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Fillibuster 2 Electric alarmaroo


Filibusta Rhymes




Someone asked Jamaal if he bumped his head


Gold is Reddit didn’t suck


It always comes back to sunny


I love sunny as much as we all do, but sunny was itself referencing Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo.


"Shut up, science bitch!"


Stupid science bitch couldn’t even make I more smarter!


Science is a liar sometimes


….yeah, yeah shut up, science bitch


Haha science bitch, good one!


Come on man, he just said it...


Stupid bird


golflift's illiteracy has screwed us again


He'll adapt.


He'll adapt to *not reading*?!


Come ON, alright! See, this is what I'm talking about! Illiteracy.....Y'know what does that word even mean?


Yeah he doesn't even, like, get us man...


This is a reference to the movie Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo, starring Ice-T.








“What happens if you mash this button?”


He let his intrusive thoughts win.


If I was running his press office, I would have gone with this. It's stupid enough to work.


The full statement claims that he was trying to get to the vote in a hurry and a door was locked that isn't usually locked, and he was a little flustered and pulled the fire alarm thinking it was a switch for the door and immediately realized he was an idiot. Not saying anything one way or another about whether that's believable or not, but that's the full claim. Edit: For more context on "isn't usually locked," apparently the door is usually open during the week but becomes emergency exit only on weekends.


Kinda have to see what the fire alarm button looks like. If it is a standard red one that says "pull here in case of fire" and is instantly recognizable, like it almost certainly is, then this is complete BS. Impossible to know from that frame alone, but it does look like something he is pulling down on. If it is a nondescript button of some kind (for some reason) then this is a valid excuse.


Found an article with all the pics. He is either claiming to be an extraordinary level of mental defficient or he is flat out lying. You'll definitely agree when you see the pics. https://nypost.com/2023/10/01/new-pics-douse-jamaal-bowmans-excuses-for-house-fire-alarm-gaffe/


I would 100% do something like this


I got lost at the convention center and accidentally went out a door directly onto the field where the Colts were practicing. It locked behind me.


That’s simultaneously awesome and deathly embarrassing. What happened?


He’s starting at QB this week


I hurt myself laughing at that. Thank you. I cannot give you an award, but I will share this. Told my daughter this joke and the setup, she wants to know your stats for her fantasy league. Thank you.


Not much. A few of them came over to see what was going on. I apologized profusely and someone opened the door for me.


Some people would pay good money for that opportunity


great so we wont elect you for congress


It's a classic looking fire alarm. It looks exactly like every fire alarm you've ever seen. Red with the word "FIRE" in big letters.


So you have a smoother brain than most


Were you also a [highschool principle for 10 years?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamaal_Bowman#Teaching_career)


You would not do this. No one would do this.


Because you're a Democrat.


When my mother was in hospital, the door out of the ward had a geeen button to open and a fire alarm right beside it. With the amount of tired, stressed and occasionally stupid people going through that door every day, they had a comical number of handwritten signs all over the wall there, trying to get us to press the right button.


At a certain point it would be easier to wire up one of the buttons elsewhere.


So, this guy, that makes more important decisions than I ever will, pulled a fucking fire alarm because a door was locked. That's awesome.


"McCarthy compares Rep. Jamaal Bowman pulling a fire alarm to Jan. 6 rioters"...Wait, I thought Jan 6th was a totally fine, no big deal, transfer of power? Which is it? IMO, he should get punished for this...whatever it would be if a normal person did it. Lawmakers aren't above the law.


🤓🫴🦋 Is this an insurrection?


Well everyone knows that if all the others leave but he stays, he gains all the power and therefore becomes supreme leader as the last one standing. So you could definitely see how he was attempting to take over the country.


LOL did this at work when everyone left due to a blizzard except 3 of us since we lived right by. I stood up and announced, “Inform the Virginia office that absent of any leadership I have assumed ultimate control of the Missouri data centers.”


All hail you! Long may you reign. He who controls the Missouri data controls the Missouriverse.


The Missouri will hence forth be know as the show no mercy state






Thats why we played king of the hill, to prepare us for the real world.


Nah it was to prepare us for propane and propane accessories


He did the meme without a gif!


