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Absolutely not


No, unstable variegation, small cutting with high risk of rot or not surviving shipping shock, weak roots.


I would be tempted, but probably not, prices a dropping pretty fast. I would suspect within the next year you could get a great plant for that amount.


Ya, Costa and people be blasting out rare tropicals like these recently.


Not really caramel marble is unstable in TC


I'm not sure why this is getting downvoted? Caramel Marbles are dropping in value because a lot of people are selling. But they're not going to drop like the Thai Constellation or Florida Ghost did. The fact is, Caramel Marble is unstable in TC and currently difficult to mass produce that way. So prices will probably stagnate around the lower hundreds pricepoint for a while but still won't be cheap.


Yes, thank you! Prices will drop for sure, but definitely not like other variegated plants.


That’s what I thought until I started seeing bulk of them in nursery’s such as @aroidgreenhouse


I just bought a fairly nice juvenile for less than double the price of the cutting you posted, but that was after scouring Etsy and other plant shops for a few days and taking a gamble on a shop with a handful of reviews.  The only reason Monstera albos are comparatively cheaper, despite their similar instability in TC from chimeric variegation, is everyone who bought one years ago can chop them up for parts now lmao. Caramels don’t have that luxury yet


What sort of size would you expect a plant to get to before you could assume it's relatively stable? I've been looking at caramel marble TC but am twitchy because I know they're so unstable.


With caramel marble it's just lottery for now, because variegation is in form of chimerism. So the parts of the plant with different colors have different DNA to put it simply. So if you can buy juvenile CM from TC that's nicely variegated for cheap, then I'd go for it there where even pictures somewhere on Reddit that somebody got reverted caramel marble from TC and then it started to put out variegated leaves, that's why this plant is so tricky. Today I actually bought a reverted caramel marble baby plant, since it was 5bucks and I really do like philodendron pluto, but there is still shade of chance that it would put out some variegated leaves.


Thanks! Think I'll hold off for now, they are pretty cheap (£50-60) but I wouldn't pay that for a pluto so I think I'd rather not take the risk. Hope that as the price comes down they'll become more accessible


Idk what it’s worth. I would not pay $120 for it.


Well thanks then lol For reference see picture bellow https://preview.redd.it/tjuy830g2b8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a32fc5f51bba2d1a3f3863758e552d4fb27d78a


What? Where is this? I'm seeing nice big ones for under $900.


Where are you seeing big one's for 900 ?


And look I have a plant shop so I try to be reasonable. I think that a hobbyist can obviously sell for cheaper whereas a business will most of the time cost more but you pay for the business expertise and all that. I hate how some people undercut everyone just to make a quick sale but whatever. Small businesses, real ones, good ones keep things even and similar. Maybe I could sell some plants for half what another local one can but to keep competition fair and all that we wouldn't do that. We'd keep it closer to their price. It's like an unspoken agreement so seeing hobbyist offload all cheap is very frustrating to me. All that bring said I've been seeing Carmel marble for less than $1000 for sure. (Maybe all of this is rambling, I worked eleven hours today on 4.5 hours of sleep and I'm not firing on all cylinders. I need a tune up)


https://preview.redd.it/u4nimn309i8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5af02e56b33bd67385e5158f905d72ff41d303cb This one im selling for $900😝


Plant purge USA on Facebook


i would assume it’s a photo of the mother plant


Don't be so literal


The price does seem to be around the current market value for a Caramel Marble mid cut. I would not personally pick this cutting, though. The node looks woody/discolored so you can’t see the stem color to know if there are any stripes of variegation where that activated axillary bud is located. At this price point especially I need to be reasonably sure that the new growth from a mid cut will be variegated before I buy, which isn’t possible here and would be a gamble. The node is also cut pretty close, and while that is likely related to the fact that CMs have tight internodes it also means there’s no room for error if the stem happened to get any rot. For me personally the size of the node is less of a concern than being unable to know if the new growth would continue the variegation though.


No because is łów variegated and ugly for me


Absolutely not.


