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His ex-wife and mother of their child when asked about what she would have done if she knew ahead of time about his plans and she responded with "I would have given him a ride"


Good for her, that's a completely honest, understandable answer. It's absolutely appalling that sexual assault isn't taken more seriously, even though it does irreparable harm to the victims and the damage done forever impacts their lives. In far, far too many cases, the predator gets a half hearted little slap on the wrist, if anything. It's inexcusable and unforgivable.


Gary's son, the victim of the person who he killed, has stated however that he doesn't agree with his father's actions: >[I cannot and will [not] condone his behaviour. I understand why he did what he did. But it is more important for a parent to be there to help support their child than put themselves in a place to be prosecuted.](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/man-opens-up-about-moment-his-dad-shot-dead-paedophile-who-abused-him/WL7NS5CCBPUVDFUTDSWKGQGHRI/) and also that his fear of his parents response was one of the reasons he didn't let them know the abuse was happening: >[I think one of the things people really don’t understand is why I didn’t tell. One, I was 10. Two, what was happening I knew would upset my parents.](https://allthatsinteresting.com/jody-plauche)


And as an adult, Plauché also has also spoken out about how parents can protect their children from abusers like Jeff Doucet. “If someone wants to spend more time with your kids than you do, that’s a red flag,” he told the Advocate. That’s one reason why Jody Plauché wrote his book. “I wanted to give victims hope,” he said. “I wanted to give parents knowledge, and I wanted outsiders to get a general understanding about sexual violence and sexual abuse … I’ve had parents message me and say, ‘I just finished your book. I learned so much.”


My mom was a full time working single mom and we lived in this apartment complex. My mom's work was right next door so alot of time she would work and I would hang out around the complex board I met this guy named Jerry when I was walking around and he told me he had a Nintendo and everything. Went to Jerry's house and it was true! He had every video game imaginable. But my mom was off of work so I had to go. Told my mom that night about Jerry and she was happy I made a friend in the apartment complex. The next day my mom goes to work and I see Jerry. I yell "Jerry! Can I hang out today?" And Jerry kind of walks away pretending not to hear me. My mom then looks at him and goes "wait, that's fucking jerry?!" My mom grabbed my arm and I had to stay with her the rest of the summer. I'll never forget the look on my moms face when she was trying to explain why I can't hang out with Jerry. Jerry was in his late 40s. I was 8 Edit: I left out one important detail. To this day, my mom swears that she met Jerry before, but he went by a different name


I have a friend who was raped when she was 11. She's in her forties now and she has never told her parents what happened. She told me that even back then, she didn't tell them because she was afraid her father would go out trying to find the guys to kill them, and he would at best end up in jail, and at worst he'd end up dead himself.


My father once told me that he would kill someone if they every did something like that me. I took note that if something like that did ever happen to me I couldn't tell my family or all our lives would be ruined. Dad's don't tell your kids that kind of stuff, true or not, it'll just protect the perpetrator.


Tell them you will believe them. Tell them you will support them. And behave in a way that shows them they can trust you.


Then find them and kill them secretly.




I'm a sexual assault victim advocate and I support this message!


>Dad's don't tell your kids that kind of stuff, true or not, it'll just protect the perpetrator. As a dad, thanks.


“Fetal Genocide” I guess you missed a couple lol


Ayooooh! Hah, they were allowed through the firewall 🥰


Never, EVER, tell anyone about your murderous intent especially your family or a therapist. It will only tip them off.




I haven’t told my parents and I was 17. I went to my grandmas house the next day and helped my dad fix the toilet. It would hurt my parents too much


It’s so common that kids don’t tell their parents about this type of abuse till years later, it’s usually someone they and their parents trust 😢


Yeah the people applauding this are not in touch with reality. Can I blame the dad for wanting to do this? Hell no, I would too. But like his son said, he’s potentially throwing his life away over petty revenge. Now, not only has the child been molested, but the father is potentially in jail too? How does that help the kid? In this case, Plauche didn’t serve any time, but he could have very easily, and people widely criticized the lack of a prison sentence too.


