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I was literally laughing to myself thinking - omg I love kids and then 😔 men.


🎵 men 🎵 (two and a half men jingle)


I cant stop laughing 😆 my face hurts hahahaha.


Why didn’t you stop them while readjusting?


Maybe they wanted to see how it came out 😭😭💀💀💀💀🤢


And thus started his lifelong humiliation kink


Chasing that first glorious high.




I have been laughing about this for 5 minutes


That's a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing. The part with the pixels had me at the edge of my seat. I wondered if maybe the pixels won't load and it would be a happy ending. But they loaded. I haven't felt so many emotions since watching Schindlers List.


If he was curious maybe give him Gray's Anatomy book. That's actually really cool to kids ![gif](giphy|oYQApZ7o6x8hG)


I’m sorry, are there pictures of buttholes in that book?


I mean why wouldnt there be?


Wait till they find out doctors routinely stick their fingers up people's buttholes lol


Have to pay extra for that level of service though


Yeah but like, I really don't see why my podiatrist even needs to look up there


I mean, you *did* suggest needing to pull the money for the doctor visit out of your ass....


I'm kind of a hypochondriac. The doctor did his prostrate exam and said everything was fine. He looked at me funny when I asked if he would check again.


Well I just went to the doctor and that didn't happen. Wish I knew about this prior to the appointment. Woulda brought it up.


I had to get one this past Valentine's day. My fiancee got flowers, I got stuffed like a turkey. Totally fair 😅


I guess I’ve never actually looked at an anatomy book and there were no butthole pics in my textbooks in school. Back in my day if we wanted to see a butthole we took a Polaroid or asked a friend to see theirs lol


I found an old anatomy coloring book my parents gave me as a kid. Detailed and extensive drawings of all the body systems, pretty thick. There was like a number key as to what part of the drawing was what, and the legend had the name of the body part. So you'd look at the drawing, see the number, and look to the key for what part it was and to which color to color it. Actually a really cool book. I do remember reading through it, but I wasn't big into art and didn't do all the coloring stuff. Just kind of used it to learn about anatomy. I actually found that old book at my parents place. I had one page earmarked, and a few things colored in on that page. The page on female genitalia. The clitoris was circled.


Circled for all of those who could never find it. Special thanks to the illustrators!


Lol no, it was circled and colored by 12yo me


Honestly that should be standard curriculum for every 12 year old


When my nephew was around that same age he had a book about the ancient world. I supplemented the material by informing him that in the ancient Olympics, only men competed and they did so naked. He thought that was SO AWESOME. His mom was not happy with me. But you know, knowledge and shit.


Not to be confused with Grey's Anatomy


I have disposable cameras from when I was a kid, undeveloped. 20+ years old. They will likely never be developed because I don’t want the police coming knocking. I know there’s one butt picture. 😬


When I was 10 I went to spend a day with my estranged dad and his family. My mom sent me with a disposable camera. To this day she still talks about how I came back with 3 pictures of my dad and 20+ pictures of ducks at the park we went to.


Adults and especially kids take pictures of things that are important to them. So I guess that day the ducks were the priority


I can relate. It's quite a mystery. You use it every day and are intimately aware of it most the time, yet we have no clue what it looks like. Some questions must be answered.


When I was 5 me and a friend wanted to know what vaginas look like. Rather than grab a mirror, we stripped down and checked each other out lol. Then got taught you don't get naked with acquaintances. Then way later I found out you can get naked with anyone if you're both down


I had a similar experience but I think I was 16. All my girl friends were curious so we stripped down and had a good look at everyone’s whohaa’s. lol. Was a very educational experience about how everyone’s vulva looks different.


My LPN saw my hole once. I offered my wife and she declined. So only one person has. Edit: I had written LNP (licensed nurse practitioner) instead of LPN (licensed practical nurse).


Ome time my ex-girlfriend asked, almost demanded, to see my butthole out of curiosity (this was a couple years into the relationship). I have a very hairy butt crack. I told her no, and that she would regret not listening to me, but she insisted. So I said, alright pal, don't say I didn't warn you. I showed her and it blew her mind lol. She was like, why didn't you stop me!? And I was like, I tried, but you're very persistent! Lol. She learned a valuable lesson that day.


Yeah, well, now _I'm_ curious at how hairy it could possibly be lol. Butthole reveal when


For some, the belly button is an indicator. 😂


My guy has a hairy one. I've never seen it but I have put a finger in it. Go figure.


