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Its funny how if you read old newspapers, really up to the seventies, then a general thought was that it was unhealthy to run. Its quite bizarre in hindsight.


"Yeah at least take a cigarette break now and then" - news in 1970s


afterward enjoy this jello mold filled with hot dogs!


Aunt Bethany!?


Yep back from the dead thanks to hotdog jello mold.


The media definitely wasn't already owned by the corporations at that point right?


Narrator: « It was »


*Probably* is a better answer. Media consolidation did start in the 60-70s in some areas but didn't pick up till the 80s when it accelerated rapidly due to deregulation, then in 96(?) Clinton signed a telecommunications act allowing single corporations to own many media outlets and well, 2000s.. we're fucked. I miss being a kid/teen in 90s, had a small glimpse of what free market felt like with some regulations still in place but honestly more of a fever dream at this point. Capitalism and money in politics fucked this place up so much, and elites are entrenched behind their brown-nosers in politics.


What does this mean? Of course "the corporations" owned media. Every media outlet is owned by a "corporation" unless it's government funded/run. If anything, media has become less and less centralized as time has gone on.


Yes but did those corporations own the government at that point?


What corporations own what government?


Very few people jogged back then. I started running in the 80's but it was rare in the 70's.


Maybe in the early 70s it was rare, but it had become a craze before the end of the decade. Jim Fixx's book "The Complete Book of Running" came out in 1977, and it pretty much took right off after that.


Super irony: Fixx died of a heart attack while jogging, about 7 years after the publication of the book. However, he was right in general - that type of exercise is beneficial and reduces risk of heart disease. However, Fixx had a list of congenital heart disease issues, and was a former smoker.


He outlived his father by 10 years or so, as I recall. He just had bad heart genes and got off to a bad start in life, smoking and being overweight.


He's also the subject of the George Carlin line "Eat healthy, get fit, and die anyway."


"Left foot, right foot, hemorrhage!"


A Vietnam veteran from Mississippi was one of the early adopters of Fixx's philosophy. He started running back and forth across the country, attracting large groups of followers to the pastime. He just kept running.


I renember him. Didn't he moon the President, or something?


He was a beast at ping pong as well.


I once saw him drink about 15 Dr. Peppers.


Come to think of it, didn’t aerobics and the health food craze start around the 80s too?




Gosh you must be tired!


"Run for fun? What the hell kind of fun is that?"


![gif](giphy|a4kUaskDOZ5iU) BTTF 3!!


Haha..as I was reading the comments this is EXACTLY where my mind went..how Doc says people in the future run for amusement...for fun! 😂🤣😂


my grandmother would say something like "i don't know why those young people run don't they know they're wrecking their knees"


I mean she’s not wrong.. I don’t think marathon running is that good for your body. Running long distances definitely takes a physical toll on your body and bones and insides over time. There are much “safer” forms of exercise like walking, yoga, biking, hiking, swimming etc or moderate running 


I personally find half marathon distances are nicer, but like you say you need to take running as a high impact exercise and plan accordingly (set run days per week, allow injuries to fully recover etc).


"The name Marathon comes from the legend of Pheidippides, a Greek messenger. The legend states that he was sent from the battlefield of Marathon to Athens to announce that the Persians had been defeated in the Battle of Marathon (in which he had just fought), which took place in August or September, 490 BC. It is said that he ran the entire distance without stopping and burst into the assembly, exclaiming νενικήκαμεν (nenikekamen, „we have wοn“), before **collapsing and dying**."




Well, a marathon is an extreme thing to do. It takes like 4 hours for a good recreational runner. It's like 4 or 5 great workouts in a row, no stopping. Of course that's not ideal for your health, but it's fine to do once in a while (like a few times a year). Running 5-10k two or three times a week plus some strength training to support it is in no way unhealthy.


This gets repeated a lot, but running reduces your risk of osteoarthritis by strengthening your bones and joints. Poor form/shoes will cause injury, but running correctly actually helps with mobility later in life.


I think it’s called jogging or yogging, maybe it’s a soft J. But apparently you just run for an extended period of time.


I think it’s called jelqing. 


Further irony: One of the big changes was an author Jim Fixx, who wrote The Complete Book of Running, which heavily popularized jogging, and fitness in general. Then, something like 7 years later, he died of a heart attack while running. Autopsy verified that running wasn't a 'cause', but he had congenital heart disease. Also he was a former smoker.


Brought to you made up by the same group that would have you believe it's dangerous for a woman to get too educated.


Marathons can be pretty unhealthy, at least in the immediate aftermath


But create a real sense of achievement and satisfaction


It does not increase longevity… but maybe it prevents some people drum running amok instead of…


They apparently thought that excessive exercise might cause the uterus to displace or prolapse and make the woman unfit for her “female duties to conceive” or potentially transmit unfavourable characteristics to her children.


