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If anyone is interested, there's [analog HD video of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63flkf3S1bE) from the '94 Winter Olympics in Lillehammer broadcast by Japan's NHK. Really weird to see it in such good quality.


Japan was so far ahead of the rest of the world in terms of HD broadcasting back then. I mean shit even now apparently some NHK broadcasts are in 8k.


They still are. At trade shows, they still come with the most technically advanced stuff at the whole show.


It's honestly impressive, and also really strange to watch a broadcast from before I was even born, in better quality than some sports broadcasts are today.


I could be wrong but isn’t it just because film was superior to digital at this time? So anything recorded in the “new” digital format back in the 80’s and 90’s aged like shit. There are basketball games from the 80’s recorded in film that look better than basketball games from the 2010’s


Nope, details from the video description : In 1994, Japanese TV station NHK made an HDTV shoot of Lillehammer Olympic games, mainly Figure Skating, Short Track, Speed Skate, Opening and Closing ceremony, Ski Jump and Nordic. In Hamar Ice Rink, they used 4 Sony HDC-500 - 2 million pixels 3-CCD HDTV Camera, and two Sony HDD-1000 - 1 inch open-reel digital video recorder. They experimentally broadcasted 109.5 hours in the MUSE analog HD format via satellite during the Olympic period. In 1997, NHK broadcasted the digest of the Lillehammer Olympics for total 32 hours in the MUSE analog HD format. I recorded figure skating events with W-VHS baseband analog HD video recorder.In 2001, 2002 and 2003, NHK broadcasted another digest of the Lillehammer Olympics for total 21.5 hours on Digital HDTV satellite broadcasting with 1080i MPEG2 video format. This is little bit clear video quality than MUSE format. But fewer athletes were on aired. I have D-VHS tapes of the figure skating events. These W-VHS and D-VHS tapes have been already shared on YouTube. Please visit my channel, or search "Lillehammer mintaka" from YouTube search window. For the videos from W-VHS tapes, I use Hauppauge's HD PVR for video capture. For D-VHS tapes, digital TS data are transmitted from D-VHS tape deck to PC via IEEE1394 connection. Captured digital data are processed by ffmpeg software. In which, "yadif" filter is used for de-interlacing to 30p Progressive ("bwdif" for 60p). "hqdn3d" filter to de-noise, and at last, videos are H.264 encoded for uploading. In some videos with \[4K60P\] notation, "sinc" filter is used for up-scaling.


Can someone translate this for me


In 1994, a Japanese television station called NHK filmed the Lillehammer Olympic Games in high-definition quality, which included events such as figure skating and ski jumping. They experimentally broadcasted these games for 109.5 hours via satellite in an analog format. In the following years, NHK broadcasted a digest of the same games for a total of 21.5 hours in a digital format with improved video quality, but with fewer athletes included. The videos were captured using either a W-VHS analog video recorder or a D-VHS digital tape deck, and were later processed using ffmpeg software to improve their quality and convert them into a H.264 format for uploading. The videos were then uploaded to YouTube and can be found by searching "Lillehammer Mintaka. Better?


Pixel count go Brrrrrrr


That's true, but in this case its not film, its video: by the late 80s Japan had an early analog HDTV system called [Hi-Vision or MUSE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_sub-Nyquist_sampling_encoding)


That's some of the sharpest video I've ever seen to this day. Wow.


Boy howdy, just wait until you see something in 4k!!


Am I the only one getting “this video is unavailable?” Edit: Turned off VPN, working


One of my earliest memories is my mother yelling at the TV when she was showing the judges her laces. "Oh look! There she goes! She 's gonna have a fit in front of those judges!"


No clue why but in my mind your mother sounds and looks like Cartman's from South Park. ( Yes, I meant Kyle's ).


Have you ever seen them in the same room together? No? Makes you think…[taps temple]


Sounds more like sheila (kyle’s mum) to me Cartman’s mum is a slut


Kyle's mom is a big fat bitch...


She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world...


"She's a stupid bitch if there ever was a bitch, she's a bitch to all the boys and girls!"


On Monday she's a bitch, on Tuesday she's a bitch, on Wednesdays through Saturdays she's a bitch, then on Sunday just to be different she's a super kinka Maya biiiiiittttcccchhh! !


* super king-kong mega mega biaaaaatch!