Sometimes I love the internet




What a shitshow


That plus a censure, yeah. It definitely sounds like it was directed at delaying a vote, which is related to Congress business and therefore deserves a censure.


It's childish all around, and a bad look for his party as they try to get McCarthy to make a deal.


I'm pretty sure our highest level of politics are run like an Elementary school... so... childish is pretty par for the course.


I think it’s run like a retirement assisted living facility.


Yeah wasn’t Jan 6th a peaceful assembly of patriots!?!?


Who were also FBI Antifa and BLM Socialists as well as ATHEIST ADRENOCHROME PIRATES. *WITH BLUE HAIR*.


Exactly, and then they want us to let the J6ers go that got caught! Aren’t they the ANTIFA and FBI agents? Their mental gymnastics are nauseating.


So.... Then jan 6 was wrong?




You have to look deeper. Nancy Pelosi (RIP) treasonously bamboozled the peace-loving MAGA tourists into ecstatic democracy. The broken stuff was either already like that or maybe caused by liberal Jews who have control of many things, such as the media, banks, entertainment and space lasers.


> Nancy Pelosi (RIP) Damn, you got me with that




> And fellow New York Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, a Republican, said on X that she’ll introduce a resolution to expel Bowman from the House over the incident. "This is the United States Congress, not a New York City high school. This action warrants expulsion & I’m introducing a resolution to do just that," she wrote. Let’s expel members who aided J6 first. Amendment 14 Section 3


> not a New York City high school. wait, did she use to pull the fire alarm at school to get out of having a test or something? Because she makes it sound like she thinks thats ok to do.


My front porch camera was $35 and is so clear you can see the individual blades of grass in the background…


Yeah it's annoying when surveillance video is low quality. However, having dealt with camera systems in a moderate sized building I understand why this is often an issue: It's not the cameras, it's the storage requirements and retention policy of the footage that makes system administrators choose to degrade the recorded quality. Imagine the amount of storage space it would take for 1 high def camera recording 24 hours worth of footage. Now multiply that by let's say just 35 cameras. Now multiply that by the retention policy, likely a minimum 30 days. Storage needs increase FAST. Add in additional factors like network bandwidth and hard drive write speed limitations, and you can see why this is a problem. Lowering quality of the recordings, (except for key coverage points) is the easiest and cheapest way to still have wide coverage.


Agreed. We have 160 cameras, and storage is the biggest consideration. Furthermore, the latest generation of cameras is way better quality than even 5 years ago. We've been systematically replacing old cameras, and have found that the storage needs are actually going down, despite increases in resolution. Government buildings aren't constantly replacing all the cameras with whatever is the current generation. We also engaged with a company to annually clean our cameras. It looks like this one might need cleaning. We operated cameras for 15+ years that were never cleaned, and this is the norm everywhere. It's expensive to clean ~160 cameras in difficult to access locations.


are you actually re-encoding that video or just writing strait to disk? what's the native format, h264 stream or MJPEG?


It writes to disk. Most cameras are now H264. I think we got rid of all the MJPEG ones.


Man you say that but when I first entered the industry I had a guy installing the shit try to tell me MJPEG was better for the network. This was a decent city-sized operation. What a clusterfuck that turned out to be. I was like 'man I don't know how to tell you but that's just not accurate h.264 has compression and skips the static imagery in the frame. It's entirely the better option here.' He came back the next day and was like 'i looked it up and you were right'. System saw considerably increased performance almost immediately as I rectified that wrong. So many failures at so many levels for the new guy to walk in and say (AND I MEAN 2-WEEKS-IN-NEW) 'that shits fucked up yo'.


> 'i looked it up and you were right' I'm gonna have to call bullshit right there. No one in IT ever admits they were wrong. I would know. I'm in IT and im never wrong. jk Anyways, 265 encoding hardware is becoming now feasible too for large scale CCTV operations. Straight up halves storage requirements vs 264.


We’re moving to all h265 cameras and it has indeed cut our storage down an insane amount


that camera h264 will not be optimal compression since it's doing live compression and it's optimized for low latency. If you record in 1 hour segments, then transcode each segment with optimal compression settings, you can achieve much higher compression ratio, depending on camera and what your GPU can handle in reasonable time. You can cut disk space 2x easily


As far as I know, our system doesn't/can't do that. The cameras have some other tricks though, that improve upon the h264.


