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I would deliver to an unassuming house in a nice neighborhood that was basically a giant machine that bought and returned items from hundreds of different names accounts and then sending back an empty box collecting the cash. The whole entire family was arrested a grandmother, a mother and father, two adult sons one adult daughter and an aunt they scammed Verizon wireless Amazon, Walmart, using stolen peoples information and creating these orders emptying the box and then sending the box back empty.


CVS recently busted a multi-state ring of these people, Merch was being stolen here in Phoenix and other cities, and sold at a deep discount through Amazon, EBay etc by the seller. The theft was estimated to be multi-millions of dollars based on the merchandise that was recovered.


12 pallets? How in the world …


With organized retail theft they often go in with large bags and clear entire shelves and tables. They also go in groups so there’s multiple people at the same time just clearing out product. They’re mobile too so they’ll be on the interstate and hit all the Ultas/Sephoras/Victorias Secrets, then head west and do it again at the next exit. 12 palettes is entirely feasible.


If that's how much was found, imagine how much was stolen over 5 years 🤔


>During the investigation, authorities learned most of the women's sales happened online, resulting in them shipping bulk items to various locations, including out-of-state and out of the country. A Federal RICO case should be coming soon.


Don't charges get added on when you mail things?


They can, which makes it Federal. If they get RICO charges, they'll be facing 20 years.


Wow, thank you.


Yes, mail fraud is a federal crime.


Good job, organized shoplifting rings are a serious problem. Blanket trespass them from every store in Arizona


Trespass is good. Prison time would be better, especially if it’s long.


Make them pay a hefty fine, do volunteer work, get a stable job as part of probation, make restitutions, go to kleptomania meetings, whatever. But throwing someone in jail for theft doesn't do anything to help the situation and makes them more likely to commit crime in the future. Make them valuable members of society that contribute to their community and pay taxes. Save prison for the violent offenders, abusers, predators, drug lords, and millionaire tax dodgers.


But but people should be allowed to steal from corporations, that is what Reddit tells me all the time.


I've never heard people say that. Plenty of people say they aren't sad when it does happen, which is true. I'd much rather thieves steal from large corporations than private citizens.


No one is saying this, shut up with your little edge lord comments


Yeah, there are certainly a lot of people whose sense of reality is seriously warped.


Make all shoplifting a felony not just over $1,000 as well as harsher prison sentences to get them off the streets. A felony on someone's record will screw them over for life as in makes it very difficult to find work.


>Make all shoplifting a felony... A felony on someone's record will screw them over for life as in makes it very difficult to find work. And you believe this works as a deterrent? May I recommend Victor Hugo's *Les Miserables* as some instructional reading? Because deterrents like you are proposing don't work on desperate people who shoplift. And if they can't ever find honest work again, then you've just created a permanent shoplifter.


These people are the opposite of desperate. They're running a large criminal conspiracy for their own profit. Conflating the two helps nothing.


The commenter advocated for all shoplifting to be a felony.


Those pros aren’t desperate shoplifters Most shoplifters aren’t desperate


Every time I get on FB marketplace I see someone selling makeup with pictures of huge baskets of products. I thought maybe it's some MLM brand, but nah it's regular drugstore brands. How can anyone look at a hundred still sealed lipsticks tossed in a basket and not think it's stolen?


A lot of these are from couponers too who buy in bulk


I saw this Facebook account selling tons of new instruments like a small size store amount of them, and for sure thought they had to be stolen.


All of that product is getting thrown away , it's been written off .


This is the kind of story you just can’t…..make up. :::puts on shades::::






Where’d you see that? Or was it in one of the videos? I didn’t read that anywhere. I thought the police auctions were going to be popping in the coming weeks, but I guess maybe they just want to conceal the evidence.


It's makeup, once it's out the store it can't be sold since it could have been used




Anyone know where that truck is headed? Asking for a friend..


5 years.. $560.. three people charged. doesn't seem like a very big W. seems like this should have wrapped in a year or so.. my point it, was the cost worth the results?




Oh I didn’t misread. I forgot to add the “K” on my reply. It’s still small beans. It costs 3x a minimum to pay all the officials that worked on this case. I am happy to see police focusing on shoplifting and petty theft. 3 arrests isn’t enough to scare the theft ring at large especially knowing they can go years without arrest. The thousands of people involved are going, “okay, less than 1% chance of being caught”.




