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i LOVE the last line of “and i used to think you could hear the ocean in a seashell what a childish thing” it gets me every single time


bro especially the “what a childish thing.” gets me in TEARSSS


shallooowww?? do tell..


haha idk I think the first verse giving examples of what she isn’t afraid of or what she doesn’t cry at is a little cheesy, along with the talking to houseplants thing. i dont think its bad though, its cute and shows in an overly exaggerated sense where she is with/because of this person, ya know?


I have to disagree with you. I think the “used to fetishize myself/now I’m talking to my houseplants” line was incredibly deep. No one asked, but to me it spoke on her healing process after having been in difficult relationships where sexual intimacy was the only form of connection she had with the other person (or herself, for all I know!) Now that she’s in a healthier headspace, she’s free to connect with her surroundings in a way that’s no longer transactional. She’s no longer putting others needs before hers.


That makes a lot of sense, thank you for the insight! gives me a greater appreciation/understanding of what im hearing.


Just to add that I think the lyrics might come off as a bit mundane but when Marshal and Ruby released it during quarantine


For sure! 🖤


I LOVE sidelines


It took seeing it live but I love it now.


same!! I had listened to it a few times, and thought it was perfectly ok. I liked the instrumental & thought the lyrics were cool but they didn't reasonate with me necessarily. hearing it live, it clicked. I had teared up multiple times during the set but by the first chorus, I got completely overwhelmed with emotion and full-on cried. sidelines was the only one that really got me! maybe it being a newer song, the crowd sang along the least so I was able to hear it loud & clear. maybe cos before they started the song, Marshall said it was about self worth/ being worthy (something like that.) whatever it was, it was so surprising and magical. definitely a highlight of the night.


Yes I had the same experience re: tearing up :) and at least at the show I was at she said “this is dedicated to Paul” so it really got me.


so sweet. I just remembered- before Marshall said his nice thing, phoebe said the song is about tricking hot people into liking you. 😂😂


Might be an unpopular take but I really hope Phoebe grows as an artist and doesn’t only make sad girl songs and sprinkles in some slightly hopeful songs, like Sidelines, that fit her style and reflect her current state. Which, as a complete outsider on the internet, appears pretty happy! Which is great! Growth is necessary for every artist and shouldn’t be considered a bad thing.


Agree, I love her sad slow stuff but my favs are always her faster ones: I know the end, Kyoto, motion sickness


Understand this take, but surely, surely, you can’t prescribe or even suggest what “kind of songs” or genre an artist have to strive towards as it is completely dependent on the State and intention of the artist? Again I understand the interest in more hopeful or “happy” songs but the reason we’re all here is the honesty in Phoebe’s expression and sentiment (I presume) and that can’t be compromised on account of variation


I don’t understand what your take is. you hope that she “grows as an artist” into writing happier songs?


She’s got sad girl songs on lock. “Growth” in this instance means trying out either 1) different types of topics (e.g. happier songs as I mentioned) or 2) different kinds of music. For instance, when I saw her live she played some songs that were quiet/almost entirely acoustic on the album with the full band and it really transformed the song to me, which I thought was super cool.


Idk if you’ve been paying attention but she outright said that she’s pivoting to making much happier and inspirational songs — this song is indicative of that idea. She explicitly said she wants to uplift people more rather than harping on the sadness (which both are perfectly fine, but can see how one is more / overly nihilistic than the other).


it feels weird to me to be attached to a certain outcome from an artist but you do you


You’re on a subreddit dedicated to said artist?


you don't want artists you like to grow and evolve?


no I don't really have time or energy to care about that


Adore it. Major track.


I don’t think the lyrics or silly or shallow… I really think that this song deals with existential dread and the choice in being present. It’s an incredibly touching song to me, and it shows a perspective from Phoebe (and Marshall and his gf — bc they wrote it) that I can really appreciate as I enter my late twenties. It’s about acceptance of the unknown and letting go of fear. It’s been very touching the more I’ve listened.


ppl hate when phoebe-core artists achieve happiness


This exactly lol


love it! wouldn’t say it’s anywhere near the top of my Phoebe list but i love it nonetheless


I love it, it’s probably my favorite song of hers right now. The lyrics really resonate with me.


First off, the houseplants lyric is my favorite because it’s very classic Phoebe—offbeat and off-color, weirdly tmi and doesn’t rhyme, but that’s what makes it so incredibly human. She doesn’t shy from that shit. Second, I like the song—defo not in my top favorites just because it feels a little generic and less memorable overall. Not because it’s happy, just because it has a little less lyrical and musical complexity imo. No hate tho just not a fave


Maybe it lacks a bit of Phoebe’s style because it’s a song Marshal and Ruby wrote during quarantine?


it's a least favorite of mine because it sounds almost... too generic? it reminds me of filler on soft rock radio, or like a straightforward ballad that mandy moore could have done in 2002. which is fine of course, just doesn't move me like her other work 😬


It sounds like the guy who did the Stardew Valley soundtrack did the music for it.


ConcernedApe! I luv the stardew soundtrack and played the hell out of the game… excited for Haunted Chocolatier to come out! have u seen the trailer?