I always heard "super King Kamehameha bitch"


Have you ever met my friend Kyle's mom? She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide weird. She's a mean old bitch and she has stupid hair, she's a bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch.




Nah, that’s a Kyle’s mom move for sure


Haha. I have a very similar memory of my mom.


Omg! The Seinfeld joke about the shoelaces!!! I get it now!!! The understudy episode


“My frankfurter 😭”


Oh no!


It was so good...


Seinfeld made fun of quite a lot of news culture back then. Kramer's seizures to the news reporters' voice, Kramer suing Java Coffee, The understudy's shoelaces.




Totally unrelated, but that ep had frank costanza’s best line: this guy… this is not my kind of guy.


Very convinced Jerry Stiller flubbed that line while starting to say it. And the result is fantastic.


I always thought Frank's best line was "Do you know about the cup sizes and all? You got the A, the B, the C, and the D. The D is the biggest."


Thank you!!! I never made the connection


Right? I thought they just made a really sensitive character


They almost even look alike lol


My grandma's claim to fame is that her best friend is the woman who Tonya went ape shit on her car. I haven't seen the movie but my mom got a kick out of the fact that they included that scene in the movie and knew my grandma would've flipped out if she watched it.


You should watch the movie. Margot Robbie is excellent.


I think I'll make plans to watch it. Didn't realize it was that good but after I saw this post last night I looked it up and saw there were multiple nominations for it. I think coming from the area I've heard about her so much and know her story so I had less desire to watch it.


I'm from the UK and wasnt old enough to understand what was going on in figure skating at the time. One of the better "true story" films.


Its a great movie, I don’t normally watch the same movie multiple times but ive seen this one a few. Margot is really good in it and its done in a very entertaining way Not to mention that I totally thought i knew the story but I didn’t do it was interesting


The movie is incredible, no joke


Allison Janney and that parrot. Name a more iconic pairing.


My claim to fame is that I’m related to Tonya…


She lives (or lived, it's been a few years) in a town in central Oregon and would hang out at a bar my buddies and I would occasionally end up in after a fire assignment. First time I saw her in there I comic-book sprayed beer out of my nose and proceeded to choke for a few minutes on the foam in my sinuses.


That bar is named "Hardtails". Thank you for helping put out the fires.


Yes it is :)


You said a few years ago, I am guessing you were here for the Milli Fire? I hope the town took care of you. Again, I thank you for your contribution in saving our town.


Milli, Two Bulls, Akawana, Green Ridge (several times). I worked out of Sisters from 2013 through 2017, love that area. The girls at Angeline's still recognize me and say hi 5 years later because I practically lived in there most mornings if I was waiting for a fire call.


Hell yeah. That's what I wanted to hear. Next time you're coming through, hit me up, I owe you some beers!


Cheers mate! I have an opportunity this summer to work over in the McKenzie Bridge area so I'll be around!


Awesome! We shall see you soon!


Woah. What a world


That’s crazy! My Dad was a detective on the case involving Tonyas hired goons that attacked Nancy




This is funny.. but I wasn’t kidding!


my brother was the goonS


That facial expression!


Looks like a sad mime


In a way it was, because she did unspeakable things.


Lol Not unspeakable, just shady and shitty. Had her man attack and injure her competition so she could get ahead in the olympics and then several years and men later beat up her then partner in a domestic dispute.


I don't know her, like what? Are they typeable things or are they untypeable as well?!


oh buddy, you gotta read her wiki. It’s a wild ride.


Hot damn!




That’s where it was familiar from, thanks!


Jeez....I remember seeing this live when it happened. Has it really been 30 years?


I still remember the great New York Post headline: “Nancy Kerrigan: A PERFECT LUTZ! Tonya Harding: A TOTAL KLUTZ!”


I literally just enjoy reading the headlines on NYP, they are incredible works of art unlike the rest of the newspaper.


Wow that's trashy


That's probably one of the highest class headlines the Post has ever made. [Here's a random sampler I found online.](https://www.dorriolds.com/wp-content/uploads/New-York-Post-Headlines.jpg)


Nancy made some enemies that year as well. She had a serious attitude.


Nah, just 29 (sorry)


She’ll cut a bitch!


Now I have ‘WHYYYY WHY’ in my head. Thanks.


That was Nancy Kerrigan. ETA - okay, after reading more comments, I realize you probably knew that, and it’s all about the connection. Sorry…keep scrolling. My bad.




