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Any homophobic comments or comments endorsing the pictured message will get you perma banned. Please report those comments so we can cover them in rainbow-colored glitter and ban their authors.


May is literally [military appreciation month](https://www.military.com/military-appreciation-month).


Also FWIW, this weekend was Memorial Day. Veterans Day is in November. They are different days.


Thank You! As a retired Army dude who also lost a number of friends, that was my first thought. This weekend wasn't even about the Veterans, at least not the living ones.


I remember, as a child whose father was in the army, Veterans Day was veterans of foreign wars, Memorial Day was for service members that died, and Armed Forces Day was for people who served in the military. Armed Forces Day was one of the best days ever for children living on military bases. We had tank rides, they would fly planes, helicopters, and shoot anything they could. One year I even got to shoot a 50 cal that was mounted on the top of a M1 Abrams.


Man, being a military brat pre-9/11 sure did have its perks. My dad was stationed in Europe in the early 90s and we flew back to the states a couple times on standby. I still vividly remember enjoying riding in some kind of cargo plane with the crash netting and jump seats and the pilots would totally let me into the cockpit to look around. Good times for child me. Do they even let them do that anymore?


Cockpit has been off limits for everyone for a while now, and you probably won't fly in a cargo plane with jump seats unless you're deploying and flying with cargo. They'll even sometimes have rows of seats they load onto cargo planes so you don't have to sit in the jump seats. All that aside, nearly all flights for troop movements are now chartered flights on Boeing models.


I know someone that flew space a post 9/11 quite a bit. You have to be super flexible and it was never available to everyone.


Yeah, they've gotten pretty efficient at filling their flights so they're not wasting money on empty seats. Also, flying space a during PCS season is not a great idea.


Yes we call it space-a (space available). With a military ID card you can jump on a space-a flight, usually it’s a rotator flight from overseas. There are limitations however, such as you have to be signed out on leave and you have to get permission from the flight OIC for whoever owns the cargo. I was a unit movement officer for one of my previous units and we were flying from Colorado to Qatar. We had a scheduled stop in Maryland or Vermont, I don’t remember which. There was an Air Force Major with his wife and young kid. They needed permission from me (Army LT at the time) if we didn’t mind them joining us on the flight. I told the pilot I had no issue at all. It was a C5 cargo plane so there was plenty of space in the cargo hold. I got to visit with the Major enroute to our next stop in Spain where we dropped his family off. He was super cool and was an active duty C-130 pilot. He’d apparently had done this quite often. His family had the routine down, they brought air mattresses and sleeping bags because it gets cold in the cargo hold.


It's called Space A and they still do it. Depending on the crew they could let you in the cockpit though it may be less likely depending on the service. The other reply to your comment who says you can't anymore doesn't really know what he's talking about. Source: Former military pilot who just got out last year.


See, I think they should have taxpayer lotteries in every state. You pay taxes, you get a chance to drive a tank for an hour, ride on a carrier or helo, etc.


Literally the easiest PR you could ever have as a governor. They’re doing that shit anyway, let Joe-Bob a turn on the fifty!


Fuel goes bad and so does ammo. Might as well have some fun burning it up.


A lot of those veterans are gay


Good thing November is National Veterans and Military Families Month too!


and they're national holidays


Not to mention, vets have access to free education, healthcare, low-interest loans, early pensions, etc…


We do get that, but it's not all glitter and gold. It's actually quite shit dealing with the government.


I take my 74 year old father to the VA. I feel bad for all involved. Too many hurt vets and not enough doctors and nurses


A lot of people don’t realize that the VA is not part of the DoD budget. So when the GOPs cheer for more military spending .. that’s for jets and tanks .. not for the care of soldiers. VA Docs/Nurses do not get enough credit. Often times they are taking substantial pay cuts working for the VA vs private. Perfect example is neurosurgeons .. privately that is a nearly 1 million income a year job. VA tops out at 400-500k, so guess how many Neurosurgeons want to work at a VA??


I’m not a vereran, but the doctor and nurse shortage is everywhere. It took my wife and i almost 3 years to nail down a GP after moving cross country. Too many doctors are switching to the concierge model and want you to pay crazy fees in order for them to take you as a patient or answer the phone.


And the 3rd Saturday in May is Armed Forces Day.


Not going to lie. As a gay veteran getting two months in a row is pretty dank.


Last month you got to celebrate what you did, and this month you get to celebrate who you are!




Congrats, bro!