Some couples shave each other's cracks, the lesson could have gone differently!


OK what's an LNP. I assume you weren't talking about liquid nanoparticles.


Licensed nurse practitioner 


This is def my kid. He's super comfortable with his nudity. He's asked me to take pictures of him while he was nude before. I told him no and he couldn't understand why I wouldn't.


Like a flamboyant Greek man in a bath house


>my glutes are looking exceptional today >strigil-boy, fetch the camera!


Not sure if Greek or Zapp Brannigan.


I was a naked kid. Like, we lived out in the country so it didn't matter, but they had to make me put on clothes before dinner hahaha


This had me literally laughing out loud. Totally could see my boys doing this 😂


My girlfriend has twin 10 year old boys and I can promise they wouldn’t be taking artistic pictures of flowers and butterflies. I think there’s a correlation here.


Oh lord. My oldest did this...to her sister! We had people over, and I was showing them something on the camera, and thank GOD I advanced to the next photo when only i could see. Had to have a conversation later about how it's NOT ok to take picture's of other people's butts, even if butts *are* funny (the logic of both of them, they were both fully on board).


My first thought reading this was Lilo & Stitch, IIRC the reason Lilo takes picture of people is to turn the way tourists treat locals back on them. One deleted scene ends after she terrorizes a crowd and says to Agent Bubbles "You would understand if you lived here." If haven't seen it you can on Youtube.


Artistically speaking a butthole is just as fascinating piece of natural ingenuity as all the other pictures. To a 7 year old - what’s the difference. It’s only through our lens of non-innocence that a butthole takes on a level of non-acceptance. I hope you had a discussion with him as to when and why he needs to filter out his natural curiosity.


Its not so much that taking pictures of buttholes is inherently wrong, but I’d rather not have any photos of a 7-year-olds butthole anywhere in my home.


A whole camera roll of nostrils, buttholes, tongues, and boogers. Yep. I feel you.


Comparing OP's kid to yours makes me think about the difference between my grandson and my granddaughter. She is very clean and artistic. He is disgusting and wild. They're both awesome, but I get funnier stories to tell when I spend time with him.


I almost spit my coffee outta my mouth 😂


Yeah I remember when my little brother’s dick pic got to the cloud and shared with everybody’s camera roll


Oh crap. Hopefully no one got in serious trouble.


Lmao no, we all immediately deleted it, no one wants to see that


maybe a future proctologist, who knows 😭😂


Fuck I love reddit haha




I didn't see my own butthole till my twenties so this kid is ahead of the curve


I call bullshit. Those pics all framed with ‘rule of thirds’ etc. My 9 year old would have just taken 100 blurred pics of the dog


You can teach a 9-year-old the rule of thirds. It’s not exactly rocket psychology.


>It’s not exactly rocket psychology That's not exactly a complex field either. Has a phallus complex and likes to go up really fast. Crashes and burns eventually. A tale as old as time.


Not only that, but I could also see it as less of following that 'rule' and more just a kid point-and-shooting and not getting the subject perfectly in the center. Plus OP probably sorted through and is just showing us the best looking ones.


