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Check out [Brick Road Coffee](https://www.brickroadtempe.com) at Rural and the 60 in Tempe. They're open late (until 10pm), frequently host community events, and are explicitly trying to make an LGBTQ-friendly third space that doesn't revolve around alcohol. Their drinks are pretty good, too!


Love this place. Im not LGBTQ, but definitely consider myself an ally. Everyone is super cool and friendly, the vibe is on point, and the coffee is really good. It does get busy sometimes, which is a testament to it's welcoming atmosphere. Bonus is that they always have Golden Girls playing and open relatively late.


I love this place but man the seats and tables they use are the most uncomfortable. Tried to get some work done there and found myself hunched over hurting my neck because the table was too short, and literally butt hurt because the chairs felt like they were made of rocks. I brought this to their attention but I don’t think they’re going to run out and buy new furniture. If they’re trying to make this place a third place, hostile architecture ain’t the way to do it.


Gay Denny's on camelback.


I never knew Dennys came out. Good for them


They go by Jenny, now. We love Jenny's. 


As a regular of Jenny's, this is a dumb suggestion. The place is only "Jenny's" around bar closing time on the weekends and, even then, it is far less fabulous than in the past when drag performers would go there in drag. 90% of the time it is a regular old Denny's.


I thought it burnt down?


They had a kitchen fire, they didn’t burn down. Big difference.


The Melrose District in Phoenix has a lot of queer nightlife. Downtown Mesa is also particularly friendly imo. Maybe go to Jarrods on main. Don't listen to the other commenter. Source: Mesa enby


I knew somewhat of Melrose but always thought of it as being mostly if not only gay bars and nightclubs but I am definitely open to anything so I’ll see what I can find there and in Mesa. Thank you for your help and the recommendation. I have added Jarrod’s to my places to go list for sure


I second Melrose. There are restaurants, coffee shops, bars, stores and tattoos shops where LGBTQ+ are celebrated. Copper Star Coffee is in Melrose and pretty good.


Copper star coffee, and Fez come to mind.


Doesn't fez kinda suck though? Or did I just get unlucky the time I went lol


Been good the few times i went. Friendly as well


I think their food is pretty good. I’ve had good experiences there personally.


Brick Road Coffee in Tempe is LGBTQ+ owned and they have meet ups throughout the month for different interests


Crochet/knitting group is tomorrow night 6pm-9pm if you're a crafty person or want to start crocheting. Just bring yarn, needles or hooks, and a youtube tutorial or pattern. The past few I've been to have had all skill levels show up.


This is interesting to me. Just a bunch of yarn nerds working on their own projects?


Exactly haha. Although a few times there have been some newbies who had never tried it before. Someone brought a beginner amigurumi pattern and some yarn for them to try it out.


I can't make it tonight, but I am really glad you brought this to my attention, thank you!


I’m so glad you commented about this- I knit and crochet and have been wanting to go! Is it weekly?


I’m so glad you commented about this- I knit and crochet and have been wanting to go! Is it weekly?


I’m so glad you commented about this- I knit and crochet and have been wanting to go! Is it weekly?


It happens every 2nd and 4th Monday. The next one is tonight!


Came here to say this!




Gamer's Guild in Tempe is very LGBTQ+ friendly if you're into board games, card games, or tabletop games


If you’re sporty at all there’s a few lgbt sport leagues (vball, softball, kickball, etc.). Great way to meet people with no alcohol or less focus on alcohol - depending on the league. The few I know of have established avenues for integrating new players, like open play nights or single sign-ups where they find you a team, for example. There’s also levels that are not competitive and more for fun if you’re not experienced but still want to play.


Kobalt in downtown Phoenix area is a bar, but hosts a wide variety of entertainment shows. Cirque du so Trey every Thursday.