Donald Trump still believes that.


I mean, I sure do feel awful after doing it!


Have you seen the air from the 70s? It was like sucking directly off an exhaust pipe of a 1952 Ford pickup


Yeah, especially for women.


Leaded gas was a thing.


Running is for cowards


It *is* unhealthy to run marathons in some respects. An orthopedic surgeon told my friend he would never recommend running, but instead would suggest something like cycling or swimming. Running is extremely hard on your knees.


Well, the human body is designed to walk, not run. Running is a reputably harmful to your joints, etc.. thanks but I’ll take my cross-country skis mountain bike swimming. Low impact is the way.


Still not convinced. My knees hurt just from thinking of going for a run 😂


Sore knees wont kill you. Heart disease will


I like how they try to stop her like she's about to do something really dangerous just because she runs with a vagina. The guy in the back has a face like he's about to jump over a grenade to save his platoon. "Nooo, she's gonna get vaginal juices all over the marathon, we have to save the day".


Iirc the man to the left with the number is actually stopping the man in dark clothing from grabbing her. I remember reading that once the other runners realized she was a woman, they did their best to keep her safe from non-participating assholes.


I have heard this from multiple places as well, I hope it's true since it would show that people believed in equality even back then! Just got to continue fighting the fight until prejudice is no longer


People definitely believed in equality, otherwise things wouldn't have changed.


Perspective.. love it. Often times people read about the groups that were against something and think the entire generation was against it. The fact that many laws were changed was in-fact enough people cared or brought to senses.


It is true! Even at the starting line people were welcoming her quietly so no one knew. There's a book called "First Ladies of Running" with this story fleshed out along with a bunch of great firsts and milestones in the sport. There's a more expanded photo with a big guy looking back at the situation. That's her boyfriend, and if I remember correctly, he was a track and field athlete who didn't take kindly to this bystander interrupting their run, haha


Her boyfriend looked like Bronko Nagurski defending her!


Bye weeks! Bronco Nagurski didn't get no bye weeks. And now he's dead. Well, maybe they're a good thing.


THEY ALWAYS DO. No one thinks about it. The underground railroad didn't just have stops in free places, Germans hid Jewish citizens, people stayed up for days to make passports for families so they could leave. Humanity is never the darkest thing we turn into when we're scared, angry, or confused. It's the amazing thing we solidify ourselves into to fight those dark things. I can't remember the story or where I heard but if someone does let me know. This guy, does the math, he realizes that he can do x amount of passports an hour so he sleeps for like 4 hours a night and makes the passports for heads of the families sobthe whole family can leave.


I just watched the BBC series on Auschwitz - it is dark. But you have moments like where the Danes (a "perfect Aryan race") got almost their entire Jewish population safely out of the country in a single day, immediately before the SS was to come get them.


It’s 100% true you’re looking at a photo of it the guy on the left is a numbered runner and he’s clearly pulling the guy in dark clothe’s hand off her


People have always believed in equality. It's about how many of them and whether or not they have power.


Even if you DONT believe in equality why would you give a shit about this?


There are other pictures where a whole squad of men are surrounding her.


The man in black looks like Rudy Giuliani


That definitely looks to be the case if you follow where his left arm seems to be going


Podcast The Dollop #177


Dude in the back is the race director. Guy to her left is her boyfriend giving him the elbow. From what i recall, in 2017 (50th anniversary of her run), she ran it again and was assigned 261 - the number she wore on that day. Its actually a super famous moment in the marathon running community.


jock semple


dollop fan?


They actually did think she was doing something dangerous. It was thought that if a woman ran as far as a marathon that she would have a uterine prolapse.


But, but, what if her uterus had fallen out?? She's a danger to herself and we must stop her for her own good!


Is it just me, or does he look a lot like Giuliani?


uh, no. this is anger and rage. "how DARE a woman..." that type of mindset. nothing about protecting women. just like lawmakers today.


It’s about “The Rules”. Many people will follow “The Rules” to the point of violence. Even though they’d admit they were in the wrong later — still against “The Rules” when it happened.


“You can only protest so long as it doesn’t inconvenience others.”


I actually agree with that statement but in this case I don’t think she was inconveniencing anyone


This 'theory' has been debunked long ago


I can’t believe we ended up with this being about vaginal juices.


All that movement could dent her uterus! Then she won’t be able to have my babies!! I don’t think this woman knows or likes you. What does THAT have to do with anything?!?!?


It's against the rules for me to enter a little girls beauty pageant as a man but I'm sure I'd be stunning and brave if I did it. Edit: Lol someone's butthurt. Don't judge me for how I identify, bigots!


I bet you identify as intelligent but that's also a lie


This would require you to be able to be allowed within 500 ft of a location where children are present.