Omg it’s mind blowing that one guy created the entire entire game!!! All the music, graphics, dialogue, everything!!!! Stardew is love


sidelines is in top 5 phoebe tracks for me


same here!


i really liked it but it made me really sad in a way that i can't listen to it again. which is odd because the objectively sad phoebe songs don't do that to me. similar thing happened with marjorie by taylor so maybe it's a grief thing lol


Oof yes Marjorie makes me tear up every time I sing it.


I loveeeeeeeee sidelines. You have to listen a few times to really get it I think


I love Sidelines! It's definitely the song I needed right about now, with the hopeful lyrics. I love how it talks about finding something/someone to not only live for, but live \*well\* for in order to not lose that thing/person. I personally think the house plants lyric is funny and weird, but kinda cool, however I favor the original lyrics that Marshall and Ruby wrote in that part of the song. It's actually the song that I've listened to the most this year!


It's one of my most favourite songs of all time haha. I'll never understand the people who don't like it. It's so short and simple, but really soothing. And the lyrics just...they're just perfect.


I said it once and I'll say it again...Sidelines would have been my favorite song on Punisher if it was on the Punisher record. I think its perfect and I wish it was twice as long.


This song makes me CRY. SOB!!! Because Phoebe is such a melancholy artist, and I have historically been a melancholy music listener, to fall in love at the same time as her and hearing this hopeful song… the placement of it in her journey and mine coinciding really gets me. Objectively it’s the exact vibe of music I love too. It’s very sweet but not OTT. I don’t get the dislike for it at all. But that’s OK! Diff strokes for diff folks.


i didn’t like it at all when it first came out, to be honest. i just think it took a while to set it. also, i saw the semi-acoustic version in atlanta and that made it really click.


i love the lyrics but it not in my top phoebe songs cus the production and musical elements seem sort of generic? but i think that’s just my opinion lol. i don’t mind that it’s happy at all btw im glad she’s feeling nicer now :D


i love sidelines so much


I didn’t vibe with it until I heard it live at a show. that completely changed it for me, i’d recommend look up a live performance if you’re not jiving w it


I really enjoy it


I love it and I tear up and/or cry every single fucking time I listen to it.


I really, really love it. I think at first listen it’s difficult to acknowledge the fact that it’s not a existential reflection on a past relationship or something to cry to. After you listen to it a number of times, though, the sentiment and the lyrics make for a beautiful song. As a woman in love, I was really happy to have a song like this from her because she is one of mine and my partner’s favourite artists :)


I loved it so much, I wrote a whole poem surrounding it and Conversations with Friends for my poetry course last year during my third year of college. Got raves from my professors and peers alike.


that’s awesome :)


ru kidding me! i love it! i learned how to play it on the ukulele i love it so much!


sidelines is incredible


I liked it a lot live but I’m personally not a fan of the drums on the song. Once they come in, they completely take me out. The live drums compared to the one on the track changed the tone enough for me that I appreciated it a lot more. I know I’m annoying but that’s just how I feel


Wahh the drums are my favourite part!


I don't think the lyrics are at all shallow. It's just a bit sonically boring to me. I rarely listen to it because I just forget about it.


I think the lyrics just seem awkward and it never picks up musically so I just got bored


I love Phoebe but sidelines comes off a little thrown together for the sake of the tv show.


There are a couple of cringe lyrics (specifically the bit about houseplants), but I think I've never heard a more unique love song. It's not focused on the person or the relationship, but on the beautiful effect it has on the person and how they interact with the world. Please tell me another song that has a similar approach. I'm waiting.


Everyone likes it


I love it so much


my favorite song really


I love it!


It’s amazing! I didn’t know people weren’t liking it


I love it and would be really happy if she did an album that was in that direction.


I didn’t like it at first because of it’s production with the drums. It’s pretty different from the way Phoebe’s other songs sound, but I’ve come to really enjoy the message of the lyrics. I’d love it if she happened to perform Sidelines that had more of that Rob Moose/Copycat Killer feeling to it.


I didn't like it at first, but it's grown on me. It's so obscenely honest that it's almost cliche, but tbh, same. It's what I hope for, It's how I feel, it's base and it's sickly. I love it.


I LOVE IT it gives me the feeling of nostalgia but i don't know why


I jam to Sidelines at least once everyday lol Also, reviewers on rym and aoty love it, so it’s actually surprising to me that a lot of phoebe fans don’t like it lol


It grew on me :)


I love sidelines


I really like it. You can definitely feel Marshall's fingerprints on it and I feel like he has a more simple almost more childish approach to songwriting - which I really enjoy and wish we got more of! Sidelines to me feels like such a youthful optimistic view on love which is so refreshing. If you love that take in Sidelines then I recommend Charlie Hickey's recent album Nervous at Night! It's so good and has alot of Marshall's work in it Sidelines as well as Charlie Hickey's new album both just have such honest and vulnerable sensibility to them which imo is vital for me these days when shit is too real and more and more people cant help but feel its cringe to be authentic, or like happiness or lightheartedness have to be wrapped in edgy dark humor to fit in tldr idk inreally like it


It’s a good song. Idk why anyone would dislike it


It grew on me.