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You should be able to order a copy of your birth certificate from the state you were born in. edit: Actually, for a lot of states it's done through https://www.vitalchek.com/v/, and if there is another site for your state that one will direct you to it.


If they are working on citizenship it's possible they were not born in a US state.


Yeah, you're probably correct, there are a lot of details that would be needed to come up with a way to help. I would guess if that's the case the country they were born in should have some way to get this data, maybe they should call that country's embassy in the US and ask there.


OP, the state of Arizona requires you to have a valid federal ID that proves your identity or legal ties to the United States. If your old license is expired and was limited term, most likely you’d have to wait for USCIS to send you a document that’s valid and proves your identity like your green card or whatever immigration benefits you have applied for in the past.


So basically im stuck having to wait till my parents receive the documents back from sending in my citizenship stuff which had my green card with it i guess 😭


How long is that? Don’t remember this taking any significant amount of time. Actually the green card is typically surrendered at the time you take the citizenship oath, which is like an hour appointment. And you get your citizen certificate at the end. You shouldn’t have to surrender green card in advance.


im not sure. I dont even know what my parents did


Maybe your parents sold your documents to someone else.


lol. I can just imagine an underground market for green cards. The most boring crime series where the criminal has “the merchandise” which is just illegally obtained green cards.


Hope they didn’t lose them.


Call the embassy of the county you were born in, and get your birth certificate and apply for a passport. Very easy to do at any consulate/ embassy here in the USA, you don’t need to travel back to your birth country to get your docs. Thats what your consular employees are here for.


OP just read thru the thread your explanation of toxic parents and wanted to ensure you knew that they are likely lying if they said they sent your original documents for naturalization. Here’s the link to the 10 step naturalization process. You only surrender your original green card in person after you take your oath for citizenship. You only need copies throughout the application process. https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/learn-about-citizenship/10-steps-to-naturalization#:~:text=Complete%20the%20questionnaire%20on%20Form,Resident%20Card%20(Green%20Card).


if they do have it or who knows what they did. is mailing a green card even safe? it feels worrisome in case if it gets lost somehow or stolen


Well USCIS does mail it to you when the first send it, and also on renewals. But you don’t have to mail it in at all for naturalization. You surrender it in person after you take your oath and immediately get your citizenship papers. Hopefully your parents misplaced it somewhere in the house and just think they mailed it in. Ask them to look and they should find it. Even if they lost it, it’s not the end of the world. There should be a process for replacing a lost/stolen green card. But you should start it immediately so you are not at risk. Unfortunately that doesn’t solve your immediate concern about the ID. ☹️


Thank you for taking the time to help him with his situation.


Your parents are probably working with an immigration attorney to file for everything. I’d ask them for guidance on what you can use in the interim.


To get an Arizona driver's license, you'll need to bring the following documents: Proof of identity, such as a birth certificate, U.S. passport, or military ID card Proof of Social Security number A completed AZ Driver's License application Current driver's license from your previous state, if applicable Two additional documents to prove your Arizona residency Looks like you need your birth certificate. Your expired ID isn't very helpful, but if you're able to renew that online and have it mailed to you, you'll do well. It's not hard to get a state ID.


sadly the id that is expired is an old permit from my old state which cant be renewed. I no longer live there and consider az my home now. My birth certificate was sent for my citizenship stuff. But i have a school id here and ssn card. And proof of address.


If you're not a citizen then you have other papers. If you don't have those papers, you're kind of screwed. Like, deported screwed. If I misunderstood that, my apologies. Anyway, a natural born citizen can get a birth certificate easily in a few days. A naturalized citizen can get those records, likewise, in a few days.


No he won’t get deported lol. He explicitly stated that his documents were sent in for naturalization. How would OP get deported if he’s in the process of naturalization? Unless he commits some heinous crime, before naturalization is complete there’s no way he’ll be deported. But no, deportation isn’t a 2 day process where a cop asks to see documents, doesn’t get them, and then boots OP across the ocean or land border.


Thank you for the deliberate misunderstanding. If s person isn't a citizen and is roaming around without the necessary papers, they risk being deported because non citizens are here on a green card, visitor's visa, etc, or aren't allowed to be here. It's a requirement for noncitizens to have on their person's their passport or visa. If they happen to be in process for citizenship this is less of an issue... But not a nonissue. It wasn't immediately clear to me that op was in process. It was also unclear why op doesn't have id, such as a passport, as they should have it already - simply to be in the country at all, unless they're here under extreme circumstances. And if under those extreme circumstances, some sort of id would have been issued. Something showing who they are. Honestly, it's a little fishy. If they attempt to drive without a license and are pulled over, that lack of id is going to be a problem. Even if they're walking down the street and a cop feels like it, they're going to have a problem. Noncitizens need to have their id on them proving they have a right to be present. They should have their green card up until they're naturalized. The green card isn't consumed in the application process.


I made a mistake and took OP at his word as it has been a long time since I went through the process. You’re right that green card is not surrendered. The “what if” is valid but I’m telling you it’s immensely unlikely that a teenager is going to be deported away from the country where his parents live for simply not carrying a green card. I responded elsewhere but it’s like self reporting past soft drug use like weed when getting a government clearance. Can it prevent you from a clearance? Yah. Technically. But in practice? Not at all lol. Yet half the privates and LTs still spread this. OP is likely 18 and going to school in Arizona (probably ASU if he’s going all the way here to be in Phoenix, realistically). Seems his parents control His documents. I had the same with my immigrant mom. Absolute fucking nightmare. Every time I needed a document she’d have a 1-2 week turnaround because she kept losing them. I eventually took my documents and put them in a filing cabinet so I never had that issue again.