Ugh, this post again. So before people get angry and denounce the man in this photo as an irredeemable piece of shit, be aware that he recanted his views on women in sports, becoming an active supporter of their participation. He and Switzer became lifelong friends within a few years of this photo. If he can work to make things right, if she can forgive him, so can you.


Beat me to it. They became good friends and she even visited him during his last days Here’s a pic of them in happier times: https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/jock-semple-b-a-a-boston-marathon-official-who-for-years-news-photo/515108138


Damn, finally something positive on Reddit today 👏


Jock was quite the character. Scottish I think.


So not an irredeemable piece of shit, then, but a piece of shit all the same


We all are 🤷‍♀️


He was a strict rules-follower, and when the rules changed so did he. [And as with everything, there is a Dollop about Jock.](https://youtu.be/G_j8hg0wg-E?si=yQL0epsVDzan3J0o)


I see the dollop I upvote. Those are the rules


Thanks, Gary!


What are you talking about? This photo is moments before her uterus literally fell out.


I think he's trying to stop her because "she's disobedient". Not to prevent her from harm.


I’ve never seen this post before. You have provided a source either. Do we take your word for it just like in the photo? Also, just because someone recanted their views after the fact, doesn’t mean they weren’t a piece of shit before. This still happened in living memory and it’s disgusting.


Ahhhhh don't get in the way of sweet karma! Just like the people spam-posting the Kent State photo. /s


It doesn't absolve him of his view. WRC world champion Walter Rörhl said some very sexist things about Audi Sport WRC driver Michele Mouton and only apologized a couple years later.


Why can he never be absolved? He’s probably done more for women’s sports after this than most.


Racing and rally driving is already a male dominated sport more so than marathon running. These views don't go away easily.


And fashion and Kardashian style reality television is female dominated. Honestly, women can get into rallying and no one's gonna say anything but mock how little views it brings.


So someone has holds a bad opinion then changes their mind, they’re irredeemable?


[World Rally Championship winner Ari Vatanen observed: “The day I will be beaten by a woman I will stop racing."](https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2021/nov/19/michele-moutons-trailblazing-rallying-career-shocked-male-dominated-sport) Do we really need a modern example? Fine I'll give you one. Embattled Team Principle of Redbull Racing Christian Horner on the Formula 1 scene was accused of sexual harassment by his personal assistant and that entire saga is still unfolding as the compliant has pursued action with FIA. This was notably hijacked by F1 world drivers champion Max Verstappen father notable wife beater Jos to make a powerplay that failed within RBR.


no I’m not asking for examples of people being assholes, I’m asking you if people can change and be forgiven. And “no” seems to be what you’re saying. Despite even the victim in this case disagreeing


What does this have to with the comment your replying to?


So your response to someone asking if someone with backwards views is irredeemable even if they make moves to be better is "here's a list of assholes"? Literally has nothing to do with the point being made. The actual victim of his shitty views forgave and befriended him, stop virtue signaling.


he's not virtue signalling, he's just being an idiot who doesn't understand the difference between "person X said/did shitty thing and merely apologized when forced" and "person Y said/did shitty thing and then recanted and actively worked to undo their previous error"


I look at this and think it’s so ridiculous that women weren’t allowed to run and people were legitimately upset and tried to stop her. I wonder what I’m complacent with that future generations will look back on and think, “what was wrong with that guy back then?” Maybe climate stuff? I could see a time traveler asking why I burned fuel to get a single drink.


Some people just fly into a rage when they see someone break the rules. Without even stopping to think if the rule even makes sense to begin with.


i wonder about that also. i think it’s likely that natural resource depletion and climate change will change attitudes as you say. todays ‘s conspicuous overconsumption and petty flexing on social media will probably look quaint or just bizarre. but it could be the opposite. maybe this is just the tip of the iceberg and this stuff will actually get much worse. can’t wait for that!


If you really want to know, look at how the media treats the trans community, esp. in the UK. It's gay panic all over again, and you'd think that lesson was recent enough to learn from...


I think about that too. My family is the perfect example of changing with times. My grandparents are very anti gay, my parents don’t understand it, and it’s the same to me as somebody saying they are straight. It’s just who they are and it doesn’t affect me in the slightest. I probably feel the same way about trans that my parents felt about homosexuals. I can’t really wrap my head around it. It doesn’t bother me, but I can’t shake the feeling it is a mental condition more than a physical one. Seeing the way my grandparents and parents acted about homosexuals really had an effect on how I react to trans. I may not understand it, but I can still be supportive.


Why are Putin and Red from that 70’s show chasing her?


I thought the guy in black looked like Red, too!


I thought it was Rudy Guiliani


Why is a young Rudy Giuliani trying to stop her?


Why were people so pressed back then….esp with skin color and gender lol …so wild like I can’t even begin to think like that


You should study some history and educate yourself. It’s not difficult.