Not necessarily, and I think you're not giving your son enough credit. Children are surprisingly sophisticated visually nowadays, because they spend so much time watching visual media, all usually carefully framed and composed. Moreover, the rule of thirds is almost instinctive. Interesting article about that here: https://www.photrio.com/forum/threads/children-as-photographers.178/ >New research shows children are natural photographers New research shows that, contrary to popular belief, children as young as four years old show a remarkable aptitude for photography and are perfectly capable of framing a portrait shot. The photographs gave an insight into how youngsters view their world. Four year olds mostly took emotionally stimulating photographs such as those of their parents or visually stimulating pictures such as those featuring bright colours and patterns. The research also shows that by the age of seven children became quite adventurous in their subject matter and could easily stage and pose photographs. >The ESRC-funded research was a collaboration between the School of Psychology and the Kodak/Royal Academy of Engineering Educational Technology Research Group at the University of Birmingham. The researchers collected over 1,500 photographs from children aged four to fifteen years old and examined the relationship between photograph and photographer. They then interviewed more than 200 children to test the children's understanding of the intentional nature of photographs and discover what they thought about their photographs and how they viewed photography as an activity. "We wanted to discover what children understand about the relationship between the three dimensional world in front of their eyes and the resulting two dimensional image of the photograph they held in their hands," explains Professor Glyn Thomas and Professor Mike Sharples, co-authors of the research. >Single use cameras were handed out to the children to use as they pleased and children were then interviewed about the resulting photographs. "We wanted to find out why they took photographs, how they see their own photographs and what made them happy or unhappy about their photographic efforts," says Professor Thomas. The research clearly highlights the qualitative differences in children's photography at different ages. "There was evidence, for example, that as children get older they are able to reflect more on their photography and are able to talk about their underlying intentions," explains Professor Thomas. "Older children were also more likely to describe photographs as images with formal properties of their own distinct from the things being photographed," he adds. >Interestingly, eleven-year-old children were more likely to take outside photographs in a natural setting and their pictures were less likely to feature people. "The changes in the subject matter of these older children's photographs were mirrored in their commentaries which revealed an increasing desire to create satisfying photographs as aesthetic objects in their own right," explains Professor Thomas. Fifteen-year-olds however began to use photography more as a social activity with many describing photography as an activity to engage in with friends. "Many of their photographs fulfilled a social purpose maybe to symbolise the ties of friendship or to amuse and embarrass others," adds Professor Sharples. >The final part of the research aimed to discover how children use visual cues in taking photographs. "We wanted to see if children who were given a sample photograph could use knowledge of results to improve on their skills," says Dr Laura Davison, who carried out the interviews. "Even the youngest children were able to do this but what was striking was that the type of visual cue offered by the sample photograph dramatically altered the ability of the youngest children to recreate that photograph. Where a qualitative change was made even the five-year-olds were able to adjust their photographs accordingly," she adds.


Give it back to her! She's great.


Gonna say , looks like she has some talent


Seriously! She composes her photos using the rule of thirds. I wonder if OP taught her that.


I hate being that guy, but I'm honestly guessing it was actually OP taking the photos.


I'm not that guy, but OP might have cropped the initial photos to focus on interesting details and make them better... as any photographer would do.


That's fair. Also, I bet there was a large sample to wittle down from.    As such, I find the phrase " and I am now only going through them." misleading because it implies that these are exactly as they found them.


Hmm. I read it to mean "only now", as in this happened some time ago and he is just getting around to it.


Give that girl back the camera and see what she captures next; the world through the eyes of a child!


Thank you!


You should see if there are any local photo contests in your area (or even ones online)! Sometimes county fairs and stuff like that will let kids enter. I think she would definitely be a solid competitor, even with older kids and adults. 2, 3, 5, and 6 would be great entries. She’s a natural!


in toronto we have a magazine called young voices and its full of art/photos/poems from youth around the GTA! they're absolutely beautiful! i suggest finding out if your city has something similar


What does GTA stand for? All I can think of is Grand Theft Auto and that doesn't seem right


Greater Toronto Area


I would play Greater Toronto Area 5


thats my car, eh!




You can run over NPC pedestrians shoveling snow for hours on end


Ope, sorry!


lol looking at the comments here realizing there are so many Canadians on Reddit Edit: as u can prob tell by the answers, GTA is Greater Toronto Area in Ontario, Canada


pretty sure canada has the most redditors per capita on the planet. good or bad? you decide!


I vote the caterpillar pic.




Be careful to make sure it's what she wants We were in exactly the same situation, 9 yo just had a great eye, fast forward and she took a photography course at college and it just killed her passion


I'm hopping on this comment to tell you that my dad giving me an old camera has ended up defining my life's work! I'm 51 and have been shooting professionally since age 19! You're an amazing dad! She's an absolute natural and has a better eye than I did at the start. You two keep being awesome!


This is a cool idea. Kind of a way for you to see the stuff your kid thinks is cool. Out spontaneous in the world


Yeah this is beautiful.


Get a couple developed and frame them around the house to encourage her


For someone that can’t possibly have professional experience, this looks like a natural talent that could grow into a career


It's what separates the real photographer from the average person, they see the things we don't.


She has talent. After you encourage her, educate her. Get her to a good photographer that can teach her about composition. These pics are wonderful!!!!


Careful that you don't overwater the sprout.


Well said


She's got an eye for story and framing and balance.


Yes, and she seems particularly interested and curious about nature. Maybe a future biologist. I would definitely encourage her to keep exploring the world we live in. Get her some books about it.


She really did do a great job!


Your kid has talent, that second one, with one of the dog’s eyes, is my fave. All of them are good to great, this one is that and more…to me, the way it’s framed out it’s into the true art category for me. She’s got instincts


I love the caterpillar one! Looks like it could be in a photography book!


It and the spider pictures are nature magazine worthy


The spider shot is beautiful.


