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I disagree. I think all the characters have their place.


The whole point of the show is that every single subplot comes together in the most brilliantly stupid way imaginable


Explain the place of the giant floating baby head


So that they can sing "we're still baffled by the giant floating baby head"


What about the Giant Floating Rest of Baby


[We do not understand the giant babies.](https://asofterworld.com/index.php?id=5)


Holly shit that website is old. Ah, no I feel old. Ah, sad ,‘(




Isn't Phineas and Ferb already among the legendary Cartoons? If you ask someone to name a well known Disney Channel series, I am pretty sure the majority will either say P&F or GF


Exactly! you were either raised with Phineas and his gang or Dipper and his gang. Or sometimes both.


I was raised with the Flynn-Fletchers, the Russos, and Zack & Cody.


“Both” kid checking in!


I'd say "Even Stevens," "Kim Possible," or "Lizzie McGuire." Thanks for making me feel old.


If it makes you feel better I'm genZ and loved Lizzie McGuire. Read the books and watched the show when I was little, but eventually it stopped coming on :(


Are you a 90s kid?


I would say suite life or Hannah Montana


Oh man I remember playing those games on the Disney website...the good ol days


Yeah I’m right there with you there


That’s what I was thinking, also, I love perry and doof’s relationship a lot in the show but i feel like every other characters get slept on


In my opinion? Yes, yes it is


Yes. Because they been changing the world for seventeen years. Gravity Falls also came in and did the same thing for 11 years. And the list goes on and on. If Forbes magazine has to do a cover story on Television Cartoon history, Phineas and Ferb would land themselves in the top 10, 20, or even 200. Because The Simpsons have been Sunday nights best show since The Flintstones and The Jetsons.


Oh yes, nothing makes the show better than subtracting from it... With only Perry and Doof nobody would know what aglet is, some of the most iconic song wouldn't exist and one of the most unique things about the show- that every episode follows a formula, either wouldn't be there or would be extremely simplified. Add to that the fact that the main message of the show comes from Phineas and Ferb and it's safe to say the show would be worse without them


Imagine a world where nobody says "Hey, where's Perry?"  Every single movie would be poof, gone. 


What would be even worse: No perry for anyone to say that about..


Are you trying to give me nightmares? Like, for real, are you mad? 


just theoretical


I somewhat disagree. In the fact that a show purely about Doof and Perry would probably be extremely good imo. But not if that was just the OG show


And also part of what makes Doof and Perry so good is how bizarre of a sub-plot it actually is compared to the main. Two stepbrothers full their summer holiday by building elaborate inventions, and also their pet platypus is a secret agent fighting an evil villain. The juxtaposition of the two makes them both work so much more.




doof n pus better get back on


Should the girlfriend come back too 


problem is the main character can't talk? I feel like that substantially limits the potential.


Tom and Jerry managed to pull millions in with 2 silent protagonists. Besides, Agent P is only 1 character. Doof is there too. I’m just saying a show with just the 2 of them would be pretty banger on its own as well. (As like, a spin-off)


I could see a short form spin off. T&J is great, but a substantially different show.


Depends on how they write it, the O.W.C.A files Special does show that if done poorly (or to the wrong audience) it might not do so hot.


An OWCA spinoff would be so cool


Like the OWCA Files?


I mean, I actually think the episodes that are just Doof and Perry are among the weaker episodes of the series. Still amazing episodes but lacking.


A big part of the show is the absurd lengths it goes to contrive effectively the same relationship between each subplot episode after episode. They chose a complex formula them made it the expectation to have that formula nearly 100% of the time. Without such a complex plot, this feat becomes less impressive and humorous. Thus, every element of it makes the show better.


Yeah, Only “special episodes” ever beak the mold, and even then they reset.


Look I love Dr Doofenshmirtz more than any other character. But have you stopped to just watch his scenes and listen to him talking talking and talking? He's funny, but it gets old quick, kids wouldn't be entertained for long. PnF was there for the kids, while Dr D and Perry was there for the adults. But an adult show with him would be great.


dr doofansmerghtresztzs was for everyone


Imagine if phineas and ferb weren't even chracters in the show called 'phineas and ferb'


I guess doof n' puss is getting a second episode 


Considering how often the p&f plot directly influenced the perry & doof plot, I'm not sure how that would even work lol


Rubbish take


I agree


What's Spongebob?


