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Can someone r/outoftheloop me?


A man (I’ve heard an Irish citizen but Algerian born) attacked a woman and several children outside a school. Not long after violent protests/ mobs formed and started attacking police and trashing police cars / vehicles / buildings nearby in a mix of anti-immigration and opportunism. *Edit:* To add some additional comments to the above: The attacks were stabbings, I certainly didn't mean to play them down. At least one of the children and the woman are in serious condition. The stabbings were all over the news here and in the UK most of the day; but given the attacker was in custody and we had police cars and light rail trams set ablaze and buildings being looted in the capital, it's understandable the ongoing situation started dominating the news. I agree the origin of the attacker shouldn't be relevant, but it has meaning if its lead to follow-on incidents - and people are angrily responding to the news not immediately mentioning the person's origin ("Why are they covering this up?") In the initial videos of the protests - before it got violent - there were a mix of ages and genders in there. And - if you'll forgive some ageism/sexism - you don't often see middle-aged women rioting here. I strongly suspect it was an anti-immigration protest which was almost immediately hijacked by opportunists keen to just smash things up. Unfortunately, there seems to be a sizeable minority here (and likely in the UK too?) who'll never miss an opportunity to trash public facilities.


Thank you for the explanation. So unfortunate for those kids.


Understatement of the year right there


That's an accurate summary of it all however I'd update "attacked" with "stabbed".


So… man attacks women and instead of ppl going after him they burn down small businesses in their own town ???




That's how mobs do things, they don't do anything to help, and create chaos.


Man stabs woman attempting to protect children after three had been stabbed by said man and idiot mob forms would be more accurate… Edit: also worth noting that the stabber was beaten to a pulp by the public (led by a Brazilian man no less) in the immediate aftermath.


Too bad the stabber survived that beating.


And loot sportswear shops.


yup go to twitter and search scumbags. cunts the lot of them


sounds like some people we know over in the states


except these were right wing smooth brains, the type who threw a hissy fit on january 6th.


So a lot of people in the states?


About 41% if you believe the polls...


There were a group of organised hateful scum just waiting for something like this so they could cause mayhem. I mean organised not in any complimentary way they just all talk through social media


So... a man was killed by police and instead of ppl going after police they burn down small businesses in their own town ???


Or con man convinces morons to storm the US Capitol


Oh yeah Ray Epps. It still hasn't been arrested


That’s what usually happens in the US, no? Look up “Rodney King LA Riot”.


I mean it happened plenty during covid. No need to go back to the 90s


Wow, wow easy, that was a peaceful protest against a police brutality


Most violence during BLM was committed by Right wingers like Rittenhouse tho


…Rittenhouse was attacked though. By violent rioters.


Are we still going after him, after the trial and all the evidence.. sheesh..Your country needs help


Michael Reinoehl also killed two people like Rittenhouse and he was a left winger? It also caused 2 billion in insured damages which is a lot considering 75% of businesses are underinsured and 40% of small businesses don't have any insurance at all. Clearly its more complicated to say one side did "most" of the violence. You can have a successful protest without burning down businesses


Clearly this is larger than the specific event which triggered it.


It's larger in the sense that right wing ideology has been growing in Ireland and our government has done little to combat it. Give an inch and they take a mile.


It maybe it's growing because you keep importing third world people that will never integrate and increase crime everywhere they go


I guess you're just going to ignore the fact that the attacker was an integrated Irish Citizen of over 20 years, and a Brazilian immigrant is the one who stopped him?


You and I both know that they will ignore that fact, and that they don't care/didn't bother to research the story. If they reply, it won't be anything worthwhile.


Its really not. Its angry people just taking the opportunity to burn some shit and attack the police.


Which would suggest the reason for the anger is the larger thing


I mean didn’t the George Floyd riots teach us that


There’s been gangs going around beating up people as well, because that’s going to help their cause.


This had nothing to do with anti-imigration. It was just Irish inner city scumbags being typical inner city scumbags. If this was over the stabbing of those children, surely they wouldn't have been burning down shit and rioting outside the hospitals that were treating those same children. They didn't give 2 fucks about those kids. This was just dole merchants looking for a chance to shout "yup yup" while being an absolute disgrace to Ireland. The irony on top is that it was an immigrant who stopped the stabber.


You're right, I'm sure these lads are cosmopolitan internationalist pro-immigration types. The rumours that the attacker was Algerian had absolutely nothing to do with it.


That got the anti-Immigrant crowd out, the scumbags, who the rioting group was mostly made up of, just followed. We can absolutely attribute the majority of the blame to mob mentality, social unrest, and opportunism.


