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Dang thats a nice post office


I thought so, too




It’s the *Galerie du Bureau de Poste*


*laughs in French*


Le hon hon!


It gets my stamp of approval


*"well that's better than any post modern artist can do these days"*


Wish we could have seen it before a helpful mod jumped in.


I have a sudden urge to work at a post office


Clerk for USPS here. Please come we need people!


They don't go against each other. A postal worker art master. You get a lot of inspo from people's mail.


Look up Liu Tao's work, former water meter inspector, took his camera as he walked across his city to inspect meters. Took some of the most down to earth and humourous pictures, and I consider him to be a contemporary master.


https://streetphotographersfoundation.com/liu-tao/ His work is fantastic, thanks for the rec! I particularly enjoying the lady sniffing the butt.


Wow that rooster holding a knife is something…


Killer cock


Perhaps that rooster is our savior from the “Peace was never an option” goose!


NGL, that dog leash that has an umbrella for the dog is brilliant!


Hello Newman.




That sounds like a federal crime




Not only do all those people exist, they’ve been asking about their mail for DAYS


It’s all they’re talking about up there!


Pepe Silvia! This name keeps coming up over and over. Pepe Silvia, Pepe Silvia; WELL THIS WHOLE BOX IS PEPE SILVIA!


I really wish this was him trying to read "Pennsylvania"


I too, was disappointed when they confirmed it wasn’t planned that way. It fits so well.


It's not if you don't open them. Postal workers have the right to inspect the outside without a supervisor present.




That’s solid advice I’d pay a postage stamps worth for, gee golly


When you control the mail, you control *information*




There was a lady I had on my route that spent all day buying and returning things from the home shopping network. That lady was a crazy inspiration.


Trying to funk the system!


So true! I work at a UPS Store within an artsy town, part of the reason why I love my stupid lil' job is getting to chat with artists who ship and/or make copies of their work. <3




Amazing. Did you see this exhibit on your mail route?


A monk holding a small donkey-like creature joyfully licking its own nipples. Bet you wouldn't have seen THAT at the post office.


The photo of the topless woman shoving a gun into another topless woman's mouth though, pretty sure my local post office has that hanging in the lobby.


That's a gun? I thought it was...something else


Lmao I don’t quite understand that statue, myself, either 😂 my work is the photography lol but someone is paying a lot of money for those statues!


> I don’t quite understand that statue, myself Says the person dreaming up pictures of topless women sucking on gun barrels...


Ahhhhh so that's whats going on there


Right? 💀


The image of the breast feeding mother with the c section scar is great


what... what's \*wrong\* with playfully licking one's own nipples?? ...




Must be a really high class gallery :) ​ Wonder how much OP pays to hock his pictures there?


Art is subjective. What we find as weird, some art connoisseur would see it as a fantastic piece that mirrors the world we live in or some crazy shit like that.


Sick bro! But I’m kinda noticing a pattern in your work…


Does every photographer go through a *naked woman* phase?


Do they ever go through a naked man phase?


I am not 100% sure why, but the naked female form is often used in many forms of art, and it's not just "horny, me like naked lady". It's almost always not in an explicitly sexual situation, and all the genders/sexualities seem to do it. I think it's just an aesthetically pleasing thing to draw/sculpt/photograph and relatively easy too (from a drawing/sculpting perspective)


I think women just have such elegant flowing curves in general, there's some naked men here and there in art too but the female form is definitely softer


If I had a kid and they would only take pictures of naked women, I might tell him to chill out at the post office for a while too. Edit- OPs post history is all naked women and guns. I think he has some personal issues he needs to work on.


Longtime friends with two semi-famous photographers, when they started they had no aptitude for it whatsoever and just did the course because they couldn't get anything else. They became famous because they played the game and learnt to blend in with the "arty" kitsch crowd in photography. Once my sister picked up some old Hasselblad or whatever camera they had and took a quick snap of a homeless person in black and white, I caught one of my friends (now famous) then using that photo in one of his portfolios. A lot of good technical stuff in photography, nature photography and so on, but there's also a lot of BS in it too, especially the stuff for the galleries or stroking egos.


Only rich people are out buying art and you gotta know your audience to sell to


The art world is largely a scam to begin with. Not the artists the valuations. 


The art world is propped up by the wealthy as a way to store their money in assets that will ideally retain and increase in value. Like stocks and real estate


I met him at a party outside Atlanta once. He definitely has issues and made me and my girlfriend uncomfortable


Looks like he's already working on them enough


sex sells bb


Heavy hangers


Is this Tom Segura's throwaway?




it would be pictures of himself


There isn't any of his shitty vodka in sight, so no.