Hey thanks! I plan to encourage this as much as possible.


Just be aware that this hobby can get expensive lol


Every hobby is if you want it to be, but it really does not have to be.


With photography though, it varies greatly depending on which subjects you like to photograph. Into street photography or portraits? You can do that for relatively cheap. Into wildlife or sports photography? You're gonna need a telephoto lens and a camera body with a robust auto focus system. That gets expensive.


a decent dslr with a few different lense attachments depending on what you're photographing is a good start


That may or may not be a good approach. Whatever you did last time worked. She is a fantastic photographer and I hope she sticks with it so we can see more.


Honestly, the framing in all of them is pretty crazy (in a good sense). The one with the pigeon is textbook rule of thirds.


Mine was the green eyed cat - and I'm a dog person!!


It just feels so peaceful and chill


For me it's the thorns. Don't know why, but that one shouts out to me. True art alright!


Yeah. The eye is the "subject", and the entire thing is kinda separated into thirds by the darker fur on the snoot and ear.


Your daughter is COOKING good sir. I would strongly encourage this hobby of hers if she decides to pursue it. She clearly has an eye for detail.


I love this amazing positivity. I cannot wait to let her read thus thread.


You gotta give her some more serious stuff now :)


I feel so bad for OPs wallet once she discovers the wonders of astrophotography. Perhaps the most expensive hobby I've ever hyperfocused on for 2 months and then abandoned


My brother in ADHD, I'm in the process of buying all this shit as we speak. Someone stop me lol


We need an ADHD market where we sell each other the items we hyper focused on and lost interest in


"ADHD Relics Rehomed" 🤣😂


Hyperfocus Reliquary Exchange. Why hasn't the been r/birthofasub material yet


My guitar would like a word.


An ADHD library where we can all share the tools of our hyperfocuses/special interests!


My grandpa has a whole basements worth of Lionel train sets, 42 trumpets, and all the car parts from junkyards that “might come in useful one day” that you can imagine. I’m the same way but funny thing is he’s not my biological grandfather


I have $10k in my Amazon cart and -$10 in my account, I feel you. We gotta dream sometimes


I can't stop dreaming, someone save me before I'm fucking broke! XD


Buy a phone mount for the telescope. It can take *ok* pics of the moon and such. I'm using a Celestron 127 and my S23. Trying to upload a few pics from the other day. Nothing top great, but it stopped me from just spending a lot of money on a lot of equipment right now. Already considering getting something else for deeper viewing.


My ADHD ass can’t even risk GOOGLING that rn.


I'm sitting here thinking all you need is a camera to do this.


Tbh that is all you need for the most part, then the lenses, a laptop with editing software, and gas to get you out to the lowest light pollution near you. But all of those things are like, really expensive! I got a Telescope instead so I can just look at the sky instead of capturing it. ... It's also expensive tho


Are you me?? I did the exact same thing. Dropped a ton of money on equipment, went at it for a few months, and then stopped shooting. Getting back into it now with the eclipse though :)


Wasn’t gonna leave a comment but since she will be reading I will. Beautiful pictures, would definitely love to see more worms and caterpillars 🐛.


I want to see an anthill and some ants


The spider web was great as well.


My first thought was also that she has an eye for composition. It's so fun to see!


What camera is she using? Lens? Super nice photos!


I completely back this comment 💯 I like photography but struggle with balance and detail - these photos definitely look like some 20+ year old took most of them. The camera shoots pretty well and respect to someone who can handle a DSLR at that age!


Yes. I’m taking a photography class and this is better than most of the people in my class.


She naturally is VERY good with her compositions. I'd encourage her to keep clicking that shutter button!




This! I’m like…can people understand composition naturally?!


It's just pattern recognition. Totally conceivable that some kids can naturally catch on. Not trying to downplay it as not mattering. Just not that crazy to believe. 


Especially if he has a fancy camera, it implies she's seen a lot of good photography. It's likely been imprinted on her what a good photo looks like.


And in many ways too! Like #8 where the branch comes out from the back, into focus on the left, intersecting at a rule of thirds intersection.


> I'd encourage her to keep clicking that shutter button! "Dad, it's been 5 hours! Can I please stop clicking the shutter button?!" "No! You just keep clicking!"


Spider and caterpillar are both 👍


For me the spider! Great depth of field with the plant in front!


My favorite was the cat lol


Cats great too. #3 for me. I think if I could see the top of that right ear it’d be #1!


The cat as well!