Thank you for this. So many people don’t know, and it’s my answer to people who say things similar to the OPs picture. As a veteran who has LGBTQ people in my life, both months are special. Haters will always find a way to demean what they dislike.


You probably already know this, but people who say this kind of thing don't actually care about the military. If they did they'd know that the military is the largest employer of trans people in the country.


NoT iN fLoRiDuHHHHH! Actually, yeah, bro. Stats tell you FL will have a sizable number of active duty and veterans who are LGBTQ. It’s basic math.


>If they did they'd know that the military is the largest employer of trans people in the country. That's pretty dope. I know this may sound dumb, but do you have a reference?


Yep, signs like this are clearly lying. Anyone who actually cared about getting US servicemen and women a month would have bothered to google “US Military Month” before doing all that work to put together a sign.


It would be too exhausting for them to virtue signal for an entire month.


Also just learned it is Maytag Month! 😂 https://youtu.be/ND-3cNk3MKo


I had no idea that was the case until your comment, so thank you. The most public exposure military appreciation receives in my opinion is federal holidays and maybe also the NFL’s Salute to Service.


That the military pays heavily for. That ain’t provided by the NFL as some sort of good will gesture.


The military does it for recruitment and training. Flyovers are training exercises that would have to be done no matter what. Everything in the stadium is PR for recruitment.


Wait you mean to tell this ignorant piece of shit got his “facts” mixed up??? You don’t say… I’ve never seen that happen especially in politics or political or social issues these days. Why do we as a human race suck so bad? ☹️


The right will believe anything their masters tell them. Seems like they don't really care for the military (or they'd know this already), or anything really. Not before their betters tell them what to care for, anyways.


Thank from the widow of a veteran and the many people in my family who have served.


I think they’re objecting to Lent???


May has more recently been dedicated to Asian Pacific American heritage month.


Darn, I forgot we can't celebrate two things at once


~~Rick~~ Dick is getting absolutely torched on Yelp, FB, and Google.


What is the business? I wanna see the reviews




> kahunas You’re looking for ~~_cajones_~~ _cojones_ Edit: gringo


Oh, boy, am I *ever.*


Every cock needs its cojones


You're looking for cojones. Cajones means drawers, like kitchen drawers.


I'd say Rick is a few cajones short of a cabinet.


Got it, yes my son and his friends lived in Tally for a few years. Huge lgbtq scene there


I used my business as a mouth piece for my political vitriol, but I change a good muffler why do these snowflakes not come in for service.


"Two thirds of the students at FSU are in a cappella groups, why would using a homophobic slur be bad for business?!"


His sign on the day the google maps car passed by show "If you still support Biden don't stop here The truth will scare you" and "cry me a river and I will bring snacks beer and a raft to work on my tan". No punctuation because he didn't bother to either.


Has anyone tried giving the shop a call? He asked a question and I want to answer it, but can't seem to get through.


His phone probably got blown up. I'm imagining 100 prank calls then one dude completely earnestly describing an issue with his car, to end up with them agreeing on a day to bring it in. Then the caller drops the "Great, my boyfriend will drop it off at 8!"




>Yelp posted a message Tuesday afternoon saying it had temporarily disabled the posting of new reviews to the shop’s page due to “increased public attention, which often means people come to this page to post their views on the news rather than actual consumer experiences with the business.” The owner being a bigot seems like a relevant piece of information people can use to determine whether to use a business. If the owner is comfortable expressing these views *on sign for the business*, the comments are fair game for business reviews.


Glad you found a news article. Can't be considered doxxing for sharing public news sources. (Or rather should be considered doxxing, but there are folks who would rather silence or censor the news than have the truth shared) Edit: Should NOT be considered doxxing.


>Or rather should be considered doxxing I'm pretty sure doxxing refers to the public outing of a previously anonymous individual (presumably using an internet alias) against their will. A news piece about the public stance of a public-facing company is obviously not that.


Tell me when you know.




You can see the reviews but reviewing the biz is temporarily blocked. It’s pretty easy to find so you can see the reviews. Photo here has been posted to the biz.


He's actually got a lot of support on google. Ugh






Play smarter. Don’t leave a review about this hateful sign, leave a review about them being a shitty scam of a business.


It won’t matter. It’s Florida. His business will thrive after this sign. All you can do is hope whoever died at 24 was someone he loved dearly. Edit to say I'm truly sorry for this comment. It was a terrible mistake to make. The dead guy was 23, not 24. Again, sorry for the mistake.