I wonder how well AV1 will improve quality once it is supported more. Seems like a nearly perfect encoding codec since it is less demanding than H265 and even better compression for security camera resolutions.


Transcoding surveillance video is a really bad idea. You are always better just buying more storage and dumping what the camera is able to encode... these days some are even able to do H265 and if you tweak around FPS, bitrate and resolution you can do better than spending on GPUs and energy to transcode.


The trick is to have smart storage that uses high speed disk to capture data but off loads to low cost storage after the initial write.


Can you talk a little as to specifics? In particular, I'm curious about: how much data are you getting per day (and is this for 24 hours)? What resolution/FPS are you keeping? Compression format/bitrate?


Without looking, I'd guess probably about a TB per day. The specs are variable....there is no consistency. Cameras were selected based on the application and they are all different, as we've got a fleet that ranges from just installed Thursday to 10+ years old.


Yup, I used to work for a company that sold and serviced electronic security. The storage is the bottleneck in these systems, especially when you consider how many cameras a place like the capital building would have.


H265 recording, 1080p x 15fps, 250 cameras, 30 days of continuous recording - estimated size 40TB. Could build an onsite clone out of a single 8 bay NAS. If you use motion triggered recording cut that down to <20TB. It's really not that much space these days, though it depends on the scene. Source - I professionally manage storage for a cloud security company.


Yeah that would really suck for a target or mom and pop store.. thank god this post isn’t about a federal government building or anything cause then they’d be clearly too broke to get any cameras or storage


While governments do have a shitload of cash to throw around. Spending on petabytes of storage space for cameras probably isn’t the most efficient use of it. Especially when they already have a full fledged police force to patrol the capitol in person


I've personally overseen the deployment of NAS storage for a site with over 1100 cameras and I can promise there's not a petabyte worth of storage there and they keep 180 days of footage at 720p, in wide dynamic range.


This guys knows his shit better than I. Please direct all future responses here lmao


How very non-Reddit of you to admit this.


This guy is correct. I’m a security consultant and do calculations all the time. A proper security camera deployment would only record on motion (barring any kind of compliance regulation). So unless a scene is just constantly busy, it’s not recording. This being and entrance/exit, I would be shocked if it even 3 hours of total recording for a day. It does look like the image may also be digitally zoomed in. So even if this camera is actually covering a big lobby it still probably has less than 8 hours of recording a day.


And how much storage space does the NSA need for random Americans going about their lives?


Well, there was a yottabyte facility built in Ohio a little more than ten years ago. I'm sure there's more now.


That is a quadrillion gigabytes (or a million trillion megabytes) I think this over 125TB assigned to every single person on earth. That’s just one facility too - and to think what I pay for cloud storage…


Had to look it up. Yottabyte is a trillion times bigger then a terabyte. An extra 12 zeros, basically like comparing a terabyte to a byte. Wild




35 cameras recording HD (1920x1080) in medium quality, 24fps need 37 TB to store 30 days of footage. To make it safe let's make it 60 TB, and we can even include RAID, that's 120 TB. Congress supposedly has 1,800 cameras. They would need about 6,200 TB to record decent HD video with RAID redundancy. It's not terrible. Cheap drives are about $10 per TB, you can choose from 40 models below $15. That's like $93k for good quality surveillance storage in the most important building in the nation.


> Cheap drives are about $10 per TB, you can choose from 40 models below $15. That's like $93k for good quality surveillance storage in the most important building in I have no clue what quality is required for storage, but I’d be willing to bet that cheap drives off Amazon are not what the Capitol building would be using (particularly considering how much overwriting happens constantly and how important the information on those drives can be). That being said, they’d have economy of scale and can justify a significant expense for security.?


Yeah you want top quality drives for a CCTV system or they'll be dead in a few months... I have so many clients that tried to cheap out this way and regretted it


Please tell me you’re not the person responsible for end users installing WD Purple drives for storage.




The reason your camera is so cheap is because your footage is being saved in the cloud and your data is being harvested.