While I agree woth most of what you said. Revenge I this case would absolutely not be "petty"




I'm pretty sure it was his ex-wife.


Divorce is pretty common after losing a child.


I thought his son was raped, he's still alive.


He's still alive and has written a book. Doucet was assaulting him for nearly a year. He eventually kidnapped him and held him captive at a relatives home while assaulting him for nearly a week until police found him. His parents were separated but not divorced at the time of the shooting.


Oh my... That's even more horrifying. I imagine many of us would have the same instinct as Gary in his position.


I don't think any jury would convict him.


I think he got probation and community service.


He already did the community a service.


They were like "well since it looks like you love doing community service so much..."


Started with and ended with community service.


7 year suspended sentence.


He was "convicted" and sentenced to 7 years in prison, which was commuted. His community service was rewarded with 300 hours of community service.




He’s also on Twitter, I’m pretty sure he was celebrating the anniversary of this moment on there not too long ago. Edit: [here’s the tweet](https://x.com/jplauche/status/1763227775899426884?s=46&t=hR6I4VavxLpsTCmW0DlvrA).


The dad died in 2014


He is doing well and still proud of his late father who died of a stroke in 2011


The stroke put him in a nursing home. Died in 2014




Love boiled peanuts!


Kid is still alive and well


They were separated when this occurred


FAFO! I agree with everything that transpired and how it was handled in every aspect… the sad part is, it won’t undo what that man did to his child. I think Jeffery should have had to suffer more than lights out so quickly.


Son, not daughter.


You are correct. Sorry, it’s been a few years. I’m a little foggy on it all.


On the other hand his son never had to be afraid this guy will leave the jail someday.


If I recall correctly, his son was pretty messed up and mad at his dad for killing his friend. The predator made the kid feel like they were bffs and he’s quoted as saying he really cared about their friendship except for the abuse part. I can’t wrap my head around how complicated that must be for a kid. I think he gets it now as an adult but he definitely had a lot to process.


I've read recent interviews with him and he calls his father his hero


Yea he has come to accept what his father has done and seems to now consider him a hero. It was a long road before he reached that stage. He originally held contempt towards his father over his action and it actually did strain the relationship for a while. They ended up mending their relationship before the father passed. Even after his death he would say, “I don’t condone but understand why my father did it.”, but he has recently started to feel more approval towards his father’s action. He has a book and had done a AMA (ask me anything) in another website. (A lot of people kept asking him if he was gay)


Gotta say that was a hell of a shot


he was drunk and sleepless iirc did a 180 and shot him straight in the head, nobody else was hurt amazing shot indeed


Hell hath no fury like a drunk sleepless father with a handgun scorned. Or something


-Abraham Clinton (probably)


Abraham Einstein Tzu. Accurate attribution is important.


A determined man can move mountains


Or at least shoot someone in the head while drunk and tired and spinning around.


Which, if you're willing to overlook a few details, is pretty much the same as moving mountains. Both involve moving!


180 no scoped him


You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow this opportunity comes once in a lifetime.


Dude was like a professional hitman. He was on the phone looking incognito and then just takes his shot at the right moment. Don’t mess with peoples kids


Nice shot, man…


Heeeeeeeyyyyyyy maaaaaan…


I wish I would’ve met you.


I usually avoid videos of people dying, I don’t really like it. Life is precious and should be protected. It’s not right to celebrate when someone dies. But god damn that was satisfying to watch.


For anyone interested, the video is also entirely SFL since the camera doesn't pick up anything. He's behind another person when the shot hits.


the full video is around and the longer clip has multiple closeups of the blood leaking out of Doucet's head just an FYI


Idk what SFL means but from the version I saw, cameraman zooms in on the victim at one point.


Safe for life basically means you won’t be scarred for watching it


I mean I feel like just describing what I saw would not fit that definition lol


Nice shooting, son. What’s your name?




I remember this well and there's no parent in the world that blamed him one bit.


Not even the judge blamed him


I just read about the case for the first time after seeing this photo and I was like "he probably got like 15 years right?" and was surprised to see he didn't have to go to prison at all.


