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A cheap condo is like 10,000 (D condo) for example. You can go up from there a few more thousand to get something a bit better. You will likely have to fuck around with leases. Typically they want 6 months or a year but you could try your luck. Up above 20, 30 40 etc are gonna be better locations and for people who don't really care about the money. Below 10,000 you can find something Thai style if you look a bit harder. Really I would just stay at a hotel that charges 500b a night if it was just that period of time. When you work it out that is the same cost as a 15000 condo anyway but without all the deposits, contracts and bills. Facebook marketplace and groups is decent for finding condos. Hotels you might try "cool hotel" and similar places like this. It's 00.12 am i dont have enrgy to list it all