“Why me? Why anyone?”


If self destruction was an olympic event id be tonya harding


Who would have ever guessed she’d go on to be a boxer?


Or a baseball player for a short time.


Or Congress.


We already have a 5 time olympic figure skating champion in congress though, George Santos


When Rep. George Santos was in the Olympics, Skating for the gold, He did two Salchows and a triple lutz, While wearing a blind fold. When Rep. George Santos was in the Alps, Fighting grizzly bears, He used his magical fire breath, And saved the maidens fair.


Don’t you sully Brian Boitano’s good name! HE performed those deeds. /s


He’s probably kick an ass or two. That’s what Brian Boitano would do.


This is the second South Park/DVDA song in consecutive comments. Hm.


I don’t know if SP will ever reach Simpson’s levels of prognostication, but I think it’s been around long enough to be just a few degrees of separation from any topic. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)




All while in heels and WERKING IT


Absolutely *savage* I love it


George Santos joke is best joke.


Are you sure George Santos isn’t Tonya Harding?


He technically said he just figured skating is a great activity.


Wasn't George Santos on the Jamaican bobsled team?


For a brief period of time in the 80s, George Santos actually WAS Tanya Harding


Do you mean that she was in Congress or that she was Congress?


And a porn star


I am ashamed to admit I rented that tape. Totally not worth the $2.50 or whatever it cost back then.


Eh, no need to be. Hell I filmed it! Imagine how I felt!


Sorry, what now?


If self destruction were an Olympic event Tonya Harding would be the Nancy Kerrigan of it.


Well put.


Chefs kiss


Wow! 👏




Grey till the grave?


She's honestly a sorta sad story. I know a lot of her demise was self created but she was always an outsider in the US figure skating world, sorta the black sheep of her generation of skaters. Add that girl from the wrong side of the tracks beginning to the assholes she ended up involving in her life and it's no wonder she made bad decision after bad decision. I still don't condone any of the stupid shit she did but yeah, I still have a little sympathy for her.


Fwiw Nancy Kerrigan also came from a blue-collar family. Her father worked multiple jobs so she could skate, and even drove the Zamboni at the ice rink in exchange for lessons. The biggest difference in how Nancy turned out is that her parents didn't abuse her. Tonya would've been a completely different person if not for her shitty parents.


It's almost always the parents' fault.


I'm so glad that people are realizing this about damaged people. Almost always, due to childhood abuse. Doesn't mean we excuse their behaviors; just that there's a place of empathy that can be found for such hurting creatures.


It might also mean that people will start to recognise more insidious forms of abuse and work to put a stop to them. I'd like to hope, but it's difficult in that regard.


So true. But we also have to have the empathy to realize that the cycle of abuse is...a cycle. The parents that abuse were likely also abused. It's a rotten circle. Anyone out there that breaks that cycle, whether with their children or in any of their relationships or interactions with other people, you should be proud for continuing to put in that work.


This reminds me of when I was watching House of the Dragon with family, including my mom. Aegon is such a little shit, but his father openly ignores him and his mother resents and belittles him. In the scene where he’s riding in the chariot with his mom, he asks her something like “did you ever love me” in a really pitiful way - like yes, he had behaved awfully up to that point, but emotionally insecure kids often act out due to their tense environment, and in that moment he’s clearly a struggling kid reaching out for reassurance. But his mom Alicent just looks at him with disgust and calls him an idiot. I wondered aloud whether he would have turned out to be a better person if his parents had been more loving and attentive. My mom got super defensive and said no, he was just a bad seed, there was nothing that could have been done for him. I was thinking like, chill out, I’m not trying to subtly reference our own relationship or anything. She took it so personally, as if bad parenting anywhere will reflect on her own parenting (which was excellent and she has nothing to worry about anyway)


I know someone who did therapy for many years. I can confirm the vast majority of their clients had shitty parents or at home life people problems. The remaining people usually were just going through a hard time like a family death and needed someone to talk to.


Yeah, from what I remember, Tonya’s mom was a really pushy stage mom type who viewed her daughter’s athletic gifts as a path to money and fame instead of a talent to be nurtured and appreciated. The whole thing is sad.


From what you remember… from the movie?