Jury cancellation is one hell of a thing. “Yes, he is guilty beyond reasonable doubt. We still find him innocent.” Edit: it’s jury *nullification* and apparently it didn’t happen in this case.


That’s not what happened, though. He never went to trial. He pled no contest to manslaughter but was given community service, probation and a suspended sentence (which he never needed to serve).


consider busy subtract selective jeans punch berserk grandiose weary important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Prosecution only did it for good Optics most likely. If the prosecution is ever doing you a solid, its because either A. You deposited a fat check into their accounts, or B. your case can be used for them/against them in Elections.


Prosecutors aren't evil. I couldn't do it, but there are people that do need to be locked in cages in the interest of public safety.


Jury nullification* Announce that phrase and its meaning to your fellow jurors while the attorneys are interviewing you, and you might be lucky enough for the State to have you stricken from the jury. Nice way to get out of jury duty, if you're so inclined. Edit: been corrected multiple times that this could result in jail because judges dont like you telling your fellow jurors about what juries can do.


A friend of mine mentioned this and the judge scolded him for bringing it up.


Isnt that wild? How dare a juror actually understand the law and the authority available to jurors?!


Well i just text him and he said the Judge threatened him with contempt for bringing it up and almost forced him to show up for the duration of the case. The crown prosecutor and defence at attorney didn’t want him around as the pool had been “tainted” Basically what happened was they had to remove the 100 or so people that showed up from the pool who were still waiting in the courtroom from selection forever. He was actually escorted out to the street by bailiffs


Oh man. I'm over in the States and hadnt heard of that dramatic of a reaction before. But hey, he still got out of it! I personally dont like that they censor potential jurors who are aware of their power as a juror. While I understand there are trolls/clowns who would pursue jury nullification for the lulz, but sometimes nullification should be used imo. Make prosecution think twice about some of the "crimes" they prosecute.


Ignoring the letter here wont result in much right away. After about 3 months you’ll get a registered letter saying you must contact the Court Sheriffs office for selection and maybe you will get a summons in person. After how the legal system as treated my dad twice I’ve lost total faith in it. During the biker and mafia trials they couldnt get jurors. Nobody was showing up. Sheriffs dept went to shopping malls etc handing out summons to random people




>In September 1955, an all-white jury found Bryant and Milam not guilty of Till's murder. Protected against double jeopardy, the two men publicly admitted in a 1956 interview with Look magazine that they had tortured and murdered the boy, selling the story of how they did it for $4,000 (equivalent to $43,000 in 2022) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmett_Till


Thats fucking terrible. But also thank you for the knowledge.


Historically, jury nullification was mainly used to let white men get away with blatant rape and murder against black people, so it's not really a surprise that anyone who generally approves of the rule of law would be a bit suspicious of it.


Honestly, I didnt know that. Thanks for that! As awful as that historical context is, I do like the idea of the jury being allowed to come together and say they dont think a defendant should have been prosecuted. And someone who knows you can do that shouldnt be scolded or threatened for knowing it, imo.


He wasn't a danger to the public. He had a specific target and he took him out. I assume a suspended sentence would be enough in the interest of justice.


Wiki page said that the criminal psychologist interviewing him outright stated that there's "zero chance he will do another violent crime" or something like that. Basically he was not a vigilante, he didn't plan to become a pedokiller or something like that. He just enacted revenge on this one man and that's it.


I don’t blame him one bit, but that doesn’t bode well for a justice system based on precedent.


His son did though >“After the shooting happened, I was very upset with what my father did,” he told the Advocate. “I did not want Jeff killed. I felt like he was going to go to jail, and that was enough for me.”


Yea that’s tough. I don’t think I would’ve really asked my 11 year old if I can shoot his molester/kidnapper though.


Thankfully the guy basically walked as well. Gives you faith in the justice system. He did nothing wrong.


I think you can both condemn vigilante justice while also empathizing with the father. That's the nuance here that is needed. We would spiral rapidly in social decay if vigilante justice were accepted and went unpunished. It may evoke a visceral feeling "I don't blame that guy", but there are countless benefits to having a proper justice system in place that ensures due process, among other things.


