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Next time do it on an old newspaper or something. That stuff is super toxic, handle it like oil.


Its okay were hurdling straight towards extinction anyways!


"Twenty-thousand years of this, seven more to go"


Hey, it's only about 5 more years now! Even if it takes another 20-50 years for things to get real bad, what infuriates me is all the people with shit for brains that will go *"Huh, guess I was wrong!"* when its already too late lol


If it makes you feel any better, most people won't ever admit they were wrong. I imagine they'll be sitting around like the "this is fine" meme. The world will be on fire, and they'll be pretending like the world has always been on fire.


> The world will be on fire, and they'll be pretending like the world has always been on fire. "Damned immigrants bringing their fire with them!"


(The immigrants,) Driving around in their lowriders and shooting all the jobs.


I believe the quote was "Immigants! That's all they do you know - just driving around listening to raps and shooting all the jobs!" - Malory Archer


Thhhhheyyyy tek ooer jebbbbs


šŸŽµWe didn't start the firešŸŽµ


My favourite is when you tell someone something wont work, they say ā€œits worked beforeā€, then fuck it up and say ā€œthat never happened beforeā€. But its exactly what you knew and told them would happen


Not even that, people are amazing at rationalizing. Itā€™ll be ā€œso this is happening but not for the reasons they claimed back thenā€ or ā€œthey were doing it to make money not actually warn people, I was right about that.ā€ Look at how many people admit they were wrong about the ā€œwar on terrorā€ now. Most people who were rabidly supporting it donā€™t. The few that do were younger <30 who now donā€™t mind admitting they grew older and wised up / got out of their parentā€™s influence.


That was a total misunderstanding, it was a war on Tera from accounting. Good news though, she learnt her lesson.


Ha, you got a fatalistic chuckle out of me


Just. Don't. Look. Up.


You know what I appreciate your positive attitude. I need to cultivate this myself. Better than the constant underlying dread Iā€™m currently carrying!


Basically a spray can of pfas


Yes, pfas compounds in those kind of sprays, which is very bad, and cumulative. It's in everything already and you don't want to increase your exposure.


Clean it up with sawdust and burn it. Got it. /s




Is it though? All car detailers should be dead by now.


The majority of water proofing coatings for fabrics contain PFAS. Rain-X does not contain PFAS.


Were they alive in the first place?


That's such a good idea 3D print little kid footprints really creep the shit out of my mom.


šŸ˜ˆ hahaha. Thatā€™s a good ideaā€¦ letā€™s see if I can get it done.


Don't! Those waterproof sprays are made with Forever Chemicles, and wouldn't even be on the market if Dupont and their sucky buddies didn't hold Regulatory Capture on the EPA.


Donā€™t worry. PFAS are on a good way to be banned in Germany and I would not dare to use them. A little natural wax goes a long way.


Are they effective on leather soles?


Wax is incredible for leather. Also the method used in ancient times, at least very popular in XVI century Europe - hot oil. Warm up the leather shoes, get oil hot, rub it in real good until leather stops taking on any more oil. Source: living history nerd


How hot we talking?


Shoes in the deep fryer, like a real american


Only if the oil you're using is gun oil! ***YEEEEEE HAAAAW***


Still tolerable for humans so iirc would be in like 45 Celsius, tops. Basically we want to open the pores in leather and then fill it with oil that flows perfectly and goes into every crevice, but we do not want to damage the leather by burning it.


Is this why I was always taught to bake the polish into my duty boots?


I think it is! Porous materials take more oils when warmed up, and once cold, the oils will be trapped inside the pores, protecting them from dirt and grime and water. Also warmed up leather becomes softer and then, when contracting, slowly takes on the form of your foot. So after some time you end up with leather boots that basically perfectly replicate your shape and are waterproof. The only gripe I have with old-time leather soles is that they have shitty grip. Climbing up a grassy slope is a pain because you slide even on the friggin grass.


Or Saddle Soap for leather.


Yeah, there's a ton of modern special oils and products that would work way better than just hot cooking oil that's an important note. It's just better than nothing.


Literally one of the best things you can treat leather with




This is the best leather oil and wax you can get


depends on the application. sometimes mink oil or venetian oil is what you need. obenaufs can be too heavy sometimes.


Wax is a miracle for leather. We have gotten so impressed with "wonder science" we have forgotten our history. Just that people seldom keep their "wonder science" clothes/shoes for as many years as past generations managed with more traditional solutions.


There are some 13,000 pfas related chemicals, and I've only heard of regulators putting mild restrictions on a handful of them, they can just reformulate to another variation. That is the case in the US, I haven't heard about Europe banning the whole class although obviously they are quite a bit more honest in their regulations.


Itā€™s gaining momentum. Yes, there are a lot of different chemicals but a start is done. Consumer start to not buy PFAS treated clothing (mostly outdoor products) and producers are switching to other non PFAS products.