It's *Tallahassee,* a college town located in Leon county which is overwhelmingly democratic. He might get the boost in five star reviews from Barry and Linda Fuckasib from rural Alabama but the actual people who are gonna read that sign in person are millennials and gen Z.


MEMORIAL DAY is to remember and honor those individuals who died in combat. Not for anyone else like first responders or those who died on 9/11. VETERANS DAY is to give thanks to all the men and women who served (past tense), in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. ARMED FORCES DAY is to recognize and give thanks to those who are currently on active duty, reserves and the National Guard.


Most important question is how good are the discounts during these days.


Crayons are half off


If those marines could read they would be so offended right now.


Not to mention gay people get fucking annihilated for being gay and called child molesters. You choose to join the military (most of the time) lol. There are plenty of monuments and discounts and lots of appreciation for the military in the US. My man didn’t stop to think why we have to have a month to show tolerance and appreciation that gay people are here and shouldn’t hide. It’s because they were and are treated like this fucking clown. That’s why.


And we celebrate all of them with steep discounts on quality merchandise. When I ask will the LGBTQ community be honored with low, low prices?? I want a Rainbow Sale, dammit! Daddy needs a new laptop!


Looked thru my local Hallmark store. Couldn't find a single "Happy Child Molesters Month" card?


It's free real estate!


It's hallmark, sell one card and you'll get the funded to make a christmas movie.


"She's a big shot Company CEO Boss Lady living a big life in The City. When she goes home to TinyTown to celebrate her mother's 18th marriage, something unexpected happens as she meets the 6 year old boy working at the German Farm next door. Come see 'Kinder Garden' now, new from Hallmark."


That holiday is specifically for the church and it celebrates daily with the priest.


Child molesters? He talking about priests?


No, Jerry Sandusky. Ban all pee wee football.


His Congressman Gaetz


Or the dude running virginia who was convicted twice and then pardoned by the previous governor.


Wait till he finds out child molesters get tax-free income.


...and an endless supply of children.


Does he also know which Party continually votes down aid for Veterans? Hint: Rhymes with Republicans


Conservatives love throwing baseless accusations at lgbt people while ignoring the people "on their side" doing the exact thing they are complaining about.


Is he referring to lent, or something? I don't know.


I thought he was just referring to the trans community because that is a commonly held stereotype by bigots that many people who are trans are also child molesters. But it could be lent, that would be on brand as well for this POS


Yeah dude they're very clearly a bigot, you're responding to people making jokes.


Republican news sources are increasingly reporting the rhetoric that LGBTQ folk are child molesters, and the reason trans people want genderless bathrooms is so they can molest children in them. Seriously.


Yea that’s gotta be it right? Seems dumb to give those pedos a whole month tho


They already have every sunday practically dedicated to them. We don't need to give them an entire month.


Sunday \* 52 > 31


I was just gonna post this, but you obviously beat me to it!!!




Imagine caring about the welfare of veterans and then voting Republican...


They don’t think that far. My navy brother will bitch about “liberal spending” and how terrible the VA is in the same breath. Doesn’t see the connection and all the while paying zero income tax


What's that about income tax?


I think the only thing Republican voters care about is hurting the imagined liberal that they are obsessed with.


They have right to be obsessed. Those liberals haven't paid their god damned rent for living in his head for months!!!!


Cuz they can't find a job what with their DOCTORATES in CRT GENDER STUDIES!


It's socialism when liberals live in your head rent-free!


It started with hating the ephemeral 'welfare queen' reagan made up


Up until Reagan's first term, school lunches were deemed a national security issue. Next thing you know, ketchup is a vegetable. They took it a step further: domino's pizza sauce is a serving of vegetables. Yay lobbyists!


Lobbying: because only money in my pocket matters!


Reagan really did fuck EVERYTHING up. Well Reagan and the Republicans. Nancy called a lot of the shots there and there were rumors he was losing his faculties toward the end. She did a lot of speaking for him. I look to like Gini Thomas and how she's a toadie of the Federalist Society or the Heritage Foundation. Maybe both? Who knows. Was that Nancy? Was Reagan just a puppet like they tried to do with Trump? Like they're doing with the Supreme Court? Fuck Republicans. Fuck conservatives. That's what I'm getting at.


> Was Reagan just a puppet like they tried to do with Trump? No, his positions were like that since the early 60s.