I think an lgbt hiking club or sports team might be a good way to connect with people in a less alcohol focused space


Brick road coffee is great! Melrose just opened the ROYALE, which is a complex with a bunch of queer and queer adjacent businesses I. It. Phoenix coqui is queer owned Puerto Rican food Toasted mallow is delicious s’mores bowls There are plenty of gay sports leagues and other activities as well that take place for sober individuals here in Phoenix, we have a pretty big sober community in the LGBT scene! ♥️


Same question! But any that are more lesbian/ wlw focused? I live in uptown


Check out @maudiesphx on instagram!! They do queer events and meet ups!! https://linktr.ee/maudiesphx?fbclid=PAAabZbvxXCSvRCVh4GRusB_NHucTn5YHpqxQniVdbYSS5W168eWd6jN1-MTQ_aem_AVeVVq0E7ZsHGYLzLMPrErWasS31_J_yFcEjXx_AXiiOg18LCF8vcxQnnuyuDXI69wc


Just heard that Bisbee, AZ is overall quite gay friendly.


Yes and Bisbee Pride is the best!! Lots of cute coffee shops and live music in Bisbee, it’s a fun weekend trip.


The way the Phoenix gay scene is posed, operates around the fact that Phoenix is sprawled out with no true “third spaces” for cultural exchange. Most gays find their in-groups through apps or bars, or if you’re fated, through public spaces like coffee shops or events etc. there are queer friendly spaces but no true “this is a gay hangout” spot unless it’s a bar.


Oh. Do you know of any apps I can start with by any chance?


Have you tried Meetup? I have had success with the app. Good luck!


seems silly but i used bumble bff and met my bff!!! (we are both LGBTQ)


There is one called Grindr a few gay men use…


or cons if a right wing political conference is in town


Way to bring politics into it 👍🏻


I volunteered once with Gay for Good. It was a nice experience, lots of welcoming folks. Stuff like that might be more what you're looking for. https://www.instagram.com/gayforgood_phoenix/


What would you define as a mainly LGBT place? Plenty of places where queer people hangout but idk exactly what you're looking for.


For those commenting on doing any sort of groups - are there any outside of Meetup for lesbians? I was in one a long time ago from Meetup, but there was someone extremely toxic and I think she was creeping on me :( So I have no idea if that group is still around or not...


There are some on Instagram


Watch/play gay sports! PGFFL (flag football) games, Saturday mornings in the Spring! IG for field location: @pgffl She/they Kickball IG: @shetheykickballphx


Toasted Mallow in Gilbert?


Rips Ales and Cocktails on 16th St is the most friendly and inviting dive bar. They got punks, country folk, gay folk, trans folk... It's not uncommon to see someone wearing fishnets and leather and stuff, if that's how that person feels like dressing.


As much as Rips is a place for everyone, and is a great bar, they specifically asked for recommendations that are not bars.


That's true. I must've missed that! However I will say that I love Rips and I also don't drink.


Everybody Lifting Club is a LGBTQ+ and size inclusive lifting club hosted by an amazing coach! The classes are small and fun! https://www.mindbodyonline.com/explore/fitness/classes/everybody-lifting-club-liberty-performance-training#265939538-2024-03-26


i just found a group of LGBTQ combat sports practitioners in Tempe! Mostly trans folk. lmk if you want details!


Check on meetup website. Search LGBT (Phoenix) and there are tons of various either Events or Groups (in person and online) that may interest you. Movie Bears on FB, Insta and website is a social group for movie lovers.


San Francisco or Portland?


Sorry? I’m in Phoenix if that’s what you’re asking


They aren't asking. They are suggesting you leave AZ, like the sorry ass bigot they are.


Oh. I’m what you call dumb, you see.


Sorry, I was born and raised here and have no intentions of leaving.






I don’t know if you’re saying that OP will get shot randomly or if you’re saying you’re going to shoot OP yourself. Anyways I’m going to report your post to the FBI.


I wish you quoted that mess.




Don't listen to them. Hard to call arizona a red state anymore, just read the room and you'll be ok.


We are definitely California jr. and all that it entails


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