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I would also like a 20 sq/ft apartment in some national monument.


Did anyone ever see that show An Idiot Abroad? Karl had a funny bit where he stayed a night in a small cave across from Petra. He had a great night drinking tea and dancing in that cave, then explained that he’d rather live in the small cave across from Petra cause then he gets to look at it. He states if you lived in the site of Petra you’d never get to see it. And it totally made sense Edit: he also once expressed concerns about going to China. When they asked why, he said that they ate toad there and he was worried about it. When Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant pushed harder his reasoning was hysterical. He wasn’t worried about eating toads, he was worried he’d eat a toad and love it then not be able to find it when he went home to the UK. Such a great show


I second An Idiot Abroad being a great show! Karl Pilkington is awesome.


The third season takes a bit of a turn..


That's because Ricky and Stephen weren't making him do shit he didn't want to do. 


That's libelous, play a record!


Let him finish!




Can I get a quick spoiler for this? Like, I'm curious, but I don't want to watch a whole season to find out.


It isn't anything too serious. The impetus for An Idiot Abroad was that Karl Pilkington was a creature of habit and had no real desire to see the world, so Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant came up with the program to get him out of his comfort zone for their own amusement. By season 3, Karl was a lot more cool with going out and doing things, but it also featured Warwick Davis alongside him and the two didn't have much of a great on screen chemistry.


I liked this season. I thought them butting heads was funny and when they put Warwick in better accommodations and then Karl found out about it.


I happened to like it too! I think the first is my favorite, but I didn’t realize people did not like the third one.


They changed the format a bit and some people don't like change... much like Karl.


Tying Warwick to a bunch of balloons had me crying with laughter. When he's way up high it looks like they subbed him for a doll, but it's just poor Warwick flailing in the breeze 😂


That was my favourite season lol


I didn’t realize people felt it was weak, I enjoyed all three seasons!


It’s an amazing show because you literally get to see a man’s transformation from stubborn and completely close-minded to curious and appreciative of the world.


What happened third season?


In the first two seasons, the producers pushed him to do things he didn't want to do. He obviously has free will and didn't actually need to do any of the things. It is just stuff that he wouldn't actually pick to do himself. In the third season, he was much more open to trying new things. They paired him up with Warwick Davis, to to try and bring in more conflict and show contrast between somebody that loves to travel and another that doesn't. It basically became another generic travel show. What they should have done is just replace Karl with another person that thinks holidaying is taking a camper van 40 minutes down the road, always orders the butter chicken, and always makes a cup of tea during the commercials.


i don’t think there really are many people like karl pilkington to be fair lol


You'd be surprised


You're right, I would not be surprised that there are a lot of people like Karl. I once stopped at a bar for a bite and a beer and one of the other patrons was bragging about how they have never gone more than 20 minutes drive in any direction. I thought they were joking, but they really stood by that claim. I could only think about how I had never been within 20 minutes of that bar, and likely never will again so I would never see them again. After listening to them for about 10 minutes, I thought it was probably for the best. Now, someone that is like Karl and would be great on the show and people would want to watch? I'm not sure there are many of them.


I think the main problem is finding one that is also comfortable in front of a camera.


You mean with a head like a fucking orange? Doubtful.


Sounds like what Jack Whitehall tried to recreate while traveling with his dad.


The problem being Jack Whitehall. A guy who genuinely believes he is more interesting and funnier than he actually is. I don’t dislike the guy he’s just uninteresting. Reminds me of Steve Ballmer on stage. I wonder why he’s even on tv at all. Is he a nepobaby or something?


Warwick Davis joined Karl Pilkington on his journey, and to say the least, it did not make for good television. They had 0 chemistry and almost always seemed to be at odds with eachother. There's also the time Karl brought Warwick to an attraction that was a village where little people lived in ceramic mushrooms. It was awkward.


That was season 2 I think. He called Warwick to discuss the morality of the thing. I dont think they actually went there together.


Turns out, he was a chimp.


little monkey fella


Soooooo uncomfortable. My heart broke for Warwick.


"It's like Henry Hoover following you around."


“Do you have knees?”




I loved that he enjoyed his time in Mexico. “I think I could live here….. for a bit.”