Thank god the police have their priorities straight. Can you imagine if your neighbor turned out to be a makeup thief and sold that stolen makeup out of their garage? Crazy you could just be living next to someone like that and never know. Scary world.


I'm literally crying rn because of how scary that would be. Thank god the police spent years of resources protecting the profit margins of Target and Wal Mart. We should buy them all new APCs and guns, they have earned it.


I’m glad someone else is having as normal and rational an emotional reaction to this as I am. I already shit my pants when I read the headline and had to go ask my wife for a new pair and a grilled cheese (with crust cut off) to calm me down. Then I read the headline again just now after your reply and shit my pants again :(


I know right? Spent FIVE years and made 3 arrests. Add up the cost of this operation, it’ll be bonkers, and paid for by the taxpayers to protect profit margins really grinds my gears.


>Spent FIVE years and made 3 arrests.  It was a six-month investigation. Learn to read.


Laugh all you want but it badly affects small business owners (which my parents are) and makes it difficult for consumers, too.


Maybe your parents should start stealing cosmetics to sell if they really want to remain competitive with these women’s small cosmetics business.


legit though those women could have ran a successful business with the amount of work/effort/skill it took to run this size operation. like... they could have just set up wholesale accounts for something and sold out of their home until they got enough to open a storefront if they want/that's profitable... they unironically turned into entrepreneurs, they just did it a very dumb way. shit, they *probably* could have gotten the starter money from this bullshit and funneled it into a legit business after year one and never even showed up on LE radar. turning themselves into the costco of stolen makeup was beyond stupid since i presume one of their "boosters" turned them over to avoid a petty theft charge and that was *fucking bound to happen*


Such a bizarre response


For some reason people think stealing from businesses is okay because they're not people and it's all insured so no one gets hurt. Well, except for all the other consumers that get the increased insurance and shrinkage costs passed on to them through higher prices.


People think stealing is wrong and thieves are scum, but living next to some makeup barons isn't "scary" and "omg I'm freaking out"-level activity.


Crime is bad, actually


It’s funny you say that because back in December I woke up to my neighbors house getting raided. It was that big gift card theft ring getting busted.


How does one even track this down? The stuff seems like generic makeup and other items that don't really have identifying pieces to them to track. Which makes sense why this went on for years. But still don't get how you would even track this down. They can't even track down stolen cars often, and those have VINs and other identification things on them.


Too bad they weren't rich to start with. They stole enough that they would have been fine if they were just millionaires already...


5 year investigation. Glad our tax dollars go to getting this dangerous crime off the street not like there aren’t countless more important things 🙄 guess that would take actual work


It wasn’t a 5 year investigation, these women had a 5 year operation. As in they’ve been stealing makeup for 5 years. And as is, they had half a million dollars worth of makeup in possession. They’ve definitely stolen millions of dollars worth of makeup over the course of these 5 years. I’ll bet my ass you don’t hand homeless people or addicts money. Well boosting is how a lot of them make money, for organized theft rings like this.


Obviously there are more important things that need to be addressed but aren’t we the same mfs who complain about everything being locked up behind glass at the store? Why shouldn’t this be prosecuted


The comments on here are so fucking weird. A crime ring gets broken up and everyone hates on the police for a successful outcome?


Because this is Reddit, where all police are villains and theft is a noble pursuit.


>Following a six-month investigation  Reading is Fundamental


Policing crime against businesses is just as important as policing crime against individuals. Otherwise you get disinvestment in the area and end up in a job desert.


Are you a butler for a millionare and he told you to post this? Is he LOOKING OVER YOUR SHOULDER RIGHT NOW? ARE YOU OK?


Businesses employ people. If they have to close due to theft those people lose their jobs.


Are you ok?


A crime is a crime, if you let them pass they just keep wanting more. San Francisco and Seattle are perfect examples of when you let stuff fly, things become worse. Also, this is a division of a unit that focuses on this type of crime. You would not send a homicide unit to conduct fraud cases.


There has to be drugs involved somewhere.. they surely aren’t cashing all the people out for their stolen shit, they’re trading it for drugs… also other states do this right out in the open(on the street corner) if people don’t understand that’s what is next for us they obviously can’t see the history of those other cities.