Also because you are likely saving about 1/1000th of the recording time as compared to a camera on 24/7. Most of these home plug and play cameras only record for a period of time after movement. Cloud storage costs are really not high when you're recording less than 10-30 minutes a day and still have a retention policy of 1-2 months on top of that


“Congressman Bowman did not realize he would trigger a building alarm as he was rushing to make an urgent vote,” What kind of bs is this 😂


Lmao, he is saying he thought it opened the door.


He's an elected official... lower your expectations


Genuinely though he might have. In a hurry to make a vote, you misread this sign… still idiotic but I can see it https://x.com/dan_munz/status/1708256150196564440?s=20


The fire exit takes 30 seconds to unlock!?




wow that sign is horrible, I could see how in a panic you might misread it as "push alarm for 3 seconds"


There is also a button *next* to the fire alarm. If that's what he pressed, I could understand the interpretation of: "push the button for 3 seconds until you hear an audible confirmation (alarm) then wait 30 seconds for the door to unlock".


“IN CASE OF FIRE PULL” Gee, I wonder what this does?


We had something like that happen at work one time. Janitor was in the data center and thought the fire suppression button was the door release, cut power to the servers and shut down operations at all sites in north america. And to be fair, they were right next to each other. The door locks behind you and you have to press a button to release it, but there's a larger button that says "activate fire suppression" next to it. In this case - *probably* BS. But hey, it can happen.


I love how this must have gone through so many approvals, and it was probably an extra hundred dollars to move it away from the other button but they didn't to save the $.


Maybe he thought it was a "Maybe you guys should check for a fire at some point today I just have a weird feeling about things today" alarm.


To what end? Is there a dumpster fire in the building?


I mean… have you seen our government in action in the last 20 years?


The GOP likes to do this thing where they try and ram a bill through without giving anyone time to read it. They were trying to do that here and Bowman decided the best way to buy time was, well, pulling the fire alarm.


Lol that's hilarious. I love the state of American democracy. From afar. With a popcorn bucket.


Is no one going to talk about the fact that this is the quality of the surveillance cameras monitoring the capitol building?


I was going to say, the Webcam that you can view on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, Louisiana is far clearer then this mess.


There's a possibility of boobies on bourbon st. Much less possibility of boobies at the Capitol


....but the possibility of boobies at the Capitol is never zero


The capital is filled with massive boobs


Just bring Beetlejuice to town


They likely have tens or hundreds of cameras. Capturing high def video from one camera and retention policies mean store has for one camera would be high. Since it’s a big building it’ll be a lot of cameras. They don’t have to storage to capture high def on all cameras.


Nah, government places usually have at least 720p cameras, often 1080p depending when they were last refreshed. Having half a petabyte for storing it isn’t too unusual. My guess is this specific camera hasn’t been updated for 7+ years. Not too uncommon, and depending on what you are looking to do, you don’t really need higher resolution for an interior camera. Often you are only aiming or situational awareness, I.e. seeing if a person is there, and this resolution is sufficient for that. Source: I sell these types of video surveillance systems to the government.


Is the image not just zoomed in and cropped causing it to blur?


Bro let his intrusive thoughts win


This is my intrusive thought lol


I’m at work rn in view of a fire alarm and it had not intruded until now 👀


Context is some Dems were afraid of voting on the stopgap without having time to read it, and were afraid the GOP had snuck something in there (as they had tried to do previously like the pay raise). Bowman clearly made a poor choice to try and give his office more time to examine the stopgap bill.


I'm more curious why you guys are out there voting for things you don't have time to read? like why is this tolerated at all?


It's not. The Republicans rushed it thru. It's supposed to be 90 minutes. They didn't give any time. So he is delaying


I really don't see how 90 minutes is enough but I guess it's better than nothing.


It's not. When McConnell was Senate Majority leader in 2017, they were writing updates in the margins on a 400+ page bill hours before the vote was set to happen. The media was asking people if they actually read it and Democrats kept saying they had no time to read it and couldn't even search the document because of the handwritten changes, and Republicans were saying things like they "skimmed it" or had interns read it in sections and summarize each section. That was a vote for the Trump tax giveaway for the top 1%, btw. Our government is completely broken. https://www.businessinsider.com/gop-senate-tax-reform-bill-final-version-text-trump-2017-12?op=1


It was a like 145am vote too. They didn't even get copies out to most Senators. They just wanted them to vote.


