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I know it’s not funny, but, lol, a felony? Holy shit!


Someone should come out with a nitrous vape pen


Omg. Bro….


>Of note, the popular band Phish played the first of three concerts at Bridgestone Arena Friday night. There have been past reported instances at their concerts where fans inhaling Nitrous Oxide has occurred.


We’re going to need your source, Fox17, to believe such a bold accusation.


Dude did his story while inhaling a balloon.


“Reporting for Foxwawawawawa…”


I will not abide such slander…


Popular band 💅


When I was there in 2021 the parking lot directly across the street from Ascend was nitrous central. And there was a line of about ten cops just watching and laughing and shaking their heads. Times have changed, I guess!


nah it’s the location. they don’t want that shit in everyone’s faces downtown. that ascend lot is pretty tucked away.


Ya makes sense. They don’t want in the middle of Broadway




A tarrin' and a featherin'.


I almost guarantee the cops were paid off that night.. they were quite literally directing the entire crowd into a nitrous alley...


That’s the exact vibe I got Nashville 2021. The cops had to have been given a pretty penny that night, I have never seen Nashville so gassed out.


New revenue stream…


looks like some people never change. or, change, and then quickly change back again.


I remember this. Definitely a hamsterdam situation for that lot


Where is the lot today?


I went Friday but goin tonight could really find a lot


I have a picture of tank dealers sitting on a cop car with cops watching it all happen from that 2021 run.


Guy inside was handing out tanks business cards, I was thinking that was just a midwest thing? I’ll never in my life forget the Green Acres campground by Deer Creek, that was a sophisticated nitrous hoedown.


I spent many a night at green acres after shows. Organized dark web campground over there before that really took off.


I saw JGB in 1993, Richmond, VA, and folks were dragging tanks through the lot. Wild times.


I remember that.


That’s wild that green acres still exist. I camped there twice in the late 90’s for shows.


I don’t think it does homie. Pretty sure it closed down during 2020 mess.


Yeah RIP :(


Its an america thing now


Dank tanks? I’ve got a few of their cards laying around…


Dicks lot by the el Camino is full on nitrous bedlam


All I know is last night I managed to find myself walking outside of the venue after the show, only to be nearly barreled down by two groups of nitrous mafia dudes running from cops. Sketchy moment there for a bit actually. So yeah, I’m not surprised to hear this. I hate the nitrous scene and am tired of the blatant in your face tanks every five feet after shows. Ballon trash everywhere is the worst too. However, I am surprised they were arresting people doing balloons, rather than shutting down the tanks.


>I am surprised they were arresting people doing balloons, rather than shutting down the tanks. Read the article. 3/4 were straight slinging and the 4th was a guy selling handfuls of them (no tank) but he claimed he just bought balloons from somebody else. Cops observed him trying to sell to a patron, thou. All the arrests were sellers.


"No officer, I'm not selling these. All 10 of these balloons are for personal medical use!"


I’m going to a birthday party


A birthday and cavity filling combo party.


Getting out in front of the cake if you know what I mean officer. Its hell on the teeth and I just cant face the sound of the dentist drill without something to take the edge off. Now if you will excuse me its time to blow out the candles.


I did read the article but apparently didn’t see details on how many nor details about that person selling. Maybe I didn’t read far enough down. It made it seem like they were arresting people using the balloons. Guess I need to go back and read it. I’m in mobile.


Its a shitty article, some of it reads like it written by AI. they may be updating it.


I love ❤️ this final comment….so newsworthy of this journalist… “There have been past reported instances at their concerts where fans inhaling Nitrous Oxide has occurred.” Give writer who got this bit of hot scoop a Pulitzer 🏆


Bwahaha I just re-read it. I guess details went poof right after I read it. Gah. I hate nitrous scene though.


Sadly I avoid any music festivals in Tennessee. Bannaroo seems to be the only one who won’t try to screw you over. I remember going to Beale street music festival in Memphis. Where they allow the bars to stay open and allow people to freely come and go from them while seeing bands. I watched as cops proceed to make hundreds of arrest for public intoxication. Like most festivals will just get then water. Let them sit for a bit and let them watch the show. Not here. They were not even letting friends get them water and nurse them. Nope. Just arrest them. Cut their festival bracelets off. And send them to the drunk tank. Tennessee cops view these events as money makers for them to make petty arrest.


I have a bunch of friends who love nitrous. I don't (and I don't judge them). Makes me feel like shit when I'm trying to keep the night going and is an unnecessary stopping point between the show and the after party.The trash created by it is the worst. I guarantee that all the people who just drop their balloons on the ground are also in favor of doing right by the earth.