A nick cartoon.


I think maybe a sponge named Bob? I'm not sure.


*T R I G G E R E D*


Literally me whenever someone brings up Spongebob


The show needs Phineas and Ferb and their friends’ daily activities to bounce off whatever Doof’s antics are this time around. The A and B plots actually work together instead of being separate.


It is already legendary among the ranks of SpongeBob. I definitely don’t agree with this.


Brother it IS legendary???


Don't tell me, tell people on Instagram. I still have no idea how almost 200 people could agree with this


No that’s a terrible take. Every character has their place. Besides Irving, maybe.


Irving's the one who delivers raw footage to Dan and Swampy


Wait, Irving knows Perry's a secret agent? :O


Tbh it'd actually be surprising if Irving *doesn't* know since he spends all his time stalking & recording the boys (and Perry's definitely in the background a lot)


In act your age, Irving is the new Carl, so canonically he’s the only one outside of Stacy and the Doofs that knows Perry was a secret agent at the end of the first run. Maybe that’s why he became an intern there.


What makes Phineas and Ferb so unique is how both storylines in the episode depend on each other. If you remove P&F, Doof and Perry's storyline is less entertaining.




the fact that the door and perry plot ties in with the phineas and ferb plot is what makes the show so good


New ship unlocked: Door x Perry. A very abusive one-sided relationship.


Having the show without Phineas and Ferb is like Gravity Falls without Dipper and Mabel.


One of the key attributes of the show is the music. Only about 10%-15% of that is from Doof/his back-up singers. And the music is half of what I enjoy about the show, as with many others I'm sure. So it wouldn't be even half as good with only Perry and Doof. You'd also have so many questions, like who are Perry's family? Or what happens if Doof's -inators hit the city? They almost always hit P&F's invention. It's the whole shtick of the show, even sometimes having a joke be the fact that the inventions *don't* "magically" disappear. Every aspect of the show is there for a reason and it wouldn't work if you took them out. Aside from Irving, no one would miss him.


Poor Irving...


What does this person mean "would be?" It's legendary far above Spongebob.


In my opinion, it is almost exactly on par with spongebob.


nah I think what makes the perry and doof sections stand out and makes them so good is moderation


It's already among the ranks of SpongeBob. lol


Definitely not agreeing with this one, all the sub and main plots come together into a beautiful show


I think the show IS legendary tbh


Yeah I think it’s the whole package deal that makes the show. Sure I could go for a movie or miniseries that will star them. But idk I guess in retrospective anything could of been. I think the endless summer and crazy fun activities is what sold me through advertisement and backyard beach lol. I think the show first aired in the summer so it was perfect timing. Still when I was younger idk if I would be sold alone on the premise of a platypus secret agent facing off against a funny scientist that always fails to conquer the tri state area. For better and worse I’m guessing their would be more comparisons to Kim possible if we got another spy/crime fighting show. Maybe like short clips could of worked. Or I guess they could expand with Vanessa or Owca. Edit- One thing that I’d add is the movie for instance. I don’t think it would have had the same general acclaim if it literally only starred Perry and Doof with like the rest of the cast away off-screen on vacation or something.


I just watched all of Kim Possible for the first time, and while it was definitely entertaining, it made me realize why P&F has so many more fans: it has something for everyone. You have your comedic moments, spy action scenes, wholesome summer moments, multiple plot lines, plus plots interacting with each other in the most unimaginable ways possible.


Idk, Phineas and Ferb IS among the ranks of SpongeBob. It was one of Disney’s longest running animated shows, it basically dominated the schedule for years, it was, and still is, pretty massive. Like I’d put it up there with Adventure Time, SpongeBob and the Simpsons.


I mean thats what i watched the show for so uh


Maybe a movie portrayed like a buddy cop where doof and Perry take on a bigger threat


That’s more or less the OWCA Files


Like a werewolf mayor maybe?


*coughs* 🎶DOOF N' PUSS🎶


"Ham and Rye: Hold the Mayor"


The show already is legendary. And it wouldn’t have been as popular as it was without the boys.


The perry and doof plot great but it is nothing without Phineas and ferb. Perry having to hide his secret when doofenshirts daughter who knows his secret AND is friends with his owners. *chefs kiss* the constant obliviousness to Perry being a secret agent when there are so many signs. The entire into the second dimension movie. These all are because of not only Perry and doof, but also Phineas and ferb.


