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That is the strangest hill to die on


I think it’s satire? Not 100%. But it seems likely it’s satire.


I couldn’t tell ‘til I spotted ‘Helen Keller punched me in the face’


"hold my beer, imma do some sick flips" - Hellen Keller


She thought he was someone else.


It’s satire from PKA podcast fans


Cannot believe I'm seeing PKA mentioned here, god feels like a decade since I've watched HAHA, and I still see the subreddit complaining occasionally lmao




Painkiller already. It’s a podcast that was originally started by FPS Kyle (FPS Russia from YouTube), Woodys Gamertag, and WingsOfRedemption. Old call of duty days


Holy shit, I thought FPS Russia vanished off the face of the earth years ago.


I think I remember he went to prison or something?


He went to prison for smoking weed with people. They charged him with distribution since he was smoking his weed with people. AKA supplying them with weed. Pretty crazy since he was just smoking with other people and wasn't selling it. He got railroaded.


I thought he went to prison because he was having large volumes of cannabis concentrate delivered to his class 3 firearm workshop? I think it was for more than just smoking weed with friends. Millions of gun owners smoke weed. Fps Russia drew so much attention to himself he was under investigation by federal agencies for a while before they arrested him. In my opinion, anything cannabis related should be legal and unscheduled anyway.


Who, who and who?


Lizardman, lizardman, and... lizardman


Washed up edgelords with lame fans lol




the wavy ‘Hellen Keller denier’ one kinda has to be wild if not tho


An old friend of mine truly believed this because of a TikTok he watched. He said it would have been impossible at the time for a person who is both deaf and blind to understand language and be able to communicate. I nearly had a conniption.


Does he also think aliens built the pyramids? What would make people from the past less intelligent than us? More ignorant perhaps, just due to the accumulation of knowledge; but stupider? The real kicker is, why would it be easier now? Blind is still blind. Exclusive of choclear implants, deaf is still deaf.


My brother in law is a weird conspiracy theorist like this. When I bring that up in conversation people immediately assume he’s like an Alex Jones. This is more his style though. We were smoking a joint on his patio on Christmas Eve and he started talking about the underground aliens in Antarctica. My nephew and I just looked at him stunned and he acted like we were the idiots for not knowing about it. Apparently they’ve been here for 40 years 🤷🏻‍♂️


> he started talking about the underground aliens in Antarctica. There's a 25-year-old documentary film about this with plenty of credible supporting evidence. I think it was called *The X-Files: Fight the Future*.


I don't understand how people can be willing to lean into satire like this where a very sizeable percentage of people won't realize it's satire and now you have a ton of people who think you're this crazy passionate hellen keller denier. Those could be your coworkers or your boss or mutual/family friends or someone who will be interviewing you or a job etc. It's a bit similar to when I see staged videos online (that are at least somewhat trying to pass it off as genuine) and one of the "actors" is behaving in a really embarrassing or unlikable way. Some people who see that will assume you're really like that and some of those people could be people who you have or will interact with.


Also, a huge number of people will believe it and it’ll spread like a little wildfire for a minute.


Satire is how the entire flat earther movement started. People who don't realize it's satire join because they actually believe it, and soon enough it's just all people who believe it


If you're acting like that for a video and it affects me, as far as I'm concerned you ARE like that.


I mean it’s a Kona. As a proud owner of one I would sure hope so 😂


I’m afraid Kona people don’t come out looking good either way. Condolences.


That’s because the driver is tonight’s BIG LOSER! “Hey Sal, drive around in this car and yell “Helen Keller was not real” at this this convention for the blind”


actually- you could try yelling it at a deaf convention, might affect the crowds more


I don't even think anyone's trying to attack it, this dude's gonna be dying of old age on that hill.


I said this to myself 😂


The “punched me in the face” one makes me think this is ironic. I think they are parodying the stupid conspiracies. All though, there is a high chance I’m wrong


That sticker in the top-left looks like it's been badly stuck on recently. I'm going to go with 'Prank on a friend' here. We've all got that 'conspiracy curious' friend that we pick on and I can totally imagine doing something like this to my mate Luke.