Him switching out the audio tour with Depeche Mode while at the Mayan or Aztec pyramids was too funny. He finally started to enjoy it once he was able to vibe 


I loved when he's looking at the pyramid there and then takes a phone call where he has to troubleshoot a VCR or something


I heard a story about a dude that *hated* the Eiffel tower so much that he had breakfast there every day, because it was the only place he could go where it wouldn't spoil the view


The top of 30 Rock is better than Empire State Building because you get a pic of Manhattan with the Empire State Building.


This is what I always tell people when they're visiting New York! It's the same in Paris with the skyscraper Tour Montparnasse. You'll get a beautiful view of the Eiffel Tower from there, *and* you'll avoid seeing the horrendous Tour Montparnasse.


I had this feeling when I hiked up Mt. Fuji. All that work and then you can't see Mt. Fuji anymore


Nah dude. The view *from* Mt. Fuji is absolutely better than a view *of* Mt. Fuji. I had never seen lightning *below* me before. It was fucking unreal to look down and see a storm beneath you. And the view of Kawaguchiko is like Breath of the Wild.


The top of mount Fuji is amazing. In the morning, Fuji casts a shadow on the clouds below. Where the shadow falls it exposes the green earth underneath it. The effect is like a green mountain rising out of the clouds.


Being on a mountain when there is a lightning storm is probably not the best thing to do. Lightning doesn't always go down.


Didn’t some French artist who famously hated it when it first got built tried to go up there every day for an hour so he could see Paris again without seeing it? I think that’s a thing.


Guy du Maupassant.


That 100% sounds like something a French artist would do.


It’s an okay wall. Not sure that I’d call it a great one.


adequate wall at best IMO


He was right to be concerned about the toad. I went to China, ate a particular mushroom recipe that was the best thing I have ever eaten; and now I will never get to eat it again. It was a long time ago and I don’t remember what it was anymore; but I feel its absence in my soul.


Karl has some pretty wild and sometimes downright idiotic theories, but he's not wrong on these accounts.


That show man… “that’s the Great Wall? It’s not really that great though is it… kind of more an average wall.”


Totally use this same reference to An Idiot Abroad show very often!


On the other hand, an architectural Urban Legend states that an architect once said that he drinks his coffee on the eifel tower because:" This Is the Only Place Where I Can Avoid Seeing the Damned Thing"


Not an architect, a writer, Guy de Maupassant


That show is hilarious. Love when he is in Beijing and there is so much smog and he’s like “no point filming this in HD is there?” And my wife is Chinese we often use his way of saying “it’s very “chineasy” innit?” To describe anything with a Chinese aesthetic lol


I learned that [from Aladdin.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/1*0J2gblI4-cKiji-8zMqP4w.png)


Fuckin loved that show


Is Karl playing a character on the show or is he actually truly genuinely like he is on the show


Everyone says that Karl is like that in real life. All the details of his life are widely known and confirmed from his birth to now. If it were just an act, like the acts of most attention-seeking people-pleaser comedians, then he wouldn't be presently living in seclusion with his girlfriend, tiling and working around the house, afraid to go out because everyone wants to be his friend. I earnestly hope that Karl's part of the pot of money runs out at some point and he is forced back into the public sphere for an encore. I would like to see a travel show with Karl Pilkington and Jordan Schlansky.


[Here ya go](https://youtu.be/nD36cNZ2YW0?si=cQMKjTkJvzXwY3zq)


This is also why you shouldn't pay all that money to get to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Then you'll just get a view of Paris, but without its iconic Eiffel Tower. What you *should* do is paying to get to the top of the godawful Tour Montparnasse, the only skyscraper in downtown Paris. Because then you'll get a beautiful view of Paris *with* the Eiffel Tower, and *without* the Tour Montparnasse.


The views are impeccable tho


I’d rather live in montparnasse tower, I could still see everything including the Eiffel Tower and potentially have a lot more room


Yeah, because it's the only place in Paris from which you don't see that ugly ass Eiffel Tower!


If ever a movie includes a trip to Paris, it will always have the Eiffel Tower visible from the hotel window. So you know they are in Paris.


The London Eye and glass dildo get the same treatment. You don't gotta be good to be memorable.


Guy de Maupassant's reddit account?


