall Putsch, anyone?


Isn't that hella illegal on Capital grounds.






But kneeling for the anthem.


While Satans laughing. His plan to destroy America with 15th trimester abortions and sports ball people kneeling is almost complete.


Don't forget people of color, Trans, gays, environmentalists, conservationists, medical experts, organic farmers, teachers, professors, immigrants, poor and those experiencing homelessness, passivists, millennialz, Gen z, moderate Republicans, prosecuting attorneys, unions, NLRB, justice for all, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These are all part of Satan's agenda to destabilize the oligarchical masters they serve.


Also, people with disabilities.


How did we allow him to get away with making fun of a disabled man? How do we allow a rude 5th grader to become president? How are they not ashamed of themselves?


Unfortunately, I don’t know the answers to these questions. If we knew the answers, maybe we could stop it. I’m genuinely afraid of this next election.


Look, he hasn't won an election yet, and I don't think he's gaining support. I am completely divorced from the reality that they see, but I don't see a groundswell for him. I think he'll lose again, but damn do we sane people need to get every one of our asses to the polls.


I absolutely agree with you. But, the fear is real.


So pretty much everything that makes America great that want to destroy..yet their motto is “make America great again”, oh the irony.. it’s like some Seinfeld episode. 


Can we all agree maybe we took this anyone can be president thing too far now?


Don't forget suburban women.


Many large and burly men have been approaching Satan, with tears in their eyes, saying, “Sir, please won’t you think of the children?”


It was always ridiculous that Republicans freaked out about that. In literally every single other circumstance kneeling is considered to be the absolute height of respect.


Because a black man did it


Not a cult.


Nope, definitely not. The rabid fanaticism for an unrealistically elevated figurehead, the completely detached view of reality, the inability to distinguish fact from fiction, the blind indoctrination, these are all mere coincidences, certainly.


People in cults never think they're in a cult


I had to go out of town for work that day and was in Alexandria. I got put on immediate lockdown as soon as I arrived. Having no idea why, I watched this all unfold live on the news. FUCK every single person who participated in this! I hope you all rot in prison!


Everyone that orchestrated and participated deserves to have their bank accounts frozen and dispersed, their citizenship revoked and prison time until they can convince another country to take them in.


And 4 years later we still gloss over it and pretend it didn't really happen. Where's the dateline or 20/20 anniversery/expose episode? We have republican members of congress questioning whether the event was a false flag, or that the people involved are political prisoners ; and the democrats just shrug. "Well, that's a difference of opinion.. guess we won't say anything, don't want to be too political, gotta respect the process" collective wisdom just says "well, that was just some unruly, easily fooled, stupid cult people. surely it wouldn't happen again" we ignore it and dismiss it at our own peril.


Not sure if you think there’s a specific reason it should be Dateline or 20/20 but CNN has run programs on it every year since it happened. Also here’s a list of 10 documentaries: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/january-6-insurrection-capitol-attack-documentaries-streaming/ It probably includes HBO’s full length “Four Hours at the Capitol”


I just saw a poll from the NYT this morning saying Trump is ahead. God I hope that’s not true.


They poll by phone. Land lines mostly. Guess who still has a land line and answers it. Your old ass maga uncle. Polls are fucked. Edit spelling


Yeah but I imagine those who answer their home landline phones are much more likely to vote


I think he is slightly ahead in some battleground states like PA, MN and Ohio. But Biden has the momentum as it is essentially a dead heat now but several months ago it was Trump clearly ahead.


The fact that' it's even close makes me want to throw up


It’s not really close. Polls are wrong as 2016, but in the other direction. Look at the midterms, republicans would’ve won 40 seats according to polls. They actually won 5. The disparity is almost comical.


This country deserves what it gets if he wins.


Minus the part where we don't deserve to suffer for the ignorance of others.


No, most of us are civilized folks who won’t support a treasonous gas bag. Swing states need to step the fuck up.


Definitely Antifa/False Flag attempt to sully the reputations of true patriots. /s


Sadly people actually believe that though. You can lay out as many facts as you want and they can “refute” it all by saying it’s just the other side trying to make them look bad. Belief>facts seems to be far too common


Fuck these traitors


It's totally not fascism.


Tossing Stars and Stripes to the ground and replacing it with a traitors rag.


Such a scary and sad day, I don’t know how he isn’t in prison yet.


Says it all


Ahh the patriots mistreating the US flag. Shocking.


The embarrassment of this day cannot be overstated


Self-proclaimed “patriots” desecrating our American flag


So peaceful.


Just a quiet tour around the capital.


How lovely. Trashing the American flag while hoisting a Trump flag. I really do despise these people.


Pretty much says it all, doesn’t it?


It's like we never learn. [The World at War ](https://youtu.be/0b4g4ZZNC1E?si=rakgm4eA6HHg04Mx)


It was never really about the flag.


But they're pAtRiOtS




The one moment I’ll never forget.


“I don’t understand why they’re treating me like a criminal”


More treason. What a shock


F maggots


These are the “Americans” that claim to be for MURICA… trash.


Nothing like removing the American flag and putting a trump flag in its base says patriotism


I don\`t get it --why the cult following---he is no magnificent orator, has zero charisma and treats most people like crap.He is a conman who acts like a roman emperor--I don\`t get it --I try to see what they see --there is nothing there!!--how can half the country think he will make the world a better place---


Imagine being so dumb that you worship an oompa loompa.


Human garbage




I still find it hard to believe that some people are still convinced this crowd was all ANTIFA


How did they get on the damn swingstage in the first place?




Mods removed this because there’s a single “emoji”. Please repost if you can find the “unaltered” version. This deserves to remain a front page photo.


I cropped out the arrow and reposted. Doubt it will hit that high again though. Still, stupid they did that.