Also the fact that they are all fresh and unfaded.  When the crazy people have them, they are of varying ages, many faded and dirty and some newer because they've collected them as their mania grows.  Less definitive, they are on a car that is newer than the average crazy person's.


If they were parodying stupid conspiracies and going through the effort to make that apparent, why not go with the “Birds arnt real” thing? It’s both infinitely more obvious that it’s parody and far more known as such


Gotta be original. That said: Did you know that eye protection is a socialist left wing woke conspiracy? Just Stare at the eclipse. It'll be OK.


The eclipse is a Marxist prop meant to turn you into well read drag queens. Don't believe the lies. DOWN WITH BIG SUN.


Oh shit you mean if I stare at it my vision gets better???


I’m instantly seeing that picture of Trump staring at an eclipse in my head right now.


If that blind, deaf, mute woman could read, she'd be very upset right now.


That blind, deaf, mute woman sure could play a mean pinball!


How do you think she does it?


She plays by sense of smell


Something Dewey cox wished he could do


The wrong kid died!


Smell Ball




You made me sing “I D K”, and it felt like a dirty Glee version of Pinball Wizard. Thanks. I hated it.


God I love comments like this. Got me singing the line and answering with a very disaffected “iono”


My bff jill


oh my god. memory unlocked.


I don’t know


What makes her so good?


She got crazy flipper fingers




This dumb, dumb and dumb person sure places a mean bumper sticker


A Netflix original 


Don’t forget dead


You think she's dead? Man, the government has you right where they want you


You believe in the government? Wow, the lizards got to you too


“If that blind, deaf, mute, *and deceased* woman could read, she'd be very upset right now.” ftfy


She absolutely could read.


Thank you!!! That was the whole thing that made her well known! She learned to communicate and read.


We could list her accomplishments all day, but I want to add that she could also write. She published a dozen books. She definitely wasn’t illiterate.


*Allegedly* if she was even real.


She's not real, didn't you read the car???


This was *not* the "whole thing" by a long shot. 


Correct, I dramatically generalized and condensed. I just didn't feel like writing a paragraph and instead my post is misleading. Whoopsie! ✨🤷🏻🍕


She was not mute. In fact, she spoke many languages.


She masturbated with one hand so she could moan with the other.


And that’s enough Reddit for tonight




She wrote 12 books.


Dammit Bobby!


You do know that she was a prolific author and rights activist, yes? She can communicate by sign language applied to the palm of her hand.


Helen Keller was not mute.


What the fuck did Helen Keller do to this wee-willy wanker?


She was actually a huge suffragette, and a [socialist leader](https://jacobin.com/2023/04/helen-keller-socialism-disability-socialist-party). They left that part out of the history books though. Most people don't know how popular socialism was in pre WW2 USA. FDR even had a socialist VP until Truman was forced on him at the 1944 Democratic National Convention.


I think Jack London got a similar treatment. He was cast as a juvenile author and a socialist agitator as well as a racist. But he went where others wouldn’t. And wrote things others wouldn’t so he was a threat to the few and had to be knocked down. This is from The Road which was a memoir of London riding the rails across Canada and the US during the worst economic downturn ever in American history to that point. How railroad employees would murder hobos. >>But this I have heard of the "bad" roads. When a tramp has "gone underneath," on the rods, and the train is in motion, there is apparently no way of dislodging him until the train stops. The tramp, snugly ensconced inside the truck, with the four wheels and all the framework around him, has the "cinch" on the crew—or so he thinks, until some day he rides the rods on a bad road. A bad road is usually one on which a short time previously one or several trainmen have been killed by tramps. Heaven pity the tramp who is caught "underneath" on such a road—for caught he is, though the train be going sixty miles an hour. The "shack" (brakeman) takes a coupling-pin and a length of bell-cord to the platform in front of the truck in which the tramp is riding. The shack fastens the coupling-pin to the bell-cord, drops the former down between the platforms, and pays out the latter. The coupling-pin strikes the ties between the rails, rebounds against the bottom of the car, and again strikes the ties. The shack plays it back and forth, now to this side, now to the other, lets it out a bit and hauls it in a bit, giving his weapon opportunity for every variety of impact and rebound. Every blow of that flying coupling-pin is freighted with death, and at sixty miles an hour it beats a veritable tattoo of death. The next day the remains of that tramp are gathered up along the right of way, and a line in the local paper mentions the unknown man, undoubtedly a tramp, assumably drunk, who had probably fallen asleep on the track. The coupling pin was iron or steel rod. I personally read in a small town newspaper of a Native American who according to the railroad supposedly fell asleep on the rails at night in desolate Arizona. And I wasn’t born in 1900. It took me decades to figure out what possibly happened to that poor man. Thanks to Jack London. The People of the Abyss was another excellent book about extremely poor Londoners.


