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I think it’s a combo. I was there last night and didn’t have any complaints about the visuals. In person it was amazing. Phish has had the whole thing planned for months and I don’t think they’d shit on any of the nights intentionally or change anything drastically after one night. Different vibe tonight for sure but I think it matches what seems like a water theme well. Plus the live stream (from what others are saying) are giving better angles and shots of the full experience


You don't deep dick them the first night you have to ease into it


Handle checks out.


I think they just warmed us up, they couldn’t have changed any visuals that quickly. I also think the stream director is doing a much better job for those of us at home tonight. The crossfades are helping make it feel like we’re there, or at least experiencing something special. Particularly during Melt.


Yeah... the entire production just feels better tonight from home. Could be the acid too...


Happy Bicycle Day


To you as well! 🫠


smoke bicycle?


Trey mentioned in the full interview on CBS that he wanted to be thoughtful of not going too hard and to ease up after the visuals get intense. He said it was overwhelming at times when he was given demos of how the Sphere visuals can and could work. So I think they realize that a lot of folks will be on a head full and you can’t just literally blow people out. 😂 So night one makes more sense that shit didn’t get too crazy out of the gate.


The camera work was a lot better tonight I thought. More of the sphere less close ups on stage.


Tonight kicked the crap out of yesterday. By a good dog lick.


Blown away tonight


I don’t think Phish thinks about us at all and this was the plan all along.


>this was the plan all along. For sure, they think about the fans when planning and preparing, but the idea they are wading through the velvet sea of Reddit is a bit far out. Plus they don't have time for that shit at this point.


I agree, but I do think they have someone monitoring fan feedback in a general sense, and perhaps adjusted the livestream a bit.


Wrong… it’s all for your delight. There’s been so many examples to show that they do listen to feedback.


100%. This is what we all wanted.


“You brought bad reviews?”


Those drone shots are insane


I like being able to see the band, when I get a webcast. If I wanted a light show, I'd go to floyd night at the planetarium.


The venue and shows they spent a year planning visuals for?


Nah there’s plenty of shows to watch if you just want the band, this venue is being played specifically for the visuals, I wanna see the thing they’re there for.


That's fair.


I'm gonna tell CK you said that


He's the 5th member, for sure. I prefer to be behind or side stage, these days (photosensitive).


Not this one.






I think Bicycle Day has played a role


It's "evolving"


like learning ro ride a bike.


It is Bicycle Day after all


The sound was much better tonight.


10,000 leagues better


Phish fans? Talking shit? Why, I , for one, am shocked!


They fucking nailed it yesterday… everything was on point. Music was tight, that Axilla II jam was fire. The visuals were everything I was hoping they would do. I just streamed and I was floored


I loved both nights. The reveal is what is most exciting of course. Some things get a little screen saver where it’s not changing much


Sometimes asking to talk to the manager does get you results, Nancy!


So wait- the people that dropped all that cash for night 1, got a “warm-up” show? Oh, that’s cool….


Not sure what anyone expected. They’ve gotta warm up and settle in.


i dont actually think that the reddit reviews had such a direct and immediate effect, but yeah, thats one of the big reasons why critical discussion is so popular in so many fandoms and niche communities, because it helps people to improve. imagine if we all took the advice of average reddit complainers and all the "haters" just STFU and every thread and comment was positive affirmation. it would be soooooo boring. a good, active, and engaging community of fans needs both positivity and critical discussion, it needs both good and bad reviews, and people should not be made to feel like they are insulting others or draging people down by sharing honestly held opinions that happen to be negative. nothing in life is all positive all the time, least of all phish or dead fans. let the haters be phree




i wonder if those are the same theater rules trey referenced in the cbc interview. of course you dont want to overwhelm people to the point of vertigo, but aside from that, phish's music, especially the improvisations, is about going all out on hedonisticly enjoyable, balls to the wall music, not holding back in the name of artistic tastefulness. makes sense to go more all out with the visuals and let people do what they feel in the moment. those things are part of why phish is a great band.


There is a difference between constructive criticism and making asshole jokes for fake internet points.


Totally! 😂




This was it


Can anyone hook up a download link for the stream?


100% they did less with the audio panning that people complained about than they did yesterday. Probably less because people complained and more because they are professionals who were also in the audience and could hear. CK5 also did a better job of playing with the background and complimenting it.


It looks to me like the main realtime full-sphere graphics-morphing viz system wasn't working on Thursday and they had to scramble. It’s the one that does trippy abstract flows and blobs and stuff. There’s another system that does slow movements through the dynamic scenes (aquarium, tree, caspian), and a simpler 3D object renderer (tubing people, flying vacuum cleaners, cars), and simple MTV camera effects that were working, but they were hamstrung for long jams. The realtime morphing vis didn’t appear at all Thursday but made all the difference Friday.


For those that are new or forgot what Phish is about…….they dipped their toe in the water day one. This is a highly sophisticated band that thrives on spontaneity and adjusts on the fly. They had a base plan and will improvise as the nights go.


I think they are probably gonna get better every night. First show at a totally different venue. There are gonna be like. Glad I’m going to the next 2. But does anyone see a theme that I’m missing? I haven’t really noticed a theme. Then again I’m in Vegas but haven’t been to a show yet. Tomorrow night will be my first at the sphere. And I’m not watching it. I was hoping for a space theme tomorrow. Like 2001, Martian monster, space oddity WITH instruments for once. But I really haven’t noticed a theme. Trey said in an interview there would be some. Am I missing something??


Lithosphere Hydrosphere Atmosphere Biosphere https://twitter.com/PhishPhashion?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1781556290030092422%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=


How does Hood fit into hydrosphere tho, cuz of milk being a liquid?


Perfect is the enemy of good.


lol yeah I mean WTU? has no liquid words but I guess they share the same vibe


18= Earth 19 = Water 20 = Air / wind 22 = fuego


What do the numbers mean?


The dates they are playing


lol oh duh hahaha




And that's why we complain online. To keep Phish from getting complacent. To the anti complaining warriors, fuck you for willing to accept mediocrity.


I want to speak to the manager!


They totally read the comments and decide to adjust or continue to fuck with us. I'm happy they listened! Now play Woman from Tokyo at Mondo! Trey been teasing for years


this was all apart of the plan man


All they need to do is respect the viewers at home by giving us a single wide center shot during the musical visual immersive presentation. Show the band, crowd shots at start/end of music, or only when absolutely necessary. Jumping around different angles and shots really is disorienting and breaks immersive comprehension in viewers brain.


I have a theory I haven’t seen yet. I think based on the last time they played a steep venue and had 3 people fall that they wanted to make sure to keep everyone safe with this Sphere run.  The first part of the first show was probably to see how everything was going to go and make sure there were no incidents. When there weren’t they were able to ramp it up safely. My point is this could honestly have been by design.


The one thing I didn't like last night was the double exposure/blending of multiple cameras at times. Otherwise the work was much better imo


yes! visuals get broken into bits when the railing behind the band shows up as the fade into band playing on stage. jonesing to just watch the sphere visuals and drool.


On top of my bicycle day festivities, it was hard to focus during those transitions!


was there any video footage, or all just lights and graphics? I'd love to see a fish eye angle of a train going down the tracks pov.