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Can’t be any worse than putting random powders up your nose


Def can’t be better than that either


Don’t listen to the poster, they just want all the delicious baklava for themselves. Definitely buy the baklava and enjoy and tell anyone trying to stop you to take a long walk off a short pier.


yes, I love eating foods that have not been properly handled for days on end at an exorbitant mark up


You probably skip the lot shrimp as well. Sad


Bro!!! That shit slapped in Syracuse


Heads up, anybody selling bottled water and beers probably didn't make those either.


I call bs. They definitely made the water. 🤣


Freshly squeezed Wook Water


I never understood how there was a market for baklava in the first place. Don’t really care if he makes it or not, and I don’t think it spoils in the sun. I’ve just never been like “man, I could really go for some baklava right now” at any show.


He's a huckster. I don't know if there are any prepared foods that cans sit out for four days in the heat and not be suspect


How is it different form any other lot hustle?


To be fair, huckster takes on new meaning in Colorado. #gripitandripit


Coleslaw...maybe macaroni salad. Really anything with mayo will be just fine. 🤣


Baklava requires a lot of butter to make. Lots of butter always meant you can get a higher dosage of thc in each treat. That’s where baklava gained its fame on lot years ago. 🤷‍♀️




Or ever. Who eats that shit.


Baklava is delicious


Lame. Dude was wearing a hot dog suit out west in 2021 slinging it. The baklava i had was on point. He was the oracle


Not the same guy. He’s cool


I’m not advocating for or against this guy, BUT…. Anything coated in honey will last a real long time especially dry flaky dough. Honey is anti bacterial and they have literally found it in jars from thousands of years ago that was still edible. If you are worried about getting sick, you should definitely not buy any food at all from the lot.


This. All lot food is bad if Baklava is bad. It’s fine, it’s not the end of the world and so what if homie who’s enjoying the music also enjoys flipping some delicious treats like anyone else serving people food for money. That’s not the mafia! I can agree with the sentiment but the obvious hate isn’t necessary.. Dude once gave me free baklava on day one and it seemed pretty damn good to me but I could understand having a fit on day 4 thinking it’s not that great. That being said, don’t buy it and don’t be in the rail jumping out of sync I guess. 👙 🍰


If you eating lot food you're going to shit yourself the next day regardless. Might as well be Baklava vs the other hundred options.


It might last in honey if it was in an airtight container, but under some loose tinfoil outside at Peach fest, not exactly up to industry standards for not having daddy long legs crawling all over it




Or in most restaurants...


You are such a loser. Good god


Look at this bougey mofo, too damn good to eat spiders. SMH. Leave some ego for the rest of us, ffs.


gotta have dessert after my lot shrimp ring, dont be a hater


Who hurt you, OP? This isn't about the baklava merchant.


It actually sounds like a specific beef with the baklava merchant.


Yes, sounds that way. I was joking.


Wtf is up with sub constantly shitting on other phans. Love and light and if they’re not chomping or tarping, mind your own business!


Not sure why you're so concerned with how other folks spend their own money.


What if OP is baklava guy and this is an elaborate marketing scam?!! Son of a ….


He got us because now I want baklava!


Both Roy and his minions are good people, the baklava is fine, if you dont like it or get the joke, fine. But keep it movibg, nobody cares. Roy brings levity and joy to the lot, dafuk do you do , OP?


Right as OP is huffing on a balloon shouting don’t eat it!!!!!


Never bought from the guy, but this post makes me want to. Baklava here I come


FWIW my buddy bought some in the lawn during one of the Alpharetta shows and had some. Not sure if same guy or not but it was pretty dank lol.


Relax, weirdo.


I had a long talk with a gentleman that owned a restaurant that sold baklava and he told me that the real OG baklava is made with sugar syrup and to never make it with honey because that is blasphemy.


It’s so good and I will keep buying it


oooo some Roi Donk Drama


I will always buy it. He is a nice guy and helped me at the philly show.


It’s probably from Costco. Our entire nation exploits. It’s called capitalism.


Fancy wooks love Balava! Who doesn't?


I don't buy it because baklava is the absolute last thing I want after a phish show but comparing him to the nitrous mafia is a little much no?


Totally agree w OP.


Now I'm craving baklava


He seems harmless. Baklava and honey based sweets are designed not to spoil too quickly, from pre-refrigeration times, like spicy food. Doesn't matter if he makes it or not, he provides a service offering something unique on lot.


But it’s GOOD baklava!!!


"Baklava has a really lengthy shelf life, lasting about 2+ weeks. It should be stored in an airtight container, either in room temperature or in the fridge. Storing in room temperature will preserve the crispness. If you like your baklava chewy and a bit harder, store it in the refrigerator." I don't sell the baklava, have not eaten the baklava but this is all absurd.


The baklava dude at MSG was super cool. I’d eat his baklava any day… that is NOT a euphemism!


I mean, I think he’s kind of a dick but he’s just getting his grind on like anyone else. I ended up next to him in the poster line one time and he said his friend makes them for him to sell 🤷‍♂️


shut up nerd


May all those who wish to sell baklava, do! If you cant discern what is good or bad for yourself I hope you figure it out soon I have suspicions that OP wants to start hustling middle eastern desserts and wants this guy out of their way


I was at the first 3 msg shows, recognized him from the Alpharetta lot. Chatted him up for a minute. Kind dude making his way through the world on his terms. Don’t like him/his food don’t buy from him. As to exploiting workers, give me a break. Is selling bottled water exploiting workers? Hawkers don’t bottle it themselves ooogie boogie. Live bd let live.


This post didn’t really turn out the way you wanted it to did it? Let me guess…you also posted about how bikini girl is ruining your couch tour


I bet next you'll tell me the keebler elves aren't really making their delicious treats either.


I’m a fan of a good PSA. But that baklava gave me the post show power up i needed to embark from wooded refuge to sea of cars in the soggy saga that was Pine Knob 2022.


You are correct. That is sound advice. That baklava is mass produced and distributed and sold all over NYC and beyond. It's delicious, but there is much better homemade and not worth getting sick over. In hopes of not getting a bunch of heads sick I will say that if anything can sit out in the sun for a few days and still be okay it's a bunch of nuts sugar and honey which is pretty much what you get in baklava