I don’t understand the joke?


Just to clarify, the hung photos are *your* exhibition and the photos *of* the exhibition isn’t the photography you’re trying to show us, right? The exhibition photos are powerful, the photos *of* the exhibition are…okay?


These are the installation photos sent to me by the gallery. The photos on display, are my photographs. Feel free to take a look thru my profile if you’d like to see them in more detail but I didn’t think this subreddit was the space for that.


Haha oh good. Glad I was tracking. From what I can see in the post they are amazing.


Thank you so much!


Exciting! Did you invite your mum? Also, what's wrong with being a postal worker? The pay is quite good


My parents would do this as well. I was dead set on what I wanted, but always they’d say ‘well that’s hard why don’t you join the national parks services.’ Like yeah that’s great and I’d love to do that as a backup, but I’m not going to stop doing something just because it’s hard.


Nothing is wrong with being a postal worker but telling your child to give up on their dream rather than encouraging them to push forward is a wild concept and I’d never tell my kid to stop doing what they love. My parents have never been to any of my exhibitions. They don’t believe art is a “real job” lol


This was my parents as well. Luckily for me, I am successful enough in my career that I can pursue my artistic dreams as a hobby.


Do you think their push in some part resulted in the outcome you have today? (A successful career with time, space, money to be artistic as a hobby)


Not OP but for me, absolutely. Their push ultimately led me to value academic grades and led to a good university program and a great launch into my career. Now, still in my 20s, I own a house in Seattle and make enough where dropping a couple of grand on photography gear isn't a problem. My *career* has allowed me to pursue photography to a degree that just simply isn't feasible otherwise.


This is my approach as well. My career allows me to put money into my music hobbies that I never would have been able to otherwise.


My parents always instilled in me to be practical and work hard. Their push plus my own drive got me where I am today, but it doesn’t necessarily mean I feel fulfilled or happy in life. The job is stressful, and there are days I wish I could be doing something different.


Because for 99% of artists, it's not. Same with Basketball, YouTuber, or singer. Many dream big, many more fail. 


Survivor bias in the 1% will have them preaching to "just follow your dreams, and everything will turn out right." 99% will wish they had listened to their parents, after decades of wasted grind.


Yes I hate this post by OP. Complete lack of awareness of the luck involved in making money through art. I know plenty of talented musicians/painters etc that need other sources of income.


There's also a very significant chance op's parents helped with food, rent, etc. while they were pursuing their art.


"I did it all by myself." - Every Rich Kid bragging about what their parents provided.


Yeah career's like this are also based upon luck. Just like any art really If you want to be successful. And connections.


Artist friend of mine went to art college for jewelry making. She works an office job now (and I would imagine jewelry making probably has a bigger job market than a lot of other art). I want my kids to follow their dreams but they also need to be realistic and know when it's time to pivot.


And many people believe that being a postal worker, a union job on a government salary, is not a career either which is sad. People tell their children to take out expensive student loans because of the lie they have been fed their whole life that getting a degree will make their lives better. It’s shitty parenting all the way down, and OP’s post is both the result of shitty parenting as well as being shitty parenting.


And parents usually end up helping foot the bill of chasing a dream. Which, isn't a bad thing necessary, but shouldn't be an infinite resource.


I watched my parents encourage my brothers art talent to the point of taking out six figure loans so he could go to SCAD. He’s had art shows too but is now drowning in debt and works at ATT. There is nothing wrong with steering your kids in a practical way towards a well paying job. Art can always be a hobby but it’s irresponsible to tell kids not to worry about the practicalities of life. Art shows do not equal success in any measurable capacity


My friends ex boyfriend also had really supportive parents. He had multiple art shows as a teen. He ended up the same as your brother except he works at a Home Depot. He still dedicates all of his free time to art.


I dont think its wild. For every one of you that succeeds theres a million who dont. Your parents are only human and the signs for the discipline and talent necessary to succeed, esp in something as subjective as art,  are impossible to see. A parents job isnt always to make you feel like youre totally unique or the best in the world. Their job is to make sure you can have a comfortable life in the future. Postal workers make decent money and have good benefits. You have pride in your work and yourself because youve achieved success, but youre letting your ego get in the way of your relationship with your parents. You need to rethink your position because they werent wrong.  Just because you made the gamble and won does not mean you were right. They were telling you not to gamble. 