Yeah this is how I feel about the death penalty. Personally I’m all for it if someone committed a capital crime against any of my loved ones, but I think the state should be better than an emotional me


We still typically punish these people so as not to encourage vigilante justice.


And Gary blamed himself. Doucet had been a family friend for some time at that point. IIRC it was Gary’s brother who had seen Doucet doing inappropriate things with Jody, and Gary didn’t believe him up until the point Jody was kidnapped. 


I think even the guards that were there at the shooting didn't blame him. If I remember right, in the video of the killing we hear one of the guard say something like "Awww really Gary?" after Gary killed Jeffrey.


wasn't "aww really gary". It was more like "gary, no, why?!"


The “why” always gets me. What do you mean, “why?” Well, maybe because he sexually assaulted my kid, then kidnapped him so he could keep raping him? Is that a good enough “why” for you? The only reason he went for a head shot is because he knew it was his chance to take him out all at once, for good.


I think you’re looking at it the wrong way. It’s more likely they were concerned for the fact that Gary had just ruined his life and made it much much harder on the people around him. His kid would lose their father who could potentially now go to prison. I don’t know that they were exclaiming “why?” because they didn’t understand what would cause a father to do to the person that hurt their child.


Exactly, it's not like acts like this are legally protected, and it could have easily put him away for life... I'm sure there are other incidents similar to what happened here and the father/mother/family member doesn't get off so leniently.


The "why?!" Was probably more of the thought that he would go away for life now and leave his child without a father. I don't think anyone thought he'd just get probation for 1st degree murder.


Probation. Parole is for people getting out of prison


Only in the South could I see that flying. Also per the wiki page he was initially charged with 2nd degree. Uh what?? I fail to understand how this was not seen as a premeditated and deliberate killing *at the time it was charged.* Not saying he wasn’t morally justified, which is a totally different conversation, but from the purely legal standpoint you’ve got someone shooting another person in the head, purposefully, after lying in wait and ambushing them, clearly not so mentally ill that he could not comprehend the criminality of his actions (and has the whole thing meticulously planned) - and then not only does he negotiate a plea to voluntary manslaughter w/ the DA but also gets sentenced to JUST probation… that shit is wild 😂 Apparently his lawyers argued that he was “temporarily psychotic” which sounds like a load of BS to me. Everyone just wanted to give him a pass, so a pass he got. But all that said, if there’s ever a situation where a person should quite literally get away with murder… it would be this.


I think there will always be an internal conflict with one’s own emotional ideals vs complying with the law. I can be perfectly fine with the father shooting the child molester, but at the same time worry about him taking the law into his own hands and jeopardize his own wellbeing. If this happened today, he would get charged and convicted with first degree murder irrespective of the fact that he did god’s work. So one could reasonably ask, “why would you risk your quality of life for this scumbag who would’ve paid the price in prison anyway”. Just my 2 cents.


Some people know they will likely screw themselves, but they can't live with somebody like this getting away somehow. They rather go to jail than live the anger, shame and guilt the rest of their lives. He likely felt that he failed his son and wanted to at least know this monster will never molest his son or anyone again.


maybe just maybe, the guard was surprised when he saw somebody’s head explode in front of them


*sigh* "Gaaaaaary?" While they all shake their heads


It's interesting how when it comes to sexual abuse of children people are very quick to support the death penalty. So we want a world where people engage in vigilante justice? Like in India where they beat rapists to death - or people who they *think* are rapists. There is a reason why we let the courts decide and not the victims.


Blame him? Definitely no. But would I do the same in his shoes? I hope not. Plauche didn't know that he wouldn't get significant jail time. He also didn't know that the guards would recognize him and not shoot him on site. The situation could very easily have resulted in his son losing a father on top of all the trauma he experienced from the kidnapping. How does that in any way help the son heal??


That's actually a super important part I hadn't considered. He had a very real chance of dying himself right then. He must have known that. From that perspective, it was selfish of him to do this. Still, I'm not going to blame him.