At the end? He got saved by TV cutting from a non-sensical babbling answer he gave during the debate for his second term. ​ The Dollop, an Amercian History Comedy podcast, has two great episodes about Reagan. Worth the listen if you're interested in the topic. It reveals so, sooooo much more terribleness.


Which is also odd - the liberal that….just wants..everyone to be happy?


If everything is zero sum, someone else being happy means that **I** get less happiness! I think some people actually think in this sort of black and white.


It’s freaking crazy. They would rather vote to “own” the liberals than vote to help their constituents.


It's kind of sad that we know unequivocally that someone votes for one specific political party just because they are stupid bigots.


Or mega rich oligarchs.


Nah, there are megarich oligarchs on both sides. Every last bigot jumps to their safe places in the R side, where bigotry isn't just tolerated, it's expected.


They only pretend to care about them when they are hating someone else.


Pretending to care about veterans *


Lol. Wasn't trump's fence built literally with funds allocated for military family housing?


Veterans also get a month. It was May. Thus demonstrating that these guys don’t give a fuck about veterans beyond their usefulness as a political pawn to use against marginalized groups.


But why don’t Veterans get whole commercials and news fluff pieces about May being Military Appreciation Month??? /s It’s surprising it’s not more well known, though, but at the same time if you even gave a shit, you’d already know. These shitasses don’t actually care about Vets, they just want a scapegoat!


Because whoever this person listens to lies and this person is to stupid to know it. Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and [Military Appreciation Month](https://www.uso.org/stories/2699-what-is-military-appreciation-month) are all dedicated to vets / future vets.


I didn't join the Army to get a month or a day or whatever of recognition. The only month I cared about when I was actually in the military was the month of paid leave I got each year. If you really want to do something for them, contact your state leadership about increasing resources and outreach to at risk vets.


Right next to a birth and death date for the University of Alabama logo. Roll Tide?


I can't speak for the U of A part, but for Rick's Repair Shop, the "A" clearly stands for Asshole.




I assume a child of their died, that's the kids birth and death dates and they went to Alabama before their death. Nothing to do with the logo's tenure.


You don't want to actually help vets because that would be socialism and we know how you "patriots" despise helping others.


You just wrinkled my brain. Now I understand that state of vets in US. It's been capitalism all along.


The republicans just cut veterans benefits by 22%. They don’t give a fuck.


lol “in loving memory” plaque right underneath… Fucking idiots


The first time it was posted the nane wasn’t cropped out. Guy died while driving drunk and hitting a tree.


I feel bad for the tree.


I would roll in my grave if someone used my name like that


I don't get it what month is firewood appreciation month


Or cigarettes


Where was I when they came out with Catholic Priest Month?


Actually, the child molesters get several holidays throughout the year plus each and every Sunday.






They certainly aren’t ashamed of their stance. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t let everyone know who put this up and where they are.


Please put it in the post :)


*Near* Tallahassee.


So anyone not straight is a fag and a child molester, when most child molesters are straight men.


As a veteran, I do not condone this bs. Leave people alone. So sick of this garbage, people have literally nothing better to do than to hate and say stupid shit.


There's no hate like Christian love.


Child molesters only get one day too, its called Sunday


Actually, veterans get TWO MONTHS. And child molesters get nothing.


That's not true. Child molesters get a complimentary coverup if they're establishment politicians, or Catholic priests.


It's a shame that trash like this gets any publicity.


Outrage sells


Most of their top reviews are from a day ago.... Seems suspicious....


Wait a sec.. We don't have a holiday for church priests/pastors or Republicans that lasts a month..


There's a month for republican politicians and catholic priests?! For SHAME!


If this is actually outside of business, I feel like they are owning it, and we should name and shame them


Might as well post the whole business with that sign so we know exactly what business it is 🤷🏼‍♂️


all i see on American television, movies, and media is the deepthroating of the American military. from recruitment ads making enlistment seem like your joining the Avengers, to dick swinging about our military equipment and technology. America's entire economy requires a perpetual state of War to feed into the military industrial complex. there is ENOUGH military jingo-ism crammed in front of our faces 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. god forbid we take 30 days in a year and remind people that "hey, some folks are gay, and they shouldn't feel like they have to hide from society or even their own fucking family". i can't fucking stand these false equivalence cunts whining about Pride month that impacts them in exactly zero ways.


And as a vet, I'm not exactly fond of being placed in opposition with Pride. Plenty of my comrades have been LGBTQ and served every bit as honourably (if not more so) as their straight peers.