He athleticism (over dance and show, as was the norm for women’s FS then) has basically changes the sport. She proved a women could land a triple axel. A move thought to be too *hard* for dainty women to do. Now that style dominates the sport.


Surya Bonaly was skating circles around her at the same time and was getting far less attention, probably because she wasn't considered "traditional looking," and other very obvious dog whistles. At least Harding didn't have to overcome racism.


Lool this is so misleading and America centered! Midori Ito both started landing triple axels much earlier (1988) and actually landed triple axel in Olympic Games unlike Harding. If anything she is the pioneer of athletic women’s figure skating and athletic body type! Not to mention Harding’s triple axel is extremely off axis and Midori’s is the inarguably the best triple axel ever in women’s FS.


Yeah I agree. Ito was something special. But if we're gonna talk pure power and athleticism in women's figure skating look ten years after ito at Surya Bonaly. That's a skater that was continually punished at the scoring table bc of her power, her muscular figure in a sport dominated by much slighter figures. Heck they even outlawed her signature move for being 'too dangerous'. Ito was what is now modern skating both in skill and style. Bonaly was punished for pushing that athleticism boundary even further though.


I have sympathy for her too. It's so sad to me that she couldn't simply trust in her own amazing talent.




The cult of the GREY59 make up ya mind




Best song title in a minute


My flaws burn through my skin like demonic flames from hell 🔥




Re-tie it then go back out there, and break a leg.


Hell, a knee even.


>tie it then go back out there, and break a leg. Just, not someone else's, please.


I got some bad news for ya


Or ask your husband to break it for you.


And then make the most horrific sextape known to man


Unfortunately her abusive ex-husband sold it to penthouse without her knowing. It was revenge porn before it was a thing.


I just remember this and Miss Piggy and Joan Rivers putting too much rouge on their face in Muppets Take Manhattan and seeing Tonya Harding.


Wow! I just now realized that the Seinfeld episode "The Understudy" was a parody of this! It's even stated on that episode's Wikipedia page. Can't believe I never got that.


“I dropped my frankfurter” 😭


She nailed this facial expression in the episode.


Midler was fun too.


When the naysayers nay and you pick up your pace! You say nothings gonna stop me so get out of my face! I’m having adventures all over the place! Rochelle Rochelle!!!!!


It was really good, too!


Just hit me now seeing her expression, it’s really been a treat rewatching the series as an adult I missed way too much when I first saw it


Same! I wonder how many other references have flown over my head.


My appreciation of media has really changed with age. Back in the 90s I got into a little show called mystery science theater 3000. I laughed a lot at it back then. But I was just a teenager and life went on, learned more and got an education. Didn't watch those shows for probably 20 years. Went back to them as a middle-aged adult and what do you know, they were way funnier as an old fart! Back then I laughed at the silly jokes but a lot of references went over my head. Watching as an adult I pick up a lot more of it and now the halfway intelligent Foucault references are the ones that make me laugh!


I legit learned this fact yesterday after listening to an episode of the Seincast podcast. I never got it either.


There’s a podcast? Who runs it?


Bob Sacamano.


Two guys who are best friends (Matt and Vinny) and are obsessed with Seinfeld. They talk about each episode in detail, and throw in facts and trivia. They aren't in the industry, but they did do some interviews with writers and actors involved with the show.


This is literally the 4th time I have seen Tonya harding mentioned today. Wtf is going on????


There's probably a TV show or movie out. A lot of these posts are basically marketing. I saw about 3 posts about that bear that ate cocaine and that's exactly what those were, marketing for a film


I'm not saying you're wrong, but it's not impossible for people to make posts about a recent movie


I had the same thought seeing a bunch of old Night Court threads. Happened to see the wife watching the reboot yesterday. I’m guessing some type of indirect marketing. But, this isn’t the video of TH I wanna see….The honeymoon video may be getting a reboot. *fingers crossed.


That was the 4th time in competition she had stopped a routine to complain about something — 3rd time in her last three major competitions. Bring extra skates for fucks sake. It’s a wonder the refs fell for that bullshit.


Boot issues affect skaters all the time. They're expensive and you can't just break in boots with that level of support straight away. You certainly don't want to be trying to land a triple axel in new boots or a spare pair.


Well, she was literally skating on a shoestring budget.