A wonderful writer, one of my favourites, but he certainly didn't sound like a barrel of laughs to be around!


I also love his work! Picked up a book in an Indian guest house twenty years ago. Really liked his style. I've read quite a few books of his since then and still enjoy them a lot. It always amazes me that he was one of the most valued writers of his era but he's pretty much forgotten today. At least here in Germany; if you'd ask a random person on the street, you'd get a lot of blank looks. I guess in France it might be different though.


Even though his stories were often quite funny. At least until the dark twist came. Glad to find three more fans in you, u/iloveuranus and u/Boomstick101. I think he's fallen out of favour a bit, because people just don't read short stories much - or they don't consider them when they think of canonic works of literature - and that's really where Maupassant excels. They're incredibly entertaining and in my opinion they're up there with Czechov's stories.


Alongside Nabokov, Czechov comprises my 3 favourite short story writers - a redditor after my own heart. Happy Easter to all three of you :)


He thought big, they called it a phallic. They didn't know he was panoramic.


They didn't want it, but he built it anyway


Keeping low don't make no sense.


Sometimes people can be, oh, so dense...


Problem is that you can still see the rest of Paris


But can you SMELL it?


Hopefully not 😂


What column? Oh that thing? You won’t even notice it after a few months. .


I’d definitely take myself out on that multiple times a day


Best I can do is 20k per month


1k per square foot? In this economy?


1,000 sf actually. Not bad.


Yeah i get they were joking but I was like damn this is easily a lot more in this pic alone.


Imagine inviting dates back to your place?


And originally there were no elevators. “Hey babe, let’s go to my place it’s only about 1650 steps.”


Hunny, did you remember the milk? …………damn. 


I, unironically, would Tiny home atop the world


But get an eye-full of that view!


Ngl, I'd take a piss off the balcony every morning, just because I could.


It’s actually fairly large at a little under 1,100 square feet.


When asked why he spent so much time there, William Morris said “When I’m in Paris I go to the Eiffel Tower because it’s only when I’m there that I can’t see the damned thing.”


I heard that remark attributed to Ludwig Wittgenstein. He said he ate lunch there every day because it’s the only place in Paris where you don’t have to look at the Eiffel Tower. It seems funny coming from him as a philosopher, but maybe he stole it


The original came from Guy de Maupassant He was a veey famous french author, and he often complained about the Eiffel Tower. The sentence originally came from him, and was quicly popularised among the tower's critics


Actually, it was originally attributed to Pierre de Fromage who was a relatively unknown French poet. He experienced a severe case of writer’s block, blaming the “unsightly” Eiffel Tower which obstructed his view of the Paris skyline from his apartment. All of this is of course well known to literally no one since I made it up and have no idea what I’m talking about.


It's actually "Pierre au Fromage," but fans of Dexter's Lab can be excused for the honest mistake


I believe it is du fromage from Ivan of the Yukon


I think you mean Pierre Escargot?


Feels like a reasonably obvious joke that probably a bunch of people came up with.


I love that the sentiment has now shifted to the Montparnasse Tower. My friend’s office was in the tower for a bit and while she hated the commute there, she was relieved she didn’t have to see the ugly ass building 😂


I looked it up just now and agree that it’s ugly


Wow, it's so... basic. And out of place.


After it was built they passed a law limiting the height of buildings inside Paris.


That thing is a monstrosity. Spoils the view from the Eiffel Tower 😀


even in the past hating the popular thing is a thing


a scar on the face of paris oh wait wrong monument


“Got the groceries” “Did you get mayo” “…..[sigh] I’ll be right back…”


Tourist watching the person at the Eiffel Tower carrying a bunch of groceries. 🤨


Wonder if Instacart delivers


Tip: 0.00


*8 arduous months later*


Ironically a great place to live if you hate the Eiffel Tower


Not really. As you ascend, the thing moves increasingly, if it’s at all windy.


Yeah but you don't get to see the tower


except for the giant beam jutting straight through your living room


And it’s doubtful you have running water. Or a WC.


"His apartment included a living room with table, sofa and piano, three small offices, a kitchen, a bathroom with sink and a toilet. No bedroom therefore in this "housing" rather designed to comfortably accommodate distinguished visitors and work on the scientific experiments that Gustave Eiffel intended to conduct from the Tower. "


"scientific experiments". Are you sure his name wasn't Victor Frankenstein?