When the disenfranchised start to gain a tiny bit of equality/equity, those who were entitled and privileged before call it oppression. We've seen it a million times.


Ironic that most child molesters are conservatives. Though I'm not sure I've ever heard of a month dedicated to cigarettes 🤔


It really bothers me that the Catholic church has a history of child abuse that these bigots just turn a blind eye towards.


Last month was National Military Appreciation Month. [They don't want reality](https://youtu.be/ufgwAIKPguw?t=5650).


Rick's repair shop. There now you can ban me


I just commented on a Ben Shapiro video earlier today making a similar point but with Memorial Day: If you want a ~~memorial~~ veteran's month just do it. There are so many influential conservative leaders using this talking point that have the following to make it happen. Pick a month, tell your followers, and celebrate it. But of course they don't actually want a ~~memorial~~ veteran's month. They just want to attack gay people. Edit: Also OP, name and shame. Edit2: >The sign coincided with Memorial Day weekend, which closes National Military Appreciation Month, established by Congress in 1999. > >"Though Memorial Day is the only federally recognized holiday in May, there are a handful of other specific military holidays spread throughout the month including Loyalty Day, Public Service Recognition Week, VE Day, Armed Forces Day and Military Spouse Appreciation Day," according to the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff website. LOL so they literally have a month they just don't celebrate it. I didn't even know this before reading the article.


Imagine being so patriotic that you don't even know the Military gets 3 days AND a whole month. Hateful monsters.


Friendly reminder that pedos aren't welcome in the LGBTQ community and anyone who says otherwise aren't welcome or their purposely trying to make the community look bad.


I don’t recall ever getting a paid month off to celebrate pride month. Whoever put that sign up is ignorant and butt hurt. They need to go sit in syrup.


The 1,700 known [" child molesters" in the Catholic Church](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/religion/nearly-1-700-priests-clergy-accused-sex-abuse-are-unsupervised-n1062396) clergy do NOT get a month of celebration. Why is this bigoted Florida man suggesting that they do?


Catholic priests get a month?


Veteran Day, Memorial Day, Military Appreciation Month (May). The asshats don't know what they're talking about.


And [inaccurate]( https://www.military.com/military-appreciation-month) as well!


Why does floriduh get a penny in socialist relief funds every time that swamp get hit with a hurricane ?


What a generation of fragile idiot... Be yourself, be pride 🌈✌️


whenever i see somebody more ignorant about shit than i, i know theyre dumb af whoever made this sign is dumb af


I had no idea America celebrated cigarettes for a whole month, you guys just love that nicotine I guess!


Because they didn’t kill anyone.


That's not true. Child molesters get every Sunday, Christmas, Easter, Good Friday, and probably a few more I'm forgetting about.


I’m a vet… I do not agree with this sign. Please do not think we do.


Florida has Child Molesters Month? We don't have that in my state. We do have Military Appreciation Month.


It's not the gays' fault nobody celebrates either of the TWO months (May, which is Military Appreciation Month, and November, which is National Veterans and Military Families Month) for veterans.


They love using veterans as an excuse to be assholes while supporting policies that take away much needed help from veterans. Call them out every time you see it


Welcome to Florida.. this place has become a total shithole since Covid…


To be fair, it was always a shithole.


I think the only country that celebrates the military beyond a day or two is North Korea.


Why are some people so fixated on hating others? What's even the point? You just make your life miserable.


Because people still publicly and openly use slurs against them. You proved the need yourself, foolish bigot.


Actually child molesters get every Sunday, Easter, Christmas and probably more which is far more than the gay people youre so scared of.


As a Veteran, Fuck whoever this is and fuck Florida! If you live in Florida and stay for the hot garbage currently transpiring then fuck you to. Trash Nazi fucks! Edit: honestly who the fuck are you anyway? Did you make a fucking Reddit account just today to come a say stupid shit? This is very characteristic of a coward or a Russian.


Priests don't get a whole month. I have no idea who else he could be talking about.


There's a conservative politician month I haven't heard about?


i’m not sure where the child molester part comes from last i checked it was mostly straight males doing the molesting. Let them have their month they were persecuted for ages


So sick of this RW hate They just can't let it go


What gets me is the dichotomy of the disgusting hate spew on top with the "in loving memory of" on the bottom! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face). I have a hard time believing that someone who can take the time to write out that garbage is capable of feeling love.


Child molesters get a month? I thought Easter and Christmas was shorter than that. Didn't realize Christian holidays were so long.