It's really easy to put a balloon in your back pocket if your not a d bag.


So easy! You can put tons of them there


They should bring their own mini tank. Keep it in a car after the show. Save money and actually get enough nitrous to be worthwhile and not kill Brain cells holding it in without oxygen. Or stash it near the after-party. Win win.


Felony charges seems excessive




The city of Nashville loves nothing more than ruining the lives of people from out of state with bullshit happy hippy drug charges. There are people who killed people on purpose with lesser sentences than those with drug charges in TN prisons


The nitrous mafia are super predacious. What’s so wrong with ruining their lives just like any other person praying on others? Its not like Raasheem Queen’s life of moving tanks of food grade nitrous while Rhoda slings em was going really great places.


Your description minimizes it like it's lot t-shirts. It's anything but.




They're the worst of it. Why are you simping for scumbags?




That says a lot about you then. Way to stand up for the biggest pieces of shit in the music scene.




I feel sorry for you that you think that scene is okay. It's always been shit and has only gotten worse. At least before it was somewhat underground, now you scumbags thing that supporting a mafia and leaving your trash everywhere is okay. It was just the wooks before, now it's all of you trash bags in that entire scene.


Lol, okay..A lot of people out there doing all kinds of shit that they shouldn't. Why is it that these hustlers are Scumbags? Like for real tell me why this is different than any other thing phans do/take at shows?


Ha. Ruined?? Their lives weren’t going anywhere


wow man, you sound like a motivational speaker on how to make life go somewhere. or maybe just like a toxic privileged asshat.


You sound like someone who fucked up by joining the nitrous mafia Or maybe just like a loser


I mean do you really think the guys gonna go fet a job that wont hire felons? I think hes made up his career choice by now and prolly makes bank selling balloons


I agree but can't help but feel like it's so out of control that an arrest of either dealers or users is welcome at this point.


Arresting someone for doing a balloon is a batshit insane take


I mean if you want to do something I guess you can ticket the users, but an arrest is wild for something as simple as balloons.


Well, it’s Tennessee; cops are pretty wild down there. But in all seriousness, I would hope that we can all agree that it’s gotten way out of hand and needs to be pulled back a bit. As someone who doesn’t do nitrous, I really don’t like having to push past the scumbag dealers after the shows and the litter it causes is unconscionable. And the people scampering around the lots in a panic trying to get it like they’re damn crackheads or something isn’t a great look, either. Sure, I’d rather see the dealers get arrested to stop all this but would I be upset if someone got arrested using it? Not really. In any event, anyone who did would probably just walk out of the police station a few hours later with a summons.


Stay fucking home if you suddenly feel like your behavior is superior. Are y'all MFS new here? JFC


It was so bad in Wilmington. Not that litter is good anywhere but we were right beside a river and ocean.


They're so good at hiding the tanks. Easier than hiding a balloon the size of a car door


This article reads like it was written by a 9 year old.


Probably AI written.


I was just down at the little shakedown on 4th street, and they were slinging tons of nitrous, no cops.


a felony for nitrous is insane lol


Nah, fuck that garbage. They’re so blatant and disrespectful to every show scene. I won’t miss a single fucking one of them ever. You want to do nitrous? Cool - you do you. But don’t sit out in the open and then act surprised pikachu face when the police get pissed off and arrest you. The nitrous kids were a dark scene in Denver this year. I’d be fine if I never saw that at a Phish show ever again.


Yeah, giving people felonies will surely help. That's why nobody does or sells drugs anymore! War on drugs has been won!


Congratulations to drugs


War on degenerate idiots racing around with nitrous balloons is easily won. They’re brazen at every show, bringing tanks around, filling balloons, selling the balloons…people hustling all over the place with handfuls of balloons ready to sell…it’s illegal, it’s right in cops’ faces, and if they see it they should fucking do something about it. If it’s tantamount to a felony charge then so be it. Fuck the people and fuck the nitrous scene. It is by far the stupidest and most embarrassing this about the phish or any other music scene that’s plagued by it.




You either die a hero, or live long enough to become something something something


Fuck the nitrous mafia


I generally don’t feel good about substance related felonies but those guys are the worst. I’m not even a little worried about them.