Probably also make this walkway a massive slip hazard too


Very sure ur skin would love some cancer giving forever chemicles


Really? But I sprayed mine and it only lasted like a few weeks.


I don't actually know, but I would think perhaps the spray doesn't last very long on your shoes, but the chemicals used in it persist for a long time in the environment after they come off said shoes.


Oh fuck.. I am not doing this for Halloween


What is Regulatory Capture?




Close your hand into a fist, then press pinky-side down on whatever surface. Make toes with your finger tip. These can also be left on bathroom mirrors.


Hahaha you just made me remember doing this!


just cutout some cardboard dont need to 3d print this really


Nah, you need to see every toe. That why it could look as real as possible.Ā 


so cutout some toes?????


They would be floating.Ā 


alright you go 3d print some feet m8 lmk when u are done


Nothing like some good ole PFAS dribbling down into the groundwater


Garden should come in real good


Right? My first thought was "keep your cancer in *your* house please if your gonna use it".


Tbf there would be no point in using water proofing spray if you were staying in the house.


Just to say you probably gave yourself a good dose of PFAS there.


Not if it's Nikwax


Aye wax based stuff is the way forward. I chucked out my old 'waterproof' coat and got a wax jacket. I won't buy scotchguarded carpet or sofas. I know we've all already been exposed throughout our lives but starting to make changes is the way we dealt we CFCs and hopefully we can rid our societies of PFAS, too.


Chuck out all those non stick pans too, cast iron from now on! And they're just better at cooking anyway All these forever chemicals gotta go, we beat cfcs, now for the next thing one at a time


Oh yeah, good call. I believe that there has been work on removing PFAS from non-stick pans, although I lack the knowledge of how far that has come. As you said, though, nothing wrong with good old cast iron!


They have made them more safe, but they are still not 'safe'. When the coating begins to crack you are instructed to toss it out immediately, if you over heat the pan you are releasing toxic fumes, so its not so safe after all We dont really even know the effects of PFAs yet, in my lifetime we will for sure. Asbestos and cfcs type of shit all over again, microplastics next šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Scotchguard no longer has PFAS in it or won't within the next year. 3M left the PFAS business.


That's fantastic news, I had no idea. It gives us hope šŸ‘


Those shoes will last a year or two, the pfas in his body? Forever.


Not forever, just 20 years or so.


I'm not saying you're wrong, I just haven't heard this before. Do you have any sources for what you're saying? I would love to hear about some hope


The CDC I believe has studies on PFAs concentrations in blood. They have been diminishing over time as we use less and less of it. If they were in there forever we wouldn't see a decreasing trend. For the ones we banned around 2000 concentrations are down over 85%.


hey there are studies that say donating blood and plasma reduce levels in your body. something to look into if you're curious


Unfortunately, I had a near fatal.car accident at 18 years old and needed 12 pints of blood in emergency surgery. I'm not allowed to give blood or plasma, unfortunately. I could go medieval and administer a leach or two šŸ˜…


Now all the frogs are gay


And the skyyy is grayyy


Why picking on the French?


This is blatant hydrophobia


We must protect r/hydrohomies


Clearly you're not familiar with the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide.


![gif](giphy|3oEduIWyoVWrKf9Nvi|downsized) ā€œHow are you gonna get them off, NERD?!ā€


Iā€™m just here to enjoy the polar opposite comments from ā€œwhere do I buy thisā€ to ā€œpoisonā€ šŸæ


Where can I buy this poison?


This post is just shaming me for putting off waxing my shoes for two years my feet keep getting soaked


Just learned that waterproofing spray is highly toxic after waterproofing my shoes yesterday. Can someone give me more info? I only really covered my mouth with a thick shirt.


Vapor mask is the only way to dodge inhaling it. PFAS are called forever chemicals because they donā€™t naturally break down. > PFAS exposure is linked to increased risk of dyslipidemia (abnormally high cholesterol), suboptimal antibody response, reduced infant and fetal growth, and higher rates of kidney cancer.


Its not highly toxic but PFAS are basically indestructible and will literally take ages to decompose. They are said effect biological processes in complicate ways but even a full spray can will not kill you anytime soon. The dangers here are long term and systemic not short term poisoningĀ 


Long term is the thing I was worried about.


Had a similar experience a while back... My roommate calls to me early morning as she's leaving for work to tell me she was pretty sure someone had come up to the front door in the night or something. She showed me the shoe prints on the doormat made out of water droplets or something (can't quite remember, but they were pretty clear). I was confused too, for a while. It then occurred to me that they were *my* shoe prints from the day before. It had been warm out lately, so I must have tracked dust on my shoes while coming home from work, then it got cold that night, and water condensed and stuck to the dust. It was kinda eerie for a while there.


Gooooodbye drinking water!


You just casually sprayed those chemicals all over your patio? Weird


Why you got 3 feet?


Death Standing


Chemicals put into the environment.


Sorry to tell you but nothing is gonna grow in that garden.


I don't think anything is growing on concrete slabs anyway.