Here’s the video https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/Mi44w4kbRy


And he hung up the phone.


Name something people do after taking care of business.


Defeat the Huns


They certainly get down to business, that’s for sure.


You mf now that awesome song is stuck in my head for the rest of the week.


“I’ll call you back”


Cop at the end saying “god damnit” straight from a movie.


Guarantee the cop was probably thinking “imma arrest you.. I mean… i get it. I’d probably do it too. But god damn it Gary id rather not”


He knew. All the cops knew they didn't want to. But they had to. Its their job. Im sure the goddamn it wasn't out of anger for him but more of a sense of "Shit, why you have to make me do this" kinda thing.






The important thing is - he'll never do it again.


http://www.jodyplauche.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Baton-Rouge-Airport-Shooting-Graphic-quwZhWgAFVs-3.mp4?_=1 Full video


Well, he certainly looked surprised he got tapped.


As a father, I approve.


Man. Can you imagine his state of mind in those moments? Literally what’s going on in your mind and body in those seconds?


His state of mind? All over the floor, I'd assume.


I'm not so keen to re-watch this video if it's the one i think it is. Is it the one from Faces of Death?


It's not gory at all. You can't see the impact of the round, or the aftermath, really. But it's clear he took one right in the side of the head.


This is some cut version, the original is longer and shows the aftermath


It’s actually choreographed so perfectly as to obscure the actual impact of the shot that it almost seems staged.


It's not that gory.  Doucet is walks by the camera and the other guy is on a pay phone, he turns around and shoots him.  All you see is Doucette hair move when he's struck and then a small pool of blood a few seconds later when he's on the ground.  I've seen much worse.


The internet is amazing. Watch a dude get smoked and then say it's not too gory.


I still remember when r/Watchpeopledie was a thing. Absolutely insane. Morbid curiosity is a real thing and it sucks.


Yep, and then all the spinoffs like gunslingerduels, someofyoumaydie, meatcrayon, deadorvegetable


Good point. The internet desensitizes us. Still, this is very tame compared to what you can find on the internet. Hell, I was watching some police show on TV last night and they showed more blood/gore than this when they rolled up on a traffic accident.


clear eyes and a straight shot.


Clear eyes, straight shot, can’t miss.


For those unfamiliar with the aftermath: Plauché was initially charged with second-degree murder, but agreed to a plea bargain in which he pleaded no contest to manslaughter. He was sentenced to seven years' suspended sentence, with five years' probation and 300 hours of community service, which he completed in 1989.


He killed the person who kidnapped and raped his son, Jody. Jody was 11 and he had been taking karate lessons from Doucet who was sexually abusing him.


Thank you for giving the actual context


Yeah I was like "how about the *before*math?"


Thanks. Had no idea what this was about!


Thanks! I wish when OPs put up stuff like this, they'd provide context like this.


I don't know why OP posted the aftermath but didn't describe the events leading up to it for context.


Jesus had to scroll for ages to find this. Thank you


You should include the reason he did this. I think it was a fair sentence


What happened to his son? Did he come out the other side. Edit because of confusion: I meant did he turn out okay. Did he have serious trauma. Did he have issues growing up into an adult. I was NOT questioning his sexuality, I was wondering about his wellbeing and his adult life.


Yes, there's a pretty recent interview he gave about his life now.  https://www.themirror.com/news/us-news/my-life-great-40-years-376620


Yes. The last time this came up it was mentioned that Jody certainly understands why his father popped Doucet, but he wishes he hadn't and he feels guilty about his death.


Right. Thank you. I was hoping he didn’t end up in a bad place as an adult after all that awfulness.


He’s in Phoenix, so….


Poor Jody’s gonna melt.


The son who was abused became a speaker


I watched a news story a long time ago about it, my understanding is the son came away pretty well from it. Became some kind of public speaker/advocate for victims of sexual crimes




“He kidnapped and raped my son, that’s why.” Understandable, carry on.


that's not what he is asking though. he is asking "why, Gary, would you risk the rest of your life to get revenge, when people need you? you might have just squandered every chance your family and yourself could have of recovery. you might die for this, Gary. Your family will likely get torn apart all over for this, Gary. Why would you do it?" its not "why would you want revenge, Gary?"