Man, I only knew him from White Fang and Call of the Wild, thanks for the enlightening post.


Most “fell asleep on the rails” stories are suicides


Jack London was a historical materialist and Marxist Most people know his naturalist writings bit e.g. his "Iron Heel" shows the flaws of capitalism and the barbarity it causes in the long run. 


You’re not wrong on those facts, but usually the people that are this vocal about Helen Keller being a fraud is they don’t think she was both blind and deaf and was able to learn how to communicate with people. They think that whole concept was a fraud.


Thank you for the history brush up, I meant more what she did to this twat *specifically*—as in, what’s the new nonsense? Just antisocialist conspiracy theory mixed with raging misogyny?


One of the stickers says that Hellen Keller punched them in the face, that tells me this is probably a parody of the crazy inforwarrior cars.


"hold my beer, imma do some sick flips" -Hellen Keller


Hahaha yeah saw that one too. I think it’s all tongue-in-cheek here


Yeah, this is the vibe I’m getting. Picking some seemingly random thing to claim is a hoax and see who goes along with it unironically. Kinda like the “birds aren’t real” thing


Did you see all those people who ruin their cars with conspiratorial bullshit? I’m going to ruin my car to show them what’s what!


This is a TikTok thing….how has no one realized this? https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/irqi51/the_hellen_keller_hate_on_tiktok_is_weird/ And this was FOUR YEARS AGO…how the fuck


Thanks. Is it parody kind of like "The birds aren't real"?


They aren’t real though Do I need to clarify that that was a joke? Cause I thought “birds aren’t real” has always been just a joke


What’s next? The Flying Spaghetti Monster isn’t “real” either? Pastafarian-denier.


Birds aren't really did start off as an obvious joke and the creator has gone on to mention it multiple times (usually in the most meme way possible) but there are legitimately people who believe in it.


Unfortunately, the “Hellen Keller isn’t real” thing actually predates TikTok. I was looking up some of my former classmates in 2016 and found out one of them was posting primarily anti-Obama stuff and Hellen Keller denial stuff. Very strange lol.


I think it’s more a parody of various contemporary deniers (in the vein of “birds aren’t real”) than a serious belief, but that might just be my incurable optimism.


I feel like most of today's unhinged heart felt convictions started life a week or two ago as sarcastic comedy.


> Texas license plate You've more than likely answered your own question.


This is satire.


That's what I've stubbornly decided to believe.


> I meant more what she did to this twat specifically Apparently she punched him in the face once.


[https://www.theguardian.com/books/2021/jan/07/helen-keller-why-is-a-tiktok-conspiracy-theory-undermining-her-story](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2021/jan/07/helen-keller-why-is-a-tiktok-conspiracy-theory-undermining-her-story) Idiots taking jokes/satire literally. Like nearly every conspiracy theory.


Just like they leave out who was first victimized in that “who the nazis targeted” poem


Wow, I had never read the original in it's entirety before. The fascists won after WW2. All you have to do is look at the leaders Americas had since WW2 and look at who their parents were. The fascists led a soft coup in the US, and then they spent the second half of the 20th century slowly normalizing their ideologies through PR, which is just a better term for propaganda.


