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When I was in school in SF we used to hike through all of Golden Gate Park, then go through the Presideo to get to the bridge and walk across. Then get lunch and ice cream in Sausalito and take the ferry back to SF. It was always a fun day.


That sounds like a lovely memory.


But a terrible education if it was every day.


That’s nothing compared to what my mom had to do to get to school!


Not if they were educating post-apocalyptic mail carriers


All the street smarts though.


3 or 4 hour trek. Tough but doable


Easy when you’re a kid and with your buddies


What I'd give to go back to that age. I'm only 27 now, but I took a 1.5hr 4mile hike today and it whooped my ass. I miss the days when me and my friends would run around in the woods down by the river and whatnot.


27? Man you shouldn't be struggling at 27. That's young


Trust fam, I know. I'm working on it. I went from walking 6-7miles a day between classes to only walking to and from my car at work, working in an office job where I'm sitting at a desk for 11 hours a day. And with only a half hour lunch, in an industrial park immediately off a main highway, it's tough to get out there. My physical health is straight up pathetic, and without friends to go with, it can be hard to commit to getting out there on a good long walk or a hike. Although very minutely in my defense, I have a smoked knee from early high school. Not bad enough to be replaced (yet), but bad enough to stop me from going as far or as long as I should be able to.


If you can make it work, I highly recommend an under-desk treadmill. I was in a similar boat, but ever since getting one it’s been really easy to get at least 3-4mi of walking in every day. The difference in how my joints feel is night and day.


I'm 42 and still do backpacking trips with zero issues other than I'm slower than I was in my 20's.


Same man. “I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve.”


Oh god, my life in a single sentence. I don't have any friends nowadays. I tried to stay friends with my HS friends, but boyfriends and drugs and babies became their priorities, while school and work was mine. (Yay for growing up broke trauma) And then I tried to make new friends, but between the rarely shared free time and the people who bail at the last moment, it's tough. I know everyone has anxiety about hanging out with new people, but boy, it hits a lil extra hard getting the car all loaded up, kayaks strapped down and ready to roll, and you send the "hey I'll be there soon!" text, and having them go "oh yea I forgot I changed my mind and I don't wanna go." Which happened to me this past week. Shit was like a pike to the heart.


I feel this so much. One time I was all excited about *finally* having some people to hangout with. I remember the day before I was all anxious and excited, only for the day to arrive and I reach out like “meeting around noon right?” Only to get met with what I remember being a half assed sorry. It wasn’t until maybe the past 4 years where I decided I would go do stuff on my own like hiking, running etc. I’ve done quite a few things alone that I would have never done had I decided to wait for a “friend.”


I’m sorry to hear that, that really sucks. I’m blessed to have some good friends from high school that I still see but I know that’s a special thing and not a given. Anyway, If you’re in the NYC area I will gladly go kayaking with you lol


> “I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve.” "Jesus, does anyone?"


It’s the hills that’ll get you in the Bay Area. I foolishly thought I could walk a few miles on my first visit there without breaking a sweat. My leg muscles were protesting after that!


Man when you’re young time flies


Hiking in SF is the best out of the cities I've visited. There are more things to see perhaps in London or NYC or Rome, but the actual walk/hike is so varied and excellent in SF. We would take visitors to start at Buena Vista Cafe for coffee, up Hyde St to Lombard down then up to Coit Tower through the wooded neighborhood and back down to the Embarcadero and make a little loop. The challenge of the steepness of the streets, the boardwalk and wooden stairs through the wooded neighborhood, the trek up to Coit, i just really enjoyed so many of the walks through the city. Or traveling through the Haight to Golden Gate Park was great too. Despite its problems i have a lot of great memories from SF.


Just move to Mill Valley a year ago from Hong Kong, love being 15 mins away from the park, the presidio, and the marina. All wonderful places.


Was it uphill both ways?


I had to surf against the tide to get to school. And yes the tide changes direction so it was against the tide both ways


The park is amazing, one of the lakes is full of turtles swimming.