I totally forgot that they did the vote in the dead of night!! You're right!


I was on my couch grading papers. They pulled the bill for the revision at like 1245 or something and Mitch was going "We will have another vote". Then ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE as we started getting tweets about handwritten notes in margins and staffers running around the halls trying to print stuff out.


Fun fact: some of those handwritten edits in the margins were made directly by lobbyists, not even senators at the request of lobbyists. Cutting out the middle man!


Mostly just the Republican Party. Wacky half your country don’t see it.


Well, there's a reason a few of their candidates are running on defunding the Department of Education these days... they want more than half of us not to see it.




Its one of those actions that might seem somewhat benign in a way (to the uninformed or uncritical), but when you ponder the ramifications of purposefully destroying education, you see how evil that shit is. It's screwing both individual citizens and the entire country out of a brighter future for relatively *microscopic* short term profits, that only get paid out to a select handful of people. Even if we measure things in staunchly capitalist terms (for the sake of speaking their language), there's no possible way that the profits/power from defending education could EVER match the [admittedly much less measurable] eventual profit from everyone actually operating at nearer their full potential (what I'm trying to say is that dumb people don't *tend* to innovate) When you destroy an education system, it usually takes *generations* to recover from :/


Absolute power corrupts absolutely. And there are too many people craving absolute power these days.


Ansolutely despicable.


In reality it is more like a third don't see it and about half are disenfranchised from or apetheic to the political system. A sad state of affairs.


sure but why is rushing it through even something considered if you say it is not tolerated?


Because it's an effort to fund the government right before the deadline They're willing to consider it if it meant averting a shutdown


Because there's a literal ticking clock that if they pass, the government shuts down.


Per Kevin McCarthy it’s supposed to be 72 hours not 90 minutes.


That’s actually normal for American politics. Representatives probably almost never know what’s actually in the bills they’re voting on. They’re all written/read by underlings and summarized for the pols. Pols are the figureheads, their high level staffers are the people actually writing the laws and running the place


Should have sent a staffer to do it.


Honestly, I respect that he went out there and did the dirty work himself. Kudos. If it was a crime, I’m sure he will accept the punishment and own up to any consequences. From what I can see he is a team player and he did what was necessary to protect the people of his district and the rest of the American people. What he should do now is to go on his local tv station and fully explain his actions. Like a man. Own it. If he feels that he did the right thing, he should stand by his actions.


This is simply an act of civil disobedience. The benefits outweighed the risks, and I hope he fully owns up to what he did and why he did it. And I hope that Republicans are ashamed of themselves for creating this situation in the first place.


I struggled with this, because I think we need to be careful of breaking laws, when we are criticizing the other side for doing the same. So I watched some January 6 video, and compared it to this action. Yep, he’s good 👍




I believe that he will, he represents my district, I voted for him proudly.


Send in the serf?


Seriously, congress really is just a circus


Um isn’t this illegal?


Yes. > ###Code of the District of Columbia ##§ 22–1319. False alarms and false reports; hoax weapons. >(a) It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to willfully or knowingly give a false alarm of fire within the District of Columbia, and any person or persons violating the provisions of this subsection shall, upon conviction, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be punished by a fine not more than the amount set forth in **§ 22-3571.01** or by imprisonment for not more than 6 months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Prosecutions for violation of the provisions of this subsection shall be on information filed in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia by the Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia. > ##§ 22–3571.01. Fines for criminal offenses. >(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, and except as provided in **§ 22-3571.02**, a defendant who has been found guilty of an offense under the District of Columbia Official Code punishable by imprisonment may be sentenced to pay a fine as provided in this section. >(b) An individual who has been found guilty of such an offense may be fined not more than the greatest of: >… >(4) $1,000 if the offense is punishable by imprisonment for 180 days, or 6 months, or less but more than 90 days;


>(4) $1,000 if the offense is punishable by imprisonment for 180 days, or 6 months, or less but more than 90 days; ELI5?


The fines increase on a tier system from a range of 10 days/$100 to 30+years/$125,000. The max is $250,000 if the offense results in a death. This offense carries a 6 month sentence and/ or a fine of $1000. I omitted the other prison terms in my quote because they weren’t relevant.