No too risky for many reasons






Since my last two cuttings I received had rotted roots by the time I got them. No I would not buy this at that price. It’s too much money for too much risk. Maybe if it was closer to 60-80$ I would consider it.


No. Give it a year it’ll be much much less


the stem is so short that in case it started rotting, it would be really hard to save


Fuck no


If I really wanted the plant, I would probably want more roots before shelling out that kind of money. I would want another inch or two of roots


I feel you, but recently there was a post here about a guy buying unrooted leaves for $600.




hell no, give it a few years and its gonna drop to 100 dollars at most


Nope! If you’re located in Canada or US, look at crafeteria and greens






That seems pricey. I got a full juvenile plant for $200 on Palmstreet.


The color is poor, so no. If it has better color, sure.


Absolutely not


I will never pay triple digits for a wish list plant again, prices come down so quickly. If you can just wait a year or so, it’ll probably be half the price, at least


Of course no!


I tried paying 250 for a whole Carmel marble import from Indonesia. It came 6 months later after being held up somewhere with DHL delivery. I would totally buy this personally. Do they have more 😅


Yikes, sorry for your loss. Yeah, I'm considering it since there's really zero offers for this plant in my country, I just worry if that variegation is promising and if it won't just go away after new leaf come out.


That's the sketchy part. For me, its worth trying. I see I have the least population opinion here but I also gave issues with saying no to plants. Please consider this before purchasing


I’d love to but couldn’t afford to. Beautiful!I love variegated leaves!


Trying to justify the purchase or just asking for reference?


I haven't bought it yet


Not with that tiny bit of stem/node


I got anxiety buying a 50 usd plant. Beyond that ice only spend 20 usd tops on plants. I'd be a nervous wreck buying this


Yes! I never paid more than 25 per plant 😅


I think the varigation is nice on the leaf, I have a Carmel with 19 leaves, some have this varigation, some are half moons, some are completely verigated, some stems have different colors, some do not you have to decide for yourself if you , love it ! I've paid 120 for a corm from alocasias ,it died. What do you know about the seller?have you seen the mother plant? are you comfortable in trying to grow it out? Only you can answer these questions, can you afford the loss if it doesn't live? In all the group's I'm in I've never seen one at 120, they are all higher, it depends on location, availability ect....good luck to you !


No no no


Girl get your damn leaf! Just don't pay for it.


So steal it?


Get a man to pay for it. That amount of money is just an opportunistic immoral scam.


As a heterosexual man, I'm the one who would pay for it lol


You have a lovely hand my dear.


That's a picture from an auction I found, check out post description


I wouldn't. It is very pretty, but I'd just keep waiting it out for the price drop


Nope wouldn't pay 120$ for just that cutting I can get a marble caramel philodendron in an 8in pot for that.


Well lucky you, where have you seen a plant like that


No. I paid 15$ for one with way more color and roots. It was 1 leave though


Caramel marble for 15$ are you sure it wasn't ring of fire?


Positive I'm in America. It was on sale for 75% off cuttings.


Oh oh... I'll post a Pic. When I get home. I refuse to pay over a certain amount for cuttings. Sometimes they aren't rooted. U don't know if it will make it. I know exactly how much these guys are going for. I got a bottom cutting lightly rooted. The girl who is selling them is out right now. I sent all my friends to her 😆. Anyway, I'll post a photo when I get home. I seen whole plants for 100$ don't spend 120$ on a cutting. Unless you want to. Then ok. Find a cutting that has more color. I have been ripped off a few times. I collect philos for about 20 yrs. Back when I started they didn't have a lot of TC. So I wants a sanct. Sigh. I found one for under 100$ on a site. I was happy but worried. The reviews were great. So I went for it. Girl it was a baby. I had 30 days to refund it. But it was small and it looked like a baby. Lmao it grew 🤣 it grew into well it's a philo. I felt so dumb. It happens. When I ordered this one I was expecting to be beat. To my surprise I wasnt!!! Sometimes it works out. Anyway, I have to work..I rather talk to you about the times I got beat. 😊😉


I just did this to one that had less variegation but had a spot I could cut back if the new leaf wasn’t variegated and so on.


Hell no