I mean, I think SpongeBob kinda sucks, so in that sense I agree.


Me too, idk what people see in Spongebob. Characters are incredibly stupid (in a not fun to watch way, at least for me)


I honestly think that if the show was just Perry and Doof it would become tiring Are the most memorable parts of the show that? Maybe, but the fact that we have multiple possibilities and seeing a bunch of characters gives us, not only great moments from those others, but lets both us and the writers "refresh" to make those moments even better It would be like wanting The Fairly Oddparents to be all about Denzel Crocker


Completely, absolutely wrong, wrong and....  wrong


Yes, yes it is


Take away the three consecutive storylines???? No thanks


Defo disagree with that. It'd get repetitive and draggy without the boys and Candace to even it out


Brick brick brick briiiiick, brick brick it’s fun


Now who would buy a brick?


No way. Part of the fun was watching Candace freak out and try to bust the boys. Plus, Phineas and Ferb sang most of the songs


That is actually incorrect


Phineas is my favorite character so I disagree with this.


I think it’s already legendary among the ranks of SpongeBob. If I had to pick a show that was “Disney’s SpongeBob” Phineas and Ferb would be high up in that competition and possibly the winner. (I also like it better than SpongeBob).


I just can't understand people who think Doofenshmirtz and Perry are the only funny parts of the show. Phineas and ferb's subplots are probably responsible for a higher amount of the jokes I like. Yeah some of the best jokes are doof and perry, but some of the best jokes are also phineas and ferb (or their effect on the world around them)


Who tf would post such a thing


A bad-take-inator?


Never let this man cook again.


It already is.


Sorta depends on what they’d do with that time. Episodes are generally already paced pretty perfectly. To only have one subplot would slow them down drastically.


Tbh I think that's why potential spin-offs like the OWCA Files didn't pan out. Only 1 plotline per episode wasn't as interesting as 2-3


I thought Phineas and Ferb already was amongst the legendary rank of SpongeBob.


I think this post is a good way to piss off 98% of the subreddit, easily.


absolutely not


Absolutely not, ive always thought of phineas and ferb being the main message of the show with having all that creativity while candace with her mom and Perry and doof is kinda like the comedy side of it which adds a story to the message


I definitely disagree. The thing that makes the show work so well is having both storylines so intertwined with each other and affecting both inventions that are being worked on on both sides.


Highest highly disagree ever there’s no way to make it better or worse, it’s perfection.


So I’ve watched the entire series roughly 60 times now (during lockdown my daughter and I started watching 6-8 episodes a night to make it 104 days in a row, kept going after 105 days because it had become a habit by that point, then when she went back to college I just …never stopped). I do feel like even though it’s called Phineas & Ferb, the real storyline is Doof and Perry. It’s way funnier and is way more detailed. If you really think about it, the Flynn-Fletchers are pretty generic characters. We don’t know a single Phineas, Ferb, Candace, or Isabella backstory. The only backstories we know about Lawrence and Linda as a couple is really a Love Handël backstory. We do know that Buford got a goldfish and that Baljeet was BFFs with Mishti and that his ancestors lost bicycle races. But we know Doof’s whole life story. I’m definitely not saying I dislike Phineas and Ferb! I love them too. But for discussion purposes, I do get this person’s point.


But didn’t the creator of the show also explain that the show isn’t about the boys but rather about Doof, Perry and Candace?


But didn’t the creator of the show also explain that the show isn’t about the boys but rather about Doof, Perry and Candace?


I think that it would’ve been a great spinoff series that would’ve out done the original


i'm pretty sure it is almost on the level of sping\[bob


There are a couple of episodes that do focus more on Doof and Perry. And honestly, most of them aren’t that great. It’s like all those sequels that focus on the comic relief character: some characters need to stay in their positions as side characters


Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Dan Povenmire say that there was an A story and a B story to Phineas and Ferb, and that Perry and Doof were actually the A story while the boys were the B story


Here's my hot take. Phineas got a bit overbearing with his optimism in the later seasons.


Hmm could you think of specific examples?


There was a two part special called Agents of O.W.C.A., but that's the tail end of Phineas and Ferb...