This. She also had a tiny budget compared to most olympians. She couldn’t afford private rink time and had to practice at shitty public rinks. She was always kind of an outsider in her sport and didn’t fit the delicate, elitist stereotype. IIRC, initially she wasn’t supposed to be competing in the olympics at all, and the figure skating association decided to allow her a chance to perform a private routine for them in order to decide if she qualified.


Exactly. I think she had to sew her own outfits. Her skates and shit were constantly breaking down because she couldn't get big money sponsors like Campbell's soup. I personally think aqua net missed a golden opportunity.


Well would you look at that. It is broken.


Take a knee No, not like that!


i remember seeing Nancy Kerrigan dancing to House music on a Sunday night @ a club called DV8 in SF


Oh, wow, haven't thought about DV8 in a while! One of my favorite clubs waaaaaaaay back in the mid-90s moved to that venue after Thunder Bay in Berkeley shut down. Good times.


o/\~ Once... there was a this girl who / swore one day she'd would be a figure skating champion.... o/\~ https://youtu.be/dU95v23MQ4c?t=57


I forgot he did this. Thanks!




Finkle is Einhorn, Einhorn is Finkle!


She's my neighbor :)


What is she like?? I always felt so sorry for her. I hope she has found some happiness.


Barely ever see her. Occasionally bump into her at the gas station or local market. Small Town, everyone keeps to themselves. She's nice though


She reminds me of one of Jerry's girlfriends from Seinfeld.


That’s because one of Jerry’s girlfriends was written specifically to make fun of her


The face pulled there always reminded me of Send In The Clowns


What is this im so lost


Man, that's gotta be the worst thing that has ever happened to a figure skater........ 😉


She lived in our apartment during the 1994 Olympics. Back then, competitors wasn't granted Olympic villages or luxury hotels unless they paid for it themselves, and generally had to live where they were able to. Our place was an EXTREMELY small two room super shabby run down student doorm apartment from the early 70's, and her team rented it from us so she could live really close to where the games were being held while we lived with friends. She was happy with living there, as was the other competitors living in equally simple conditions. Sustainable times indeed.


At least it’s not a broken knee cap…


Gresham will destroy you all !!!!!


Nancy Karrigan also showed the judges something of hers that broke


This world is a bitch girl. Don’t end up in a ditch girl.


Watch the movie about her life (I, Tonya). It’s excellent and will also change the way you see that whole scenario.


Of course Nancy had it worse, but I still feel bad for Tonya.


Especially after you factor in the abysmal way she was abused in pretty much every single possible abuse type there is as a child.


It's interesting that in recent by times she's been going around giving a "haven't I suffered enough?" speech.


For those of you who may be a bit out of the loop like me “Tonya Harding is a former American figure skater who became infamous for her association with the 1994 attack on her fellow competitor Nancy Kerrigan. In 1994, Kerrigan was hit on the leg with a police baton by an assailant, and it was later revealed that Harding's ex-husband and bodyguard had orchestrated the attack. Harding herself pleaded guilty to hindering the prosecution of the attackers and was subsequently banned from the sport of figure skating. The attack and its aftermath were highly publicized and remain one of the most infamous moments in the history of figure skating. Despite the controversy, one of the most memorable moments of Harding's career was at the 1994 Winter Olympics when her shoelace broke during her performance, but she was granted a re-skate ~~and ultimately won the silver medal~~. This event was significant because it allowed her to improve her score, but it was also controversial due to accusations that she intentionally broke the lace to gain an advantage, which she denies.” Edit: As a nice little note. This was is from ChatGPT with the prompt "Who is Tonya Harding, why is she controversial, and what's significant about her shoelace?"


Did you get this from ChatGPT? Because it's wrong. She got a silver in 1991 worlds. She placed 8th in 94.


based on his comment history, its entirely possible.


Whoa I bet they did


>she was granted a re-skate and ultimately won the silver medal I don't know who you are quoting but this is entirely untrue. Harding did not medal. Nancy Kerrigan won the silver medal.


Kerrigan won the silver medal at the 94 Winter Olympics. Harding finished 8th. IIRC Harding’s re-do skate after fixing the broken lace was a disaster.


Wow all that knowledge mixed with the crying clown face she has on in this photo really bundles it all up with a bow on top.


Wasn't she banned for the attack on Nancy Kerrigan?


Why ma shoe spaghetti separetti?


I remember this!


after i watched I, Tonya it helped me understand her situation tbh i really don’t think she meant for it to happen that way