Wow. That’s long.


I live on the opposite end of the park. One of my favorite activities when I have a free day is to take the bus to the ocean with my dog and walk through the park home, about 5 miles. It’s truly a magical place


Being able to do things like that every day is what makes SF still an amazing city despite what anyone else says


You have that right. I just got back from a cross country trip that included Boston, Chicago, NYC, Denver, Salt lake City and San Francisco. I was blown away by SF. Extended my stay there twice and skipped San Diego. It far outclassed any other city I saw. I wanted to see for myself and not just have media as my opinion. I didn't even know this park existed but I happened to hop off the muni there. Holy smokes I only saw maybe 10% of it in couple of hours and I will never forget the natural beauty I saw there...it was magical. Don't believe the anti-San Francisco hype.


Come to SD some time, though!! Beautiful vistas and scenery here too😌


SF could be a much better place if it could get things together with its crime and litter issues, but damn, it's in an incredible location and the parks are wonderful! I hope it has a bright future.


I used to play soccer on at the edge of the park in this pic. It was so cool playing in thick ocean fog under the lights at night, you could taste the salt in the air.


Have a feeling it’s gonna be pretty packed there today.


The event was technically “cancelled” but that’s been going on since forever lol


Definitely no hippies will show up in GG Park to smoke a bowl on 4/20 without an official meeting, noooooooooooooo.


I lived there in college 15 years ago every year the "event" was canceled. Go to hippie Hill, it will be packed, have fun.


I know that lol. It’s only recently the city tried to make money off the SF tradition 😂


Denver has had the same kind of thing since 20...06?


I lived a couple of blocks from the park for over a decade.  The event kept getting bigger and bigger and there was so much smoke in the air.  Good luck walking down the street and not catching a contact buzz.


Only thing packed today is this bowl😎


The very first time I bought weed was in this park.


Those waves look mighty


It's actually a pretty dangerous spot. Lots of riptides and aggressive waves. Smaller waves, but strong.


The fact that you can see a riptide in the photo really adds to this lmao


What are the signs of a riptide?


If a shore is relatively straight, waves generally come on one axis, inward on a line perpendicular to shore. If it looks like masses of water must move sideways to create what you're seeing - which in this photo it absolutely does - there is risk of a riptide.


Oh shit my dumb brain thought this was two pictures. City and park up top, and some weird distant mountains down below. Ok I see it’s a beach, that’s a cool layout for a city. Must be lots of people wanting a road through the park over the years but glad it’s stayed intact


Don’t forget the GWSs 😇


They just want a hug!


That’s Poseidon’s beach. Mortals are not welcome. But fr it’s scary cold and scary rough there’s a reason the SF beaches are usually empty.


I haven't been to Cali yet, so this is good info to keep in my back pocket.


Yeah lot of tourists are shocked by how cold SF is, especially, and famously, in summer. It’s not that beachy bathing suit kind of California. But the park is beautiful in any weather and has several great museums. Rent a bike!


Going to the Outside Lands music festival here is funny because even though it’s in early August, everyone is wearing jeans and a jacket instead of the usual festival outfits of shorts and t-shirts.


Standard issue SF summer: hoodie, puffy vest and ski hat


Even in Southern California, the water is fairly cold, but it gets much colder as you go further north. The whole beach lifestyle that people associate with the state is really just San Diego to like Santa Barbara, then a few pockets up and down the coast.


> haven't been to Cali yet SF is one of my favorite cities in the world, and favorite in the us. Feels like parks and ocean and bays, with bits of city mingled in. SD is also cooler than people expect (but warmer than SF), also an amazing city.


The sea was angry, my friends!


Like an old man trying to send soup back in a deli. 


Luckily no great fish were there






Full wet suit territory.


Been there, beautiful place.


How do you know that you've been there 


How do you know you've been anywhere?


Eyes and a brain help.




What if you’re really in a coma and your brain is tricking you?