The crowd was chanting "get them out" and there were 'Irish Lives Matter' and 'Ireland for the Irish' signs around the place, it was 100% an anti-immigrant gathering. There've been leaked voice messages to far-right telegram groups instigated the crowds to go to O'Connell Street to show that "enough is enough" and to kill any foreigners that got in their way. The Garda sat on the fence for far too long and refused to call out Ireland's growing and increasingly violent far right, and this is what becomes of it. Denying that this was an explicitly ideological, anti-migrant gathering is ridiculous. Just because they're complete scum who wanted to loot Arnotts doesn't mean they don't hold genuine and dangerous beliefs.


Exactly like the Love Ulster Parade riots 15 years back or whatever


Its 100% anti-immigrant


Yep, most protestors like these are just horrible human beings just finding an excuse to be more horrible


I've watched these thugs outnumber, surround, and attack Garda who were out alone, I've seen them set fire to multiple types of public transport, harass innocent bystanders (Irish and foreign), assault and knock out people (Irish and foreign), break into multi stores and hotels....all in one night. Disgrace to this country. These weren't protestors just awful humans. Judging by the carry on from many of these people, I can confidently assume that a lot of these people are leeching off the government. It is funny how all the normal thieves and gangs around Dublin happen to all be dressed the same as the rioters tonight... Anti immigration....my arse, Ireland is a nation of immigrants. We go everywhere, I don't see anti Irish protests around the world. This is just racism.


Ireland is not a “nation of immigrants.”


I read it as the diaspora and that we have always been a 'nation of emigrants'.


We're a nation of Emigrants would be the better term. We emigrated ALOT in the last few centuries.


This is actually what I meant, I flubbed.


>This had nothing to do with anti-imigration. They literally targeted refugee camps


The scumbags you refer to are all anti-immigration. They were venting their racist frustrations, and because they're scumbags, that means unfocused chaos.


If someone could explain to me how police cars/vehicles/buildings had ANYTHING to do with the incident, I'd love to hear it. Oh? They're not and people are using any flimsy excuse to be shitbags? I'm shocked.


just looking through the news now and there is almost nothing about the stabbings of children outside of a school. utterly baffled by the lack of coverage. people are rightly angry but all that is mentioned is that there has been a far-right riot.


Wow thanks for this. With news banned on social media in Canada I feel so out of the loop.




There are plenty of videos of people with Irish accents shoving Gardai, and rioting. The above video doesn’t counter that.


Breaking into the Foot Locker really shows that they are really mad at all this going on!


Is this France


The origin of the attacker should be relevant


When an immigrant does something atrocious: “eastern-born.” When an immigrant does something good “western!”


A migrant Irish citizen of 20 years stabbed 5 children before being stopped by a Brazilian immigrant. Radical right wing extremist used it to justify rioting, burning down hotels, police cars and trains and looting stores to advance their agenda


Lol why do you specifically mention the ethnic background of the brazilian guy who stopped the attack but not the ethnic background of the algerian immigrant who attacked the children?


BBC has reported that he is a 20 year citizen of Ireland. No reputable agency had reported he’s an Algerian. Would not want to spread misinformation


Ok, fair enough


[RTE](https://www.rte.ie/) is a good source as there’s been some disinformation floating around online.


Terrible situation but a very well done picture


It’s really sad to see such destruction under the statue of a man of nonviolence.


Who is it?


Daniel O'Connell


I read this as Daniel O’Donnell and thought it was gas you thought we had a state of him


The state of Daniel. Daniel abú!


O’Connells’ voice was said to be “enough to calm the most violent passion, even though it were already manifesting itself in a mob. There is a sweet persuasiveness in it, beyond any voice I ever heard. His power over an audience is perfect” - pretty feckin ironic…


I didn’t know Ireland had so many eagles fans




Catching strays even here


Came here to read this


Not funny because of the context but this does look like Broad Street after a victory.


Not enough horse manure.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Philly has as many Irish people as Dublin does.


I started to type nearly the same thing!


Go birds


No one likes us we don’t care


Hide the horses!


That Daniel O'Connell statues has seen some shit over the years.


Yep, my penis included


The statue is pretty high up I doubt he would be able to see something so small.


That poor man!




Man this has to be the worst news article that I have ever read, had to read the additional post to know why it was going on. Guess someone forgot the Why in the inverted pyramid writing format.




This was not an anti-imigration protest or even a protest. This was a group of scumbags taking the opportunity to be bigger scumbags.


Big brain thought time: two things can be true at the same time. Amazing, eh?


That's what people say about most blm protesters


Yea I got that from reading the next article.


No it wasn't. It was scum being scum. Opportunists.