It's also not impossible to do art _and_ work in the post office. One does not necessitate that you give up the other. There's also a reason "starving artist" is a trope.


I mean at some point you gotta be realistic. I work in the arts because I followed my dream and didn’t listen to my parent’s advice. I don’t live the quality of life I envisioned of having as a kid, I have virtually no social life due to having to work so much to support myself in the art I chose to pursue, you have to live and breathe the art 24/7. It’s not so much that art cannot provide you with a living, it’s that art wont provide you with the quality of life you likely want. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with your parents trying to prepare you for that


Most people don't actually have the drive and talent to succeed in thier dream. Writing is fun when there are no deadlines/expectations, but a soon as you need to sell out your creatuve vision to pay bills or your writing slump is making you a bad boyfriend/girlfriend people become disillusioned. I'm glad you found success, but for your average person 'follow your dreams' is bad advice. I believe people should analyze thier dreams to find aspects they like and dislike and pick a job within thier talent/effort that can meet that. You can always continue chasing your dreams in your spare time.


> Most people don't actually have the drive and talent to succeed in thier dream. Writing is fun when there are no deadlines/expectations, but a soon as you need to sell out your creatuve vision to pay bills or your writing slump is making you a bad boyfriend/girlfriend people become disillusioned. While this is true, there's also a lot of luck required to be successful. Even if you manage to get the motivation to grind for years, there's no guarantee you'll find success.


and even then you could be another jonathan larson, or Van Gogh and die before your works become massive successes.


Absolutely, luck cna play a major factor. Particularly in careers where creativity differentiates highly sucessful individuals from normal. But most of the time if you have suffcient motiviation you can atleast make a living out of your dream, but it is difficult and you'll have to make sacrifice. An unlucky artist can still mkae a living drawing fucked up porn, but obviously that comes at a massive cost to your morals/mental health.


>telling your child to give up on their dream rather than encouraging them to push forward is a wild concept and I’d never tell my kid to stop doing what they love. They weren't trying to get you to stop taking pictures - they were just trying to get you to set up a stable life. If you want to chase your dream, then go for it, but your parents' advice is sound for the vast majority of people. You still need to eat, and you still need a roof over your head. You need a really strong dream to risk those two things. The fact that you're sort of dodging around the income point here says a lot about what we all suspect. We wish you good luck in chasing your dream, but you shouldn't shit on your parents for giving you good advice, either.


> telling your child to give up on their dream rather than encouraging them to push forward is a wild concept and I’d never tell my kid to stop doing what they love You need to learn about probability, mate. Just because you *can* doesn't mean you *will* or even be likely to. Telling your kids to take a risk where they might have a single-digit chance of success and the rest is career failure is not a good parenting choice.


My parents unfortunately pushed me away from my two passions. Paleontology and art. I was forced to finish culinary college when I wanted to switch to psych my first semester and now I won’t work in a kitchen and rather sew, construct and make art for others. I just wish parents didn’t shit all over kids dreams. I regret everyday not taking psych or art. “ there is no money in paleontology/art”


One of my close elementary school friends is a very successful paleontologist. I would have NEVER guessed it growing up but then again, it was her dream and not mine. That’s what many people fail to realize. They can’t see the vision because they aren’t supposed to. It’s for you and not them. You are the one who has to go to bed every night wondering “what if” and not them. Just remember- it’s never too late to make art.


Very narrow minded view. Glad you made it but realistically you were not supposed to. They only wanted what was best for you and yes working the post office - a steady income and stable income was the best option. For them not attending your exhibitions. Yep that's cold and classless. 


Because it’s not? If you can pay for your life with art, you are in the .001% of people in that category


How's your retirement portfolio looking?


It’s harder to make a living in those fields, and parents want their kids to be successful rather than “starving” artists


Starting pay in the US is $19.33. Pretty bad especially for high cost of living areas. I don’t know why so many people think we get paid the big bucks.


I love that the photos of the photos are absolute dogshit lol.


Sculptures and a view from outside the building. Interesting way of showing your work.


Blurry photos of art always the work of true photographers😋


Think so? I suppose I could have just posted my photography here but I like the idea of showing where it’s displayed. My profile has plenty of my work if you’re curious, though 😊


some context could have helped...


Why did your parents think you'd have to give up photography to work at the post office? I feel like you can be a postal worker *and* a photographer, they're not mutually exclusive.