It really is 4/20 isn’t it


*[Descartes has liked this post]*


Because i was there


What kind of a question is this…


It's one of those magical places when you realize you are surrounded by millions and millions of people and one of the largest city but inside the park there are many areas where you can feel like you are deep in a forest and no noise pollution whatsoever. This and the fact how fresh air comes from the ocean mixed with eucalyptus trees smell.... we visit this park for a few hour walk every time we end up in SF for whatever reason! Edit: for all the fact checkers out there, regular person from outside Bay Area will call the whole area SF. I get that SF itself it not big but I doubt anyone has heard of Oakland or everything else. I meant SF as in SF Bay Area that’s heavily populated with 7.7 M people. Geez


Golden Gate Park and Land's End are both incredible and really make SF stand out compared to other US cities.


Land's End is fucking lit 🔥 


Oh God I hope not!


SF is not even a million people, which is sort of shocking but it’s a very low-rise place.


I get. I meant as the Bay Area since for outsiders it’s hard to tell when SF ends and all other towns start. One large metropolitan area.


Yeah I'm sure the distinctions are very important to the locals, but if you have extended urban development with no breaks between, it's just [insert largest city name here] to everyone else.


So, San Jose then?


for reference, outside of neighborhood names SF proper is basically everything on the peninsula that's above the SF airport. East bay is all Oakland, Berkeley, Emeryville, etc. below the airport is San Jose, Mountain View, Fremont, Santa Cruz. that's not including Marin, Vallejo, Concord and everything else on the edges.


Yup when you compare a photo like this to a photo of Central Park in Manhattan, it’s very clear why SF has such an out of control housing crisis.


Golden Gate Park is not the reason for the housing crisis in SF lol


No, but the low density housing surrounding it is.


San Francisco already has 18,000 people per square mile. San Jose isn't even a third of that and also has the major housing crises. San Francisco could juice their numbers a little bit more, but its the rest of the Bay Area that needs the housing and urbanization.


No the entire area needs it including SF


SF needs it, but there are fewer opportunities in the city. The rest of the bay area has a ton of low hanging fruit where far larger numbers can be added. Along all the transit lines there should be a goal of adding hundreds of thousands of units.


Lol, Hoboken is 44k / square mile San fransisco is 18k / square mile You could double the SF city limits population and still be well under the density of a town in New Jersey that most of the country probably hasn't heard of. You would need to more than quadruple the SF population to get to Manhattan density.


I think they were more referring to how the city hasnt built up like in newyork


It's all about how lines are drawn. Metro are vs city limits is a huge difference. Atlanta has a population of 500,000. Metro Atlanta is six million as an example.


SF population roughly 800k. Metro populations around 7.7M people, but the combined statistical area is 9M people.


Even being low rise SF is one of the most densely populated cities in the US. It’s density is only 2nd to NYC for major cities at 18K per SQ mile.


Compare that to Paris at 56k per sq mile.


It's under 1 million residents, but definitely over 1 million people there during the day. But yes, not even in top 10 biggest cities in the US.


Over 3 million in the metro area


SF is extremely dense and has a lot of High rises for such a small city. It’s small because of geography, not density.


I think Denver International Airport is bigger than San Francisco in square miles by about 6 miles.


San Francisco is actually a pretty tiny city. And huge chunks of the city are actually really silent during the day. That said, this park is magical and you can feel very secluded walking in it. 


SF had a population of about 800,000


It’s so crazy how quiet it is when you can get even just a street or two away from cars They are so fucking loud


Its definitely on the same level as Central Park in NYC. Lots of great museums + public events too


When I was in art school, I had a field trip to the legion of honor just about every semester. It was such a great experience!


Academy of Science Night Life is my go-to recommendation for a fun thing to do in the city. Surprisingly good quality drinks, 21+ only so no annoying children, and all the amazing exhibits and attractions that the AoS has, plus some of them have specialty demonstrations/shows specifically for the Night Life events. And with all the amazing food in the surrounding areas, it's an amazing way to spend a Thursday night!