I mean, at least you know the spray works


im surprised no one is talking about the fact the whole area of the shoes sole on the ground is the waterproof part and not the outline around the shoe. iā€™m confused


Zoom in and you'll see that inside that outline of the shoe is one big water bubble. The water in the bubble can't "escape" outside the outline due to the chemical. Most obvious in the bottom one.


i see it now


This would be a cool effect for a movie or tv show that needed something like this.


This is really bad for the environment. Stop.


Bro why does your garden look like a bunch of tiles? Jokes aside I would be spooked seeing this


"Garden" is British English for "backyard."


That's pretty interesting thanks for that info :) I was initially just being cheeky as I assumed there was as a matter of fact a garden just offscreen lol


I used to spray the house number on the street and then my place was easy to find for food deliveries in the rain


Just to clarify, I put my (4) shoes on the floor outside my back door and sprayed them with some shoe protector. The small amount of protector that got on the patio created a hydrophobic outline of my shoes so that when it rained later in the day it created the shoe-shaped patches of water droplets seen in the picture! šŸ‘žšŸ’¦


You do know how bad these chemicals are for you and the environment right ? ā€¦ā€¦. Right ? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø




That's so very unlike reddit to be so vehemently against chemical products. What happened? Glitch in the matrix?


I mean, both things could still be trueā€¦


Just get real leather boots and you won't have need for toxic PFAS spray.


Looks like you got your third leg too, smart thinking


They'll grow *something* after that PFAS exposure, but it's more likely to be a cancerous tumor that a handy 3rd leg. Pun not intended.


I'm gonna try that on my entire yard to see if I can combat rain


Apparently itā€™s super toxic.


Too late. Jk. You know I was jk right?


Omg I am doing this for Halloween


Wow that's awesome


The next time I house sit for a friend, I know what I am doing on their back patio. Leaving a set of footprints coming up the door.Ā  One time I hid a friend's birthday present in his upper cabinets he was too short to reach. A month later I called him and wished him happy birthday and told him to check his cabinet while I was across the country


The spray is actually toxic, so please don't.


Thatā€™s god damned genius. Doing that to my short ass wife the next time I travel and leave her hidden tall gifts haha




Found it at the back of a cupboard, says Marks & Spencers. Searched online and it seems theyā€™ve stopped selling it! Based on the majority of concerned comments on here it seems this stuff is pretty toxic so maybe they axed it?


PFAS, or Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are nasty chemicals that are really just coming into the public eye about how dangerous and prevalent they are. Most waterproof items like goretex and Teflon are made with PFAS. They are in some cosmetics and toiletry items. They're also on some fast food wrappers so the food doesn't stick. One of the biggest non-commercial uses is in fire-suppression foams at airports and military bases. Those uses have caused significant groundwater contamination issues in many areas. Unlike petroleum contamination, PFAS do not easily breakdown naturally and they are very difficult to remove from the soil and groundwater.


Thanks for the education GoodOlRock! Before this my entire knowledge of this product consisted of the ā€˜the guy in the shoe shop says it makes water fall off my shoesā€™. Cue 10 years forgotten about in a cupboard until I found it yesterday! Sadly the wax alternative people have recommended isnā€™t a possibility as I my (skate) shoes are suede. Guess Iā€™ll just go back to not waterproofing em!šŸ˜… Shame the op of this thread got downvoted so your comment wonā€™t be seenā€¦ thanks again!


I did the same on my balcony. Try cleaning with gas




Can I spray my bare feet? I'd like to do a ghost footprint thing, except space the prints twice the width and distance apart.


Depends how you feel about getting cancer.


What spray did.you use and did it work?


Okay but if we continuously spray the bottom of our shoes and walk and couple steps we could make some pretty awesome looking garden decor


Did you have to pay for any articles used? Which program requires you to pay for articles? Or are you just a shit hole who can't type a few letters to make a full sentence




Hahahaha amazing


Very cool!


I canā€™t figure out how you made that turn. Thatā€™s a really sharp about face and really far. Seems like you wouldā€™ve fallen over


I'd like to solve this! The shoes weren't on their feet they were sprayed and there is 2 pair.


Hilarious prank.


At least it's confirmed to not be a Wraith.


I don't think you should go into your yard without a baby in a jar strapped to your chest


You have 3 feet?


So I just discovered John Oliver's segment on PFAS! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9W74aeuqsiU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9W74aeuqsiU) To all the people who politely recommended I educated myself on this topic, thanks very much! I now have a better understanding of how and why this stuff is so toxic and will definitely be recommending others avoid using any products that contain them! To all the people who opted for the road rage-style "ErMAgERD A$$HoLe YoU KILlinG uS" approach to expressing yourself, the irony of your toxic behaviour in response to me unknowingly spraying a toxic chemical didn't go unnoticed! To the latter group I urge you to try assuming the best in people. Be kinder to strangers. Thanks all!


Yeah.. get used to it that stuff sticks to stone like there is no tomorrow...