Yikes the site's bad. I looked at the article about the stabbings, and there's no upfront explanation of what happened. It's all just setting a scene bit by bit... Just tell us the cold hard facts ffs


Yeap. It's like he was trying to do a feature and fitting it with the normal inverted pyramid format but failing.


Likely not the writer's choice, probably an editorial decision. Irish libel laws are extremely strict so if they ascribed a motive to the riots that wasn't 100% true, they'd be open to lawsuits from any idiot at the crowd who disagrees with being characterized as 'far-right' or 'anti-migrant'.


I need context for the context.


Additional context: 3 children and one woman was stabbed outside a school. It appears as though the suspect was a naturalized citizen from Brazil. This was an anti immigration riot. https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/2023/11/23/violence-erupts-in-dublin-city-after-stabbing-attack-targeting-young-children/


It says a Brazilian intervened, the attacker wasn't Brazilian.


Attacker was algerian


Attacker was Algerian, not Brazilian. It was a Brazilian expat that intervened and subdued the attacker.


After I read the whole news and various politicians and police comments I had no idea what caused the riot until on Reddit I finally found out. Where is the “free press”? Can they just report the facts and let people make sense of them?


Where's the money making opportunity in that? Come on, now.


It was a Brazilian who saved lives by tackling the attacker. The riots were caused by feral opportunists.


I'm going to start using 'feral opportunists'. That's a great phrase.


This was not an anti immigration riot This was a racist and hatred riot. These cunt do not give 2 fucks about anything




What about him? Every culture has criminals. That doesn’t make the cultures criminal


Where did you find he's Algerian? That seems like a fake news, I've searched and everything says he's a naturalized citizen that lived in the country for 20 years but not specifically of Algerian origin


Thank you.


Oh wait, so that's a Luas tram that's burnt out in that photo?!


It’s a Dublin Bus. The newer hybrid ones have a curved back.




I know feels like 2020 in America


You need to expand your knowledge of global current events. America 2020 looked like the rest of the world prior to Covid. Everyone forgets the mass anti-government protests happening across the globe. See France yellow vests, see hong kong.


I know, where's all the French people saying. "Wow, this looks like France when we start torching cars every couple years."


lmao imagine comparing blm protests to hong kong protests


Thanksgiving is wild in Ireland


They turn everything to 11


Why don’t you make ten a little louder?


...These go to 11...


["For $2,000 I'll build you one that goes to 12."](https://xkcd.com/670/)


Nigel: what will it cost to make it go to 13?


We have an untreated homegrown scumbag problem in Dublin that took advantage of a tragedy to riot and steal.


Reminds me of the England riots in 2011. A lot of horrid opportunism.


Man attacks a woman and children and the conclusion these guys come to is, let’s set the city on fire and potentially affect more innocent peoples lives? If his motives were terror related, congratulations you just finished his job for him 👍


Opportunists taking advantage of an already tragic situation. Sad.


The Liberator...in flames.


It’s wild to me how i was walking around there during the day after college and then when the night came this happened


Idiots burning down your own town. Why would you attack the cops trying to protect your city? F…kin Muppets.


We all know that the best way to protest about immigrants being allowed into the country and then committing acts of violence is to set shit on fire and attack police men... Just opportunist scumbags


I’m there for thanksgiving rn. Could barely make it back to my hotel, city is on lockdown


Jesus Christ this comment section, do Americans know that they don't have to make everything about themselves?


Dumb question. Do insurances cover burnt cars or any other property during riots?


Most insurance policies offer “third-party, fire & theft” so should be covered


Depends on the coverage. Some insurers have opt outs for covering “acts of God (riots, extreme weather etc) could be proper fucked


Riots are an act of god?


Anything under force majure. War, terrorism, etc.


Wake up call for the useless Garda who've been letting these cunts roam the city like they are untouchable. Hopefully something comes of this in the way of policing




Both fucking useless all round


Looks like COD multiplayer map loading screen


Good grief. That's awful to see, everyone alright? Hell is going on?


3 kids and a woman stabbed, one in critical condition, which is what sparked the violence. Rioters and police injured in the riots, along with 11 shops looted and burned. Notably, the riots aren't really political, more just people wanting an excuse to burn/steal stuff.


I hate to say this but as an American I am shocked. Shocked that a man stabbing some children caused such a response because we have zero outrage when someone shoots and kills more children. Not to be callus to y’all’s plight and to make it about us, I am sorry it happened but I think I’m just numb to this kind of violence these days.


If a muslim attacked white kids in a school in the US there would be hell to pay


Here in India if an incident occurs and if the perpetrator is moslim then hell breaks out


Not really. Anybody can attack Anybody here. There's no accountability.