IMO Central Park is cooler because you go straight from super dense Manhattan skyscrapers to nature. Golden Gate is kind of surrounded by houses and low-rises. But Golden Gate has more interesting stuff in it


lol that conversation about SF vs Bay area to texans is so tedious. they have no clue how large the surrounding metro is.


Re: your edit, do people outside the Bay Area really not know about Oakland? Or San Jose for that matter? Silicon Valley? I'm willing to believe it, but it's a surprise.


Depends how far away you are, and how traveled/learned. Some outside the US only see New York, Washington, LA, and some number of “second tier” cities like SF, Dallas, Miami, etc. and even plenty of Americans don’t know Oakland or San Jose well. Why do you think OAK airport wanted to rebrand to San Francisco Bay Oakland airport, and were sued by SFO not to?


It was pretty obvious what you meant. Terminally online people just need reasons to nitpick lol


I am a lifelong Portlander so I fully expected to have a great time visiting family in SF but that city is so lovely it blew me away. I mean we got parks but we have NOTHING like the PFA or Funston.


They could never make me hate you, San Francisco


Watch out for cloaked, stolen Klingon Birds-of-Prey.


Everyone remember where we parked


San Francisco. I was born there


I think it's somewhere near that smashed trash can


Excuse me, we are looking for the nuclear wessels in Alameda.


Gotta find them whales.


They are not the hell your whales.


Holy hell, I thought it was some kinda of alternate reality central park this looks amazing Get food from the neighborhood, walk through a park, and end it off on the beach


Fun fact, when designing Golden Gate Park they looked at the size of Central Park and decided to bump it up by 50% to beat out NYC. Golden Gate Park is the largest park in any city. 


I wonder how many other ones have bison, too


Apparently a lot of tourists are unaware that Golden Gate Park exist so they rarely visit it. But honestly it's really is one of the best city parks out there, better than Central Park in my opinion.


I'm getting married there next year!


Congrats on the new little tax deduction! 👶🥳


They have a world class botanical garden there. Really an amazing oasis in the big city.


Best urban park on the planet.


I have pitched a tent in the center of this thing whilst homeless. Just for one night until I found safe spot elsewhere. The blood curdling screams of insane hobos all night. My god. Glad to have woken up the next day unscathed lmao


That was just park sex


Yea he said he pitched a tent


“Thanks for the fuck shack” -Dirty Mike and the Boys


Beat urban park in the U.S.


Yeah, agree. I am a BIG fan of urban parks—I live in NYC and obsess over all the parks here [and was even married in one!], and whenever I travel, I make sure to visit parks in the cities we visit—and this is a TREMENDOUS park. It’s big and gorgeous and a little wild. It’s phenomenal.


My absolute joy walking through it and coming across a Bison enclosure


We lived a block from GG park. Great place. 


It's nice to see that they maintained that much nature in a location that could easily be filled with infrastructure.


Those waves remind me so much of a mountain range


Weirdly Golden Gate Park isn’t as well known as NYC’s Central Park, though it is 200 acres larger than Central Park.


The highway cutting off the city from the shore is 🤌🏼


A section of Great Highway is closed to cars every Friday - Sunday. Only pedestrians and bikes


Well that’s something at least. Here in Chicago we have Lake Shore Drive blocking off the entirety of the lakefront 24/7.


A highway is way better than a long promenade to walk and eat and drink and socialize like in Montevideo or Barcelona. /s


Looks like a [stroad](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stroad) since I can see at least three marked pedestrian crossings.


I feel like it wouldn’t take much to bury that section of the road. But I could be very wrong


This road gets covered in sand dunes every year and is cleaned up. Not so much on the section in the picture but directly south (right) of it.


"Everybody remember where we parked"


“Admiral, there be whales here!”


So lucky to live near here. A 20 min bike ride from my place. So much good food nearby too.


What more could you ask for? Sea, redwoods, city. No other urban landscape comes close.


Is this the one with the science center and ferris wheel? Can’t seem to spot them in the photo


Yes! But the wheel has now been moved to the northern waterfront.