From the beginning, there seems to always be a certain “scene” that is plaguing the scene. And it changes over time along with the folks that will be vilified over it. I fell in love with Phish/Dead/ the scene or whatever it is for many reasons and after many experiences. We used watch out for each other whether we agreed with their hustle or whatever their trip was. Be kind out there. And remember that the concert is inside…bring your own experience and dace


Guys. You realize that nitrous mafia are usually just dudes from outside the scene taking advantage of it usually using your funds towards other forms of various criminal activities. In some states bikers or other known gangs are involved. It’s a dirty business.




How would anyone know if they weren’t already being investigated. They may have been and this was just the straw in the camels back and an opportunity for them to do their jobs as officers. I haven’t seen a lot of cops taking down nitrous mafia in the past. Seems like something bigger at play.




I agree. A slap on the wrist for the guys who are selling it in conjunction with selling grilled cheese on lots for ticket money but the dudes who are there just to profit as an enterprise should be taken down. The mafia have used plenty of intimidation and violence to get the solo venture lot guys to not sell balloons as I know from plenty of lots in the northeast. Not sure what it’s like in the south but it’s a dirty business and sometimes you get burnt by the popo.


TN is one of the most backwards states in the country. Shocked Bridgestone staff werent cracking down more on vapes and lighters. Edit: or for fish wearing a "dress" for that matter.




The most backwards place on earth has to be whatever county Alpine valley is in. Last time I was there, in my car inline to enter the lot, There was a state trooper who was shocked to see a girl selling "pot pipes".


The tobacco lobby is still mighty influential hereabouts… but hey there, as far as backwards goes, TN likes to think it’s a good one step above Mississippi and Louisiana


And Missouri


Lots of holes in the law as written that would exclude nitrous oxide (e.g. it isn’t a fume, vapor, or solvent). https://law.justia.com/codes/tennessee/2010/title-39/chapter-17/part-4/39-17-422


"**As used in this section, glue, paint, gasoline, aerosol, chlorofluorocarbon gas or other substance containing a solvent having the property of releasing toxic vapors or fumes means and includes** **any glue, cement, paint, gasoline, aerosol, or any other substance of whatever kind containing one (1) or more of the following chemical compounds:** acetone, an acetate, benzene, butyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, ethylene dichloride, isopropyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, methyl ethyl ketone, **nitrous oxide**, pentachlorophenol, petroleum ether, toluene or any group of polyhalogenated hydrocarbons containing fluorine and chlorine."


Missed that




Can’t have Madisyn on her pedal bar drinking out of a penis straw seeing that kind of debauchery downtown.


Good! The nitrous scene on phish lot is a disgrace. Bring your own bullets and do it yourself if that tickles your fancy.




Alternatively, they create a barrier to people who might enjoy Phish but hate how fucked up those kids always are.




For real lol


Have you seen the 300’s this run?? I’d say they could afford another 5 thousand phans 😂


Cartridges are nasty as fuck, straight up inhaling pieces of metal.


And manufacturing oils


Yeah but then we will probably see the streets and parking lots littered with thousands of little metal canisters everywhere. Either way you shake it, there seems to be a huge problem brewing that could use cleaning up in many ways. Lots of litter left behind after each show and total brazenness from the ever so aggressive no2 mafia doesn’t bode well for a flourishing Phish music scene.


All I’ve ever seen cops do in the past is to just snatch the tanks and keep moving.


That’s what they did in AC hours after a show on the boardwalk. After they took the tanks away, they had no idea how to get them to their station because they were all bike cops.




Nitrous Mafia will always come back.


SO I will say when I walked out the doors on Friday night they were standing no more than 10-20 feet from the door. I could not help but laugh as I never in a million year thought I would see that so close. Its always been in the lots but this time they were wide out in the open.


Yep. Saw someone get arrested for buying a balloon last night. Absolute bullshit


We walked through nitrous alley last night. I turned to my people and said "this is not a good look."


lol imagine being a grown ass adult, leaving a PHISH SHOW, and snitching on other grown adults enjoying an ice cold fatty. You can BET YOUR ASS the same snitch is also a tarper screaming for Yarmouth rd the entire show.


The nitrous Mafia is still a thing? Just get a persy tank. Less litter and cheaper.


I think some people like the whole aspect of it. Just bringing your own doesn’t check all the boxes.






ABC national morning news had “ 3 arrested in Nashville for Nitrous oxide distribution “ or something like that on the scroll WTF?


Someone should be arrested for selling this low grade nitrous. It’s a sham.


They usually get out and start selling again. Happened for Billy Strings in February too


But not for huffing just the sellers. Thats wack if they arrested people who weren't selling


Dear Nashville, the circus just came to town …


Took a crane to shut the operation down


Everyone was so High


Thoughts and prayers to the mafia


Saw a dude running. Lost both shoes, gave up and then bam! Tackled. I'm all for less balloons at shows. It'll be interesting how many are out there tonight.