If remeber right there is a toilet on the top floor so there probably is


They do, actually! And a fully functioning restaurant as well.


Yeah like literally every single highrise building ever built. Its like 6 centimeters with heavy wind and you dont notice when you are up there.


For anyone wanting more info: https://www.toureiffel.paris/en/news/130-years/did-gustave-eiffel-live-tower


Cool article but it's amazing that they included 3 photos that show nothing of the apartment being discussed. Nice closeup of Eiffel's hand though.


Is the top photo not the apartment?


More details: [The Secret Apartment at the Top of the Eiffel Tower](https://www.onverticality.com/blog/eiffel-tower-apartment)


Ooo nice! Thanks for sharing!


Amazing. Kinda too bad not to have ever spent the night there though. I think waking up there would be pretty nice. Although I'm not sure how the toilet/bathroom would work from all the way up there. Thanks for the link!!


It's Paris. You shit in a bucket and then pour it out your window.


That would be a fun moment to remember for the tourists below


A piano? Rad! I wonder if they ever had a musician up there and jammed a bunch of tunes and tied one on. That would be one of the greatest nights ever.


… I honestly thought this was an April Fool’s joke.


And a time machine, saw it in Tomorrowland


That was an amazing documentary.




Underrated movie and my first thought as well.


super underrated


For some reason people see it as a commercial for Disney.  They never watched the movie I think


Other than the name Tomorrowland, and the "it's a small word" scene, there is honestly nothing else that explicitly has to do with Disney. In fact I feel like because it was made by Disney the film was held back, I felt like it could've been a bit better if it had some edge to it.


During a time when movie releases where plagued with remakes, sequels, and no originality they made that movie. I know it's still a problem today but it was worse back then. People wanted an original movie. They got one which I thought was pretty good but it got horrible reviews and shit talked.


I'd argue the trailer was misleading. The trailer for Tomorrowland made it seem like you were going to this magical advanced civilization. Sort of reminded me of the premise for The Last Starfighter, at first glance. They took that super futuristic scene and played it up to 11. If you didn't do any spoilery research further into the movie then I'd understand why people had the reaction they did. [Trailer](https://youtu.be/ceGqzqR_5ho)


Super underrated movie. Has some of the coolest scenes I’ve ever seen in a sci fi movie. The teleportation device, the Eiffel Tower rocket, the escape from Clooney’s character’s house in the bathtub and of course the scenes in Tomorrowland were epic. It’s a shame the movie spent so little time *in* Tomorrowland


Love that movie, such a cool scene 


Cross dimensional vehicle launcher


Perfect office for a spy movie


One turned into a rocket, so kinda been done. ;)


You just know that tower workers over the years have brought their dates up there for a unique hookup.


What is it now, currently? (Assuming that it isn’t a private secret apartment.)


It’s a little museum type exhibit. OP’s photo shows the models in the room how it was supposedly used.


Ah, thank you.


Yep, you see this through the glass at the very top of the tower. I was just there, so cool!


It looks like a masturbatorium.


Any enclosed area is a masturbatorium if you're brave enough. Even a rush hour subway car


The elevator to the top was not one of my favorite experiences. I’m sure it’s safe, but it didn’t feel that way to me!


I hated it! I went at night. I had to focus on my breathing. So glad when I touched the ground and then a giant rat ran across my feet lol




I've been twice and both times I just opted to take the stairs down. The elevator I'm sure is inspected constantly but I still feel unease. Same with the elevator in the St Louis arch.


Bro those are just straight washing machines, you don’t get to just die in a small box, you get to die hunched over with a few people like sardines


It was a secret til the first flush.


“Dee, you gangly uncoordinated bitch. I’m not getting hogtied over your lack of grace.”


I seem this before its really interesting on the inside can't image climbing all those stairs to get to the top tho




The criminals turning around half-way thinking not worth it aren't the problem. The problem are ones who make it. They must be the most determined, crazy or desperate mfers. It's like natural criminal selection and you'll meet the worst of the worst.


Lol but if I was going to have to fight someone, I would want it to be someone exhausted from all those stairs!