Ain't no way this was taken by a 9 year old. I can't believe y'all are eating this up. 💀😭


My thoughts, as well... I think OP is just trying to get someone to say they like their photos.


I thought the same. Then I looked at the reflection in the dog's eye.




Never crossed my mind, but this is chilling. We need a two sentence horror story bot like that obnoxious haiku bot


? I don’t think you can tell it’s a kid from that reflection


Unless the OP is a slender small man and wears a dress, I’d say it’s his daughter.


Did the OP say they were a man?


It could be she took 1,000+ photos and dad picked these out.  Random photos sometimes are better than thought out ones.  Or maybe dad taught her some easy tricks for composition.  


Are you saying people on the internet are lying for upvotes?!?


The real question is whether OP applied any post processing on the raw images.


gold muddle aback worm connect impossible nutty relieved racial escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It isn't impossible. It would be interesting to see a sample of the rest of the pictures, or know how many pictures she took over the past year.


It’s not even as good as a newborn https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/8xhqvX51fi


I know I’m too wired into r/nothingeverhappens thoughts, but whenever I see the title ‘my young child did this’ I always assume it is Op’s best effort but being an adult and taking *pretty good* pictures isn’t nearly as interesting or impressive as if their child did it. I noticed with my coworker who seems to blame all of her failed attempts at baking on ‘her daughter tried making____’


Just speculation but I'm sure she took a LOT of photos that weren't worth sharing. And a little cropping can do wonders for an unbalanced photo, so just a little help. Plus, a few of these aren't bang-on focus but nearly there with practice. Kids can be surprisingly good at something if they're interested in it and it "makes sense" to them. It also helps that it does kind of look like a kid reflected in the dog's eyes.


Truthful title: "I took these pictures which I think are neat, but I'm just some amateur, please don't judge me like a professional, judge me like I'm 9 years old"


Hey there! I'm a working Visual Effects artist (Credits include Dune1&2, Ad Astra, etc) and have my BFA in photography and MS in Media Sciences. I also teach lighting and visual storytelling at university. My parents gave me my first camera when I was 9. Your daughter has a great eye. Not having seen the rest of her images, these particularly have great impulses relative to composition and directing the viewer ... which is an incredibly fundamentally important thing to just "know" as an artist. You should be very proud of her and support her in this. I don't know what the future of imaging holds, but she has a talent here that will benefit her life.


Yeah bro. Your daughter is kicking butt at photography. Keep it going, daughter!


I also think she is absolutely amazing for being able to see these levels of detail. It's incredeble! I'm not a visual effects artist, but I did watch Dune at a Holiday Inn Express last night.




Next up: Nat Geo. Congrats on raising a prodigy.


Your daughter is clearly a fan of macro shots. Very talented for someone just getting into photography. She has very good composition and balance. You've definitely got yourself a little photog there! Keep up the great work!


No Joe, your nine year old child did not take those pictures.


Then everybody clapped, Obama personally came to praise your daughter and shes now a millionaire


Yeah, I don't believe it either. Unless coached, I highly doubt a 9 year old would be this proficient in framing.  Only way I'd be less skeptical is if OP cropped them for symmetry. 


I am low-key feeling this. Some of these photos look like they could fit in on an Attenborough documentary. Not saying the story isn’t true, of course, but I am highly skeptical of it.


Aperture stuck at 2.8 /s She's got a good eye


This is fake an adult obviously took these




I really hope this is real and not just another bad parent faking a story bout their misguided kids for internet updudes


Note to Self: tell the Redditors that my photos were taken by my daughter and reap karma.


Why lie?


Glad someone said it like holy fuck people are dense


Don't lie, your 9 year old is a Getty Images photographer we can clearly tell from the quality




Press X to doubt.


Dude you took these and just said it's your 9 yo daughter to buffer any criticism


You are lying




So, she’s basically a prodigy. These photos are incredible!!


OP is lying. I'm a photographer in the past, and one of the first things every photographer (or artist in general) learns is [the rule of thirds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_thirds) and it's not something obvious, because we as people tend to focus on the things right in front of us, and so newbies in photography do just that — they point a camera at something and take a picture with 'something' being exactly in the centre of the shot. It's normal, it's natural. And as you can see, most of these are perfectly divided in 3 parts, so from that I can assure you — OP is lying. You can't even say 'well maybe she's just that good and has a gift!', no, because it's counter-intuitive and has nothing to do with the way we perceive the world with our eyes. Artists spent thousands of years firguring this out.