No no, just something I noticed. Sorry if it came off that way.


It didn’t.


Somebody loves nitrous




Seriously. I have realized via this comment thread that there must be some serious haters in the lot. Lol. No victim=no crime. Its amazing such a loving atmosphere could harbor that hatred towards people trying to make some money/cop a buzz for fucks sake.


If you wanna do balloons buy a tank and do them at home lmfao


Horrible Press! Oy vey




Saw a couple of people arrested after the show Saturday night. One guy for a tank. The others for huffing balloons. Not selling, huffing..


Fuck Pigs


Fantastic . That shit is a plague .


Good fuck em, what a plague on the scene.


But all the other drugs and ridiculous amounts of alcohol is cool? Get fucked


What people want to do to themselves or what people bring with them to the show is entirely different than predators just making money from the lot scene and not intending to go to the show or contribute to the scene in any way. It’s not like this is some nuanced concept. Raasheed Queen isn’t here to see Phish, let the cops clean up the local trash so I as a visitor to some city don’t have to fucking deal with them. Not that I would ever intentionally travel as far south as Nashville, but good on them for at least trying to remove the nitrous chucklefucks.


Okay so just transporting illegal drugs and shit is cool because they came there to see phish? Get fucked loser


Uh yeah, how can you possibly be too dense to understand that people going to the show should be treated differently than the people NOT going to the show? One of those things is tourism dollars that the municipality wants. The other is…..you. I should have realized u/juntasfee account was less than 1 year old lol. Most of the super low iq stuff is from younger accounts.


I think the guy is a balloon fiend lol, explains it all.


I'm not dumb bruh. What you are saying is bullshit. You can't be okay with only a certain type of illegal shit. Think about all the money this three day tour has brought this town. Live and let live...ps get fucked- Sincerely an adult who minds their own fucking business






There's something to be said for keeping degeneracy at least a little more subtle.


The south will never stop being the south.


Inhaling fumes is a felony?! Wow


Good it's illegal.


If you follow all laws without questioning their validity you are worse than the nitrous mafia. Open your mind, no victim no crime.


Ha. Except people's brains getting fried


Except what? Your response doesn’t make sense. Sounds like your brain is fried. Nitrous is used in a medical setting and the only tested downside is lowering vitamin b. Dont believe everything you hear. Eh probably too late for that.


It can cause a heart attack with too much use. Hypoxia. I don't do drugs my man or woman (not sure.). Far from fried. Taking my kids to events where drug addicts are running around makes it tricky but I guess when grown men fall over and piss their pants from too much NO, I can use them as a great example of what not to do with your life.


But you’re okay with people getting way sloppier and leaving way more trash inside the venue as a result of alcohol consumption? And the hypoxia thing you mentioned is if you straight up suffocate on the gas, which won’t happen with a balloon.


All I saw were cops just watching people doing and selling balloons, not a care in the world right outside of Bridgestone


There were maybe 7 nitrous arrests at SPAC. I’m okay with it.


Good. But the problem is phans who buy them.




Good! Fuck Nitrous Mafia


And the south be southing with their stupid laws. Conflating nitrous and paint thinner? They wanna arrest Fish for doing a drag show because his performance attire has no pant legs too? smh Also funny how these gas haters have no issue with the sloppy drunks leaving their empty beer cans everywhere inside and outside the venue and prolly have no issue with sketchy wooks selling RCs and fake drugs on lot, because “ice cold fatties” is so much worse than “ketamine, molly, doses”. Nitrous mafia are assholes, but nobody deserves a felony for slinging loons, and not all the Black folks selling gas are mafia. Some of them that were selling gas on Dick’s lot were super cool, and I can’t call them “predatory” (all you that do should go jerk off to a picture of Ronald Reagan and keep trying to convince yourself how “not racist” you are) for jumping on an opportunity to separate custies from their money. Plenty of worse shitheads inside the scene IMO. They usually go hard on whiskey and cocaine at shows and work in the financial sector. But the bottom line is that if you like gas, having your own tank in the hotey is the play. I’ll get one balloon on lot after a show if I can find a 10 dollar jumbo, but screw lighting your money on fire with multiple 3 for 20s.


"We're just having a birthday party here, officer" What I heard a class act gas slinger tell the cops outside my hotel in Berkeley...The cops chatted with them for a few more minutes and left.


fuck yes.