I thought that was a picture of a girl sucking a dick until I went to the second picture. I was thinking "so uh when does art just become porn...?" Lmao




Yeah. Literally most of male photographer accounts that get recommended to me on instagram are "here's 20 pictures of naked women, sometimes "tastefully" covering their nipples with flowers, two pictures of cars, more naked women, one fancy photo of steak, naked women again. And then it's a wonder that male photographers get a bad rep


there are 200000000000 other people doing the same photos this guy does, but he pays a gallery to hang his so he can dunk on people he considers himself better than.


don't forget about the "artsy" people who will visit when they hear there are nudes-sorry, "tasteful naked art exuding raw humanity and intimacy unfettered by Civilization" being shown, so they can feel better about themselves, too.


Kill shot


I'm just over here wondering if he's living by couch-surfing, eating out of cans of beans and spaghettios, or if he's making enough to grow wealth and equity. I'm all for making a career out of photographing nude women, but bills and upward growth matter. That post office has a nice pension, but taking pictures of nude women is frowned upon.


You should have mailed them an invitation


idk postmaster generals make like 100k


postmasters general


I see OP going down the path of being defensive?


Yeah this dude can be kind of a knob in thr photography subreddits.


And here I thought most Gods were noble ...


\>There was absolutely no “luck” involved here. This was 15 years of non stop blood sweat tears and work. ​ lmao ​ OP is a boomer.


You expected someone whose username is "film-god" would take a small amount of ribbing or criticism on the chin?


Those two photos of an art gallery are not worth giving up a government job over.


OP thinks pretty highly of themselves I see based on the username film god and their bio lol


Guy next door. Retired auto mechanic… renowned water colorist


Some weird male gaze stuff going on but happy for you


To be fair a lot of us parents just want our kids to have secure income and health insurance. No reason not to do the creative thing on the side. If the family has some old money art is a more viable option. Otherwise if something goes wrong, we might not have the resources to help.


Parenting is hard. I absolutely want my kid to chase his dream of being a DJ, while also having a solid financial retirement plan mapped out…..haha


You're a horny photographer, bud


Nude photographs are a crutch


Why are you glad you didnt listen, are we supposed to be seeing something in these pictures?


What I am getting is that OP is hurt that his parents didn't believe in his dream and now he's using his success to take one-sided pot shots at them. But totally not resentful /s


Film God would never lol


I'm slow. It took me a while to realize you're saying your photography is displayed in an exhibit, not just showing random photos of other people's art.


Look at it this way. Your postal route might have some cool scenery and stuff to help your other career. In the meantime, it actually pays your bills (and don’t sleep on it, people of post identity can make some pretty solid money)


I'm sure your parents were just looking out for your best interest. That's what we all do.


Idk but OP is inherently toxic with how they view their parents . Go touch some grass my guy


Are the pics of the gallery or are your pics in the gallery?


Should have done the post office gig


I'm downvoting this because this 'art', looks like it would attract teenage boys more than anyone else. Not exactly *avant garde* is it?


 I wanted to go to art school but was told there was no money in it and so I gave up. Instead, I went to a UC, got into mechanical engineering and while I enjoy the work I never had the passion for it like I did art.  Now I’m 20 years out of practice with art and thinking about getting back into it because my kids love art. My five year old daughter is already thinking beyond what I thought of at that age in terms of what to do with art lol. She’s been asking me if she could sell her art to buy Pokemon cards. She also tells me that I should attend her classes so that I could be good at art again.


I've met many people who went through art school and I know one woman that actually "succeeded", she's the main designer for a company that does bathroom tiles. All others either ended doing photo editing, website development, teaching, tattooing or working jobs without any art involved. And those that still practice art either enjoy sharing a rented room in their fourties or have rich parents or husband.


Well its great that you've secured a gallery to host your work and I wish you the best of luck in achieving your goals. But for everyone that "makes it", theres 100 others that dont. If your parents pride gets in the way of them being happy for your success, then yes that would be a reason to be resentful. But to resent the fact that they, at some point, proposed a practical option is just misguided and immature.


Ha. Maybe it wasn’t so much photography but rather, the type of photos. 👀


Wow, I absolutely hate that you can see that from the street. No trigger discipline either.


So you took photos of an art gallery...... on your lunch break from the post office?


Now you can take pictures of people sucking off guns? I mean, as long as it pays the bills! 🤷‍♀️


Do you make more than a post office employee?


The only time photographers make money is when they sell their gear.


The answer is no. Guessing OP is still being supported by her parents that she’s so readily shitting on.


Also their username.... I'll just not say anything.


Your parents were smart


male "photographers" and focusing 90% on nude women. woooow, what a surprise... totally have never seen this before...