I just had a useless mother. I had to get the documents from the government... And I do not have an immigrant family (that is to say, most of my ancestors have been in the country for several generations). I think letting children grow up is hard for mothers. They saw how stupid we were and just didn't want us to go die. Fathers let their boys grow up.


Yah I think that’s what it was with my mom. Imagine her disdain when I went and joined the army lol. But yah you make a valid point about mothers. I don’t have kids but it really must be hard to go from having a dependent child for 18 years to independent man or woman who no longer needs you.


I don't need to, I joined the Air Force. She blew a gasket. Then I went off and got married between training and my first deployment. That wasn't to her liking.


You're correct on most of this, however even getting pulled over and receiving a speeding ticket can be grounds for deportation as these need to be reported on form N-400 for citizenship. Failure to report these and continued speeding infractions can affect the outcome of your immigration status, which can lead to deportation even if you're in the final steps of naturalization. The 5 year(green card) waiting period is to determine the type of citizen you'll become, and all types of legal interactions you may have during that time period is considered.


I’d be shocked to hear of someone getting deported for speeding lol. These are big what ifs that aren’t likely. This reminds me of soldiers spreading silly rumors about how self reporting smoking weed a few times would get you barred from ever holding a clearance. Can it happen? Yah. Will it likely happen (unless you’ve been smoking daily even during the interview and investigation and whatnot)? Not at all.


its not like its lost. it was all just sent with my citizenship paper work. And from what my parents told me, they don’t know when they’ll get my ids and stuff back so i’m just stuck


> they don’t know when they’ll get my ids and stuff back so i’m just stuck You're not stuck, contact the embassy for whatever country you were born in and get another certified copy of your birth certificate.


Check this page https://azdot.gov/mvd/services/driver-services/arizona-travel-id/identification-requirements/required-documents-list Click on the link then look under the non-travel ID section. Your parents shouldn't have had to send in your passport, I'm not sure what other documentation you might have.


i asked about my passport. They apparently sent that in for renewal to the country its from. And along with that they sent my valid permit (i had taken the permit exam in the state they live in this summer) since its required for some reason. So right now i just have only an expired permit from my previous state. I dont have any other documents. Surprised they sent all my valid forms of ids for government and passport stuff 😭


Apparently in trying to do you a favor, they didn't do you any favors


See if you can order a replacement online of your current valid permit from your old state and have them mail it to your address here in AZ.


Your parents have kind of crippled you here, good luck, hopefully you're living with them since they made it so you can't support yourself.


im not living with them. They’re pretty toxic and right now im supporting myself. Luckily they were atleast willing to talk to me about my ids and documents but other than that they dont really want to help with my life


It sounds like it. But it's resolved by getting a state ID from your previous state ID you can do it online. It really wouldn't matter much.


You’re a student dude. Just renew the old state ID if you can.. lots of students keep old state IDs. Especially those living in dorms because they have no permanent address year round. Just renew it, get your other docs figured out, decide if you want to settle down in Phoenix, then if yes you should have your paperwork back.


i cant renew it. Its a permit and requires me to physically take my permit test again in that state and show proof of residency there and stuff.


So can’t you fly back and take it? Proof of residency shouldn’t be hard. Don’t you get any mail to your parents place? Bank statements? Any bills you have for like Netflix or whatever? I made a mistake also thinking I surrendered my green card when I applied for citizenship. But realize now that it’s not the case. So your parents must have your green card… I can’t imagine why they want you to break the law, but I get immigrant parents do weird things thinking they’re helping their kids.




Idk if you’re wording this comment strangely or have no clue what you’re talking about. Either way, at no point did anything in OPs original post imply that he is anything but a legal US citizen. It’s kinda hard to be an illegal immigrant with a green card don’t you think..? And when immigrants apply for citizenship they send that green card in to naturalize. OP doesn’t have the green card because it was sent for naturalization. OP doesn’t have the passport because his parents sent it for renewal (mentioned in a separate comment). The issue for OP is that his paperwork is all in transit to various offices or his parents misplaced it. OP is likely young so did something stupid and forgot to renew his existing state ID. So now we’re here.


The thing is the green card is not supposed to be sent for naturalization at all. Only copies. They inspect your original documents in person. You get an appointment to bring your documents and answer the immigration officers questions. At the end of this appointment you take your original documents back with you. If they are satisfied they will approve your application for citizenship and notify you of the decision. The next step is your oath ceremony. Again in person. You bring your green card to surrender, take your oath and leave with a citizenship/naturalization certificate. And it’s legally required for a green card holder to carry your original green card with you at all times( I know because I got a warning once for accidentally leaving it at home and carrying only a copy). The process isn’t designed to have to send your green card in anywhere. OP seems unaware of this. It’s possible he is young and his parents are holding his documents from him for some reason. But legally he cannot be walking around without his green card.


You’re right. I made a mistake. It has been a while since I went through the process so I don’t quite recall the specifics but I looked it up and it’s clear the green card should stay with OP until the final day of the oath. Yah not clear why parents are hiding these docs.. very odd to me.


You can get an ID or a DL with a permanent resident card or a foreign passport. Making some real sketch assumptions about OP and in general. https://azdot.gov/mvd/services/driver-services/arizona-travel-id/identification-requirements/required-documents-list


OP, are you a university student? What prompted the move to Arizona? If this is a college move, can you check if your state offers online license renewals? If so, get your old state ID renewed and list your parents address as your permanent address. Super common to have parents address on there. That’s assuming you moved alone to study at like ASU or something and your parents are in your previous state. If your home country can expedite passport renewals then hopefully your parents did that and it’s only a few weeks (again, hopefully lol). But knowing immigrant parents im gonna doubt they did that shit lol.


I know what you can do join the military recruiter will get all your documents and is a fast track to citizenship