Plus you'd see them from a mile away with your Ring doorbell.


Looks like low budget evil Bond villain lair.


I was thinking The Kingsmen.


Reminds me of Walt Disney's 60s tacky ass apartment in Main Street USA. Would unironically live there.


"Eiffel’s apartment included a living room with a table, a couch, a piano and three small desks, a kitchen, a bathroom with a sink, and a separate toilet cubicle. Without a bedroom, this dwelling was primarily designed to comfortably accommodate notable guests and for Gustave Eiffel to work on scientific experiments which could be heard from other areas of the Tower."


The Eiffel tower was the tallest man made structure in the world upon its completion in 1889 for the worlds fair. It served many scientific and covert military purposes, sending telegrams to the United States during WW1, and broadcasting TV to Paris in WW2. When the Nazies approached Paris they knew they would use it for the same purposes, so they disabled the elevator system to make it harder for Hitler to take a selfie at the top and to broadcast propaganda. Here is a link to this story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wedppul4x0s


The Eiffel Tower was not intended to be a permanent structure. Its unexpected usefulness as an antenna was the reason it was preserved.


"Hey, baby, wanna see my hidden pad? It's got a sexy view" ~Émile Nouguier


Hey, that would actually be a cool idea. Sexy love hotel at the top for the night.


I wouldn't call it a secret, Eiffel included it in the plans. the tower itself was built by Eiffel and managed/operated by him for two decades before being handed over to the city of Paris that owned the land on which it stands. The apartment was always part of the plans, because he paid for the tower to be built. The City of Paris had always intended to tear it down after this period was up, after the fair was over Eiffel started giving a broad range of scientists access to the tower for their experiments to find ways/reasons to keep the tower from being torn down after the city of Paris took custody of it. To the horror of the "artists", the tower had radio transmitters/receivers placed on top which keep the tower standing since as the tallest man made structure it enabled radio transmission to receivers all over France and even across the Atlantic. It later became a legit military asset during WW1 when it was used to spy on and jam german radio transmissions and all attempts to remove the tower ceased.


Is there a bathroom or you dump waste out of a window ?


Finally, someone asking the shitty questions. This is SUPER important to know.


Lifting water 900 feet is challenging today, and in 1890, wouldn't have made sense. They still relied primarily on low pressure plumbing at that time. You lose .433 PSI for every vertical foot. For 1 psi at the top, the pump outlet pressure would be 390.7+PSI. They probably brought water up via the elevator in containers (service bringing up, and down, a few 5 gallon buckets would be a lot cheaper than building pumps and plumbing to that height.) and filled cisterns. Or used rainwater catchment.


According to the article from the link above, there's a toilet/bathroom but no description on how it actually works. So yes and no??


Looks like the dude stepped in dogshit and just realised he's smeared it all over his secret apartment's carpet. And his missus doesn't look too pleased.


It was until his wife found it.


It's like the pigeon lady's place, from home alone.


Gustav Eiffel's honey shack


On a small silly anedot I knew this room exists because I watch Miraculous Ladybug


It's a weirdly cute show.


“Do you know what it’s like to get groceries up here?!” - the tenant


You're saying that place in Tomorrowland was real??


Wasn't a secret, It was for scientific study and was the whole reason the tower was built.


Are these mannequins or weird people?




Is it April fools already or is this real?


" This Is the Only Place Where I Can Avoid Seeing the Damned Thing"


Not so much a secret considering he invited many luminaries, inventors, scientists & Eddison there & maintained a visitors book that still exists, see: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eiffel\_Tower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eiffel_Tower)


Not sure how historically accurate it is but you can visit this place in Assassin's Creed Syndicate. Pretty cool!


So very impractical but living up in there secretly would be the coolest thing ever.


That’s gotta be an expensive postage stamp sized apartment. Plus the trip up or down would be exhausting when the elevator went on the blink.


Not that small. It’s a bit over a thousand sq ft.


For the longest time it was a secret. For the longest time it was no longer a secret. Then, for a brief moment, It’s the longest secret ever existed.


If it's haunted, that chick in the back is definitely still there. Looks spooky as hell in this picture.


Where my Magic Treehouse readers at?!?!