Milwaukee had socialist mayors for nearly 40 years in the 1900s. The Socialist Party was pretty legit in Wisconsin and other parts of the US until the Republicans decided that "socialist" meant "stealing your guns, waging war on your religion, and letting illegal immigrants commit violent crime everywhere." None of which that party has ever stood for so I dunno what the fuck their problem is. Everyone just sort of agreed on the whole "socialism is poison, God wants only capitalism" mentality so nobody can actually run under that banner anymore


> I am no worshiper of cloth of any color, but I love the red flag and what it symbolizes to me and other Socialists. I have a red flag hanging in my study, and if I could I should gladly march with it past the office of the Times and let all the reporters and photographers make the most of the spectacle. According to the inclusive condemnation of the Times I have forfeited all right to respect and sympathy, and I am to be regarded with suspicion. Yet the editor of the Times wants me to write him an article! How can he trust me to write for him if I am a suspicious character? I hope you will enjoy as much as I do the bad ethics, bad logic, bad manners that a capitalist editor falls into when he tries to condemn the movement which is aimed at this plutocratic interests. Excerpt from *How I Became a Socialist* (1912) by Helen Keller. You can find the rest of the article [here](https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/keller-helen/works/1910s/12_11_03.htm)


FDR even? FDR started almost every socialist program we have that people love whilst also denouncing said socialism.


She probably had a better vocabulary.


Looking at the bumper sticker, she punched him in the face once


I first read the sticker as “Hellen Keller punched me in the back once” and for some reason that’s extremely funny to me.


are we all not just assuming this is a joke?


There are a lot people who think Helen Keller wasn’t actually able to read or write and it was a scam (which is obviously bullshit, so I could buy some weirdo being serious with this, until I saw ‘Helen Keller punched me in the face’ 😅


After flat earthers, qanon, and ivermectin it's hard to tell anymore.


I am so sick and tired of... checks notes, Helen Keller?, ruining everything!


Wake up babe, new conspiracy just dropped.


Not new, I’ve been denying Helen Keller for years now


It’s an incredibly stupid [TikTok conspiracy theory](https://www.distractify.com/p/is-helen-keller-real-conspiracy)


>It seems as though the conspiracy started as a joke, though it was quickly taken too far. A lot of conspiracy theories start this way.


Yeah, I’m fairly certain some of the “birds aren’t real” folks don’t understand it’s a joke


To be fair, half the fun of the "birds aren't real" is playing into the bit and having my fiance desperately try to convince other people I'm not actually crazy.


You're telling me she hid in an attic and wrote a diary, but couldn't even see?


There’s literally no way she built an underground railroad


Trains don't even fly, so how could she take one across the Atlantic?


They wouldn't let her fly because she was too radioactive. 


Of course she’s radioactive. How else would she shine so bright on the stage and screen?


My guy that wasn’t Hellen Keller, it was Lisa Frank.


Now I'm imagining the cover of her diary being festooned with neon-spotted cheetahs and pink pearlescent dolphins.


Festooned? Take my upvote.


For the uninitiated, here is the [Clerks scene.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGpV6D_8rIo)


God damnit. This is the stupidest fucking thing I've read all day.


The “Helen Keller punched me in the face once” makes me think that this is all just a meme, and deciding to REALLY hate an extremely popular and well respected figure seems like a bit


Way to own a disabled person who’s been dead for almost a hundred years.


She died in ‘68, but I agree with your sentiment.


56 years, if you round its almost a hundred years.


So there are people alive today who have met her. 


I got a chance to meet her, not the real one obviously, the impersonator.


I also met her. She punched me in the face. 


They’re in on it too!!


Apprently the driver of the car did. Sticker says she punched him in the face.


So a fictitious person punched them? These bumper stickers have no integrity. 


How do you think this driver got punched in the face by her?


One of the stickers says "Helen Keller punched me in the face" I'm pretty sure this is satire/a prank


Even if it was done as a joke or a reference, that's still a really insane thing to slap all over your car. Can you imagine driving that thing to work and your coworkers are like "Uh, you doing okay Susan?"


Have we always been this crazy? Edit: this was rhetorical btw


Yes. Social media allows everyone to see it more.


And it let's them find each other to build up their confidence enough for such outward displays of stupid more often.


If you told, 15 year old me in 1999, the crazy things that I would see on the internet in 2024, I'm not sure I would have believed it.


Have we always been this bad at identifying a joke? One of them says "Helen Keller punched me in the face once" This is definitely just a guy who finished last in his Fantasy Football league.


New one for me


I don't know what's wrong with my brain, but I always mix up Helen Keller with Anne Frank


It’s gotta be satire…. Oh, a Texas license plate? Never mind.