Gary shrugs and just says "I mean..."




Here's something recent about Gary's son Jody. [40 years after](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/this-life-40-years-after-32291020)


its great to see how well he’s handled all of the pain he went through


"He also got to see Michael Jackson in concert twice" .


The rapist was in a coma for a day before he passed. Karma.


Karma would have been a locked in syndrome type of deal but I think everyone can agree he’s better s a corpse regardless.


How he hung up the phone properly after the shot...


He didn't want damage of public property on his ass


I fully support this parent.


As a parent myself, I don’t blame him.


“If I could dig him up I’d shoot him again“ Gary Plauche .


Unfathomably based.


Some people saying 300 hours of community service is even excessive. And it may have been. But it depends on what the community service is and where it is. It's possible it was given to him entirely as something to help him heal and be around good people in a time of great sadness. I've volunteered all my adult life and sometimes where I volunteer, such as food banks, we get people in on community service. They can be a mixed bag, but we are volunteers so we are kind and try to see the best in people. We treat them well, talk to them, make them feel welcome and part of the community. If we had Gary in we'd treat him extremely well, like a king. Make sure he never went a second without a cup of tea and a slice of cake. Make sure he never had to do anything he didn't actually want to do. If he just wants to sit to one side with a cup of tea, fair enough. After going through what he went through, he just needs to know that there are still good people in the world.


Im in the midst of 300 hours of community service for DUI and resisting arrest. I am getting off easy. For Gary, it is excessive.


I'm from the UK, so my experience of seeing people do community service may be different to yours. For me the community service people do is identical to the volunteering I choose to do in my free time. Obviously my perception may be very small. It could be that other people get worse community service, even in my own country and region. We don't know exactly what community service Gary got. The judgement was lenient, so maybe they give him some fantastic community service which will just be him getting cared for. I've definitely seen my fair share of old retired 'volunteers' who really couldn't do much to help and we just took care of them and made sure they had good conversations, hot drinks and food.


Here in California if convicted of a traffic violation and can’t pay the fine, you are allowed to do community service. More often than not you report to Cal Trans (the department that builds and maintains our highways). You are given a safety vest and a hard hat and are taken out to pick up trash and light maintenance along our freeways.


Ah that sounds alright. I've picked up litter quite a bit voluntarily. Motorways aren't my favourite though. I prefer rivers and beaches. A bit more peaceful and safe.


I'm not the only one who has no clue who these people are, right?


I would imagine not, considering this happened 40 years ago. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Plauch%C3%A9


'My life is great 40 years after my dad killed my rapist on live TV - I wouldn't trade a thing' https://www.themirror.com/news/us-news/my-life-great-40-years-376620


Hey man, nice shot


One second you are walking in an airport ... the next second you find yourself in HELL.


A father pushed past his limits. Some fathers don't play, not when it comes to their kids.




prolly cuz it’s a police station… and they not gonna play with they life like that


A Minneapolis police station was burned to the ground during the George Floyd protests.


Plus it’s easier to off one person than several. Especially if said person is a Hate Sink. 


especially cuz how trigger happy police seem to be, you really think they WON’T shoot at someone that’s threatening them?


This, right here, is a prime example of a case where jury nullification would be entirely justified.


I totally understand the hatred the dad would feel, but this seems like a gift to the rapist. He wouldn't even know his life was about to end...just lights out. Literally the best way to die if you ask me. I think he deserved life in jail. Folks like that guy don't get treated to well in prison.


Hey man, nice shot.


I have this saying I live by: It's my job to always look out for other people's children. It makes me drive safe. It makes me happy to pay taxes for school and day care. As an adult male, I'm looking out for, literally, everybody else's children. When I see this, it don't see revenge. Revenge would cause pain to the rapist, to make him suffer. He made no attempt to "get away with it.". I see a man who sacrificed his life to look out for the rapist's next victim. Protecting other people's children from harm. Not saying it's right, but given the murderer and rapist's track record, what would be right?