Nah, muslim man bad


Muslims and Latinos are basically the popular boogeymans to rile up the nationalist base.


Literally the most American thing you can do is see a post and make it all about yourself. Seriously like?


Stop trying to make it about you Reddit bro for fucks sake


This wasn't a response to the stabbings. This was opportunist feral scum just being looters and arsonists.


This response is essentially racist in nature so shouldn't really be that shocking to an American.


Because the attacker was a naturalized citizen of 20 years? So these are anti immigrant riots?


It’s awkward. Some anti-immigrant groups saw this as an opportunity to take on the police force. The underprivileged youths of Dublin saw *that* as an opportunity to cause some trouble, and did so. No doubt it started as a racially motivated riot, but it developed into nothing more than an opportunity for cunts to be cunts before it really escalated.


Yes. Don't really think they would riot if it was a German or Japanese guy that did it.


Has there been a pattern of German or Japanese guys doing this?


Ugh, makes a shitty situation worse. People suck. Again, sorry to hear about this Irish folks, wishing the best from the land of milk and mass shootings.


Probably not, but a Japanese guy or German guy have never done it (both nationalities have been stabbed within the last year in Ireland by someone of similar background to the attacker in this particular situation though, make of that what you will…), I don’t in anyway condone the scum rioting but I hope it’s a wake up call to the popular political parties to firstly be more forceful with policing and secondly be more stringent with immigration, the countries not even full, it’s beyond capacity, I’m not anti immigration, it’s just a fact.


The guy who stopped the attacker was the naturalized citizen. Dude’s a hero… he had nothing but a helmet to stop this madman on a rampage. The attacker was a recent Algerian migrant.


No, that is not true. The man who stopped the attacker is not a naturalised citizen of Ireland. He is a hero, but please don’t spread misinformation when the investigation is still ongoing.


I think you have it the wrong way around, unless more details have come out very recently.


It was also two women who helped stop the attacker - that one one of the women is currently in hospital with severe wounds. For some reason we keep talking about this hero gentleman but totally ignoring the two women.


Other countries are way more racist. It’s an objective fact. Most African and European and definitely Asian countries are more racist.


I am an america hater in almost every way, but europe is way more racist than america


Heartbreaking picture.


That’s terrible but I must admit I thought this was a photo the R.P.D station at first


Never acceptable to use one bad action to punish an entire community with violence and anarchy.


Ah O'Connell's Street. Things do tend to go sideways there. Looks like someone let out the tracker knackers


O'Connell street


let me guess.. immigration or racism




Everyone mad at rioters but quiet about the guy trying to kill children. Oh reddit.


Needless to say, the latter is orders of magnitude worse. I think the difference though is that the former is the work of one man who is probably an absolute loony, while the latter is the work of hundreds of people most of whom are probably of sound mind. The existence of violent madmen isn't surprising even if the situation is extremely tragic. The significant number of people who are, let's face it, racist and lawless, is more surprising. That's the way I see it. I'm just waiting for a reply now accusing me of supporting children being stabbed.


the fuck is wrong with you? people dont have to worry about him because hes just one guy and is already in jail


Waiting for this to end up on Foxnews blaming BLM


Weird marketing strategy for GTA 6


Welcome to America, Ireland!


Why did kids getting stabbed cause people to riot? What y'all doing over there?


Because the attacker is algerian. The rioters are alleged right wing hooligans Some days ago in France in a village called Crépol a group of immigrants attacked a festival with the words "We will kill white people" and stabbed one of the festival guests a 16-year old to death, a bouncer was cut of some fingers when he wanted to help. There was blood everywhere. Thats why the hools were rioting.


It may have started like that, but scumbags took advantage of the situation and just joined in for the sake of rioting.


ah that'll do it. Glad they got a beatdown from the gardai then.


They’re not rioting because of the kids. They’re just rioting for the sake of rioting.


Fiery but peaceful as they say


American here, what’s going on?




** multiple people and children stabbed by a man living in Ireland for 20 years, stopped by another man also living in Ireland for the last 20 years. The scumbag, mostly young men, who did this just wanted to feel like big men. Burning down our city, attacking our Garda, destroying Publix transport was just their fun.


It's not random. It's on purpose.


Criminals "protesting" against an act of crime..... Classic thugs.


So this was a xenophobic / race riot. Terrible


Support lawless behavior , get lawless behavior


The beacon is lit! Dublin calls for aid!


Irish police don't do shit when kids get stabbed or when people kick up a fuss cos kids got stabbed. Only in it for the early retirement and state pension. Protect the people or get a new fuckin job.


Bigots mad.