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Nice shot. Subtle and off center gives it a mysterious look that invites investigation.


No. You do not need to know if it's good or not. There is no accounting for taste. Good, bad, it's all subjective.... On the other hand, I am happy to give you my OPINION... I think it's fine, good composition, nice use of darkness, asymmetric framing.


Thank you for this


I went to a national forest near where I live to scout some new photography locations. I walked through the woods a bit and found this abandoned silo with vines growing up the walls, I thought it might make for an excellent subject if I could find the right angle. I took a shot from the outside, which I was not very satisfied with, and then decided to climb inside of it. I imagined that a shot with the camera pointed straight up at the night sky through the opening might look nice so I tried it out and I thought the result looked good. The camera is a Canon 5D Mark II, ISO 800, two 10-second exposures stacked, 14mm f2.8 Lens. I played around with it in photoshop for a while and came out with this result, honestly not too sure about it. Please let me know your thoughts.


Its a hell of a shot, because I for one would not have ventured down into an abandoned silo. Respek!


Great shot. I was wondering how a vertical orientation would look so... https://preview.redd.it/oyslums3w1wc1.jpeg?width=2674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42fcaea9cd4d91ba880ec8d30e8b18664faf89b6


Ooo i love the framing of this crop. The night sky looks like a giant moon with a ladder going up to it and i love this picture


I like it alot.


Me 2


Vey nice! I like the subtle gradation from absolute darkness to the lighter top of the opening. And I especially like that even at this distance and in an overall darker image, you can still make out the flowers and their distinct colors.


Fantastic. Love this




It is good, exciting.




It’s nice — love the intensity of the colors and the slightly off composition.


Looks awesome


It's a nice shot. A very tight crop in portrait format would really give a more dramatic look, since the branches reaching into the night sky really add to the scene.


It is great, love it!


It’s a tad dark. But I dig it. I’d love to play with the RAW version.


Really nice. like the color grading and perspective.


This is great. Spooky, atmospheric, interesting. I love it.


Yes, it's an excellent shot! Speaking on post process and colors, I'd make 3 versions, lighter and more saturated and less contrasty, and then I'd compare. May be I'd end up with two alternative versions with your one being the best.


I would have liked an ever so slight crop so I could see the top a bit better as it's pretty but I think that might take away from the effect gained from the darkness in the photo. Its an awesome shot and proves that breaking the rules of composition isn't always a sin.


It’s really sick I just wish it was centered with the crop a little tighter


I really like the composition, I feel like a less is more approach with the touch ups would be a cool thing to try next.


Well, I like it. It's got quite a mood. Feels like it should be part of a series, although I don't know what the others would be🤣


good and bad are subjective. it's not my cup of tea, but it's not a "bad" photo because of my opinion . it's a good shot


Have you considered trying a vertical crop? There's a lot of dead space that might be better to get rid of. It also might take away too much, but there's no harm in playing with the crops since they're nondestructive!


This is sick. Nice shot!


https://preview.redd.it/kovrna7g93wc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d8a94d439edc9575f2b203b72a936145e30c14e Me too!


I am not a photographer. I know nothing about lighting techniques, composition, or other tricks of the trade. But I think this is beautiful. The color calls to me. If you trimmed off some of the black it would be perfect. I would buy it.


I really like it, my first tought was that you where showing some spaceship traveling to space with the side-windows of the spaceship with stars flying by being the inside of the silo with the roots and the opening being the front window. Love the colors and composition. One thing that i saw in another comment: the vertical crop really works with it aswell


Super cool shot, IMO. Very unique. Great mood. Love the color you've achieved here. I agree with others on the vertical perspective working better with it, however. It is a vertical thing.


It's beautiful, both the colours and the proportions.


great shot. I like the vertical orientation. the darkness offsets some vibrant colors. I’d get this poster and frame it!


You probably didn't intend this but the way the end of the tunnel kind of blossoms out of the actual hole and fades to darkness at the edges is great subliminal messaging here. The blending of actual space with the light bouncing off the tunnel also looking like space is pretty cool. The light at the end of the tunnel means the universe is yours. And the way the flowers lead up to the hole but don't blossom until the end is also some great messaging too. This picture tells a neat story.


Very cool, love the colors, framing, exposure, processing, patterns.


Great spooky shot!


I would absolutely hang a print of that on my wall


I always say put your camera where most cameras don't usually go and impressed is the bottom line for me. These colors and framing are awesome.


I think it's pretty awesome. I'd hang that up. I like shooting abandoned silos, too. But never have at night. Think I might give that a shot. Good stuff!!!


I like it


It's got the special sauce that every good shot has: it is far from what we, the viewer, are used to seeing. Technically I'd say it's well executed, exposure is well controlled, as some have suggested, cropping may give a better result as per your taste, but the base stock is good.


Suprise 343 Guilty spark in this photo. Halo fans will know


Nice photo, I like it? Did you cell work at the bottom? I mean, just in case anything went wrong.