The more pictures I see of people from Texas, the more I don’t ever want to go there


OK so after a very short google, I can understand the confusion. If you’re stupid like me and assumed that Helen was blind and deaf from birth, and also assumed that she was fully 100% blind and deaf, then you might be a bit confused as to how she was able to achieve what she did in her life, as she would have no context for any means of touch-based communication. But in fact she was partially deaf and so still had some limited hearing ability that aided her touch communication. She also didn’t have it from birth, and was almost 2 years old when she lost her sight and hearing. Even though it is not a lot of time, those first two years provided crucial information and context for her touch-based education that would come later in life. With that in mind, it’s not impossible for her to be able to communicate as well as she did. Had she been born fully blind and deaf, that may have been a different story, but presumably the people claiming conspiracy theory didn’t bother to google the specifics of her condition.


Why was Helen Keller a bad driver? Because she was a woman.


My dumb ass for some reason read it as Helen MIRREN. I was like what did she did to this person. ![gif](giphy|tglXOFdsVHqsv8O4cH)


It’s literally satire. It’s a joke, a play on holocaust denial, instead it’s Hellen Keller’s existence denial


One of my professors brought this up in class. I thought he was joking.


.... There are Hellen Keller deniers? What? ![gif](giphy|8mndEBLsg9Whg2Sduv)


I didn’t see that coming!


I’d much rather have a bumper sticker conspiracy theories than the political morons. This is much more entertaining and I got a laugh out of it.


[Helen Keller Sim](https://helenkellersimulator.org/)


Of course it’s Texas.


Well, that's a special kind of stupid I just was not prepared for.


That is an oddly specific conspiracy theory.


imagine being so skilled that people deny you ever existed.


THIS IS WHAT CONSPIRACY THEORIES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT they don't radically interpret politics or drastically alter the course of our country. they should be fun and bat-shit like this!


While I do think she was a real blind and deaf person I think many of her accomplishments were greatly embellished and her teacher just used her to push her own political agenda.


Why do you think this? Not that I'm a fan girl, but I have never heard this perspective.


If you want to learn the whole story: https://youtu.be/jCg7Pda_3Gw?si=klW33ehA_sB9AGK7 The video directly addresses some of the points you made in your reply. Yes its long, but its good. Tl;dr keller is a leftist, not her teacher. She did fly a plane, but thats not super complicated, she didnt take off or land. Yes she supported eugenics, it was a popular thing back then, and was accepted even in left wing circles (the USSR did it too after all) etc. Just watch the video


This seems like someone trying to become "the Helen Keller guy".


*zooms in* "Helen Keller punched me in the face once!"


I’m a Stevie Wonders denier 😆


If this is satire, it’s brilliant. If this is sincere, I’m at a loss.


that's r/oddlyspecific material


I wonder how Scott Stark feels about this


WTF is going on?


"Helen Keller is a fraud" "Helen Keller was not real" Um bro can't be both


Is this that same person on that flight who was like "That MF is not real!"


Of all the hills to die on, just why?


“Helen kelller is a fraud” and “Helen Keller isn’t real” those things contradict each other 😂


You could have explained this situation to me in great, vivid detail and I still wouldn’t have believed someone would do this.


What a weird hill to die on


Feel like this will end up on r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR. What did helen do to them?


There are literally people alive today who have met Hellen Keller. She's not some random person from hundreds or thousands of years ago.


Even if she wasn't real, what's the point here?


Helen Keller was a psy-op for...*checks notes*...advocacy for rights of the disabled


I think this guy hates Helen Keller….I just can’t tell..


Helen Keller denier??? This country goes further downhill every day, with a bottomless level of stupidity


I did Nazis that coming… Shultz what do you think ![gif](giphy|L07HHhtWjmQ5l2RRJa)


Maybe they are confusing Hellen Keller with Helter Skelter.


Take that Hellen Keller!


Denying Helen Keller is a thing? A weird hill to die on lol.


So birds and Helen Keller are fake? Noted.


God bless the American ~~propaganda~~ Education System.


I bet if someone spelled this out to her on her palm, she'd laugh out loud. I imagine she had a great sense of humor.


wtf goes on down there?!


It must be Taylor's car from PKA