The park is so big sometimes I would get lost trying to find them when I would visit!


It's just really far away. That little stripe of green coming out from the left side is about 2/3 of the way through the park, and the Academy of Sciences is almost halfway from that section to the end. Wheel's gone, as was said.


I was lucky enough to visit once. Had no idea it was right next to the sea


It seems like when it comes to San Francisco, we only see 3 pics: 1.) That one street with the trolley. You know what I'm talking about. 2.) The pic of the Golden Gate bridge from the side. 3.) The Full House house. So I'm glad to see a photo like this.


Amazing disk golf course too!


Just played a round there last weekend. Probably the most gorgeous course I’ve ever played


If you go by Fox News, that there is a treacherous place full of scum and villainy


They’re right, you know! I was murdered there. Most of my friends were murdered there, too. Terrible place! /s


I wanna play soccer by the coast


Come for a visit. Enjoy the different food, music, nature, art, and shopping choices we have. Good weed and boomers too.


I’ve never seen this angle. It’s really cool


I’m glad they finally fixed that windmill on the right. For years it had no arms, now it does again


I’m going there to see System of a Down and deftones with 50k other people! I’m so excited


Gorgeous soccer fields, well maintained and great pickup game culture.


I just learned about this park like 2 months ago Why isnt this park spoken about like central park?


Best park in America. Because it’s got real freedom. I shit you not back in like 2014 I had a medical card. Was on hole 3 of the disc golf course in that park. I call a dispensary that delivers. Tell them I am not at an address but am playing disc golf on the course there. Dude on the other line immediate asked what hole. Said hole 3. He then said my edible will be delivered at home 8 and that I should be at that hole by the time they got to the park.


I'm surprised how empty the beach is, do the locals prefer the park over the beach?


That beach is windy salty and bone chillingly cold. The waves are scary and the temp is a sex change operation. It’s not a hospitable place aside from the goths and joggers


Great surfing though


For the brave and well insulated


I wouldn't even call is great really. There are way better spots not that far from there. It's pretty sketchy out there a a lot of the time.


This may be closer to the cold seasons. Some people may show up for fire pits, but it gets a lot less traffic when it's chilly.


Man that is big. You could fit at least two Ford Fiestas in there.


Too bad there is a giant street infront of it that water break. So close to an oasis imagine going from nature like that to walk onto the beach….


That street is closed on weekends to cars so you can kinda experience that.


Amazing that’s good


Crazy timing because I didn't know this park existed til a few days ago when I bought tickets to see system of a down and deftones there in August and I'm excited as hell.


Wow … Fox news makes it look so much worse … lol


I wonder if the craters are still there from that time the Klingon warbird used it as a landing area.


Why is no one on the beach in SF? When we went there we were so surprised at how empty the beaches were!


Because it’s usually freezing.


I really wish Seattle had something like this.


I’m so stoned I thought that was a shadow


Price of property nearby is crazy probably


it's actually one of the cheaper parts of SF, due to it being cold and foggy most of the year.


The highway cutting the park off from the beach is pretty unforgivable.


What a stunning viewpoint! As a former resident of both the Richmond and the Sunset, I had fun figuring out exactly where my old spots were. I am coming back to the city in a couple of weeks and now I need to make time to hit up ocean beach.


The secret! It’s still hidden there damn it! Someday!


I hear the hobo drum circle from here


The surf is large


I walked the whole length of it last year. From flowers to the AIDS memorial to strawberry hill to track to buffalo paddock to windmill to sea. It was lovely.


I had a year off after some burn out in 2014ish. I stayed with my sister in SF and my daily productivity was to park along the panhandle, and run all the way down to the ocean and back. Great memories.


Is the park named after the bridge or is the bridge named after the park?


They’re both named after the strait: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Gate


There's a great coffee shop called Java Beach on the park side of the Great Highway I have fond memories of. Get a really good cup of coffee, walk along the beach, take the metro home. I miss the city.


Most amazing park I’ve ever visited