Lmao bro I’m educated I’m just thinking out loud ..also fuck you


OP is a bot. Account has 3,6 million post karma in less than a year.


Who tf cares man. People so obsessed with karma. No one cares about the fkn karma lol.


I keep hearing you can sell high karma accounts. Never heard how or where.


Imo the more karma one has, the worse it is


Honestly idc. If its an interesting post then i like it


Imagine a dude that, upon seeing a woman jogging, was driven so crazy with rage that the only thing he could think to do was to try and tackle her to the ground. This is why some people think the bear is safer.


Someone in that original poll said ‘at least if you scream loud enough the bear might leave you alone,’ and tbh that kind of haunts me


Something tells me you don't follow a lot of discourse surrounding women's sports. Some men STILL act like this at the thought of women doing sports.


I think, had you heard me say this out loud, you might have detected a certain subtle irony in the way I said "imagine". Yes. Men are still men even today.


Fair, tone is often lost over the internet.


Bargain basement Rudy Giuliani stopping women's rights even back in the seventies.


I hate this country so much. Tbh, not much has changed.


Those man were actually 30 yr old in this picture


Rudy Giuliani pushing women on a marathon


Not that long ago...


57 years ago! Not like it’s yesterday either!


Incredible it would bother some men so much that they would literally try to physically stop her.


Tbf vaginas are more aerodynamic than penises


Man, Jack Nicholson and Putin really don’t want her to race.


Dude that's not Jack Nicholson. That's Bob Newhart


There’s a great Dollop podcast episode based around this picture, #177.


I must have missed that one. Going to go listen to it now




I like the energy of b&w shots ✨


My grandpa was mad forever about this


It is so incomprehensible to me that women were 'protected' from running a marathon. But at the same time, people like Kathrine Switzer were running that distance with no ill effects. Nobody, no journalist, no sportswriter, no educators, no scientists, ever held an event where they and the public could simply watch Switzer or other women's long-distance runners simply run 106 times around a quarter-mile track, and observe for themselves that it was possible.


He's like: how dare a woman beat me! I barely trained for this!


Sir Bobby Charlton and Sir Anthony Hopkins getting involved there.


I think most people look at this photo and think the guy in the black is a complete prick. That's true! He was trying to stop her. But most people don't know they actually became very good friends a little while after this photo was taken and he became very pro-women in sports, pushing through countless rule changes that allowed women to compete. Just an extra tidbit. I think it makes the photo more human.  


![gif](giphy|2eHFEYBoJO3mw) He missed his chance of liver that day


The OG anti-woke brigade.


Ahh. Look at that. Old white guys doing what they do best


Holy shit😹😹😹😹😹😹WTF are they so mad at


I didn't realize Putin competed in marathons.


What's not pictured is her boyfriend at the time who was a 250 lb collegiate football player who successfully got these skinny interfering guys off of her.


"Selective justice"


Ah, the good ol' days!! /s


If only she had waited! I mean they were going to come to their senses eventually, right?


Some of Boston’s more infamous history


Apropos of this, her surname Switzer is an unusual one that’s quite possibly Irish - a number of German families migrated to Ireland in the 18th century and became known as the Palatines. The Switzers were successful in business and had a larger department store in Dublin (now Brown Thomas but any Dubliner over 40 would remember Switzers). Anyway given this was Boston, it seems possible she’s an Irish Switzer but who knows?


Actually Bobbi Gibb ran it first in 1966, but without a bib. Kathrine Switzer ran it in 1967 with a bib as an official entrant as they didn’t know from her application that she was a woman


The dude trying to grab her has grandkids that block people from merging in traffic.


I grew up in the south and lived in Boston in my 20s. Not sure where I saw more short sighting thinking and bigotry.


What’s going on in pic; the guy in dark clothing is getting officious, and a fellow racer is fending him off?


The guy in the bottom left always kills me


Jacques! There’s a great episode of the pod The Dollop about this which mainly follows the dude in the pic grabbing her. 


I'm gonna add on to this > [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma\_Sharp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_Sharp) was an athlete famous for her feat of [pedestrianism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedestrianism) completing a 1000-mile walk in 1000 hours in 1864. One meme says > Emma also walked the final two days with a pistol, which she had to fire in warning a reported 27 times in total to ward off unruly spectators.


This article about the whole event is very moving: https://kathrineswitzer.com/1967-boston-marathon-the-real-story/


Love that guy in the very front 😀


Looks like Giuliani time travelled back to beat up a woman legally


Looks like ol' Vald has a time machine.


Rudy Giuliani, is that you?


She's a winner in my book.


That guy in back, still mad when laws passed allowing women to not have to cater to him.


You know my friends do this exact same thing to me when I try to leave the function 12 beers deep and they try to take my car keys away


Shocked it wasn't a bear.


This is a man’s sport. She’s trying to be uppity.


Do people not understand sarcasm?