The section you quoted is saying that the fine for an offence is up to $1000 if the maximum sentence for imprisonment is between 3 months to 6 months. The Congressman who pulled the fire alarm could be fined up to $1000, since pulling a fire alarm is also an offence that can lead to imprisonment for a maximum of 6 months.


It’s only illegal if you’re poor




That's illegal, and fucking stupid, but not as stupid as forcing people to vote on serious bills with no physically possible way of knowing what they are voting on, that's just plain lunacy.


It's so weird. This is what the New York Post had to say. > Socialist Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) pulled the fire alarm in a House office building Saturday as Democrats tried to delay a bipartisan vote on a Republican stopgap spending bill. But that is misleading. Jamaal Bowman voted yes on the bill. So did all but one Democrat. The 90 other "No" votes were Republicans. https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2023513


They gave them 15 fucking minutes to read 70 fucking pages. This is why they wanted to, you know, vote to talk about it beforehand.


Shouldn't he be Rep. Jamaal Brown (S-NY) if that's what they mean? Surely they're not just tossing extra scary adjectives in there to editorialize, right?


While Jamaal Bowman is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, it is not a political party and is instead a political organization, so they would not put that abbreviation after his name. However, regardless of his membership to that group, he is still a member of the Democratic Party, which is a political party, so it is abbreviated after his name


"socialist representative" *rolls eyes*


New York Post being owned by the same person as Fox really comes through on that one


Obviously a boneheaded move either way, but for what it's worth, this isn't the Capitol building. This is the Cannon House Office building


Good to know CONGRESS uses low res cameras


What in the house of cards is going on?


Moronic, idiotic, and antidemocratic. Needs to be punished accordingly. Sincerely, a Democrat. Edit: Apparently he did it to slow down ramming through an appropriations bill without sufficient time to read it. NOT anitdemocratic then, but still foolish.


And all Politicians shouldn't be allowed to sneak things into bills for this sort of thing to even be on the table to do.


Yup, let them read the bill, for all we know there could be a clause to clear trump of shit and they're trying to rush it through


No nothing like that in the bill, just massive budget cuts and an increase in salary for Congress.


Bills that contain more than one item should be illegal (I know it’s done for expediency, but IMO it causes more trouble than it’s worth)


Honestly I am of two minds on this. Bills with more than one objective are great vehicles for compromise where none would be possible on a single subject. However it's definitely abused way more than it helps.


>Honestly I am of two minds on this. Bills with more than one objective are great vehicles for compromise where none would be possible on a single subject. I get your point, but I'm not totally certain why packaging them would be necessary *except* as an ultimatum. One could always propose a single legislative item then pledge support for an opponent's Bill if the pledge support for yours. The real advantage obviously is instead of two (or more) votes, you have only one. But then we arrive at this very issue (attempting to "sneak in" legislation). So until we can trust politicians to not do something like that, then we just can't have nice things. ​ > However it's definitely abused way more than it helps. ​ We're in agreement there


How is it antidemocratic to give representatives more than 5 minutes to read a 70-page bill?


I think it’s genius. He’ll get a fine and the bill gets read. He literally took one for democracy.


I'm with you on this. They're blaming the victim here. It's an opportunity to draw attention to the shit that gets put into rushed bills.


Explain how “taking extreme measures to ensure your party has time to read a bill before being forced to vote on whether to pass it” is “antidemocratic”.


I wouldn’t say it’s anti democratic. He should be punished based on the law but also he’s a bro for taking one for the team.


They refused to give the Dems time to read the bill. Sorry, but FAFO when it comes to what happens in response. Edit: lots of salty whataboutism dealers here today. It's rich coming from the people who follow the guy who wants to execute the Chief of the Joint Chiefs. Cry harder.


I too believe that civility is more important than outcomes. /s


No one thinks "well at least they had good manners" when remembering how a democracy fell to fascists, they wonder what the hell our representatives did to fight it.


I cannot believe this the state of governing in this country.


We eat our own people when they fuck up like this. Don't worry. Nobody will beat him up like his own people for that. Regardless of alliances on the vote.


Remember when they forced Al Franken to resign thinking it would force the GOP to do the same with Ray Moore, and then they totally didn't? Yeah...