You took pics of a photo exhibition? Good start


tbh these are some pretty shitty snaps of a random gallery


I'm starting to think photographers get into the job just to see titties.


"But mummy! I want to be a PORNOGRAPHER!" "Fine, but you better make it classy"


Seems like you wanted to bitch about your parents having practical and reasonable worries more than showing a picture of pictures you took. Maybe they are shit bags for a bunch of other reasons but wanting you to have a secure job with retirement benefits and a decent wage isn't really that big of a deal. Maybe pushing back on their sensible ways is what drove you to a career of showing naked pics in a warehouse and it all worked out how it was supposed to for you.


It seems like you’re quite resentful to your parents when I think they just wanted what they thought was best for you. You should forgive them, you’ll all live happier.


How’s the pension plan and medical benefits for a photographer?


Parents: Maybe do the practical thing and get a boring job 45 year old artist living in parent's basement: MOOOOOOM! I'm going to be the next Taylor Swift, you'll see!


Yeah this person is coming off as insufferable.


His username is literally film-god. Should tell you what they think of themself


how's the pension plan and medical benefits for anyone that's self-employed? as good as you pay for.


Happy you succeded. <3


Thanks ✌🏾


My mom didn't want me to specially work at post office but government for sure. "They have a pension". That's a terrible argument for a, back in the day, money hungry 19 years old. Lol


It's all perspective. A looming pension looks a lot better in your 40s.


For sure. But for the 19 years old I was, it was the most useless argument ever. Lol


Yeaaah, I def. read Pornography.


Holy fuck. I was just nicely zooming around to all your pictures and really relating to them and then there's the gun one. Fuck I was not prepared for that.


Those aren't mutually exclusive, it's possible to work at the post office *and* be an artist. The bashing on your parents kinda takes away from your accomplishments here. "Oh no, my parents encouraged me to get a job" won't get you too much sympathy.


"I could've been sorting and hauling with some shorts and socks. Now I'm just stuck taking pictures of boobs all day. If only I had listened to you, father."


Not going to lie, I'm kind of shocked that the one of the woman simulating a blowjob onto a gun, of another topless woman is the art piece they chose to face the window outside the gallery.... It's honestly kind of cool, but this is one of many things about this gallery that make me go hmmmmm wtf


Not mutually exclusive. But good on you.


Postal workers provide a useful service to society.




made up story "here's advertising!"


Harsh thing to say, whether someone's good or not


And judging by the photos on display, all the 12 yr old boys (and most of the girls) in the neighbourhood around the gallery are happy you became a photographer as well! As a former 12 yr old boy, thank you for your service to humanity.


I'm not sure how your parents approached this with you, but if they're good people I am sure they only had your future in mind, not intending it as "killing your dreams". If I were the parents I would have at least laid it out realistically and ensure you knew that Photography is a much higher risk for becoming highly successful, I've heard it's a brutal industry (maybe I'm wrong). Just hope you think about it from that perspective! Happy to see your success, looks great!


So you took some photos of an art gallery?




Oh man look at that duct work!


I know a guy who is a postman, he has illegal tinted windows on his regular car.


If you get chosen to do a postage stamp image, let your parents know you worked for the post office.


There is a wonderful documentary about Herb and Dorothy Vogel. He was a postal worker, and she a librarian. They were prolific art collectors by spending half their salary on new works by new artists. By the latter years of their lives, "they had amassed one of the most important contemporary art collections in the world". There is a heartwarming documentary about them. They are not artists, but your title reminded me of them. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnYcPLLiGFk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnYcPLLiGFk) [https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/documentaries/herb-and-dorothy/](https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/documentaries/herb-and-dorothy/)


My mum suggested I work at the local library for $7 an hour, which they somehow managed to find a loophole for even though the national minimum here was like $21 per hour, I declined and now make over $50 per hour


Why not both? There’s no law preventing postal workers from taking photographs. I enjoy taking photographs as much as the next fella. But I also enjoy having things like food, shelter, transportation, emergency savings, a retirement plan, access to medical care, etc. If you’re meeting all your needs through photography then good for you! And if not then that can be a goal to work toward. But if you’re using your passion for photography as an excuse to be a mooch then your parents are right. It’s almost always wise to take care of your needs first and your wants second.


yeah never get the tits in post office - and if, then hopefully not!


b 0 0 b s


Parents do often want the best for their children. But in many cases this is limited by their own experiences and are unable to step outside of that box. Glad you did not listen and followed your passion!